
1 Introduction

Blockchain as an independent technology originates from Bitcoin designed by Satoshi Nakamoto [1]. In his paper \(\langle \)Bitcoin: a peer-to-peer electronic cash system\(\rangle \) [2], Nakamoto describes an electronic digital currency system that does not rely on trusted third parties. The underlying technology that supports the system is called blockchain.

Blockchain 1.0 is a virtual digital currency represented by Bitcoin and Lite-coin. Blockchain 2.0 refers to smart contracts represented by Ethereum [3]. Smart contracts have brought a qualitative leap to the blockchain, but security issues caused by smart contracts have also drawn increasing attention.

Smart contract represents a trusted blockchain platform where developers can’t stop any smart contract or modify the content of smart contract after deploying a smart contract. While bringing a credible advantage to smart contracts, it also brings a considerable degree greatly of security risks. Essentially, each smart contract is a program that has the possibility for error. If there are vulnerabilities in the smart contract, the user’s digital currency funds may be taken away by the attacker. And that even leads to serious consequences. Due to the inability to stop and modify the smart contracts, however, it will be difficult to repair it by upgrading when there is a potential vulnerability in the smart contracts. Therefore, the security audit of smart contracts is particularly necessary.

To address the issue, we propose the ReJection. It is a vulnerability detection method based on abstract syntax tree for smart contract reentrancy vulnerability. That vulnerability has obvious features and larger hazard. ReJection analyzes smart contracts source code by static analysis techniques. Generally, ReJection is able to detect the reentrancy vulnerability generated by the dangerous transfer function by analyzing the compile results of the smart contracts source code. At the same time, ReJection has better detection and analysis effects for the Checks-Effects-Interactions pattern and mutex mechanism, which is the key to reentrancy vulnerability prevention.

We make the following contributions:

  • We study the causes of the smart contract reentrancy vulnerability, and analyze the existing security audit method of smart contract.

  • A detection method, ReJection, is proposed for the smart contract reentrancy vulnerability. By compiling and parsing the source code of smart contracts, ReJection could determine whether there is reentrancy vulnerability. At the same time, ReJection also provides better detecting for Checks-Effects-Interactions pattern and mutex mechanism, which are the key of reentrancy vulnerability.

  • We implemented ReJection based on the existing open source vulnerability detection tool Slither, and experimented with ReJection through open source smart contract source code as experimental dataset. By comparing ReJection with Slither, the results show that ReJection improves the accuracy of reentrancy vulnerability detection.

2 Related Works

2.1 Blockchain and Smart Contracts

In a narrow sense, the blockchain is a chained data structure that combines data blocks in a chronological order in a sequential manner, and it cryptographically guarantees non-tamperable and unforgeable distributed ledgers. At the same time, the blockchain is also an innovation application of traditional computer technologies such as distributed data storage, consensus algorithms, P2P transmission, and various encryption algorithms in the new Internet era. At present, blockchain technology has been budded off from Bitcoin and has developed in many fields including financial trade, logistics, smart contracts, and sharing economy.

Blockchain 1.0 is a virtual digital currency represented by Bitcoin and Lite-coin including its functions of payment, circulation and other similar currencies. It represents a digital currency-based application for decentralized digital currency transactions.

Blockchain 2.0 refers to the smart contracts represented by Ethereum [4]. The combination of smart contracts and digital currency provides extensive application scenario for the financial field and forms “Programmable Finance”. Smart contract is the core of Blockchain 2.0 and has Turing Completeness. It is an event-driven computer program that runs on a replicable shared blockchain distributed ledgers. It enables autonomous invoking data processing, accepting, storing and forwarding the value that corresponding to digital currency, as well as controlling and managing various types of intelligent digital assets on the blockchain. Smart contract is identified by a 160-bit identifier address whose code is compiled and deployed on the blockchain. All users can send a transaction to the address of the contract account through an external private account to sign a smart contract in the cryptocurrency. Therefore, smart contract makes the blockchain programmable and customizable, which gives the blockchain intelligence and indicates a development direction of the blockchain technology in the future.

2.2 Smart Contract Security Audit

Research on the smart contract security audits has just beginning.

Atzei analyzed the security vulnerabilities of Ethereum smart contracts [5], demonstrated a series of attacks that exploited these vulnerabilities, and provided a summary of the common programming pitfalls that could lead to vulnerabilities in Ethereum smart contracts.

Delmolino summarized the common mistakes made in coding smart contracts and the common pitfalls that are exposed when designing secure and reliable smart contracts, and proposed some suggestions for coding safety smart contracts [6].

