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Siderophore mediated absorption of iron

  • Conference paper
  • First Online:
Siderophores from Microorganisms and Plants

Part of the book series: Structure and Bonding ((STRUCTURE,volume 58))


A brief presentation of iron chemistry is made with emphasis on those aspects relevant to siderophore biochemistry. Siderophore structure and biosynthesis is described. The underlying chemistry associated with, 1, the movement of iron(III) complexes across membranes and 2, the removal of iron from such complexes is discussed in detail. The ability of siderophores to interact with other metals is considered. Finally, the role of siderophores in infection and their clinical potential as iron scavenging molecules are reviewed.

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2,4-dinitrophenol (Proton uncoupler)


Carbonylcyanide phenylhydrazone (Proton uncoupler)



Ksol :

Solubility product59)

Kf :

Formation constant59)

K1 :

First equilibrium constant of a multistep association of more than one ligand molecule with the same cation59)


Cumulative equilibrium constant of a multistep association of more than one ligand molecule with the same cation59)

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Hider, R.C. (1984). Siderophore mediated absorption of iron. In: Siderophores from Microorganisms and Plants. Structure and Bonding, vol 58. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.

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