
19.1 Introduction

The protection of nature and effective use of natural resources are one of the most pressing challenges in the world. In order to protect and use plant biodiversity more efficiently, such issues as the study of various ecosystems, gene bank collections, and revealing of innovative routes to the use of helpful plants, shortly biodiversity conservation and reproduction are relevant in capturing attention (Aliyev et al. 2008; Mayer and Tikka 2006). The Nakhchivan has always been of particular interest for the plant diversity richness, with clear distinctions from both Azerbaijan’s and other Caucasian botanical-geographical regions (Ibadullayeva 2004; Movsumova 1999; Ibrahimov 2005; Öztürk et al. 2018a, b). Being mainly a mountainous country, vegetation cover in the Nakhchivan area is divided into zones (Hajiyеv et al. 2009; Ibrachimov 2007). One of these zones is the Duzdag range, which differs sharply from the soil and vegetation cover and from other places. The Duzdag area is characterized by light-colored (red, grayish, gray-greenish, light-brown, brown), gypsum-rich, clay soils, and these are included in the list of carbonate-sulfate saline soils. Intensive salt layers are spread in the lower layers of the soil, which play a special role in the formation of halophytic plant diversity. Due to inefficient use of the Duzdag lands, which is important for winter grazing, productivity, quality, and capacity of fodder have significantly decreased. There is a need to work out a plan for the restoration of vegetation and soil cover, improvement of pasture productivity, and maintenance of useful fodder species. It is important to record the plant diversity of Duzdag, make phytocenological evaluations of the ecosystems at the population level, and study productivity of pastures and quality of the fodder.

19.2 Physio-geographical Conditions of the Study Area

The Nakhchivan differs from other physical-geographical regions of Azerbaijan by its sharp continental climate. The main factors responsible for such climate in the area are abundant solar energy, complexity in atmospheric circulation, and relief diversity. It should be noted that relief plays a key role in the generation of a modern climate in Nakhchivan, a typical mountainous country. Zangazur and Daralayaz mountains from the east, northeast, and north form borders with the plateaus of Armenia and Iran. The significant distance from the large water basins leads to special climatic conditions in the State. Vertical zonality of almost all physical and geographical elements is observed in the territory. Considering the current relationship between the landscape and climatic zones, the study of the various elements of climate was conducted in accordance with the vertical zonality. There are five climate types in the Nakhchivan area: (1) cold semiarid and steppe climate of dry summers, (2) cold climate of dry and warm summers, (3) dry summers and cool climate, (4) dry summers and cooler climate, and (5) tundras (Babayev 1999).

Cold arid and semiarid climate with dry summers dominates the sloping plains and somewhat low mountainous areas (600–1200 m) along the Araz River. The same condition is observed in the Duzdag lands. Average annual temperature is 10–14 °C, average annual rainfall ranges from less than 300 mm, and the possible evaporation rate is 1200–1400 mm. July is typically the hottest month of the year, with averages reaching 29 °C, January is the coldest month with minus 3–6 °C. The snow cover in the year lasts for 20–40 days.

The second climate type, characteristic for the Duzdag area, is dry and hot. This climate type covers the upper parts of the low mountainous zone and lower parts (1200–1600 m) of the moderate mountainous zone. Average annual temperature is between 8 and 10 °C, average annual rainfall is 300–350 mm, and the possible evaporation rate is 800–1100 mm. July is typically the hottest month of the year, with averages reaching 21–26 °C, and January is the coldest month with minus 5–6 °C. The solar radiation also plays an important role. It is mainly calculated by the number of sunshine hours in the plains and somewhat low mountainous areas of the studied area (average annual values are around 2800 h). It is higher than other regions of Azerbaijan. Annual average sunshine hours observed in the middle mountainous zone of the area (2600 h) is detected only in the plains (the Kura-Aras Lowland, Absheron Peninsula, southeastern Gobustan, Jeyranchol, etc.) and partially low mountainous areas of the country’s territory. In the high mountainous zone, it is about 2600 h. Radiation balance, depending on the period and seasons of the year, is maximum with a value of 44–45 in the plains along the Araz, including the Duzdag area, 35–40 in the middle mountain zone, and 20 kcal/m2 in the highlands. About 50% of annual radiation balance is only for the summer months.

Duzdag region is characterized by light-colored (red, grayish, gray-greenish, light-brown, brown), gypsum-rich clay soils, and these lands are included in the list of carbonate-sulfate saline soils (Zacharov 1939). There a certain amount of gypsum is ongoing on the surface, as well as calcium carbonate accumulation in the process of soil formation and abrasion, which partly emerges from gypsum splitting by the plants. The amount of water-soluble salts in the area has increased in the upper layers relative to the lower layers, and chlorides are completely removed from the upper layers and increasingly observed in the inland.

According to the typological classification and characteristic of the Nakhchivan landscape, it has less splitted sloping plains. Duzdag region belongs to the developed saline soils (Salayev and Aliyev 1991). The northern part of the area is dominated by gray primordial saline soils, and the central and southern parts are fully saline in nature. In the south of the area, salinization is more severe.