Based on techniques such as symbolic execution, SMT solving and taint analysis, Bernhard Mueller proposed Mythril [7], a security analysis tool for Ethereum smart contracts, to detect a variety of security vulnerabilities. He also analyzed the application of symbolic execution and constraint solving in smart contract security analysis.

Loi Luu analyzed several security vulnerabilities in smart contracts and found that about 44% of smart contracts have security risks. At the same time, a symbolic execution-based vulnerability detection tool Oyente [8] was proposed. It uses the decompiled code of the smart contract to construct a control flow graph based on basic blocks and further obtain the constraint path of the vulnerability by Z3 solver.

Bhargavan proposed a formal verification method for verifying smart con-tracts written by Solidity [9], and outlined a framework. The framework analyzes and verifies the safety of operational and accuracy of functional of Ethereum smart contracts by converting smart contracts to F*, which is a functional programming language for program verification.

To address the security problem of smart contracts, Petar Tsankov introduced Securify [10], a security analysis tool for Ethereum smart contracts. Securify extracts precise semantic information from the code by analyzing the function dependency graph of the contract, and then checks compliance and violation modes to capture sufficient conditions for verifying the vulnerability.

Grigory Repka developed the online smart contract static analysis tool SmartCheck to detect various security vulnerabilities in smart contracts [11], but he did not specify which detection techniques were used.

Hukai proposed a formal verification method for smart contracts [12], which can be used in the process of modeling, model checking and model validation.

Xin Wei analyzed the threat of smart contracts and the principle of the exiting vulnerabilities, summarized some common problems faced by smart contract vulnerability detection, and proposed an automatic vulnerability detection theory of smart contract [13].

Chengdu LianAn Technology [14] proposes an automatic formal verification platform VaaS for smart contract security issues.

2.3 Reentrancy Vulnerability

The occurrence of a smart contract reentrancy vulnerability means that the contract executes a callback operation. For smart contracts, function invocations can be made between the contract account and the external account to achieve more functionality of the smart contracts. Specifically, invoking to the fallback function is a kind of callback operation.

For each smart contract, there is at most one function without a function name. It does not need to be declared, and has no parameters and no return value. In addition, it needs to be visible to the outside. Such functions are called fallback functions. Once someone makes a transfer transaction to a contract account, the fallback function corresponding to the contract account is invoked.

Literally, reentrancy vulnerabilities are caused by repeated entry. In the Ethereum smart contracts, the attacker constructs malicious code in the fallback function of the contract address. Once the transfer function is executed to the vulnerable contract account, the contract account is forced to execute the fallback function of the attack contract due to its own vulnerability defect. That will trigger execution of the malicious code built by the attacker within the fallback function. The malicious code includes recalling the contract transfer function, which can result in the operation of reentering the contract to execute some operations like transfer Ether. Ultimately, it will lead to the theft of assets.

3 ReJection

3.1 Overview

After carefully analyzing the existing smart contract vulnerability detection methods and the reentrancy vulnerability characteristics, we propose the ReJection. ReJection is a detection method for smart contract reentrancy vulnerability based on abstract syntax tree (AST), which could improve the detection efficiency of the smart contract reentrancy vulnerability and the detection accuracy of the reentrancy vulnerability prevention condition.

ReJection detects vulnerability by traversing and parsing the source code of smart contract. It uses the open source smart contract compiler solc as the tool of syntax analysis to obtain the AST of the source code. By excluding the redundant information of the AST, ReJection could extract the key information about the vulnerability detection of the source code. That key information will be saved in the reserved nodes of AST. Then, the step-by-step nested traversal analysis is performed on the reserved nodes to detect the occurrence conditions of the reentrancy vulnerability. Specifically, that condition refers to whether the original contract account balance changes after executing the Danger-Transfer function. At the same time, the prevention conditions for reentrancy vulnerability are detected and analyzed. Generally, ReJection detects whether there is a change in the contract account balance and whether there exists the mutex mechanism after the execution of the Danger-Transfer function, respectively. Finally, the results of the analysis of the occurrence conditions and the prevention conditions are analyzed comprehensively to determine whether the contract is in danger of reentrancy vulnerability.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Detection scheme of ReJection

Figure 1 shows the detection scheme of ReJection, which can be divided into four parts.

  1. (1)

    Obtaining AST. ReJection compiles the source code of smart contract by the solc compiler to generate an intuitive AST in json format and further outputs that to a local text file.

  2. (2)

    Preprocessing the Redundant Node of AST. ReJection analyzes and pre-processes the AST to exclude redundant nodes and obtain the reserved nodes that reentrancy vulnerability may exist.

