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Celebrating a Solar Cycle of Discovery with SDO

Participating journal: Solar Physics
This Topical Collection is an outgrowth of the “SDO 2021 Science Workshop: A Solar Cycle of Discovery”, which was held as a series of virtual workshops 12 February – 15 April 2021. This Topical Collection is not a conference proceeding, and it is not limited to research presented at the workshop.

Participating journal


Solar Physics

Solar Physics is a leading journal publishing comprehensive research on the Sun.


  • Dean Pesnell

    Dean Pesnell

    NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
  • Ryan Milligan

    Ryan Milligan

    Queen's University Belfast
  • Shin Toriumi

    Shin Toriumi

    Institute of Space and Astronautical Science (JAXA)


Showing 1-6 of 6 articles
