
As a necessary and important means of the psychological research, psychological test is valued by more and more people [1]. Through the psychological science method and means, psychological test focus on the psychological characteristics reflected in the people’s activity, giving reference, quantitative analysis and corresponding guidance, which is based on the relative principles. Since the psychological test pioneer, British biologist and psychologists Galton, Psychological test have been in a constant development and progress. Until now, it has played a guiding and objective role in talents selecting, post office and mental health education. The army is a special group because of its high stress in management, urgent time schedule, heavy tasks and great psychological pressure, which make it more urgent for soldiers to take the psychological test [2]. With the development of these years, the psychological test in our army made gratifying achievements under the enormous demand. Personality test is an important content of psychological test, and here I will research application status and problems of the psychological personality test in our army, comparing with the foreign study. Then analyze and explore on these questions and put forward my personal points.

1 The Application Overview of Psychological Personality Test in Our Army

Now, psychological problems also has been increasing gradually. Our army advocate putting people first, paying attention to the training and use of people, carrying forward humanistic spirit, and keeping close to the mental health of soldiers, which give rise to the sound development of our psychological test.

1.1 Preliminary Establish the Psychological Selection System of Soldier

To promote our army transform from the mechanization to informatization, the most fundamental and urgent way is to improve the quality of officers and soldiers, including the psychological quality. The good psychological quality is one of the most important aspects of the battle effectiveness, and is the necessary quality to transforming soldier in the new development stage of the new century. Since the 1980s, our leaders have encouraged scientific research institutes to establish a set of military psychological selection standard in order to improve the scientific level of soldier selecting and appointment [3]. Our army have preliminary established psychological selection system of military, which made the re-inspection qualified rate of our recruits jumped to 99%. What’s more, it makes psychological quality test results become a part of the comprehensive evaluation, and a factor of talent selection and appointment for the officers and soldiers.

1.2 The General Use of the International Mainstream Inventory

Psychology has been developed for more than a century since the nineteenth century. During these time, there appeared many masters of psychology and the corresponding psychological theory and works, as well as different kinds of the psychological test. Through the practice and the selection, there comes out some psychological test, being the international general inventory.

1.2.1 The Cattell’s 16 Personality Factor

16PF, called the Cattell’s 16 personality factor, is one of the most perfect psychological test tool in the world. The scale is founded by professor Cattell, based on his 16 kinds of personality theory. Because of its good reliability and validity and result, this scale is admired throughout the world. Now the scale has developed into five versions: A, B, C, D, E. Among them, A and B version are the completed version, including 187 projects; C and D are the parted version, each including 106 projects; E version is adjusted to the starters, who have a low level of culture, including 128 projects. At present, the applicant in this aspect of our country is the Chinese version and the normal model of Liao Ning Province revised in 1981 by S. Li of the Liao Ning Province Training section. As for our army, there are also some regions using the Chinese soldier normal model formulated in 2007 by G. Yang of the Third Military Medical University.

1.2.2 The Evaluation Questionnaire of the Cattell’s 16 Personality Factor

The 15FQ+ firstly published by the British PSYTECH international Ltd is similar to the16PF, both of which are based on the theory of professor carter’s 16 personality factors. The main difference between 15FQ+ and 16PF is that the latter takes the “intelligent” intelligence factors as one of 16 basic personality traits in questionnaire. The former consider that there should be time limit in the standard intelligence tests, otherwise the result would not be accurate. Contrary, the 16PF test doesn’t have time limit, so it is changed to “metacognitive personality variables”, namely the individual mastery of their intelligence and trust degree, called “intellectual assessment”. In 2015, Z. Yang of the Fourth Military Medical University take it as his master’s research, carrying out a deeply upgraded research based on the previous effort.

1.2.3 Eysenck’s Personality Questionnaire

The questionnaire is designed by the British psychologist, H.J Eysenck, based on his theory of the personality dimensions and is a self-report questionnaire. Because of its high reliability and validity, it received a high praise in the world from its establishment in 1975, and at present it becomes one of the most widely used questionnaire in the area of judiciary, medicine, education, and counseling. Meanwhile Eysenck professor also constantly improve and upgrade it, and in 1985 complete the adult version of the revised Eysenck’s personality questionnaire scale (EPQ-RS).