Geological and tectonic structure of the Nakhchivan is of great importance in the complexity of the diversity of the landscape. The region covers three primary structures: Sharur-Julfa Anticlinorium, Ordubad Sinclinorium, and Zangezur Anticlinorium. Sharur-Julfa Anticlinorium splits into two secondary anticlinoriums – the Sharur and Julfa – separated by the Nakhchivan pit. Devon, Carbon, Perm, and Triassic sediments are found in the formations of Sharur-Julfa Anticlinorium. In the Nakhchivan pit, the Great Plain, Khock, and Givrag anticlinal folds are noted. These are separated by Duzdag, Taziuchan, and Khinjab sinclinals and are composed of gypsum-saline-terrigenous sediments of the Miocene, mainly involved in the construction of lower mountainous areas (Hajiyev 2009).

Duzdag area is well-known from the early nineteenth century due to its significant deposits of rock and salt. Salt mining area has been explored by geologists since 1830. A total of five stone salt layers have been found, of which only two layers are of industrial importance. These are located in the upper part. The first layer is located between 105 and 178 m below the ground surface, and average thickness of salt is 6 m. The second layer is separated from the first layer by a 6–9-m-thick clay layer, and an average thickness of the salt is 8.6 m. The NaCl content in these deposits is 92.0–98.5%. At present, a sewage sludge with a depth of 100 m and a length of 300 m has been opened, where a sanatorium for the treatment of asthmatic patients has been organized. Salt sprays, which are intensively spread on the bottom of the soil in the slopes of Duzdag, play a special role in the formation of halophytes.

Typical saline soils are visible on the slopes of Duzdag plateau due to the rise of ground water levels and occurrence of salt rocks (Guliyev 2008). Areas exposed to desertification and land degradation have increased from 32% to 41% during the last 30 years. According to 2008 data, more than 10,000 ha of land in these areas are exposed to salinity (Hajiyеv and Malikov 1999).

In Duzdag sloping plains (lowlands, plains, hills, etc.) in various relief forms, salt rocks play a key role in the formation of saline habitats along with salt water rich in salt-soluble solutions. Territories of Duzdag are attributed to a typical saline subtype of largely automorphic genetic type. In areas with salinization, clay coating is formed that is characterized by weak vegetation in these zones. Chemical composition is divided into chloride-sulfate and sulfate-chloride sections. In hot, dry climates, salts quickly dissolve. NaCl does not reach deep layers and collects in the top layer. On top of this soil, the salt content is 3.885–6.857%. Groundwater is at a depth of 10–15 m. Desertification in Azerbaijan, including the Nakhchivan, shows different agroecological balance, degradation of lands, and severe erosion of ecosystems in mountainous areas. From the bio-indicators of the area, there is a great potential for land degradation in the desertification process in the area (Ibadullayeva and Nabiyeva 2012).

The absolute altitudes of the poorly fragmented plains of the Duzdag Gorge are between 850 and 900 m. The plains form river cones in the narrow strip of the southwest part, reaching Araz River 5 km long. Depending on the ecological conditions of the area, the clay-saline rocks in the northern part are gray, primitive gray, saline soils, the brown soils observed in the stony eastern part, in the central and southern parts are brown clayey soils. Wormwood-ephemeral groupings and saline plants are spread on these lands. In Duzdag area, between elevations of 800 and 1200 m among the fragmented mountainous and slopy plains, the pebbles are light gray and gray, and it has light chestnut soils. Wormwood and other plants are widespread on these lands. On the slopes of the Duzdag plateau, at altitudes of 1000–1200 m, intensive fragmented arid-denudation low mountainous relief forms are spread. In these areas, gray and saline soils are more commonly found where wormwood and saline plantations are observed.

19.3 Data Analysis

The floristic, phytoecological, and other data published by Hajiyеv and Malikov (1999), Movsumova (1999), Ibadullayeva (2004), Güvensen et al. (2006), Ibrachimov (2007), Ibrahimov (2005), Aliyev et al. (2008), Hajiyеv et al. (2009), Ghazanfar et al. (2014), Altay and Öztürk (2012), and Öztürk et al. (2008a, b, 2014, 2016, 2017, 2018a, b, c) has been evaluated in this chapter, together with other published records on halophyte diversity.

19.4 Plant Diversity in the Study Area

The total number of vascular plants growing in the study area includes 287 taxa. Two hundred forty-nine are a Dicotyledonous group, 36 belong to the monocotyledonous group. The following families are represented by the largest number of taxa: Chenopodiaceae (43 species, 18%), Asteraceae (34 species, 14.47%), Fabaceae (18 species, 7.66%), Brassicaceae (17 species, 7.23%), Poaceae (16 species, 6.81%), Apiaceae (14 species, 5.96%), and Lamiaceae (11 species, 4.68%). As for the bioecological features of plant cover, there are 32.7% annuals, 3.5% biennials, 49.97% perennial grasses, 1.6% hemi-shrubs, 3.5% dwarf shrubs, 3.8% hemi-shrubs, and 5.3% shrubs in the flora.

