
Neuroethics and AI

BMC Neuroscience is calling for submissions to a new Collection on neuroethics and AI. Topics of interest include the disciplinary collaboration between neuroethics and AI ethics, the ethical implications of neurotechnologies, neural augmentation and enhancement, consciousness and artificial intelligence, and neuroinformatics and data ethics. The goal is to advance the mutual collaboration between neuroethics and AI ethics as well as the understanding of the ethical challenges and opportunities at the core of neuroscience and artificial intelligence.


  • Michele Farisco, PhD

    Dr Michele Farisco is a researcher affiliated with the Centre for Research Ethics and Bioethics, Uppsala University, Sweden, and with the Biogem Research Institute, Ariano Irpino (AV), Italy. He is the author of four books and several articles about posthumanism, ethical, legal and social implications (ELSI) of genetics and neuroscience, consciousness, Artificial Intelligence, and neuroethics.

  • Agata Ferretti, PhD

    Dr Agata Ferretti is a senior researcher (Oberassistentin) at the Health Ethics & Policy Lab, Department of Health Science and Technology, ETH Zurich. Agata has a background in philosophy, bioethics, and global health policy. During her studies, she investigated issues related to neuroethics, particularly those concerning neuroenhancement and digital applications for mental health. Her doctoral work focused on the ethics and governance of big data in biomedical research. Leveraging both conceptual and empirical research methods, Agata's most recent work aims to address ethical dilemmas related to AI and digital health. She has collaborated wi

Articles (1 in this collection)