
1 Introduction

The conventional classroom is undergoing major and rapid changes from past till now. Many technologies are invented throughout these years in various sectors including education sector. Due to the availability of technology nowadays, students are more preferred to stay connected with each other using technology [1]. Moreover, with the assistance of modern technology enabled work to be done more efficiently, effectively, convenient and most importantly it makes thing easier [2]. However, the way teachers and students used to communicate remained one-way communication where it leads to the lack of students’ engagement in the classroom. The lack of student engagement leads to the drop of courses especially online courses that involved far less interaction between teachers and students [3]. Furthermore, the closeness of relationship between teachers and students plays an important role as the closer their relationship the better academic outcomes and self-esteem from students can be achieved [4]. Additionally, one-way communication serves two purposes which are sharing information and as a reminder of teachers’ existence. Generally, subject like mathematics practices conventional way of teaching where teachers are dominant over students [5]. Besides, students are disallowed to express their thoughts and opinions because teachers wanted to gain full-control of the classroom [6]. Hence, gaining feedback from students’ end is difficult. Without students’ feedback, teachers might face difficulties in planning and preparing teaching materials that in-line with students’ needs and capabilities.

Mobile application is introduced and accepted by majority of the society as it is a very commonly owned technological device. By integrating mobile technology into classroom, students can establish better communication with classmates and teachers [7]. Moreover, with the aids of technology in blended learning can boost up student engagement, enjoyment as well as academic achievement [8]. Nowadays, the interaction between human and computer had gone through tremendous changes due to the influence of computational devices that supporting touch [9]. Likewise, mobile devices are capable to be used as writing tools and incorporate into classroom [9]. Therefore, on-screen writing pad is introduced granting teachers with better mobility and flexibility in teaching with screen sharing.

1.1 Engagement Between Teachers and Students

In this paper, the engagement between teachers and students is being studied and related to recent education changes. In England, during 19th century, the education system neglected character-building quality and not creating intellectual curiosity [10]. In fact, having joy in the classroom was prohibited and integration of teacher’s personalities was forbidden [11]. Hence, the enjoyment of learning cannot be achieved due to minimal interaction in the classroom. With the evolution of technology, the possibility of integrating technology into education sector is promising. According to Malik, the core changes brought by ICT in society has called for research on specific new forms of learning and epistemological issues regarding how learning occurs and how knowledge emerges beyond the borders of traditional systems of education [12]. The availability of these technologies allows teaching and learning becoming more interactive and interesting. According to Hussin, Generation-Z who are revolutionised by technology happened to act positively towards challenges, prefer group discussion and interactive learning environment [13]. Furthermore, the learning materials are required to be synchronised with the needs of learning process for better understanding regarding the concepts of subjects [14]. Moreover, teachers are playing a vital role as they will affect students’ desire and developing their self-learning capability directly [15]. Additionally, student who spend more time in schooling tends to have lower dropout rate [16]. This is why John Dewey, an Educational Philosopher, mentioned more than a century ago, “If we teach today as we taught yesterday, we rob our children of tomorrow” [17]. Furthermore, technology is known to be the catalyst in communication, collaboration, innovation and problem solving in 21st century. Hence, the introduction of mobile interactive system as educational technology into schools and universities is imperative. It has the potential to be implemented in class activities increasing the interactivity between teachers and students [18]. Furthermore, mobile application also helps in refining and improving students’ academic achievement as well as their learning capability [19]. It boosts up students’ curiosity in terms of knowledge seeking makes them more attracted and interested in classroom activity. [20]. In fact, technology has the capability to increase student engagement as well as their understanding level towards learning content [21]. Through screen sharing, students can see the screen mirroring from teacher’s computer screen where live-collaboration is happening at the same time [22]. The interactivity is improved because teachers are no longer required to reach out whiteboard or blackboard back and forth illustrating their ideas to students. Screen sharing is able to helps teachers showing their writing from on-screen writing pad to students in synchronised manner with the writing content in the mobile interactive system without sacrificing teachers’ mobility.

