
1 Introduction

Two-way digital communication is the foundation of a smart grid, which uses digital technologies to provide power to users. Smart meters were used as part of the smart grid to help it overcome the shortcomings of traditional electrical networks. To combat climate change, improve disaster preparedness, and achieve energy independence, several governments throughout the globe are promoting the implementation of smart grids. So, two-way communication is being used to govern the usage of appliances in smart grid technology. However, the widespread availability of Internet connectivity has made the smart grid more viable to deploy. Users, operators, and automated systems can swiftly adapt to changes in smart grid conditions thanks to the efficient transmission of information through a wide range of smart grid devices.

SCADA systems are used in industrial smart grid infrastructure. Supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) is a group of software tools used to monitor, control, and collect data from industrial processes in real time from various distant locations. Data-driven choices about an organization’s industrial operations are made possible by SCADA. Hardware and software components are both included in SCADA systems. Data is collected and transferred to field controller systems, which send it to other systems for processing and presenting to an HMI in real time. SCADA systems also keep track of and report on all process occurrences. Alarms are sounded in SCADA applications when dangerous situations arise. Mostly, SCADA uses the Modbus protocol for communication and managing SG. A serial communication protocol designed by Modicon for use with their programmable logic controllers, Modbus was released by Modicon in 1979. It is a way of sending data between serial-connected electrical equipment. It is termed a Modbus Master and a Modbus Slave when a device requests information from another. Every Slave in the 247-slave Modbus network has its Slave Address ranging from 1 to 247. It is also possible for the Master to transmit data to the Slaves. Intrusion detection is being done on the dataset, which consists of packets of Modbus.

2 Literature Review

Authors in their proposed approach in [4] used the temporal behavior of frequently occurring patterns in the SCADA protocols to identify assaults on SCADA systems using an Intrusion Detection System (IDS) specialized to SCADA. When it detects aberrant activity, the IDS sounds an alert. The IDS detected a significant number of assaults, but false alarms were kept to an absolute minimum. An operating system (OS) diversity-based intrusion detection system for SCADA systems is presented in this [5] research as a new and reliable intrusion detection method. SCADA communication over time is analyzed at the OS level, and the most suited OS is selected for intrusion detection based on reliability. According to experiments, OS diversity gives a wider range of intrusion detection options, increasing detection accuracy by up to eight additional attack types. As a result of their idea, the system’s accuracy can be improved by up to 8% on average when compared to a single OS method in the best situation. Anomaly detection systems (AbIDS) may be used to identify a stealthy cyber assault on the SCADA control system, which is being researched in this [6] work. Intending to choose a more effective IDS for SCADA security, we used the IDS tools Snort and Bro throughout the design phase and evaluated their detection rates and delay in alert packets. The timing-based rule is used to detect malicious packets based on the high temporal frequency of malicious packets in network traffic. They used the SCADA-based protection mechanism to shield the system from disruptions during the case study. The SCADA controller was hacked first, and then the data integrity of the system generator was compromised. Impact analysis and performance assessment of IDS tools are then carried out. A variety of network packet sizes were tested to see how quickly IDS solutions could detect cyber-attacks, and the findings showed that they were. Data from a gas pipeline system given by Mississippi State University is used in this [7] research to evaluate the effectiveness of Machine Learning (ML) in detecting intrusions in SCADA systems (MSU). This work makes two contributions: Two methods of data normalization were evaluated, one for accuracy and precision, and the other for recall and F1-score for intrusion detection, for a total of four methods of missing data estimates and normalization. There are two types of classifications distinguished here: binary and categorical. This research shows that RF has a high F1-score of 99% for detecting intrusions. Four distinct CPS datasets, this [8] research compares the performance of several machine learning techniques. To begin, the accuracy, precision, recall, F1-score, and AUC of machine learning algorithms are all measured and evaluated. It is also important to keep track of the amount of computing needed for training, prediction, and deployment. For critical infrastructure with diverse computing and communication limits, our extensive experimental findings will assist in choosing the appropriate machine model. According to the results of the experiments, a linear model is quicker and more suited for CPS bulk prediction. The decision tree is a suitable model for detection performance and model size.