An analysis of Duzdag sloping plain flora on the basis of ecological groups mainly, plants with different humidification rates, has been considered, together with season and change of light, heat, and humidity within a day. According to the distribution dynamics on ecological groups of the territorial flora, 172 species are xerophytes (54%). These predominate in the regional flora (Shennikov 1964). There are 26.5% of mesoxerophytes, 11.6% of xeromesophytes, and 7.9% of mesophytes. The geographical analysis was conducted in order to determine the distribution and formation centers of genesis. Genetic origin of species was determined on the basis of geographical elements and the areal types they belong to. There are four species of relict plants in the ancient areal type in the area – Suaeda dendroides, S. salsa, Salsola nodulosa, and Climacoptera crassa. Eight main and 27 transition groups are concentrated in 3 classes (Mediterranian, West Asian, and Central Asian) of xerophillic areal type represented by more species (195 species). Most species are distributed on Atropatene (41 species), Irano-Turanian (21 species), Mediterranean Irano-Turanian (22 species), Iran (21 species), and Western Asia (16 species) groups. Turan group of Turan and Saxaro-Iran class of desert areal type is represented by nine species, Eastern Transcaucasia group with two species, and Saxaro-Iran group with one species. Chenopodium album includes the cosmopolitan areal type, and Kochia laniflora and Petrosimonia brachiata include arid areal type. One of the main dominant species in the plant cover of the area is Artemisia fragrans which includes adventive areal type. Caucasian areal type includes 28 species like Callicephalus nitens, Xeranthemum longepapposum, X. cylindraceum, Centaurea behen, and Achillea tenuifolia. Sisymbrium altissimum species belongs to heath areal type of the region including Pontic-Sarmat, Stipa lessingiana species including Pannon-Sarmat, Phlomis pungens including Eastern Mediterranean-Pontic transition group, Eremopyrum triticeum, Catabrosella humilis, Ceratocarpus arenarius, and Atriplex cana species including Sarmat group.

Boreal areal type is in the second place for the number of its species. It is represented by 42 species in the area. Holarctic areal elements with 15 species occupy the main place in this areal type. Western Palaearctic is represented by six species, Palaearctic by seven species, and European element by five species. The plants of Duzdag area are formed on the xerophyllous elements of Mediterranean from one side and Iran, Turan, and Western Asia from the other side. The local oborogen species are Atropatan and Caucasian elements. Main plant types in the area are semideserts. The second place is mountain xerophytes representing the half of the areal flora. The elements of this plant type play certain role in semideserts and deserts. Desert plants occupy some locality and a small area here. Heath plants are spread over the mountain zones above 1000 m of Duzdag area. The mesophyte formations in the lowlands near the TV tower called Uchtapa of the Duzdag area have Ephedraceae. These are represented by heath plants. Ephedraceae form an association in pure stands or in mixed ones with xerophytic elements. More than half of the 20–25 components are mixed association including mesophytic elements. There are five plant types: desert, semidesert, mountain, xerophytes, and heath in Duzdag territory.

Desert plants in the region are distributed between 917 and 1000 m altitudes. These are distinguished by plants adapted to harsh environments. Main edificators of phytocenoses in desert plants are shrubs, subshrubs (Salsola, Suaeda, etc.), and hemi-shrubs. Desert plants in Duzdag territory basically represent dwarf shrub desert formation class. There are two formation groups here (Salsola dendroides and Suaedactum dendroides). Salsola dendroides formation group is formed by Salsola, and perennial saline plants inside the desert are represented by Salsoleta dendroides and Alsoletum qemmuscens.

Salsoleta dendroides formation: It is the main edifactor of the formation in the perennial subshrub reaching up to 170 cm. It is useful species as a fodder plant. During geobotanical studies Salsoleta dendroides formation was determined to be represented by the association of Salsola dendroides, Ceratocarpus arenarius, and horned ephemeral Salsoleta dendroides which forms the edifactor and domination of ephemerals. There are also Anabasis aphylla, Halimione verrucifera, Atriplex turcomаnica, Suaeda salsa, Petrosimonia glauca, Kochia scoparia, Poa bulbosa, Stipa arabica, Bromus scoparius, Aristida heymannii, Allium atroviolaceum, A. rubellum, and other species in the association. Species composition is very poor, represented by total 20 species. General surface cover of the plant is 25–35%.

Gemmascens dendroides formation: This is the dominant species of formation as dwarf shrub upto 30 m tall, branching from the base. It is a xerophyte plant. Formation in the region is represented by one association – Girgensohnia Gemmascens dendroides, Girgensohnia oppositiflora, and Salsola nodulosa. The dominant and subdominant species are in the composition of the group. Ephemerals, ephemeroids, and sporadic plants are also involved in the formation of the association. Generally, there are 20–30 species inside the groups that, most of them, are ephemerals and ephemeroids (Anisantha tectorum, Tulipa biflora, Gagea bulbifera, Eremopyrum distans, E. triticeum, E. orientale, Bromus scoparius, etc.). The association is represented by a sparse plant. Surface cover of the plant is 30–40%.