  3. (3)

    Traversing the Reserved Nodes of AST. ReJection performs a step-by-step traversal analysis of the reserved nodes based on the attributes of the various nodes in the reserved nodes. For each contract, it detects whether there is a change in the contract account balance after the execution of the Danger-Transfer function, and whether there is a mutex mechanism in the contract. At the same time of traversing, ReJection also determines and assigns the parameters related to the reentrancy vulnerability so as to obtain the detection result of the Danger-Transfer function and the record list of the prevention conditions.

  4. (4)

    Determining the Reentrancy Vulnerability. According to the analysis result of Step (3) and the reentrancy vulnerability determination rule summarized by the author, ReJection detects whether there is a reentrancy vulnerability generation condition. Finally, it could obtain the detection result of the reentrancy vulnerability.

3.2 Obtaining AST

AST is an abstract representation of the grammar structure of the source code. It intuitively expresses the structure in the programming language by the form of the tree. A node of AST represents one or more structures in the source code, while the AST contains a complete representation of the entire compilation unit. The AST in the Ethereum smart contract is obtained by the solc which is an open source compiler of the smart contract. In order to obtain intuitive representation of the AST, ReJection uses the json format to record the details of the AST.

Fig. 2.
figure 2

An Example of the AST of the identifier node

Figure 2 shows a part of information of the AST of identifier node, where the name attribute represents the name of variable and the typeDescriptions attribute represents the details of return type. AST is represented with the form of the nested structure and each type of node has some special properties.

3.3 Preprocessing the Redundant Node of AST

In the AST obtained in the previous step, there is a considerable part of information that is not related to the reentrancy vulnerability detection, such as version information, compilation information. In order to improve the efficiency of the detection, it is necessary to preprocess the AST to exclude redundant information. The preprocessing divides all nodes into the reserved nodes and the redundant nodes. The information contained in the redundant nodes is independent of ReJection, while the information contained in the reserved nodes is closely related to the ReJection.

The preprocessing is described as follows:

  1. (1)

    The root node, which is taken as a reserved node, represents all the information of the smart contract. ReJection further traverses the child nodes of the root node for analysis.

  2. (2)

    ReJection traverses the child nodes of the root node to detect the node type nodetype of each child node. The values of the nodetype include PragmaDirective, ContractDefinition, and ImportDirective. The PragmaDirective represents the compiled version of the contract, the ContractDefinition indicates that the node is a library or contract, and the ImportDirective represents the other source files imported by the contract. The node of AST whose nodetype is ContractDefinition is identified as the reserved node and the other nodes are identified as the redundant nodes.

  3. (3)

    ReJection further traverses the child nodes of the reserved node to detect its attribute contractKind. The node whose value of contractKind is contract is identified as the reserved node, and other child nodes are identified as the redundant nodes.

After the traversal, the remaining nodes in the AST are reserved nodes. The information of the nodes corresponds to the contract information.

3.4 Traversing the Reserved Nodes of AST

Traversing the reserved node is the most critical step in ReJection. The reserved nodes, which are obtained by the preprocessing of the redundant node, include all state variables and functions of the contract. The different types of the reserved nodes can be distinguished by the node type and return type. Aiming at different type of the reserved nodes, ReJection specifically analyzes it and assigns the value for the key parameters related to detecting reentrancy vulnerabilities. After the traversal of the reserved nodes has been fully completed, ReJection uses the above parameters to determine whether there is the reentrancy vulnerability in the contract according to the reentrancy vulnerability detection rule.

The key parameters associated with detecting reentrancy vulnerability are described in Table 1.

The method of traversing the reserved nodes is shown in Fig. 3. To conveniently explain the process of parsing AST, we give the following definition and abbreviations:

tCN: Current Node

tULN: Upper Level Node of Current Node

tNLN: Next Level Node of Current Node

Table 1. The definition of parameters

Step 1. Traverse the reserved nodes and detect the node type based on the attribute nodeType of the tCN. If the nodeType is VariableDeclaration, the tCN represents a state variable and the return type typeString of tCN should be detected; while the information of the node whose typeString is bool or integer is recorded as state variable for further detection. If the nodeType is FunctionDefinition, the tCN represents a function and the tNLN, which is the next level node of the tCN, should be traversed by Step 2.

Step 2. Detect the nodeType of the node. If the nodetype is ExpressionStatement, the tCN represents an expression statement and the expression node of tNLN should be analyzed by Step 3. If the nodetype is IfStatement, WhileStatement, DoWhileStatement, or ForStatement, the tCN represents a statement of loop or judgment. Then, the condition node of tNLN should be processed as expression node and body node of tNLN should be continued analyzing by Step 2. If the nodetype is Break, Continue, or Throw, the tCN represents jumping out of the loop or judgement statement. So, it is necessary to return the node corresponding to the previous loop or judgement statement and continue performing Step 2.

