

Did you ever recognize that traveling could make your life better and happier? Your answer will be yes, even though people’s perference varies. A travel gives a chance to meet a people from different cultures. It helps to know about historical sites, traditions, cultures, histories, and landscapes. Consequently, people could recognize new things that they never knew before or exist where they live. Overall, what matters is a place where you are planning for a tour. Nevertheless tourism is the key driver of global economic growth (Lee and Chang 2008; Tang and Tan 2015) and it is the fastest growing and the largest industry worldwide. Nowadays, most countries focus on the tourism sector and invest more to expect better returns soon. However, it will not guarantee a sustained return, without considering sustainability in tourism products and services. Bangladesh, South Asian, is a fast-growing developing country in the world, with potential tourism industries such as mountains, deep and mangrove forests, vales, rivers, and the world’s longest sea beaches (Nekmahmud et al. 2020). It has stunning sights and historical places that can attract international tourists. Developing tourism products and services is essential for attracting potential domestics and foreign tourists. The tourism industry has a significant impact on the global economy. According to the World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC), this sector contributed to 10.4% of the global GDP and roughly 10% of the employment rate in 2019Footnote 1. The contributions of this sector in Bangladesh in terms of GDP and employment are 4.3% of GDP and 3.9% of total employment (World Travel and Tourism Council [WTTC] 2019). Therefore, many countries, especially in the developing world, recognize tourism as a sustainable development tool and the key to poverty alleviation. In Bangladesh, there are several archaeological, natural, environmental, cultural and other tourism destinations to attract tourists. The tourism industry emphasizes facilities and services designed to meet the tourist’s needs. It’s a composite product, as the total of a country’s tourist attractions, transport, accommodation and entertainment, resulting in customer satisfaction. Accordingly, to the economic impact, new tourism products and services are vital to ensure the tourism industry’s sustained development (Henderson et al. 2018; Hjalager 2010). Sustainable tourism products are also crucial for attracting tourists and contributing to SDGs. The tourism industry is also a competitive industry where every country and tourism destination attracts existing and new tourists. Therefore, marketing strategy and market design for tourism products and services are essential to develop the tourism sector and acheive the economic growth.

Previously, scholars only examined the tourist’s satisfaction, perception and attitude towards a specific destination in Bangladesh. This chapter highlights different products or services segments in tourism sector, and focuses on tourism attraction products in Bangladesh. Moreover, the chapter addresses the overview and present scenario of sustainable tourism products and services in the developing country and the marketing strategy and product development model needed for the tourism industry. At the same time, this chapter outlines financial investment and development, marketing strategies for the tourism industry in the developing countries. Finally, it identifies potential tourism marketing with some recommendations to develop the tourism products and services level in the developing countries.

The discussion of the chapter would help the academicians, business students, tourist agency, tourism industry, and marketers to know the several categories of tourism products and services, sustainable tourism, sustainable tourism products, marketing strategy, investment and development of tourism products and services.

Tourism Attraction Products in Bangladesh

Bangladesh is rich in natural, historic, and architectural resources. It has many natural, heritage abandoned destinations that attract both domestic and foreign tourists. Natural tourism attractions in Bangladesh include beaches, hills, forests, tribal people, and wildlife of several speciesFootnote 2. Many medieval heritage sites established during the Muslim and pre-Muslim periods. It also has historical background such as language movements and the war of independence attract many tourists with important heritage abandoned destinations. Tourist activities include angling, water skiing, hiking, rowing, river cruise, yachting, and sea bathingFootnote 3. Figure 17.1 exhibits tourism attraction or destination products in Bangladesh.