Suaedeta dendroides formation group: This formation is represented by Suaedeta dendroides. Main dominant species forming the formation are Suaeda dendroides, which are grayish-green in color, with many branched dwarf shrubs 25–70 cm high. Suaeda plants form groups with ephemerals and ephemeroids in the composition of spring phytocenosis in the winter phytocenosis with Salsola plants, not in pure form. One association within the formation of the area is Suaeda dendroides + Anabasis aphylla + Petrosimonia brachiata + Ephemereta. The floristic composition of the association is formed by a participation of ephemerals and ephemeroids (Tulipa biflora, Gagea bulbifera, Allium species, Eremopyrum orientale, Bromus scoparius, Adonis aestivalis, Sisymbrium altissimum, Alyssum stapfii, Conringia orientalis, Agropyron pectinatum, etc.) except edificators forming the group. The group forms a green cover basically with the participation of ephemerals and ephemeroids in early spring and summer, creating a gloomy background at the expense of sparse saline plant cover toward the end of the summer, in autumn, and in winter. Surface cover of the association has more than 30 species with a cover of 50–60%.

Semidesert plants are spread mainly on foothill zone between 1000 and 1200 m altitude. Wormwood species are found in the form of dwarf shrubs in the formation of semidesert Juniperus foetidissimum + J. polycarpos + J. hemispaerica (various plants, ephemerals, and ephemeroids play the main role in the region). Artemisia fragrans is the dominant species in semidesert plant type in the region. It is possible to find this species in all cenoses. Artemisia fragrans and Salsola plants within the Artemisieta fragransae formation have spread in mixed form with ephemerals and ephemeroids. There are four associations dominated by Artemisia fragrans: Artemisia fragrans + A. vulgaris + Ephemereta, Artemisia fragrans + Petrosimonia brachiata + Climocoptera crassa, Artemisia fragrans + Salsola nodulosa + S. dendroides, Artemisietum – Capparosum association (Fig. 19.1).

Fig. 19.1
figure 1

A general look of some plant communities in the study area

Plant cover consisting of ephemerals and ephemeroids in Artemisia fragrans + A. vulgaris + Ephemereta cenosis in spring months predominated by special cover. Capparis is dominant in the association; Eremopyrum distans, E. triticeum, Anisantha tectorum, Chamaemеlum praecox, Roemeria refracta, Roemeria hybrida, and Adonis aestivalis are subdominants; and Geranium tuberosum, Gagea bulbifera, Iris lycotis, and Allium species are from ephemeroids. Forty-five to 50 plant species are found in this group. General surface cover is 65%.

Artemisia fragrans + Petrosimonia brachiata + Climocoptera crassa association: The association has spread disorderly as an edifactor. Different species of Iris caucasica, Tulipa biflora, Fritillaria gibbosa, and others are found among them. There are 25 species of plants in the association.

Artemisia fragrans + Salsola nodulosa + S. dendroides are mainly formed with edifactor of xerophyte plants. Rare species like Tulipa julia and Tulipa biflora are found in this association, as well as Climocoptera crassa, Halanthium rarifolium, Kalidium caspicum, Anabasis aphylla, Suaeda dendroides, S. altissima, Halostachys belangeriana, Halocnemum strobilaceum, and Ceratocarpus arenarius. The species from Salsola plants are also distributed here. Euphorbia marschalliana, E. falcata, Peganum harmala, Convolvulus arvensis, Hеliоtrоpium еllipticum, Carthamus lanatus, and Tribulus terrestris species are spread disorderly in the association and in mixed form. The composition of association is formed by the participation of more than 50 species.

Capparis herbacea and Artemisia fragrans from Herbacea-Capparis association formed as an edifactor on open phytocenoses spreading away from each other (a few meters away). Cousinia macroptera, Poa bulbosa, P. sinaica, Bothriochloa ischaemum, Fumaria schleicheri, and Stipa species are also found along with Salsola plants among the shrubs. There are more than 20 plant species in the association.

Juniperus foetidissimum + J. polycarpos + J. hemispaerica (various plants) formation is divided into three sections (Herbacea, Callicephaleta nitensae, and Xeranthemumeta cylindraceaes).

Cappareta herbaceae formation in Duzdag area is found as a combined form with Capparis herbacea + Artemisia fragrans + Achillea tenuifolia and Artemisia fragrans + Capparis herbacea + Scorzonera leptophylla associations.

Herbacea shrubs form open cenosis lying on the ground in the Capparosum herbacetum association. There are also Atraphaxis spinosa, Senecio vernalis, Lepidium vesicarium, Onobrychis subacaulis, Koelpinia linearis, Chenopodium album, and Allium dictyoprasum species in this group. The group with Capparis herbacea + Artemisia fragrans + Achillea tenuifolia also includes Artemisia fragrans + Capparis herbacea + Scorzonera leptophylla association: structure of this phytocenosis was formed with the participation of Capparis herbacea and Artemisia fragrans as well as ephemerals and ephemeroids.