Step 3. Detect expression node. This step is mainly for analyzing different nodeType.

FunctionCall: If the nodeType of the tCN is FunctionCall, the name attribute of the expression node of the tNLN is detected. If there is no such name attribute or the value of the name attribute is NULL, that expression node should be continued processing according to Step 3. If the value of the name attribute is require or assert, the arguments node of the tNLN should be continued processing by Step 3. It is noted that if that arguments node has return value, that value should be recorded into the ifList to determine the mutex.

MemberAccess: If the nodeType of the tCN is MemberAccess, the return type typeString of the tCN is detected. If the typeString contains the “payable” field, the value of memberName attribute of the tCN should be recorded, and that value should be appended to the original value of parameter reentrancyCode to concatenate with the reentrancyCode. After that, the expression node of the tNLN is continued detecting by Step 3.

Identifier: If the nodeType of the tCN is Identifier, and if the value of the name attribute of the tCN belongs to the state variable recorded in Step 1, and the value of isReentrancy is 0 at this time, the value of name attribute of the tCN is returned. Otherwise, if the value of the name attribute of the tCN does not belong to the recorded state variable, or the value of typeString attribute of the tCN is address, the value of name attribute of the tCN is appended to the value of parameter reentrancyCode. While if the reentrancyCode is begins with “valuecall”, the value of parameter isReentrancy is assigned 1 and the value of reentrancyCode is assigned NULL. Otherwise, the isReentrancy and the reentrancyCode are unchanged.

Assignment: If the nodeType of the tCN is Assignment, it means that the node contains the assignment operator. If the value of isReentrancy is 1, the leftHandSide node of the tNLN should be continued detecting by Step 3; it is noted that if the leftHandSide node returns true, the value of parameter isChange should be assigned 0 at this time. If the value of isReentrancy is 0, the leftHandSide node of the tNLN should be continued detecting by Step 3. Meanwhile, if the return value of the leftHandSide node belongs to the state variable recorded in Step 1, the state variable should be assigned with the value of value attribute of the rightHandSide node of the tNLN.

Literal: If the nodeType of the tCN is Literal, it returns the value corresponding to the value attribute of the tCN.

BinaryOperation: If the nodeType of the tCN is BinaryOperation, the node represents a binary operation. If the value of isReentrancy is 0, both the leftExpression node and the rightExpression node of the tNLN should be continued detecting by Step 3. Meanwhile, if the return values of those two nodes belong to the state variable recorded in Step 1, the return values and the operator of the tCN are recorded in the ifList to further determine the mutex. And the result of current binary operation should also be returned.

Step 4. For each state variable recorded in Step 1, all the conditions recorded by the parameter ifList in Step 3 are used to judge one by one. If there is a state variable makes one of the conditions of ifList is unsatisfiable, the value of parameter isMutex is assigned 1.

3.5 Determining the Reentrancy Vulnerability

By analyzing, the execution of the Danger-Transfer function \(\langle \)address\(\rangle \)call.value()() may lead to the reentrancy vulnerability. Therefore, we summarize prevention ways including the following three types:

Fig. 3.
figure 3

Traversing the reserved nodes

  1. (1)

    Use the secure transfer function, such as transfer(), instead of existing Danger-Transfer function;

  2. (2)

    Use the Checks-Effects-Interactions pattern. Specifically, it completes all operations of the contract account before the transfer function is executed;

  3. (3)

    Introduce mutex mechanism. Specifically, it avoids the occurrence of reentrancy vulnerability by using a flag of global variable.

According to the points (2) and (3) of that prevention ways, and combining with the analysis results obtained in Step 3 of Sect. 3.4, ReJection regulates 4 rules to determine reentrancy vulnerability.

Rule 1. If isReentrancy = 0, which indicates that the Danger-Transfer function does not appear, there is no reentrancy vulnerability.

Rule 2. If isReentrancy = 1 and isMutex = 1, which indicates that there appears the Danger-Transfer function, but mutex mechanism exists, there is no reentrancy vulnerability.

Rule 3. If isReentrancy = 1, isMutex = 0, and isChange = 0, there is no reentrancy vulnerability. This situation indicates that there appears the Danger-Transfer function and has not mutex mechanism, but it has the Checks-Effects-Interactions pattern which means it is no change in the contract account balance after the transfer function.

Rule 4. If and only if isReentrancy = 1, isMutex = 0, and isChange = 1, there must be a reentrancy vulnerability. This situation indicates that there appears the Danger-Transfer function and has not mutex mechanism, but it also has not the Checks-Effects-Interactions pattern.

