
1 Introduction

The study of flow-induced vibration (FIV) on cylindrical structures subjected to axial flow is of both fundamental and practical importance because this vibration, albeit small in magnitude, may induce structural fretting, fatigue and even failure of nuclear reactors. In practice, axial incident flow is always turbulent. It has been experimentally found that structural response is sensitive to initial flow conditions [1,2,3,4]. For example, Modarres-Sadeghi et al. experimentally found the vibration amplitude of an elastic cylinder increases with increasing dimensionless flow velocity \(\overline{U}\) (= UL(ρfAc/EI)1/2, where U, ρf, L, Ac and EI are the free-stream velocity, fluid density, length and cross-sectional area of the cylinder and the corresponding flexural rigidity, respectively) [2]. In addition of \(\overline{U}\), turbulence intensity Tu and integral length scale Lw* are also two important parameters that characterize turbulent flow conditions. The asterisk denotes normalization by the cylinder diameter D in this paper. Note that \(L_{w} = \frac{{\overline{u}}}{{\overline{{u^{\prime}2}} }} \int \nolimits_{0}^{{\tau_{0} }} u(t)u(t + \tau )d\tau\), where τ0 corresponds to the first zero crossing of auto-correlation function [5]. Wang et al. also experimentally observed that the vibration amplitude of the cylinder at high Tu = 2.9% is significantly increased compared with its counterpart at low Tu = 0.7% [3]. However, the information on how the characteristic flow parameters (e.g., Lw* and Tu) affects flow-induced-vibration of the structures is very scarce in the literature. This motivates us to conduct a systematic parametric study on how the fluctuating vibration amplitude of an isolated elastic cylinder Arms* may vary with the characteristic parameters, including \(\overline{U}\), Tu, Lw* of incident flow as well as with cylinder length-to-diameter ratio L*. Given Arms* = f1(\(\overline{U}\), Tu, Lw*, L*), one may naturally beg the question: could we find a physically meaningful scaling factor ζ so that Arms* = f2(ζ)? There is no doubt that such a scaling law, if unveiled, can be of great significance to engineering applications.

2 Computational Detail

An elastic cylinder with a diameter D = 25 mm and length L = 20D is immersed in a tubular axial flow (see Fig. 1). The two ends of the cylinder are fixed, i.e., the displacements of the grid nodes on these ends are zero. Note that the definition of coordinate system is shown in Fig. 1. The z-axis that aligned along the axis of the undeformed cylinder and the x-axis are defined as the lateral and the streamwise directions, respectively, with their origin at the center of the left surface of the cylinder (see Fig. 1). Apparently, z = 0 and 20D denote the upstream and downstream ends of the cylinder, respectively (Fig. 1). The cylinder is perfectly straight without any deformation initially (see Fig. 1) and may vibrate freely in the xy plane under fluid forces. Axial incident flow is confined by a cylindrical wall, which is of the same length as the cylinder with a diameter of 12D. The velocity-inlet and pressure-outlet boundary conditions are adopted as the flow boundary conditions on the inlet and outlet of flow domain, respectively.

Fig. 1
A schematic of an elastic cylinder model of length 20 D. It draws the undeformed and deformed elastic cylinder. Both ends are fixed. A rightward arrow denotes the flow direction.

Schematic of an elastic cylinder model

To simulate the interactions between the structure and its surrounding flow field, the dynamic equation of the cylinder and the governing equations of fluid flow are solved iteratively, which are given by

$$ {\mathbf{M}}\vec{{\ddot{d}}} + {\mathbf{K}}\vec{d} = \vec{F}\left( t \right) $$
$$ {\mathbf{\nabla }} \cdot \vec{u} = 0 $$
$$ \rho_{f} \frac{{\partial \vec{u}}}{\partial t} + \rho_{f} \left( {\vec{u} - \vec{{\hat{u}}} } \right) \cdot \nabla \vec{u} = - \,\nabla p + \mu \nabla^{2} \vec{u} $$

where M, K, \(\vec{{\ddot{d}}}\), \(\vec{d}\) and \(\vec{F}(t)\) are mass matrix, stiffness matrix, nodal acceleration vector, nodal displacement vector and load vector acting on the cylinder, respectively; \(\vec{u}\), \(\vec{{\hat{u}}}\) and p are the fluid velocity vector, moving mesh velocity vector and pressure, respectively.