Fig. 17.1
figure 1

At a glance of destinations based tourism products in Bangladesh. (Sources: Elaborated by authors)

Tourism Products and Services

To satisfy the customers’ needs is the main goal for any industry and tourism is no exception. Tourism product is defined to fulfill a tourist’s needs. Nevertheless, Jovicic (1988) argued that tourist’s needs cannot be satisfied without the movement of tourists from the place of residence to the expected destination. Mistakenly, some scholars (Sinitsyn 2015; Hasan et al. 2019; Nekmahmud and Rahman 2018) address that all products are inherently tangible; but products can be able to meet consumers’ needs in any way. However, in the tourism industry, products are almost to be part of service (Sinitsyn 2015). Therefore, each tourism industry can be measured as a tourism product by attracting tourists focused on a specific business or leisure business.

The natural tourism products (e.g. infrastructure, mountains, beaches, and climate) and man-made tourism products (e.g. transportation, accommodation, and meals) should have collaborated with professionals employed by tourism service providers for increasing a quality level of the tourism industry (Sofronov 2018). However, The North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) classified tourism into five main sectors such as transportation, accommodation, food and beverage services, recreation and entertainment, and travel services. Thus, each of these sectors can be considered as a tourism product, whether the purpose of the trip is to execute an official mission (business traveler) or to enjoy time (leisure travel). Similarly, Bangladesh also offers different kinds of tourism products and services such as tourism destinations, transportation, accommodation, food, recreation and entertainment, travel services and so on.


Tourism is all about traveling people from one destination to another. Transports are the main factor that tourism depends on to achieve its mission. Where, tourists cannot reach the desired destinations, which may be far from each other without the need to use the available means of transportation in those regions. However, transport cannot only be viewed as a mode of travel; it can be a destination also. In terms of the transport modes, there are three categories to use for traveling purposes; whether by air, sea or land.

Air Transport

According to the Aviation benefit report (2019), the aviation industry has been expanding consciously and the air transport industry is growing faster than any other transport industry. In 2018, airline sector carried around 4.3 billion passengers from all over the world. Air transport plays a crucial role in tourism development and vice versaFootnote 4. During the last decades, the development in air traffic reduced the time & cost of travel and enhanced the capacity, which led to globalize and develop the international tourism industry. Tourists became easily enabled to reach far destinations and isolated islands. Nevertheless, the development of tourism destinations has a positive impact on increasing the efficiency of air transport and generating high revenues (Cristina 2017).

Based on the domain and travel distance, air transportation can be inside the country or region borders (local flights) or between outside borders (international flights). There are two types of flights in terms of timing and destination, the first one is the scheduled flights that operate according to predetermined destination and time. The second type is the charter flights which operate based on special deals and are often negotiable.

Moreover, competition between airline companies could be based on the quality of services offered to tourists (legacy flights) or based on price (low- cost carriers). Finally, Air flights could also be a tourism product in the destination itself such as the sightseeing tours that use hot air Balloons and helicopters for paid tourism tours (Fig. 17.2).

Fig. 17.2
figure 2

Types of tourism products and services. (Source: Elaborated by authors)

Water Transport

Historically, water transport is one of the oldest and most traditional transport modes in the world. It is not only for shipping goods between regions but also for tourism destinations. In this context, water transport has many forms such as cruise ships and ferries which are the most popular and plays the role of a transport route and tourist destination (Truong and Shimizu, 2017). It is used by tourists for pleasure, business, and educational voyages. The main difference between cruise and ferry, the last is most often used for the local trips, where it is used for outlying to the suburbs and towns that can be reached only by water. Cruise is often used for long-distance trips outside the region.

Land Transport

Land transport, also known as ground-based transport, encompasses two forms of transport: Road and Rail. In today’s world, road transports such as cars, and buses are considered one of the most transport modes which are used by tourists within a certain region. FlixBus as an example of road-based tourism; where a tourist can visit several European countries by convenience bus during a few days and at an affordable price. On the other hand, taxi cars and ride service companies for example Uber which offer current door to door accessibility are available all over the world. However, some tourists who are concerned about privacy, freedom and accessibility ease to their destinations; rented cars are the best choice for them.