4 Evaluation

We implement ReJection based on the open source smart contract vulnerability detection tool Slither. In order to verify detection accuracy of ReJection for reentrancy vulnerability, a comparative experiment between Slither and ReJection has been further completed. Specifically, it selects open source smart contract data set as the experimental source code; uses the smart contract compiler solc to generate AST as the input of ReJection and uses the smart contract source code as the input of the Slither; and records the vulnerability detection results of the Slither and ReJection to compare and analyze.

Table 2 shows the experimental results. The experiment compares 8 different contracts, in which the contract details are represented by the Danger-Transfer function (D-T), the mutex mechanism (Mutex) and the Checks-Effects-Interactions pattern (C-E-I). Here the Danger-Transfer function indicates that transfer function \(\langle \)address\(\rangle \).call.value()(), and the mutex mechanism and the Checks-Effects-Interactions pattern is introduced in Sect. 3.5. For the value of corresponding cell, “Y” indicates that there exists Danger-Transfer function, the mutex mechanism or Danger-Transfer function in the contract, whereas “N” indicates that none of them exists. For the expected result, the detection result of the Slither and ReJection, “Y” indicates that the reentrancy vulnerability exists, and “N” indicates that there is no reentrancy vulnerability.

Table 2. Comparison of experimental results

In Table 2, contracts SimpleDAO, Reentrancy and BrokenToken have the same contract details. They have Danger-Transfer functions and have no mutex mechanism and the Checks-Effects-Interactions pattern. According to the Rule 4 in Sect. 3.5, there must be existed a reentrancy vulnerability in the above contracts. The results of Slither and ReJection are consistent with the expected results, which shows the reentrancy vulnerability can be correctly detected by them.

Different from above contracts, contract ModifierEntrancy has no Danger-Transfer function. According to the Rule 1 in Sect. 3.5, there definitely has no reentrancy vulnerability in the contract. The results of Slither and ReJection are consistent with the expected results.

For contract SimpleDAOFixed, it has the Danger-Transfer function and the Checks-Effects-Interactions pattern, but there is no mutex mechanism. According to the Rule 3 in Sect. 3.5, there definitely has no reentrancy vulnerability in the contract. The results of Slither and ReJection are consistent with the expected results.

The contract details of contract noCheck is exactly the same as the contract SimpleDAOFixed, it should be no reentrancy vulnerability. However, in the real detection, ReJection got the correct result, whereas Slither had a false positive. Slither mistakenly believed that there was a reentrancy vulnerability in the contract.

Moreover, for contract noCheck and contract EtherStore, although they have different contract details, both of them have the Danger-Transfer function and have either a mutex mechanism or a Checks-Effects-Interactions pattern. According to the Rule 2 and Rule 3 in Sect. 3.5, there definitely has no reentrancy vulnerability in these two contracts. Unfortunately, in the real detection, Slither made a false result because it can not distinguish the difference between the two prevention ways. Instead, ReJection can detect these two kinds of prevention ways and report the correct detection result.

Similarity, for contract EtherStore and contract EtherBankStore, even although the contract details of them are not the same, both of them contain the Danger-Transfer function and a mutux mechanism. According to the Rule 2 of Sect. 3.5, there is no reentrancy vulnerability in them. While in the real detection, ReJection still got the correct result, and Slither had a false positive yet.

Although the examples of smart contracts involved in Table 2 are few, it is noted that they still cover all four types of determination rules proposed in Sect. 3.5. For the above contracts, detection accuracy of Slither is 62.5%, while ReJection ones achieves 100%. ReJection is better than Slither in the detection effect. The main reason may be that ReJection fortifies with prevention conditions when detecting reentrancy vulnerability. Later, it is necessary to expand the number of testing contracts to further verify the detection capability of ReJection.

5 Conclusion

In this paper, we propose the ReJection, a method of smart contract reentrancy vulnerability detection based on abstract syntax tree (AST). By resolving the AST, ReJection uses the proposed redundancy rules to eliminate the nodes that are useless for vulnerability detection. That indirectly improves the efficiency of vulnerability detection. By traversing the reserved nodes in the AST, ReJection analyzes and records key information related to occurrence conditions and prevention conditions of the reentrancy vulnerability. Then, ReJection further detects whether there exists a reentrancy vulnerability generation condition depending on the reentrancy vulnerability determination rules summarized by the author. That improves the accuracy of the reentrancy vulnerability detection. Moreover, ReJection is implemented based on the Slither, which is an existing open source vulnerability detection tool of smart contract. The effectiveness of ReJection has been verified by comparing experimental results between ReJection and Slither.