Teacher is known to be a professional who responsible for delivering knowledge to students, however, the knowledge sometimes can be forgotten over time. Students tend to be more interested in lesson taught by their favourite teacher than the one that they dislike. Along with teaching methods, the image of the teacher attaches great importance in the process of forming knowledge [23]. From the perspective of students, it is very clear that teacher plays an important role in their learning process. Besides, teacher is also known as a leader in guiding students throughout lessons [24]. As a teacher, he or she does not only require to teach students but also understand their behaviour and desire as well as improving their learning ability and capability [25]. Therefore, teacher’s qualities are vital when attempting to bond with students as teacher’s attributes shaped his or her image reflecting how students see teacher from their perspective.

According to Dakhane, the presence and popularity of mobile devices and mobile applications are common amongst students [26]. Education sector is assisted by various educational technologies to improve student engagement in classes especially in higher education. It brings positive impact in affecting student’s experience in learning. Moreover, conventional teaching method is ineffective when it comes to student engagement as teacher can hardly focusing on students where teachers’ attention is constantly diverted. In conventional classroom, teacher is the only active person who control the entire classroom activities and expecting students concentrate in classroom but it proven otherwise [27]. With the help of technological devices, teachers are given better flexibility and mobility. High flexibility and mobility allow teachers to pay more attention and interact with students effectively. Putra mentioned that teaching and learning process is an interaction between teachers and students which are two different things but form a unity [28]. Compared to conventional method, teaching and learning are conducted differently these days. Teaching and learning can be conducted through mobile devices, online, augmented reality, virtual reality and other state-of-art technology [29]. These technologies create new possibilities for teacher implementing a variety of methods turning teaching and learning environment become more interaction-oriented. It allows teachers have better interaction with students by using educational technology. Educational technology boosts students’ curiosity driving students to further explore and gaining interest in learning.

1.2 Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge Theoretical Framework

Pedagogical framework is a structure created based on the philosophy of teaching and learning. It serves as guidelines for teacher to do evaluation and refinement when they facilitate classes. This set of guidelines is rather well-known among colleges and universities for its consistency. The pedagogical framework is meant to be a supportive medium to assist teacher delivering and transforming knowledge to students maintaining a high-quality content for both teaching and learning based on best practices [30]. With the help of pedagogical framework, teachers are able to address students with the most effective way of absorbing the knowledge being taught. According to Fairholme College, the pedagogical framework has to be coordinated with a few principles which are safe, supportive, connected and inclusive learning environment, student-centered planning, evidence-based decision making, targeted and scaffolded instruction, alignment of curriculum pedagogy and assessment as well as high expectation [31]. According to Fazidah Naziri, teachers need to equip themselves with a transformation in knowledge and technology to educate Z generation today [32]. Besides, Utami et al. also mentioned that technological involvement in learning activities cannot be avoided as technology integration in teaching is considered as a more effective approach [33]. The concept of pedagogical content knowledge theoretical framework, TPACK reflects the status of technological, pedagogical, and content knowledge of educators [34]. Based on TPACK model, lecturers’ knowledge about technology and experience the successful integration of collaborative tools in teaching and learning environment are the keys for effective adoption of new technologies [35]. The combination of knowledge and pedagogy with the involvement of information technology enabled teachers in developing pedagogical knowledge, skills and enhancing students’ learning [36]. Student learning capability will be improved presuming teacher himself or herself is willing to refine their technological knowledge and integrate it into their content knowledge and pedagogical knowledge [37]. Teachers are expected to demonstrate how technology can be implemented in supporting the learning content, how specific pedagogies best support with the use of and facilitate learning. Additionally, TPACK is also reflecting the interdependence of three contributing knowledge domains which are Content Knowledge (CK), Pedagogical Knowledge (PK), and Technology Knowledge (TK) in a better picture [38]. From teacher perspective, mastering TPACK from the aspects of knowledge, skills and technology is necessary. Being innovative in teaching allows teachers to be in line with up-to-date technological world in educating the next generation.