Food and Beverage

Local Food and beverage are one of the major factor that form and differentiate the national cultural identity of a certain country from others (Okumus et al. 2007). Simultaneously, tourists’ knowledge about local cuisine has a big impact on choosing destinations. Therefore, local food and beverage should fulfill tourists’ needs and add value to their tourism experience (Sims 2010). On the other hand, Hall and Sharples (2004) defined food tourism as a matter when the main motivation factor for traveling to the desired destination is the food experience. Where tourist visits restaurants, food production places and food festivals, specific food locations to eat his favorite dishes or to look for a new food experience.

Some studies indicate that most tourists would like to eat out while they are traveling, and food consumption settles high in the travel expenditures of tourists (Wolf 2006; Boyne and Hall 2004; Henderson 2004). Moreover, Food and beverage are at the top of the tourist expenditure list and it has an economic positive impact on the food industry from one side, and even, most tourists are selecting their destinations based on their food’s interests (Hall and Sharples 2004).


Accommodation is vital for tourists in their travel; they need it to relax and rest along as long as they are traveling. However, the absence of accommodation, makes it difficult for tourists to engage well with their activities (Cooper 2008). Therefore, accommodations concentrate close to the tourists’ destinations such as airports, railways, city centers, mountain areas, seaside, and countryside. Hotels consider the main form of accommodation. Moreover, motels, hostels, bed & breakfast, camping sites, tourist holiday and farmhouse accommodations are part of supplementary accommodation. Meanwhile, the latter could be preferable for some tourists due to cost advantage. Besides the price is the crucial factor which can also have an impact on tourist accommodation choice such as facility location and size, services quality and type of visitors (Poudel 2013).

Ancillary Services

There are some other categories of tourism products and services such as convenience, shopping, specialty services, unsought, industrial products, capital, recreation & entertainment, conference, travel service, and culture. Nevertheless, some research scholars are segmented into other categories, such as tourism products and services based, natural-based tourism, cultural and community-based, voluntary and educational, backpackers and youth, and adventure.

Elements of Tourism Products

In principle, every industry is subject to design and develop a product to fulfill the needs of their potential consumers and similarly, the growth of tourism products becomes more necessary due to the growth of the tourism industry. Tourism products are defined and elaborated in different ways by different scholars at different times. For instance, Jefferson and Lickorish (1988) stated that a tourism product is a combination of physical and service features that are supposed to satisfy the consumer’s wants at a given destination. Similarly, tourism is a product that appeals to tourists pursuing their tour either for their business or for leisure activities (Xu 2010). Therefore, it is very important to confront travelers with a wide variety of tourism products in the destinations that they make a tour. Furthermore, Smith (1994) is one of the first scholar who categorized the tourism product into five elements: physical plant, service, hospitality, freedom of choice, and involvement. Smith (1994) placed a physical plant at the core of the center with the four other elements in an outer circle (Fig. 17.3). Accordingly, the outer four elements simplify the practices of tourism production and consumption in which freedom of choice and involvement are considered as inputs in combination with service and hospitality to enhance value to the physical plant in the creation of tourism experiences.

Fig. 17.3
figure 3

Tourism product model based on Smith five basic elements. (Sources: adapted from Smith 1994)

Tourism products production starts with the physical plant, which is tangible and then supported with other four elements such as service, hospitality, freedom of choice, and personal involvement by consumers.

The Physical Plant

It is the fundamental of any tourism product, that includes a site, natural resource (for example, waterfall) or it may be any long term property such as a hotel.


As a physical plant by itself is not an end product, it needs the input of service to avail it ready to be consumed by tourists. In short, it means the performance of particular activities that are required to fulfill the needs of tourists.


It is something extra (improved service) that consumers usually expect despite the provision of quality service. More briefly, it is a special welcome by local citizens to travelers arriving from other areas to their community.