The typical two-way coupling based on Ansys workbench is used to compute flow filed, Eqs. (2)–(3) and structural dynamics, Eq. (1), via iterations between the flow and structure solvers. The flow field imposes the forces on the cylinder to solve the cylinder displacement. The deformation of the cylinder updates its surrounding flow field, and subsequently, the flow field imposes new forces on the cylinder in the next iteration. The force and displacement are communicated on the fluid–structure interaction (FSI) surface (Fig. 1). The size of timestep Δt is 0.005 s. There are 8–12 coupling iterations per timestep. In order to capture the small-scale turbulent structures, the large eddy simulation (LES) is adopted along with Smagorinsky–Lilly subgrid scale model. The Smagorinsky constant Cs is 0.1. The second-order implicit method and a bounded central differencing scheme are adopted for time and space discretization, respectively. A comparison between experimental and numerical data and mesh independence have been made in our previous work [4].

3 Results and Discussions

Figure 2 illustrates that Arms* varies with \(\overline{U}\), Tu, Lw* and L*. It is found that these four parameters produce a pronounced effect on Arms*. Clearly, Arms* increases gradually with increasing \(\overline{U}\) (Fig. 2a). In Fig. 2b, given \(\overline{U}\) = 2.75 and Lw* = 0.94–1.08, the Arms* grows from 0.017 to 0.035 with Tu increasing from 2.9 to 6.0%. The higher-intensity turbulence would penetrate into the shear layers around the elastic cylinder, interacting and destabilizing the shear layers around the cylinder. More small-scale eddies appeared in the vicinity of the elastic cylinder at high Tu [3]. These eddy-structures cause an increase in the flow fluctuations near the cylinder wall and lateral force on the cylinder, which account for the large Arms*. It is also observed from Fig. 2b that given same Tu, Arms* increases with Lw*. For instance, given \(\overline{U}\) = 2.75 and Tu = 6.0%, Arms* rises from 0.007 to 0.035 with Lw* increasing from 0.26 to 0.94. At a large Lw*, the eddy-separation occurs from the cylinder-wall. The elastic cylinder absorbs energy from the excited flow field, causing the large Arms*. As a result, it is clear that given Tu, the Lw* has a non-negligible effect on flow field and thus on the vibration of the cylinder. It is surprisingly found that when Lw* = 0.6 or 0.76, the Arms* at Tu = 6.0% and \(\overline{U}\) = 2.75 is comparable to that at Tu = 2.9% and \(\overline{U}\) = 6.55 (Fig. 2b). Therefore, we might consider the high Tu effect on Arms* as an additional \(\overline{U}\), so as to establish a quantitative equivalent relationship between Tu and \(\overline{U}\). As such, the scaling factor with the physical meaning may be obtained (as shown in Fig. 3).

Fig. 2
Two multiline graphs. Left. A r m s versus U bar graph plots 2 rising trends for L equals to 43 and 20. Right. A r m s versus L w graph plots the rising trend of T u equals 2.9% at U bar equals 6.55, and T u equals to 29% and 6.0% at U bar equal to 2.75.

Dependence of rms vibration amplitude of the cylinder Arms* on a \(\overline{U}\) and b Lw*

Fig. 3
A scattered plot of A r m s versus U bar e f f. The experimental data and numerical data of T u, U bar are distributed along the rising trend of fitting line.