1.3 Mobile Interactive System

TPACK framework is applied in this study due to the substantial involvement of technology in teaching and learning. As advanced technologies also offer interactivity, these known technologies were focused by other studies [32,33,34, 37, 38] while this study is focusing on delivery method which is also referring as mobile interactive system. Solomon et al. mentioned that the specifications of current smartphones are well-equipped with high-end memory, processor, display and battery which are capable to serve learners, teachers and researchers with more possibilities [39]. Stathopoulou et al. also mentioned that mobile devices are having the potential to alter the classroom from conventional to a more interactive and engaging [40]. Due to the massive and hasty growth of the usage of mobile technology in campuses, learning activities and research will be depending on mobile technology in future classroom [41]. In this study, mobile interactive system is a mobile application that emphasises on high mobility and low hardware requirement where expensive or external equipment are not required. It can mitigate one-way communication between teachers and students. It also can change teachers’ teaching experiences from various aspects. The most spectacular change is the teaching environment where two-way communication is established instead of one-way communication. Teachers can maintain interaction with students by making use of other existing technologies with features provided by the mobile interactive system simultaneously. Moreover, teachers and students can bring it to any classes that require the use of it without any hassle. Therefore, the objectives of this study are as follows:

  1. 1.

    Identify current trend in education sector which addresses the conventional classroom issues.

  2. 2.

    Identify the effectiveness of teachers conducting classes using educational technology with the application of TPACK framework.

2 Literature Review

In this paper, the literature review is being done based on two major aspects which are interactive learning and on-screen writing pad with screen sharing. These two aspects are able to illustrate interactivity better as interactive whiteboard is already being introduced as educational technology and implemented in classroom [42]. Hence, in-depth understanding about these two aspects is essential to cater with current trend of educational technology. As mentioned earlier, having more interactivity in the classroom tend to result in better engagement between teachers and students [43,44,45]. Thus, interactive learning is one of the key aspects involving how teachers apply technology changing the teaching and learning environment. Similar to interactive whiteboard, on-screen writing pad with screen sharing serves teachers with lower cost and higher portability [46]. This study aimed to mitigate one-way communication teaching in classroom by introducing more instructiveness into classroom activities.

2.1 Mobile Interactive System

Sahronih et al. mentioned that interactive learning media is having the capability of describing teachers’ message to student forming a two-way communication [47]. Hence, interactive learning has a strong bond with educational technology. The use of the interactive learning method alongside with educational technology creates more possibilities in learning process which motivates students and creates less confusion and difficulty in both teaching and learning process [48]. According to Wang et al., traditional personal computer will be replaced by mobile devices slowly within the next few years and becoming the main learning equipment especially in tertiary education [49]. Educational technology is a toolkit that creates educational contents with appropriate technology making an interactive learning environment. Therefore, students should not be passive in exploring and accepting new information. It is vital for classroom studies to be carried out in an interactive environment as it helps learner developing their independence.

Oluwajana et al. stated that students’ active participation in learning process is achievable via interactive learning [50]. Interactive learning method consists of two types of interaction which are cooperation and competition, rivalry [51]. Alexandrovna mentioned that cooperation is meant for promoting teamwork and aiming for achieving one goal whereas competition, rivalry is meant for opposition of goal and opinions [51]. The implementation of interactive learning helps students to be more engaged in classroom, improves their problem-solving skills and critical thinking skills. Furthermore, the dependence of oneself towards smartphone has becoming a norm where online learning is doable other than serving solely as a communication platform [52]. In contrast with Multimedia Interactive Learning Online (MILO) suggested in the research of Pakyuan et al., proposed mobile interactive for this study is focusing on delivery method rather than content itself. However, both of the studies share similar aim which is maintaining the function of teacher in learning process [52]. Nina and Heru also mentioned that the innovation in mobile devices making smartphone ideal for both learning and education [53]. They also mentioned that the difficulties like formulas and calculations in learning physics can be resolved with the use of technology because it helps to improve learners in understanding diagrammatic and argumentative representation with better efficiency [53].