Freedom of Choice

Even though the degree of freedom of choice varies among individuals and also depends on the objective for the tour, it is all about the necessity that travelers have some adequate alternatives to choose and satisfy.


In producing tourism products, it is very essential to participate in the consumers and involvement combined with the freedom of choice, kind hospitality, quality service, and a good physical plant that fundamentally assures quality and satisfy tourism products.

Sustainable Tourism Products and Services

Meaning of Sustainable Tourism

The tourism industry needs to focus on sustainable tourism issues through maintaining and protecting the cultural heritage and traditional value of one’s area, region, country and ultimately ensure the long-term economic benefits to all stakeholders using optimal environmental resources. Read (2020), defined “sustainable tourism in environmental, economic, and social perspective with mainly emphasizing on it as a means to create a destination better to ensure that the tourism business is sustainable for the long period ”Footnote 5. Defining sustainable tourism can be challenging. What does it mean exactly? Sustainable tourism describes the use of tourism to support economies without disrupting local cultures and ecological foundation that the industry and/or activities are founded on. Sustainable tourism has three pillars such as.

Environmental Sustainability

This is more related to the use of metal instead of a plastic one, being aware of the proper use of water, hotel towels reuse, and using cars with no environmental effect.

Economic Sustainability

This recommends tourists to choose locally owned hotels, restaurants, guides and to buy locally produced products.

Social Sustainability

In social sustainability, tourists must be aware to preserve the local culture of the place where they are visiting. For example, do not photograph people or their assets without permission and do not complain about a place being dirty, instead of respecting the people, heritages, and cities of the place you are traveling.

Sustainable Tourism Products

The concept of a “sustainable tourism product” is a broad term and it understood that the use of scarce resources in an environmentally accountable, socially reasonable and economically feasible way, so that users of the product can meet their present needs without compromising forthcoming generations from being able to use the same resources (Font 2005: P.9). This concept of sustainable tourism products is more similar with the most commonly used and original meaning of sustainable development as reported in World Commission on Environment and Development (1987: p.37), i.e. sustainable development is “a process to meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs”. Sustainable tourism products are therefore about making a better life for the coming generation in a more feasible way (Fig. 17.4).

Fig. 17.4
figure 4

Sustainable tourism products. (Sources: Elaborated by authors)

Sustainable tourism products need the commitment of all pertinent concerned parties, as well as strong government commitment to ensure that tourism products are meeting their target in both economic, environmental and socio-cultural aspects. Furthermore, every stakeholder must assure that tourism products are contributing sustainably to the well-being of those individuals living in tourism regions for a long time.

Moreover, the tourism industry is given more emphasis on SDGs targets 8 and 9 as it is very important to develop and implement policies to promote sustainable tourism that creates employment and stimulates local culture and products (UN 2015). Even if Bangladesh wants to develop the tourism industry and attract more foreign tourists, the government should invest in sustainable tourism and eco-tourism (Nekmahmud 2020).

Marketing Mix in Tourism Industry

The marketing mix for any product consists of 4Ps (Product, price, promotion, and place). While tourism products are services in their nature and to guarantee high levels of quality in delivering services, Booms, Bernard and Bitner (1981) added three more elements (People, Process and Physical Evidence), which form up the service marketing mix concept or 7Ps.


In the tourism industry, the product includes all the elements (Accommodation, Transportation, Food and Entertainment) that help tourists to get value and achieve high levels of satisfaction during their travel, either are these elements tangible or intangible (Dolnicar and Ring 2014).


This is the amount of money that a tourist pays in his/her travel experience in exchange for the obtained service or product. The price of tourism products depends on some factors such as the location of the destination, seasonality of the product, operating costs, profit margins, and competitors’ price.


This is the technique that is used to educate, persuade, and motivate people to take tourism experience and to buy tourism products and services during their travel. There are different modes used for tourism promotion purposes. For instance, TV, radio, social media, newspapers, magazines, brochures, sales promotion, and word of mouth.