Dependence of Arms/L on scaling factor \(\overline{U}_{eff}\)

An empirical scaling analysis has been performed to determine the intrinsic relationship between Arms* and the four characteristic parameters. As demonstrated in Fig. 2a, for different L* (= 43 and 20), the growth trend of relationship Arms* with \(\overline{U}\) resembles, i.e., nearly linear. Therefore, L* might be considered for rescaling Arms*. It has been found that given Tu, the rescaled Arms*/(L*), i.e., Arms/L, collapses well for different L* (not shown). This implies that Arms* = f1(\(\overline{U}\), Tu, Lw*, L*) could be reduced to Arms/L = f2(\(\overline{U}\), Tu, Lw*), where f1 and f2 are two different functions. Similarly, by replotting Fig. 2b, the dependence of Arms/L on Lw/L at \(\overline{U}\) = 2.75 (not shown) further allows us to rescale Arms/L via a new abscissa variable Tu(Lw/L). As such, the function f2 could be further reduced to f3(\(\overline{U}\), Tu(Lw/L)). It is known that cylinder amplitude exhibits a linear correlation with flow conditions and critical \(\overline{U}\) for buckling, i.e., \(\overline{U}_{crb}\) [6]. Subsequently, the function f3 could be reduced to f4(Tu(Lw/L)\(\overline{U}\)/\(\overline{U}_{crb}\)).

Figure 3 shows the scaling law of Arms/L. It is surprisingly found that all the scattered data of Arms/L collapse well once the scaling factor \(\overline{U}_{eff}\) = EF × \(\overline{U}/\overline{U}_{crb}\), instead of Tu(Lw/L)\(\overline{U}/\overline{U}_{crb}\), is used as the abscissa, where EF is defined as Tu(Lw/L)/[Tu(Lw/L)]ref. Subscript ref indicates the reference case where Tu is small, presently 0.7%, thus EF ≥ 1. Now, the \(\overline{U}_{eff}\) is physically interpreted as the effective Reynolds number that treats non-zero Tu or Lw* effect on Arms* as an addition of \(\overline{U}\). Note that \(\overline{U}\) is directly proportional to Reynolds number in this paper. As shown in Fig. 3, all Arms/L data are least-squares fitted to a curve, that is, the function f4 is now reduced to Arms/L = f5(\(\overline{U}_{eff}\)). A departure of calculated/experimental data from the prediction of the curve is ascribed to differences in flow conditions between calculations and measurements. For instance, calculation is made under rather ideal conditions with a ‘clean’ environment but measurements are not, often associated with experimental uncertainties. Interesting inference can be made from the scaling law. Clearly, Arms/L increases non-linearly with \(\overline{U}_{eff}\), even though all \(\overline{U}\), Tu, Lw* changes. For instance, the Arms/L substantially increases from 1.7 × 10−3 to 2.7 × 10−3 as \(\overline{U}_{eff}\) increases from 2.75 to 3.45 (Fig. 3). Note that the two \(\overline{U}_{eff}\) = 2.75 and 3.45 corresponds to (\(\overline{U}\), Tu, Lw*) = (2.75, 6.0, 0.92) and (6.10, 5.0, 0.64), respectively.

4 Conclusions

Numerical investigation has been carried out on the dependence on four parameters (i.e., \(\overline{U}\), Tu, Lw* and L*) of the flow-induced vibration amplitude Arms* of an isolated elastic cylinder in axial flow. This work leads to following conclusions.

  1. 1.

    The Arms* exhibits a strong dependence on \(\overline{U}\), Tu, Lw* and L*. It has been found that, given the same Tu, Arms* may vary with Lw* and vice versa, suggesting that both the turbulence level and its time or length scale of incident flow produce a pronounced effect on Arms*.

  2. 2.

    Empirical scaling analysis has been performed based on the experimental and numerical data. It has been found that Arms* = f1(\(\overline{U}\), Tu, Lw*, L*) may be reduced to Arms/L = f2(\(\overline{U}_{eff}\)). The scaling factor \(\overline{U}_{eff}\) is physically interpreted as the effective Reynolds number that treats non-zero Tu or Lw* effect as an addition to the Reynolds number \(\overline{U}\). Based on the scaling law, it is interestingly found that Arms/L increases nonlinearly with \(\overline{U}_{eff}\).