This [9] research employs a SCADA dataset including DoS assaults and running the IEC 60870-5-104 protocol. The protocol will be wrapped into TCP/IP before being transferred so that the treatment in detecting DoS attacks in SCADA networks utilizing the IEC 104 protocol is not significantly different from a regular computer network. Intrusion detection systems (IDSs) are used to identify DoS attacks on the SCADA network using three machine learning approaches: Decision Tree, Support Vector Machine, and Gaussian Nave Bayes. 99.99 percent of the time, tests on the testing and training datasets reveal that the decision tree technique has the best performance detection. A deep learning-based intrusion detection system for SCADA networks is proposed in this [10] study to defend ICSs against conventional and SCADA-specialized network-based assaults. To define significant temporal patterns of SCADA data and identify periods when network assaults are occurring, we suggest using a convolutional neural network (CNN) rather than hand-crafted characteristics for individual network packets or flows. In addition, we devise a re-training method that allows SCADA system operators to augment our neural network models using site-specific network attack traces. A deep learning-based solution to network intrusion detection in SCADA systems was shown to be effective in our tests utilizing actual SCADA traffic datasets, with high detection accuracy and the capacity to manage newly discovered threats. Using the autoencoder deep learning model (AE-IDS), we create an IDS for the SCADA system in this [11] study. The most often used SCADA communication protocol in the power substation is DNP3, which is the objective of the detection model. SCADA systems are particularly vulnerable to data injection and modification assaults, which fall under the broad category of “cyberattacks”. This research presents the training of an autoencoder network using 17 data characteristics collected from DNP3 transmission. We examine the accuracy and loss of detection of several supervised deep learning algorithms by measuring and comparing the results. Other deep learning IDS models perform better than the unsupervised AE-IDS model.

3 Problem Definition

  1. 1.

    The first primary objective of this work was to build a highly accurate intrusion detection system based on physical and network parameters for MODBUS-based systems while reducing the intrusion detection algorithm’s reliance on domain knowledge, i.e., the algorithm should not be pre-fed background information.

  2. 2.

    Another problem in smart grid infrastructure is electricity theft. The second objective of this study was to design the system to detect the same. Various ML techniques and classifiers are deployed and experimented with improving test accuracy.

4 Dataset and Proposed Methodology

In this section, we will discuss both datasets, dataset features, processing, and other details. We will also see the proposed methodology and what we plan to solve the problem at hand. In the next section, we will see the results of the methodology.

4.1 Intrusion Detection System

Dataset ICS(industrial control system: The system is simply a gas pipeline system that relays information back to SCADA about various system characteristics. Using the MODBUS packet, we can quickly determine the physical parameter’s value (for example, pressure). Now, the SCADA may give control instructions based on these data. SCADA, for example, receives a value of X-Y kPa from the field while the pipeline pressure should be X kPa. SCADA then sends an order to raise the pressure by Y percent. The following is the data that the Modbus packet conveys (Fig. 1).

Fig. 1
figure 1

Attributes in dataset

Proposed Methodology—IDS The objectives of algorithm selection are as follows:

  1. 1.

    If it can tell the difference between fault and assault, it is doing its job correctly. It should also be able to tell what kind of assault it is.

  2. 2.

    The algorithm must be lightweight: it should not interfere with the core function of the industrial computer.

  3. 3.

    No previous domain knowledge should be required: no networking or gas pipeline data should be provided in this case.

Because of reason number two, we decided against using a neural network. Logistic regression was our first thought when attempting to determine the likelihood of an assault. There was no noticeable difference in accuracy when the value of “C” was altered. Also, the next natural step was to explore SVM and try different improvisations.

4.2 Electricity Theft Detection

Dataset The State Grid Corporation of China made this data public (SGCC). A total of 42,372 power users were tracked for 1,034 days (1 Jan 2014–31 Oct 2016). One individual out of the first 3615 has been tagged as a fraudster. There are 40258 clients listed in the actual data.

Data Preprocessing Missing values are common in electricity usage statistics. The failure of smart meters, the inconsistent transfer of measurement data, the unannounced system maintenance, and storage concerns are all contributing factors. To fill in the blanks, we’ll use the interpolation approach using the equation below:

figure a

If xi is a non-numeric character or a null value in the electrical consumption statistics throughout a period, we display it as NaN. (NaN is a set). Some of the values in the data are incorrect. Here’s how we get back the original value:

figure b

Avg(x), std(x): The average value of x and the standard deviation of x are shown in this equation. Because each user’s power usage always exceeds zero, we only take into account the positive deviation in the preceding calculation. We must normalize the dataset since neural networks are sensitive to a wide range of data. As for scaling, we utilized MAX-MIN scaling using the equation below:

figure c

Min(x) is the lowest value in x and max(x) is the highest value in x.

4.3 Data Visualization

After creating a new dataset that includes the first three rows of the original dataset and the final two rows of the original dataset (consumers without fraud), we can begin our Visualization.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Consumers who did not do fraud

Fig. 3
figure 3

Consumers who did fraud

We must plot customer data based on the following criterion: customers with fraud and customers without fraud. Dated customers are consumed. Consumption data in the form of a histogram. The amount of power used in a certain area. Other data include the 50% value, maximum, and lowest value.