This is related to how easily possible for a tourist can be able to reach and evaluate tourism products and services. Since tourism products are considered as services in their nature and due to the ease of using the Internet; Online booking services became more popular instead of depending on sales agents.


Human resource is considered a main pillar for the service industry. Therefore, tourism service providers should put more effort to train their employees on the technical, professional and interpersonal skills that make them able to deliver the maximum value for the potential tourists.

Physical Evidence

This is what makes products differentiate from service! In terms of product, a customer can test out the value of buying any product through watching, touching or even experiencing that product. On the other hand, this could be impossible when it comes to services. Thus, tourism service providers can win the tourist’s trust by employing all items that help to increase tourist’s experience and attraction toward a certain service. In other words, by matching the tangible features of the tourism product with the intangible feature (e.g. giving customer brochures about the product’s features and usage mechanism).


Process in the services sector concerns how to deliver value to the client in a way that guarantees delivery without losing the quality. In the tourism industry, services are often booked in advance. Therefore, tourism agencies should be assured that all processes needed to deliver on time.

Marketing Strategies to Promote Tourism Products and Services in Bangladesh

Despite the deep awareness and understanding of the vital role, tourism plays in the economic prosperity of countries in general and stakeholders in particular. However, persuading and encouraging tourists to take a tourist experience in a specific region remains the most difficult and complicated task, due to the big diversity of tourism options from one side, and the continuous development of marketing and promotion methods from another. In Third World countries like Bangladesh, one of them, the tourism industry has a bright and positive future and may contribute to further economic development (Ahmmed 2014; Nekmahmud et al. 2020). Likewise, Lee et al. (2003) observed that North American B&B operators frequently use marketing strategies: (1) word of mouth; (2) brochure; (3) visitor and convention center; (4) articles in newspapers and magazines; (5) website; (6) chamber of commerce, and (7) guidebook by comparison, word of mouth is one of the most effective marketing tools for both clients and owners.

From this perspective, there are different promotional strategies may play a crucial role in developing the tourism industry in Bangladesh:


Ads campaigns’ use media to deliver messages and offers to the potential tourists which include printed media (newspapers, brochures, journals, and magazines), and broadcasting media (TV and Radio).

The Internet

Nowadays, people spend most of their time on computers and personal mobiles. Therefore, online advertising became the most effective and used method in promotion. Tourism service providers use different online applications to promote their services for example social media Apps. Most tourism agencies and tourism service providers have pages on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube and so on. Firms can get two advantages from this type of advertising, first, they can post (written & visual) ads, offers and information about the tourism services they provide. Secondly, it considers a feedback source, where it leaves a space for potential and current customers to share their experiences and opinions towards the firm’s services. Furthermore, tourism firms also use travel websites (Blogs, information websites and online magazines) besides the banner Ads to share their offers.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

SEO is the way to promote your travel-related online website. SEC will help tourists to get information about the tourism industry in the whole world or specific country.

Besides, several marketing promotion tools such as advertising, word of mouth, brochures, media, online marketing, social media marketing, the Internet blog, utilize online booking and payment, manage our reviews on TripAdvisor, etc. which are helping to promote tourism products and services in Bangladesh to attract the foreign tourist (Nekmahmud et al. 2020).

Market Design for Tourism Products or Services

To deliver quality products and services for better customer satisfaction, it is very important to conduct market surveys, design products and services to be delivered based on customer preferences. Stickdorn and Zehrer (2009) stated that the competitiveness of any service product eventually depends on customer satisfaction. Nevertheless, product design helps to create new benefits or improve the existing service to the expected level of the consumers. This market design for tourism products or services indicates a holistic way for a business to earn, harmony, and comprehensive service design of client needs (Saco and Goncalves 2008).