2.2 On-Screen Writing Pad with Screen Sharing

Recently, interactive whiteboard (IWB) has been a trend in education sector where IWB serves as an educational tool [54, 55]. It is commonly found in Western schools. The IWB is a large touch screen with the capability of replacing the conventional setup in classroom. It enhances teaching environment by introducing interactivity and creating visual impact in the classroom. Tsai (2019) mentioned that the difficulties faced by teachers in using interactive whiteboard are the lack of computer competency and insufficient technical support [56]. Moreover, further training for teachers is needed as the technical support is insufficient and ineffective [57]. Moreover, the implementation of IWB in conventional classroom does not lead to negative effect to the teaching method which favored by most teachers.

Comparing IWB to the on-screen writing pad introduced in this study, from the perspective of hardware, IWB is more hardware dependent as it requires the use of special made whiteboard to be installed and configured whereas on-screen writing pad is less dependent on hardware as teachers only require to operate the system using Android smartphone and a computer for server hosting. According to Andy (2018), the utilisation of IWB’s main purpose, interactivity for teaching and learning is ambiguous. In the meantime, since IWB has smaller size compared to traditional projection screen, the proposed mobile interactive system has an edge because its screen sharing feature can be projected through the ordinary projection screen without sacrificing the mobility of teachers as the proposed mobile interactive system can control the connected computer from distance [58]. Additionally, IWB requires teachers’ prior knowledge in designing teaching plans and materials based on IWB capabilities to allow students interact with IWB and learning materials [59]. The difference between IWB and proposed mobile interactive system from previous context is the ease of use of the technology. As proposed mobile interactive system is an Android application installed in the smartphone, the learning curve for teacher to use the system is relatively low compared to IWB.

3 Methodology

In this paper, a systematic literature review (SLR) is being carried out with the use of Multimedia University Library Integrated Access (MULIA) 3.0 and Google Scholar in getting relevant sources for the study. The relevant sources are being searched based on keywords. This paper adopted the search procedure mentioned in [60]. The research questions of this paper are RQ1_How mobile interactive system enhances teachers and students’ engagement in classroom? and RQ2_How TPACK framework affects teaching and learning environment? Firstly, keywords are being formulated based on research questions including teacher and student engagement, mobile interactive system, teaching and learning environment and TPACK theoretical framework. These words are then undergoing a process called Systematic Search Procedure which is stated in [60]. In Systematic Search Procedure, there are several substages where it begins with a set of search words which are obtained from thesaurus based on formulated keywords for semantic criteria search. The semantic structure of the paper title is taken into consideration when searching for specific papers. Next, making use of appropriate search script by referring to syntax of various databases such as Scopus, Google Scholar and other similar databases. With proper search script applied, relevant papers are then selected from databases relatively. At last, a list of papers as search results are discovered to be further reviewed. The process of systematic search procedure will be continued until research questions are being answered.

3.1 Systematic Literature Review

Systematic literature review is also known as SLR in which research questions can be identified. Additionally, SLR is also crucial for the justification of future research for that sector. SLR is important to those who are newly started in their specified fields to learn and explore for up-to-date information and work which is related to the field of study [60]. The information gathered includes the method that has been implemented and results which are beneficial for students having more insights about the area of interest in terms of study. Information that is commonly acquired via SLR is the databases of the work, publications of work presented and research centres of certain work. The gathered information is presented statistically. Since researchers are not always familiar with the fields of study, they usually face circumstances such as the lack of related knowledge and identification of journals. From the perspective of researchers from similar research fields, they might share their findings in addressing or resolving similar problems as well as objectives. Their findings include their progress, result, approaches, networks and so forth. As a researcher, interaction and contribution are involved when conducting research study. Difficulties and challenges such as key words of search, inclusion and exclusion criteria for filtering search results will be faced due to the unfamiliarity of certain research fields. Therefore, mentefacto conceptual is one of the mandatory tools that leads to good reading and learning [60]. In this study, four questions are required to be answered which are what characterises it, in essence? In what group of things include it? What are your differences with similar objects? and, are there subtypes of yours? By answering these questions, four groups of thoughts are formed resulting in isoordinated, superordinated, excluded and infraordinated.