Callicephaleta nitensae formation is divided into Callicephalus nitens (Fig. 19.1), Callicephalus nitens + Achillea tenuifolia + Astragalus falcatus (Fig. 19.1), Callicephalus nitens + Salvia limbata, Callicephalus nitens + Szovitsia callicarpa + Camphorosma lessingi, and Callicephalus nitens + Salvia limbata + Atriplex turcomanica + A. tatarica associations. General surface cover of groups has participation of 30–50 plant species with 60–70%. Structures of Callicephalus nitens + Achillea tenuifolia + Astragalus falcatus, except Callicephalus nitens species, are distinguished by bright yellow flowers as an edificator. There are also Achillea tenuifolia and Astragalus falcatus species observed as second-degree companions, as well as Chenopodium, Atriplex, Capparis, Carthamus, Cеntaurеa, and Cephalaria species dominant in the group.

Other associations are formed by primary or secondary participation of Salvia limbata, Szovitsia callicarpa, Camphorosma lessingi, Atriplex turcomanica, and A. tatarica species. There are also Sisymbrium altissimum, S. septulatum, Cоnringia orientalis, Campyloptera carnea, Centaurea behen, Astragalus commixtus, A. falcatus, and Alhagi persarum species in these groups.

In the Xeranthemumeta cylindraceaes formation, the structure of this phytocenosis is divided into Xeranthemum cylindraceae + Onopordum acanthium, Xeranthemum cylindraceae + Alhagi pseudalhagi + Onopordum acanthium, and Xeranthemum cylindraceae + Salvia limbata + Cousinia macroptrea associations.

Xeranthemumeta species are one of the most commonly encountered species in the region, but its mixed cenosis with other flowers are not in pure form. There are also Allium rubellum, A. materculae, A. persarum, Alhagi pseudalhagi, Carthamus lanatus, and C. oxyacanthus. The species except for Onopordum acanthium, Alhagi pseudalhagi, Cousinia macroptrea, Salvia limbata, and Onopordum acanthium (Fig. 19.1) form the structure of these groups as an edificator by the domination of Xeranthemum cylindraceae species.

Petrosimonieta brachiatae formation includes Petrosimonia brachiata + Atriplex turcomanica and Petrosimonia brachiata + Climacoptera crassa + Seidlitzia florida + Gamantus pilosus associations found in the region. Twenty types of plants are found in the phytocenosis, and most of them are Salsola plants.

Gamma plant types are spread between 1000 and 1100 m altitudes in the region. Desert and friganoid elements are found in gamma plant. Unlike phytocenosis of semideserts, there is a phytolandscape formed by dwarf shrubs in the composition of this plant. Taking into account the instability of the plant cover in the region, there are clear differences in the structure of plant groups depending on sloping of mountain downhills as well as land structure.

One formation class, two formation groups, and four associations are present in the formation of gamma plant. Acantholimon quinquelobum, Halothamnus glaucus, Amblyopogon xanthocephalus, and Leontice minor are dominant species here.

Pillowy shrubs in gamma plant formation group are divided into Acantholimoneta quinquelobae and Amblyopogoneta xanthocephalae formations. Pillowy groups form the edifactor of dwarf shrub Acantholimon quinquelobum in Acantholimon quinquelobum + Artemisia fragrans (Fig. 19.1) association; the Capparis species is a subdominant species found here.

Amblyopogon xanthocephalus + Artemisia fragrans + Leontice minor association is a pillowy group spread on stone-gravel mountain foothills. Surface cover of the group main characterization poor floristic structure, that forms half-open cenosis by organizing 35–40%.

Ephemeral formation group is represented by Iriseta lycotae and Fritillarieta gibbosae formation. Iriseta lycotae is found in Duzdag area as a rare species spread in the desert and semidesert cenosis. Small location (Iris lycotis + Tulipa biflora + Bieberstenia multifida association) is formed by the species domination within Iriseta lycotae formation in qammada plant. Structure of phytocenosis formed with the priority of ephemeroids includes Iris lycotis, Tulipa biflora, Bieberstenia multifida, Iris caucasica, Spinacia tetrandra, Geranium tuberosum, Matricaria recutita, and Artemisia vulgaris. Structure of the group is very poor with 15–20 species.

In Fritillaria gibbosa + Iris lycotis + Bellevalia zygomorpha association within the Fritillarieta gibbosae formation, Iris caucasica, Bellevalia montana, Leontice minor, Scabiosa rotata, Bromus scoparius, Koelpinia linearis, Senecio vernalis, and Ziziphora tenuior species form ephemeroids spread in the structure of phytocenosis.

Mountainous zone in Nakhchivan forms an independent mountainous halophytic plant zone with mixed transition type of Capparis semidesert. Halophytic plants are organized from the open cenosis growing away from each other in vegetation period. These cenoses are formed among the halophytic formations consisting of drought-resistant, thorny shrubs, semishrubs, and perennial grasses which are usally spread on dry, stony slopes.