Investment and Development in Tourism Products and Services

Globally, tourism has been widely recognized as a fast-growing industry that plays a key role in supporting economic growth, especially in developing countries. Considering its contribution on economic growth, nowadays the tourism industry has become one of the most famous sorts of investment in the world. Tourism pulls and attracts investment from both private and governments. It creates local jobs opportunities due to an increase in demand for goods and services (e.g. hotel, restaurant, public transportation) which can improve the quality of life of people. For instance, Rosentraub and Joo (2009) stated that from the economic perspective investment activities and performance can be made by the private or public sector. The outcome is often determined by the domestic economic, social and political structure.

Therefore, most of the studies have been done in the field of tourism investments and economic growth. Some of the major studies are reviewed as the following:

Public Investment and Tourism Growth

Public investment has become one of the most important for non-manufacturing sectors worldwide. So public investment in tourism represents vital and effective for achieving economic development especially in developing countries like Bangladesh (Chowdhury et al. 2013). Tourism is a vital factor for every state and helps to absorb investment. In countries, governments have played a very important role. Furthermore, the government has the main role in controlling and funding tourism and in some situations, even facilitating it. Moreover, the public investment sector helps tourism to grow by improving infrastructure development, supporting private investment in hotel construction, maintaining quality standards and protecting tourists against any kind of insecurities.

Private Investment and Tourism Growth

Private investment equally with public investment plays a key role in the development of the tourism industry. Private investment is a very important factor in the development of every country and industry in the world (Wang and Xu 2011). Generally, the participation of the private sector in travel and tourism industry is mainly profit-driven, as Tribe (1999) investigated that private investments have impacted the travel and tourism demand. Comparatively, the private sector had more effect than public investment (Khan and Kemal 1996).

Potential Tourism Market in Bangladesh

Concerning natural beauty and archeological history, Bangladesh is rich as a tourist hub, according to the foreign traveler but the facilities in the tourist spots are significantly poor (Hossain 2002). Some research scholars point out that more domestic tourists should be attracted before attracting foreign tourists. Even, Quddus (1998) argued that other tourist attractions are not as attractive as other countries in Asia. But there are many tourist destinations such as St. Martin’s Island, the longest sea beach in the world in Cox’s Bazar, which can be able to attract both domestic and foreign tourists. But all tourist places should be more investment and development to ensure world-class facilities with safety and security. The Government should rise fund for more new projects and rehabilitate existing projects for the overall development of Bangladesh’s tourism industry (Hossain et al. 2005). International travelers were not satisfied with accommodations, entertainment, games, and destinations, including sports, shopping, entertainment, and tour operators’ performances (Hossain and Nazmin 2006). But at present, there are many five star hotels with global class, shopping facilities especially in Dhaka city. But accommodations, entertainment, games, and destinations, including sports, shopping, entertainment, are not available in tourist spots in Cox’s Bazar, Bandarban, and other tourism places.

Moreover, Bangladesh has also the opportunity to offer eco-tourism and sustainable tourism. Even, the medical tourism industry may attract foreign tourists, if we can develop medical standard services because in the medical service cost of Bangladesh is very lower than in other countries. Besides, arranging international conferences can inform foreign scholars. Bangladesh has a good cultural heritage that should be preserved and arrange cultural functions in tourist places. Therefore, the tourism industry in Bangladesh has potential to establish the tourism market as a first service industry, government and private organizations should make proper policy, marketing strategy and ensure to offer standard facilities with eco-tourism and sustainable tourism products and services.


Nowadays, many countries, especially those in the developing, perceive tourism as a means for inclusive economic growth and recognized as a key to alleviating poverty. Recently the tourism industry is found as the fastest growing and a key driver of economic growth around the world and more importantly for the developing country. Like as Bangladesh, one of the fast-growing developing countries in the world, which has many potential tourism industries. This chapter focused on investigating the potential of the tourism market and its existing scenario of the tourism market and its pattern of products and services in Bangladesh from a global perspective. In Bangladesh, tourism is still a flourishing sector and has some problems associated with the availability of data. Considering the contribution of the sector to the GDP and employment of the country, it is vital to pay due attention and emphasis on access and availability of quality services, which are designed to meet the needs of the tourist. Therefore, the tourism industry in combination with all other stakeholders are subject to design and develop a quality product & service to meet the potential needs of their consumers.

