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Special Issue: Recent Advances in Mathematical and Theoretical Chemistry

Participating journal: Journal of Mathematical Chemistry
This special issue will primarily consist of papers which were presented in the 8th Indo-US Mathematical Chemistry Workshop (Virtual Mode), but submissions from researchers who were unable to attend are also welcome.

Participating journal

The Journal of Mathematical Chemistry publishes original, chemically important mathematical results which use non-routine mathematical methodologies often unfamiliar to the usual...


  • Dr.Tanmoy Chakraborty

    Dr.Tanmoy Chakraborty

    is serving as Professor, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, School of Basic Sciences and Research, Sharda University. He has been working in the challenging field of computational and theoretical chemistry for 17 years. His research interest spreads over Conceptual Density Functional Theory and its applications in material property, chemical reactivity and QSAR / QSPR studies. Dr Chakraborty has published a good number of research papers (more than 70) in peer-reviewed international journals with high impact factors. He has edited a number of research books and written a few book chapters with International reputed publishing houses.
  • Dr.  Subhash C. Basak

    Dr. Subhash C. Basak

    Dr. Subhash C. Basak, Adjunct Professor (Retired), Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of Minnesota Duluth, USA, has been carrying out research in mathematical and computational chemistry since 1975. He has published 311 research articles, 38 book chapters and 4 books ( As US Chairperson he organized 14 binational mathematical chemistry workshops in India, USA, and South America. He received USD 7,466,017 as grants. He is the past president, International Society of Mathematical chemistry, and a member of the International Academy of Mathematical Chemistry.


Showing 1-34 of 34 articles
