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Synthetic saccharide photochemistry

  • Conference paper
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Carbohydrate Chemistry

Part of the book series: Topics in Current Chemistry ((TOPCURRCHEM,volume 154))


Synthetic photochemical applications to carbohydrates are described by photosubstitution, photoaddition, photoizomerisation, photoreduction, and photoxidation reactions. The use of photoremovable protecting groups in osidic syntheses is also evoked.

The recent development of such radical reactions using photoinitiators is mainly due to their regio and stereoselectivities interpreted in terms of stabilized conformations of carbohydrate radicals by stereoelectronic factors. The preferential α-attack of anomeric radicals is a well documented example of such transformations.

Some new methodologies using single electron transfer reactions are also indicated in this review.

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Descotes, G. (1990). Synthetic saccharide photochemistry. In: Carbohydrate Chemistry. Topics in Current Chemistry, vol 154. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.

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  • Publisher Name: Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg

  • Print ISBN: 978-3-540-51576-0

  • Online ISBN: 978-3-540-46672-7

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