Furthermore, it is important to recognize that designing & developing sustainable tourism products and services is very important for attracting potential tourists from both local and foreign. Most importantly, based on the Tourism Product Model of Smith (1994) and other scholars it was understood that the production of a tourism product begins with the physical plant, which is tangible and then supported with other four elements such as service, hospitality, freedom of choice, and personal involvement by the consumer. To sustain and improve the quality of tourism products it requires the current outlay of huge investments with the expectation of better returns. Moreover, it requires the use of scarce resources in an environmentally accountable, socially reasonable and economically feasible way, so that users of the product can meet their present needs without compromising forthcoming generations from being able to use the same resources.


The following recommendations forwarded for the government and policymakers, tourism industry and agency, and finally marketers and consumers to promote the development of the tourism industry.

For Government and Policy Makers

Sustainable tourism product requires the commitment of all pertinent stakeholders, as well as strong political leadership to ensure that tourism products are meeting its target in both economic, environmental and socio-cultural aspects. Therefore, policymakers must assure that tourism products are contributing sustainably to the well-being of those individuals living in those tourist regions for a long time. Furthermore, Bangladesh government must be committed to make an investment in the tourism industry and assure that there are an enabling environment and policy on the ground for the effective implementation and development of the tourism industry. The government should ensure an easy and simple visa & travel process for foreign tourists. Local authorities should take initiative to involve the tribes in the eco-tourism process and protect the green environment. They should use promotional tools in historical places.

For Tourism Industry and Agency

Tourism industry needs to focus on sustainable provision of tourism products and services through maintaining and protecting the cultural heritage and traditional value of one’s area, region, and country. Ultimately it ensures the long-term socio-economic benefits to all stakeholders using optimal environmental resources. Moreover, as the main goal of any tourism industry is to satisfy the tourists’ needs, the tourism industry in collaboration with all other stakeholders needs to focus on developing new tourism products and services to ensure the continued growth of the industry and its vital contribution to GDP, employment and overall economic development. It is time to promote tourism together with industry and agriculture sectors as a source of renewable energy instead of over-reliance on oil and gas revenues. Infrastructure development is important in the tourism industry. Therefore, tourist authorities should set up more hotels, motels, and reservations with safety and security. Besides, Authorities can encourage local people to take part in their economic benefit to improve the sports infrastructure of tourists. Tourist agencies should appoint educated guides with high qualifications in tourist spots to attract more visitors and survey the foreign tourists. Moreover, Tourist service providers should be updated on tourism products and services. It is important to deliver core products to niche markets in different ways than competing in other tourism countries.

For Marketers and Consumers

Consumers are highly advised to use the very limited resources in environmentally accountable, socially reasonable and economically feasible ways so that users of the product can meet their present needs without compromising forthcoming generations from being able to use the same resources. Researchers should collect more information and talk with both domestic and foreign tourists and take their opinion about tours, products, and services to provide better service quality and make a market design or service design for the tourism industry. Hossain (2002) advised developing tourism industry in Bangladesh including developing strategies for combating media terrorism, ensuring security for tourists, conducting and implementing effective promotional campaigns, ensuring good governance and corruption-free society, keeping tourist spots and destinations clean and modernizing local perspectives. Eco-tourism is a vital issue to attract tourists who are concerned about environments and health issues. That is why marketing people should design tourist products and services with environmental friendly as well as they can offer green products or organic foods (Nekmahmud and Fekete-Farkas 2020).

Finally, proper tourism products and service design, effective marketing plans & strategyies, tourists’ friendly policy, eco-tourism, and sustainable tourism products could help to develop the tourism industry and contribute to increase economic growth.