The first half of the dataset contains users who have committed the fraud, whereas the second half of the dataset contains the consumers who have committed the fraud. Figure 2 shows the electricity usage of the first two uses of the dataset over the whole time range. Figure 3 plots the usage of the last two users (Users 40255 and 40256) over the same period. Finally, Figs. 4 and 5 contain the shoes various statistical analyses of first and last users, and the histogram is of frequency of usage vs the amount of usage. Here, first user is a fraud, and the last user is not a fraud (Tables 1 and 2).

Fig. 4
figure 4

Consumers who did not do fraud

Fig. 5
figure 5

Consumers who did fraud

Table 1 Accuracy of basic models experimented
Table 2 Accuracy of all of the classifiers experimented
Table 3 Comparison of our results with the results of paper [14]

Proposed Methodology—ETD After processing the dataset, we now try different categories of algorithms and models and see if we can tune the parameters and get the improvement. In this existing work [14] (refer to Table 3), they already used deep neural networks and achieved excellent results. Still, we did try ANN and 1D-CNN with machine learning classifiers and wanted to improve performance in the classifier category, where we got little improvement. In the next section, let us discuss each experiment and model we tried in detail for both problems.

5 Results and Comparison

In this section, we will discuss the experiments we performed for the problem statement that we discussed and their result and compared them with the existing work.

5.1 Intrusion Detection System

Experiment 1: Logistic Regression We wanted to define the boundary of classification to be very precise and check whether having a loose or tight margin would help us perform better, so we performed a loop on control error (C) to see whether LR’s accuracy improved was still 86.94 (Refer to Fig. 6).

Fig. 6
figure 6

Exp-1:Accuracy versus Control error V1

Experiment 2: Division of Dataset Now, One thing to notice is dataset contains both command requests and command responses. Now allowing the algorithm to differentiate between this part does not fit our third aim, but if it significantly helps the algorithm, then it is just the knowledge of request and response. So we divided the dataset into one which contains “command_request” 1 and other which contains “command_response” 2. This ultimately helped the algorithm to distinguish between request and response. Now also note that the number of responses and requests were equal, so the total number of rows after response removal is 274628/2 = 137314. This is the time it improved from 86.94 to 90.7, although when we tried to vary the value of control error (C) accuracy didn’t change much. It varies from 90.3 to 90.7 for a large range of C (Refer to Fig. 7).

Fig. 7
figure 7

Exp-2:Accuracy versus Control error V2

Experiments 3 and 4: SVM Now with SVM, we achieved an accuracy of around 94% (on the dataset without division). We tried SVM on the divided dataset and ran nested loop over C and gamma, and for C = 5 and gamma = 0.09, we got the accuracy of 99.4158%. Another experiment with a different kernel in SVM (default is a radial basis function kernel (RBF)), i.e., polynomial kernel, resulted in reduced accuracy of 92.133. This paper [7] used SVM on the same dataset and got the best accuracy of 94.36%.

5.2 Electricity Theft Detection

Experiment 5 We have already discussed the prepossessing. Let us split the dataset into 80–20 for training and testing. Following is the table for results for every model we tested on. Now, we tried the gradient boosting method, which combines various methods which are weak and assigns weight to them. The classifier we tried vs accuracy is shown in the following Table 2.

We got 90.59 percent test accuracy with the CatBoost classifier, which is an improvement among the category of classifiers. Better results have been produced using neural networks and other combinations. However, in the case of just classifiers, this is better than the existing ones (published in the category of classifiers without using neural networks.

It is possible to increase the performance of a machine learning model based on gradient boosting and decision trees using the CatBoost Model. This may be used for categorical and continuous data values, making it even more versatile. CatBoost Classifier eases our burden of translating categorical data into the numeric form and begins creating the model, as well as we dive into the categorical values. The categorical characteristics or variables are enabled and handled automatically and treated as such. It has given us the best results as of now. Note that there is no work that compares existing methods or pre-built models (Gradient boosting versions) like we have used here.

6 Conclusion and Future Scope

In this research work, we have presented a lightweight IDS and electricity theft detection which can detect attacks with very high accuracy. We were able to get the improvement from 94.3%, which is existing work, to 99.4%. We used the ICS dataset published in 2014 and made the algorithm understand the difference between request and response, which lead to this huge spike in accuracy. We also provided it with information about the command request and response, which is the knowledge about the network packets. The second section of the work consists of the electricity theft detection on data released in 2017 by SGC of China. We tried basic methods and various pre-built versions of gradient boosting to improve the performance and presented a comparison. A total of 10 different methods were experimented with. We established that though much recent work has already explored the neural network and other ways to optimize performance. However, for pre-existing classifiers, CatBoost is the recent one, and it gave better results than other previous classifiers. Further research can be done to improvise and not have the network knowledge while training.

7 Funding

The work is partially funded by the Department of Science and Technology(DST), and C3i-Hub (Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur), India, for the Risk Averse Resilience Framework for Critical Infrastructure Security(RARCIS) project.