
Earth and Environmental Sciences: The Intersection of Air Quality and Atmospheric Chemistry with Sustainable Development

Air pollution is linked with many of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Strategies aiming for improved air quality interact directly with climate mitigation targets, access to clean energy services, waste management, and other aspects of socio-economic development. The atmospheric chemistry of Particulate Matter (PM) and trace gases including the degradation of volatile organic compounds, and the associated production of ozone and secondary organic aerosol play a significant role in changing air quality and causing environmental health issues. This Topical Collection will provide a basic and advanced approach towards new findings in the field of air quality, atmospheric chemistry and sustainable development. Air pollutant characterization, source apportionment, and their impact on the environment and atmospheric chemistry are key aspects. We encourage submissions on the following (or related) topics: (1). Air quality deterioration through natural and anthropogenic sources viz. forest fires, open burning of waste, vehicular pollution, industrial pollution etc. (2). Air quality and its linkage with COVID-19. (3). Understanding the short-term effects of certain policies using COVID lockdown as a proxy for air quality policy. (4). Air Quality and its impact on socio-economic, climate and public health impacts. (5). Human health impacts due to poor solid waste management methods on children and adults. (6). SDGs policies for waste, sanitation, human health and climate. (7). Air pollution control and sustainability. (8). Sustainable waste management methods, climate resilience, community participation in solid waste disposal and improved sanitation methods.


  • Pallavi Saxena

    Pallavi Saxena is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Environmental Science, Hindu College, University of Delhi, India and serves as Scientific Steering Committee (SSC) member in iLEAPS, UK. Her area of interest is air pollution, trace gases and aerosol chemistry and impacts on plant and human health, biomonitoring, nature-based solutions, sustainability indicators and phytoremediation and working in this area for 14 years.

  • Saurabh Sonwani

    Saurabh Sonwani is currently working as Assistant Professor at the Department of Environmental Studies, Zakir Husain Delhi College, University of Delhi, India and Chair of Early Career Representative of South Asia and Middle East Region of iLEAPS. He has about 8 years of research experience in the field of atmospheric sciences and environmental health particularly in air pollution, atmospheric chemistry and related impacts on human and plant health.

  • Langley DeWitt

    Langley DeWitt is the Director of the IGAC International Project at the University of Colorado, USA. Langley DeWitt is an atmospheric chemist with a global perspective, whose research has spanned three continents, two oceans, two planets, and a couple of aeons of time. Langley is excited to bring her scientific expertise, international experience, and project management skills together to help foster the international scientific community, collaboration, and outreach on issues related to atmospheric chemistry.

  • Semeena V. Shamsudheen

    Semeena V. Shamsudheen is an Air Pollution Scientist who turned into a land-atmospheric scientist recently with a position at the UK Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, UK and as iLEAPS Project Manager. Her research at the UKCEH focuses on different aspects of earth science. Her current projects are SWIFT - Science for Weather Information and Technology for Africa: Using satellite data to develop nowcasting tools using Land Surface Temperature Anomaly (MSG – SEVIRI) and precipitation data (Global Precipitation Monitoring Network) for extreme weather events in West and East Africa.

  • Andriannah Mbandi

    Andriannah Mbandi is a Chemical Engineer at the School of Engineering and Technology, South Eastern Kenya University, Kenya. She has 16 years of experience in manufacturing, hazardous chemicals and waste, climate change, mobility and air pollution. She supervises and teaches at the South Eastern Kenya University, as well as working for UNEP, African Governments and sits on various scientific advisory groups including the African Group of Atmospheric Sciences (ANGA).

  • Cathy Leal-Liousse

    Cathy Leal-Liousse is a Research Director at CNRS Laboratoire d’ Aerologie, CNRS, France. She is an expert in developing emission inventories. She is also working on the impact of aerosol emissions on air pollution, climate and human health with a multidisciplinary approach, combining field measurements and numerical simulations. She is coordinating several research programs focusing on these topics in Africa.

Articles (5 in this collection)