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Surface Modification of Polyethylene

  • Chapter
Long Term Properties of Polyolefins

Part of the book series: Advances in Polymer Science ((POLYMER,volume 169))


Polyolefins such as polyethylene, polypropylene and their copolymers have excellent bulk physical/chemical properties, are inexpensive and easy to process. Yet they have not gained considerable importance as speciality materials due to their inert surface. Polyethylene in particular holds a unique status due to its excellent manufacturer- and user-friendly properties. Thus, special surface properties, which polyethylene does not possess, such as printability, hydrophilicity, roughness, lubricity, selective permeability and adhesion of micro-organisms, underscore the need for tailoring the surface of this valuable commodity polymer. The present article reviews some of the existing and emerging techniques of surface modification and characterisation of polyethylene.

Surface modification of polymers, polyethylene in particular, has been extensively studied for decades using conventional tools. Although some of these techniques are still in use, they suffer from distinct shortcomings. During the last two decades, different means of surface modification have been thoroughly explored. The increasing expectancy for smart materials in daily life has, of late, sharply influenced research in the area of surface modification. Technologies that involve surface engineering to convert inexpensive materials into valuable finished goods have become even more important in the present scenario. In this review article we have attempted to broadly address almost all conventional and modern techniques for the surface modification of different physical forms and chemical compositions of polyethylene. This article will hopefully stimulate further research in this area and result in the development of polyolefins with multi-functional and responsive surfaces, which would ultimately lead to the commodities of polyolefins with smart surfaces.

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Å :


AA :

Acrylic acid


Atomic force microscopy


α,α’-Azo bis(isobutyro nitrile)

AC :

α chymotrypsin


Attenuated total reflectance

R :



Benzoyl peroxide

BP :


θ :

Contact angle

Co :



Cross linked polyethylene


Diethyl maleate


Energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy


Ethylene propylene diene elastomer


Ethylene propylene rubber


Ethyl vinyl alcohol


Fourier transform infrared

GHz :

Giga hertz


Glycidyl methacrylate


High density polypropylene


2-Hydroxy ethyl methacrylate


High strength polyethylene

keV :

Kilo electron volt


Linear polyethylene


Linear low density polyethylene


Low density polyethylene

MeV :

Mega electron volt

MHz :

Mega hertz

Mg :


MA :

Maleic anhydride


Multi functional acrylate

NR :

Natural rubber


N-Vinyl pyrrolidone

PE :


PP :



Polymethyl methacrylate


Rutherford back scattering


Scanning electron microscope


Static secondary ion mass spectroscopy


Scanning tunnelling microscope


Scanning force microscopy

T :


ToF :



Tunnelling electron microscopy


Two-laser ion trap mass spectrometry

UV :

Ultra violet


Ultra high molecular weight polyethylene


Ultra low density polyethylene

Vis :


W :



X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy


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The authors thank Dr. S. Sivaram, Director, National Chemical Laboratory, Pune, for his fruitful discussions and critical suggestions. Dr. S.M. Desai would like to thank C.S.I.R., India for the Senior Research Fellowship.

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Correspondence to R. P. Singh .

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Ann-Christine Albertsson

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Desai, S.M., Singh, R.P. Surface Modification of Polyethylene. In: Albertsson, AC. (eds) Long Term Properties of Polyolefins. Advances in Polymer Science, vol 169. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.

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  • Online ISBN: 978-3-540-45196-9

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