4 Expected Outcome

4.1 Proposed TPACK Framework

TPACK is also known as technological pedagogical and content knowledge which require teachers to have a thorough understanding about the knowledge, skills and technology so as to improve teachers’ efficiency in teaching. In 21st century, teachers are required to adapt to the latest technological trends in order to be accord with 4th Industrial Revolution. In such revolution, Information and Communication Technology is becoming a very important medium in between teachers and students. The TPACK framework was being introduced and enhanced by Mishra and Koehler in year 2006. It is provided for educators a more rounded experience of teaching [61]. In TPACK, it consists three major elements, technological knowledge, content knowledge and pedagogical knowledge which symbolise the combination of knowledge and pedagogy with the implementation of information technology. A total of seven elements can be found in TPACK framework. The major elements of TPACK consist of three major area of knowledge which are technological knowledge (TK), pedagogical knowledge (PK) and content knowledge (CK). TK is the knowledge or the cognition of various technologies regardless the tier of those technologies to improve teaching efficiency. PK is thorough knowledge of process or method of teaching and learning which became the value of education to improve students’ engagement in classroom, CK is the subject that needed to be taught and learned to enhanced students’ performance academically, Hence, the interrelation element of TK and PK is TPK which is also known as technological pedagogical knowledge. TPK is the knowledge of pedagogical activities of teachers with proper understanding of technology implementation that is best suited for desired teaching and learning experiences. TPK is referring to teachers’ understanding in making use of mobile interactive system and its features to assist them in changing teaching and learning experiences according to their preferences. Also, the interrelation element of TK and CK is TCK which is also stands for technological content knowledge. TCK is the knowledge of representing the concept of technology into a subject. It is referring to teachers’ understanding on how the subjects can be best represented and influenced by technology which is referring to mobile interactive system with on-screen writing in this study. Pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) is the interrelation element of PK and CK. It is teachers’ ability in modifying their content knowledge to fit in teaching approach appropriately. It is also referring to teachers’ understanding in choosing the appropriate method in delivering CK in different level in terms of grade as teachers; teaching practices can be improved with the assistance of thorough understanding in PCK. As for TPACK, it is the combination of all three knowledge which utilises the state-of-art technology that can cope with the needs and wants of students.

In this study, the proposed TPACK framework in Fig. 1 consists of additional elements which are teacher’s efficiency, students’ performance and students’ engagement. Teacher’s efficiency in this study is referring to the efficiency of teacher using technology in the teaching process. Therefore, it involves elements that related to TK which are TK, TCK, TPK and TPACK. The level of teachers’ understanding about technology will be assess and reflects how efficient are they when lessons are taught with the integration of technology in classroom activities. As for students’ performance, it is assessed with CK related elements. CK related elements include CK, TCK, PCK and TPACK. The relevancy of teaching materials prepared by teachers will affect students’ performance either positively or negatively. As for students’ engagement, PK related elements such as PK, PCK, TPK and TPACK will be taken into consideration for assessment. The interactivity and effectiveness of teachers’ delivery method for the subjects he or she taught will be recorded and serves as input for determining students’ engagement in the classroom.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Proposed TPACK framework

5 Conclusion

The current paper proposes a mobile interactive system for learning by integrating pedagogical framework with technology. The research questions of this study are being identified through SLR whereby justification for the future research of current study can be made. The system is intended to eliminate conventional teaching method which is conducting through one-way communication which resulting in less student engagement and classes. Two-way communication is proposed by mobile interactive system to address classroom communication issue whereby two-way communication is more effective in teaching as it involves both parties which are referring to teachers and students in this context. Having a more effective communication in classroom leads to higher student engagement. Besides educational technology, which is referring to proposed mobile interactive system, teachers are also required to come out with a well-prepared teaching plan and teaching materials with the help of TPACK. The proposed TPACK framework is having the intention allowing teachers to tailor their teaching content according to students’ performance and capability, one should also have in-depth understanding about the content, knowledge and specific pedagogies as well as knowing how to use the latest technology and integrate the technology into teaching. Without prior knowledge in any one of the stated elements which are referring to pedagogical knowledge, technological knowledge and content knowledge, teachers’ teaching experience and performance will be affected.