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7th Conference on Modeling & Design of Molecular Materials in Trzebnica (MDMM 2016)

Participating journal: Journal of Molecular Modeling
Guest edited by W. Andrzej Sokalski

Participating journal

The Journal of Molecular Modeling focuses on "hardcore" modeling, publishing high-quality research and reports.


  • W. Andrzej Sokalski

    W. Andrzej Sokalski

    W. Andrzej Sokalski - Professor of computational chemistry at Wrocław University of Science & Technology developing methods for drug and biocatalyst design like static and dynamic catalytic fields, cumulative atomic multipole moments, hybrid variational-perturbational theory. Authored 140 papers cited over 2400 times. Visiting scientist at the Johns Hopkins University, Roswell Park Cancer Institute, Curie University Paris VI, Jackson State University, Kyoto University. Established first MSc programs in computational chemistry and bioinformatics, organized 8 conferences Modeling & Design of Molecular Materials.


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