Mountain xerophyte (phryganon) plants have zonal characters and are spread between 1100 and 1200 m altitudes in the region. Perennial grasses and shrubs are on dry, stony, weakly developed soil-coated friganoids of the region and form 2 formation classes, 3 formation groups, 8 formations, and 12 associations. Zygophyllum fabago, Amblyopogon xanthocephalus, Hedysarum formosum, Stachys fruticulosa, and Astragalus are seen as main species formed in this type. Except dominants mentioned in all variants of groups, Euphorbia, Achillea, and Cousinia species are widespread.

In frignoid plant, the Fabago-falcatae formation group is represented by two formations, Zygophylleta fabago and Astragaleta falcatae.

In Zygophylleta fabago formations, Zygophylleta fabago species is an edifactor forming the Reanmuria-spinosa-fabago association together with usual fabago species Reaumuria persica and Atraphaxis spinosa in the structure of frignoid plant. Zygophyllum atriplicoides, Thymus kotschyanus, Caragana grandiflora, and Atraphaxis angustifolia species are found in the structure of phytocenosis. General cover is 35–50%.

Astragaleta falcatae formation is formed with Astragalus falcatus domination divided into Astragalus falcatus + Festuca sclerophylla and Astragalus falcatus + Acantholimon karelinii associations. Crambe armena, Ferula oopoda, Prangos ferulaceae, Salvia limbata, Camphorsma lessingi, Caragana grandifolia, Kochia prostrata, Atraphaxis spinosa, and other species are spread in the cenosis. Caloplaca cerina, Candelariella aurella, Fulgensia fulgens, Funaria convexa, Campylium chrysophyllum, and Lecidea subconcava covers are found in the group.

Salvieta, Thymus kotschyanus, and Stachyeta inflatae formations are combined in the plant formation group with bushy-grainy features.

Salvieta formation is formed with the domination of Salvieta species divided into pure sagy and Salvia associations in the region. Salvia limbata, S. hydrangea, Bothriochloa ischaemum, Stipa caucasica, Dracоcеphаlum bоtryоidеs, Veronica microcarpa, Bungеа trifidа, Lappula patula, Cynаnchum аcutum, and other species are spread in the Juniperus foetidissimum + J. polycarpos + J. hemispaerica.

Thymeta kotschyanus formation forms the Thymus kotschyanus + Stipa capillata and Thymus collinus + Astragalus falcatus + Acantholimon karelinii associations on stony-gravelly mountain foothills. Stipa, Thymus, Astragalus, Achillea, and Allium species are found in the composition of rare plant-covered phytocenoses. The primitive plants (Psora decipiens, Cladonia turgida, C. rangiformis, and C. pleurota) form the sublayer of the group.

Stachyeta inflatae is represented by Stachys inflata + Thymus collinus + Th. kotschyanus + Acantholimon karelinii and Stachys inflata + Capparis herbacea associations.

Woody forms and perennial grass formation group are divided into three formations – Euphorbieta marschallianae, Eryngieta billardieri, and Prangoeta ferulaceae.

Euphorbieta marschallianae formation in the friganoid plant domination of Euphorbieta marschallianae group is spread in small area, together with Euphorbia falcata. Euphorbieta marschallianae is one of the rare species spread in the region found in the semidesert phytocenoses.

Eryngieta billardieri is represented by Eryngium billardieri + Phlomis pungens + Herbosa association. Except the dominant and subdominant species, Scorzonera papposa, S. leptophylla, Catabrosella humilis, Poa sinaica, Matthiola boisseri, and other species are found in Eryngium billardieri + Phlomis pungens + Herbosa.

Prangos ferulacea + P. acaulis + Dorema glabra association develops within the Prangoeta ferulaceae formation. Small groups with Prangos acaulis and Dorema glabra species as edificators are formed on the sloping mountain foothills.

Heath plants in Duzdag area are found above 1000 m. Salsola plants are found here in two formation classes, four formation groups, four formations, and ten associations. Perennial halophyte plants include Anabasis aphylla, Atraphaxis angustifolia, Kochia prostrata, Gamanthus pilosus, and Salicornia europaea. Others are found separately or together with Salsola plants. Campylium chrysophyllum, Polytrichum commune, and other species are separately found around the heath mountain foothills with poor plant cover.

In Stipa formation group, Stipa cappilata constitutes 60% of the cover as pure or spreading form mixed with different grasses with a domination of hairy Stipa. Teucrium polium, Agropyron pectinatum, Atraphaxis spinosa, Stipa capillata, S. lessingiana, Stachys atherocalyx, Thymus kotschyanus, Kochia prostrata, Verbascum pyramidatum, Allium, Achillea, Lappula, and Helichrysum species are found here. These areas are also used as a winter pasture.

