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Special Issue: Agricultural Heritage Systems and Biodiversity

Participating journal: Biodiversity and Conservation

Participating journal

Founded in 1992, Biodiversity and Conservation is an international journal that publishes articles on all aspects of biological diversity, its conservation, and sustainable use.


  • Mauro Agnoletti

    Mauro Agnoletti

    Prof. Dr. Agnoletti is UNESCO chair on Agricultural heritage landscapes, Institute of Higher Education at the University of Florence where he teaches Landscape planning and Environmental History. He is also the coordinator of the National Register of Historical Rural Landscapes of the Italian Ministry of Agriculture and Forest Policies. Prof. Dr. Agnoletti is a scientific expert of the Council of Europe, CBD, FAO, IUFRO. He is the Series Editor of Environmental History (Springer).
  • Antonio Santoro

    Antonio Santoro

    Dr. Santoro is Research Fellow at the Department of Agriculture, Food, Environment and Forestry (DAGRI) of the University of Florence, where he teaches Forest Resources, Strategies for Landscape Monitoring, and Landscape History. He is currently coordinating the international project MedAgriFoodResilience, funded under the 2021 joint call SUSFOOD2 and FOSC, on the resilience of traditional agroforestry systems that received the official support of the FAO GIAHS Secretariat. Dr. Santoro also carried out consultancy for the UNESCO WHL dossier of the Prosecco Hills, and for the Management Plan of the Portovenere and Cinque Terre UNESCO site.


Showing 1-14 of 14 articles