Allochruseta versicolorae formation is represented by Allochrusa versicolor and Allochrusa versicolor + Xeranthemum squarrosa associations, found in Allochrusa versicolor formation (Fig. 19.1). Carthamus lanatus and C. oxyacanthus types and Artemisia, Achillea, Allium, Verbascum, and Xeranthemum species are more spread in the group. Surface cover of phytocenosis is 60–70%. Garig-type heath formation class is divided into Atraphaxeta spinosae and Ephedreta formation groups.

Atraphaxeta spinosae formation group is represented by Atraphaxeta spinosae formation consisting of Atraphaxis spinosa and Atraphaxis spinosa + Caragana grandiflora associations.

Ephedra aurantica + E. procera is defined in Ephedreta auranticae formation within the Ephedreta formation group (Fig. 19.1).

Generally, as a result of geobotanical studies in Duzdag area, 5 plant types have been defined with a participation of 7 formation classes, 13 formation groups, 24 formations, 46 associations: desert, semidesert, gamma, mountain xerophytes, and heath. Two formation groups: Zygophylleta-falcatae, Allochruseta; three formations: Allochruseta versicolorae, Xeranthemumeta cylindraceaes, Salvieta; and eight associations: Salvia limbata-Callicephalus nitens, Xeranthemum cylindraceae + Onopordum acanthium, Xeranthemum cylindraceae + Alhagi pseudalhagi + Onopordum acanthium, Xeranthemum cylindraceae + Salvia limbata + Cousinia macroptrea, Camphorosma lessingi-Salvia limbata, Salvietum, Allochrusetum versicolorae, Allochrusa versicolor + Xeranthemum squarrosa are recorded from the region by us for the first time.

19.5 Fodder Evaluation

Ephemerous and ephemeroid formations are the main elements in the summer season in the rugged vegetation. These plants are not found in the spring season, also in desert and semideserts, as well as mountain xerophytes, frigate, and steppe vegetation. Pastures observed on the low-sloping slopes with gray brown soils. The fodder crops form the main component of both desert and semidesert cover, as well as mountain xerophyte and steppe vegetation. The average annual productivity in rich cenosis Suaeda dendroides + Anabasis aphylla + Petrosimonia brachiata + Ephemereta, Artemisia fragrans + A.vulgaris + Ephemereta, Stipetum, were studied according to dry mass.

The main dominant ephemerals and ephemeroids in Duzdag area are Anisantha tectorum, Tulipa biflora, Gagea bulbifera, Eremopyrum distans, E. triticeum, E. orientale, Sisymbrium altissimum, Agropyron pectinatum, Bromus scoparius, and Allium species. Associations are represented by a sparse vegetation. Ephemerals and ephemeroids play an important role in the summer pastures. Stipa arabica, S. caucasica, S. holosericea, S. lessingiana, Bothriochloa ischaemum (Poaceae), Alhagi persarum, and A. pseudalhagi (Fabaceae) associations play a dominant role. Nearly 34 species of fodder crops, including grains, legumes, and cereals, are also spread in the area. Wormwood, scratch, and watercress are used as a partial or whole feed by animals throughout the year.

The composition of wormwood, salinity, and other formations were analyzed for winter grazing. In the semidesert herbage, the highest rate of differentiation of productivity was observed in the autumn seasons in the diversion-shaped class of flavors developing in the same area. Overall productivity of the formulation was 10.63 s/h. in dry mass (with a coefficient of 1.3–1.6). The productivity of selected wormwood-hawthorn, hawthorn-wormwood, and brown-brown-wormwood associations has been identified within these groups. As a result of our studies on the biochemical composition, productivity, and feed reserve of the vegetation cover areas, the capacity of the pastures was determined. The area of the pastures was calculated as total phytocenosis capacity for 375 small cattle and 128 big cattle and winter grazing capacity for 244 small cattle and 81 big cattle.

19.6 Status of Some Populations as Herbal Drugs

Populations of Capparis herbacea, Salvia limbata, and Daucus carota species are spread throughout the main phytocenological complexes of natural plants and are used for medicinal purposes. Eco-phytocenosis characteristics and ontogenetic properties of each selected species were compiled, and ontogenetic spectrum was studied together with investigating the dynamics of annual productivity by evaluating the status of cenopopulations.

The underground part of the wild carrot Daucus carota is raw material for pharmacoseptic processing. Drugs from seeds of wild carrot are used in the treatment of kidney stones diseases, kidney colitis pains, in spasms of the heart (Medicinal plants and their using 1976).

Daucarin extract is spasmolytically effective found in the seeds. Plant brew is used in jaundice, heart attacks, and liver diseases, and root is used in gastritis. Boiled water of the plant is used for bathing children (Nikolaeva 1964). The productivity of the wild carrot in Duzdag area was studied in younger types of first population (Table 19.1). Underground and surface phytomass was calculated at different age periods (Fig. 19.2). It was found that productivity of the species is high in the selected population, according to surface and underground phytomass.

Table 19.1 Daucus carota mass on the basis of age (dry weight, gr)
Fig. 19.2
figure 2

Reserves of Daucus carota (dry weight, kg/ha). (1) Aboveground mass, (2) underground mass

Capparis herbacea is a perennial, semi-aromatic plant, both a medicinal and a valuable wild food plant. Flower buds are used as spice if marinated. In many regions like Caucasus and Dagestan, the local population collects young trees, fruits, and buds for marination. In Turkey only fruits are collected and marinated. In some regions it is harvested for winter, and seeds are also used (Report of working group on medicinal and aromatic plant 2007). The red food color is derived from its fruits. It has 18% protein and 30% fat (Hong-Yen et al. 1982). It is more commonly used in herbal medicine for spleen illnesses. The studied species grows on gray soils, on clay-gravel-salt plains, on the slopes of low mountains, mainly in the steppe, on grassland, and on semidesert vegetation (Table 19.2).

Table 19.2 Phytocenological structure of Capparis herbacea

The buds and fruits are very important. However, full-grown fruits are important for medicinal purposes. Abundance in budding and fruiting and full maturation phase in the third population have been studied. The productivity is 310.1 ha/kg, while the adult fruits are 421.1 ha/kg (with age).

Salvia limbata is more interesting as medicinal and essential oil plant. The spasmolytic, bacteriostatic, chill, and anti-inflammatory effects of the plant are due to its flavonoids, organic acids, terpenoids, and other biologically active substances (Ogutcu et al. 2008). The results of the study of phytocenological structure of S. limbata species is shown in Table 19.3.

Table 19.3 Phytocenological structure of S. limbata in different populations

An analysis of phytocenological structure of S. limbata species in various populations shows that it is one of the elements of the steppe, grass, semidesert, and mountain xerophyte communities, which are included in the xerophytic ecological group. The surface area of the plant is important as a herbaceous plant; ontogenesis in the g1, g2, and g3 phases has been studied (Table 19.4). In g1, g2, and g3 phases of ontogenesis, high productivity was achieved in the sixth population (94.303–101.979 ha/kg), and in the 1, 8, and 9, the productivity was weak (13.158–44.958 ha/kg). Some years back (462.849 ha/kg) biological reserves of the plant were very high (411.624 ha/kg).

Table 19.4 Reserves of S. limbata in different years (wet weight, ha/kg)

19.7 Conclusions

The Arazboyu plains of Nakhchivan include the slopes of Duzdag. This is subjected to desertification. The developmental peculiarities, modern status, criteria, and determination of ways to prevent desertification are regularly investigated (Nabiyeva and Ibadullayeva 2012). The studies have revealed that for solving problems, one of the key indicators in low and middle mountain slopes of Duzdag sloping plain is specific areas with synodial manifestation conditions. The structure of plants, vegetation regime, development, and other factors of plant cover should be taken into account for combating desertification. Basically, in desertification areas it is necessary to explore the ecological changes (monitoring), determine the intensity of desertification, and prepare a control measure. To solve the problem, first of all, it is necessary to identify natural and anthropogenic factors of desertification, justify their ecological reasons, the current situation, prediction, and diagnosis of desertification in different ecosystems.

Xerophytes are the main elements of the area’s vegetation. It has helped to maintain the floral cover in this area. However, as a result of extreme exploitation, collapse of the soil cover, destruction of natural plants, and overgrazing by cattle pasturing, it has ended up with poor productivity areas, deterioration of hydrological systems, and recirculation of the soil due to drainage irrigation leading to desertification. In the Duzdag area, especially around salt mines, the surroundings are complex, and currently, a hotel is operating it. There is an increased tendency to organize recycling of irrigation. Plants are cultivated here for greenery, but their life is shorter, and these plants dry up quickly.

Factors causing desertification in the slopes of the Duzdag can be grouped as follows: destruction of vegetation and the soil covering as a result of the construction of communals and irrigation, degradation of indigenous vegetation as a result of excessive pasturing, repeated salinization in the case of dryland agriculture, increase of shrub, and salinity in mountainous plains and uninhabited sediments, primarily in the field of mining and ventilation in the mining zone and the variability in climate factors. Every single step of the evolutionary process is characterized by the speed and effectiveness of its consequences, and consequently, it can cause great difficulty. The area of winter pasturing in Duzdag sloping plain has dropped more than half due to several human impacts.

In Duzdag flora, the species of Chenopodiaceae, Asteraceae, Fabaceae, Brassicaceae, Poaceae, Apiaceae, and Lamiaceae dominate the area. Ecobiomorphological analysis has shown that phytocenosis, which has been created by the advantage of ecosystems with salinity and drought-resistant Xerophytes (172 species), is spread in the desert, semidesert, gamma, mountain xerophyte, and steppe plants. Populations of species of Daucus carota, Capparis herbacea, and Salvia limbata form useful vegetation in the region. These have been evaluated, and reserves have been calculated. The areas of weeding have been calculated, and ephemerochemical groupings of summer associations (total phytocenosis capacity – 375 small cattles, 128 big cattle) and phytocoenosis such as winter grazing (capacity of 244 small cattle, 81 big cattle) have been attributed to a good-quality group.