1.3 The Professional Psychological Workers in the Service of Grassroots Increase Gradually

At present a lot of military colleges and universities have opened the professional courses such as soldier’s psychology, soldier’s psychological counseling, soldiers psychological services. And many universities, including the Fourth Military Medical University, have a lot of psychology graduated students or even doctoral students. Usually they undertake the responsibility of cultivating psychological service personnel at the grass-roots level. In addition, we also actively communicate with the civilian, and invite the psychological experts and professors to guide, and ask civil professional institutions help to implement psychological test. Besides, our army also organize the backbone to study in civil professional institution. In this way, our army colleges cultivate more professional talents and master more resources to communicate with civil.

2 The Application Problems of Psychological Test in Our Military System

The integrated construction of psychological test system in our army has experienced great changes and has initially formed the relevant institutional mechanisms.

2.1 The System Is not Complete, Lack of Supporting Facilities

Our psychological test and file based system development imbalance, construction is not comprehensive. For pilots, ping jockey, drivers, other special post personnel test and archives management are relatively mature, but for other creatures as well as military officers is still in the exploratory stage, the relevant system construction is not perfect. In U.S. military, for example, in “the classification of the military professional” according to the behavior characteristics of the army divide into 276 jobs [4], every job has set specific psychological requirements. Equipped with advanced psychological evaluation electronic platform, established the perfect soldier psychological archives. Implements the psychological test for the development of the officers and soldiers. And our psychological test results comparing with the post title, post didn’t establish correct contact and leaves a psychological test as the skeleton, formalism. Second psychological test related supporting facilities is not complete, no computer unit can only use print, no software unit has a computer, a software unit has no professional operation, even if have a professional operation, psychological files establish dragged on, update slowly. And the test results are on the shelf, as no basis, did not play its proper role.

2.2 Psychological Research is Insufficient, the Inefficiency of Test

At present, psychological test in current research level and scale is relatively lack, the existing number of psychological tests available, the category is not complete, and the lack of originality and aboriginality, more copy and improvement on other countries’ scholars research results, the lack of internationally renowned psychology, famous psychologists. On average every 130,000 people in China have a psychology researchers “for imbalances in” is more awkward, for our army situation is more worse, China’s five major psychology department no one in our colleges and universities, and even if a unit or organization is studied, the results of the study will not be immediately applied to the troops. As a result, our troops today even with conditions of psychological test forces use test version of questionnaire was at least ten years ago, the fruits of the reform and opening in China shocked the world, the change of the domestic, natural psychological change is huge, and so the test can’t meet the requirements of due.

2.3 Aimed at the Lack of Test Characteristics of Soldier

In the case of 16PF including our army in our country now is being used in 1981 revised edition. This version is based on the national people’s revised for measuring object, norm is established for Liao Ning province people’s sampling [5]. But the truth is, no matter the frontier, island, plateau, south, north, west, our country territory is broad, how can the result of only one province on behalf of the nation, moreover, in addition to the region, and in the same area in different units, different positions, different responsibilities of psychological characteristics is different. Our army for this “a medicine to cure all ills” needs to develop diverse “drug” to “suit the remedy to the case”. In addition, our army in psychological research has focused on the civilian, including college students, civil servants, employees, etc., but for a specific group of soldier special research is not enough, so the questionnaire of military feature is not clear, lack of pertinence.

3 Some Suggestions for the Practical Application of Psychological Test of Our Army

3.1 Consummating the Psychological Selection of Military System

According to the current development and the situation of the military psychological selection system now use effect, improve the military psychological selection system plays an important role in the optimization of the combat effectiveness of the armed forces division and enhance of fighting capacity. I think we should do this for improving the psychological selection of military system.

3.1.1 Optimization of Selection Methods to Ensure the Measurement Science

Psychological results on the basis of psychological test is the beginning of the psychological selection of military system and foundation, decided the following implementation process. So must be scientific, careful and accurate. Requires each scientific research unit, institute to study earnestly, careful summary, took out a set of suitable for China’s national conditions, the condition of the people, its scientific selection method.

3.1.2 Determine the Selection Standard, Reasonable Sorting

The psychological selection system of U.S. military in the army according to the behavior characteristic has carried on the careful classification for the professional positions, which is divided into 276 jobs, and psychological selection have clear standards in each position. We should learn from American practice, and all the four armed services, including a number of units. Each has different tasks, features, and different psychological characteristics. So we need to have a detailed analysis of each position, and strict classification, and serious conclusion, and lay down appropriate psychological selection criteria for different positions.

3.1.3 Clear the Selection System, Achieves “Follow Law”

Based on the above, the military psychological selection system must be in our army’s official rules, and even doctrine regulation. Must let the system to implement in the army to make psychological test work earnestly and be institutionalized.

3.2 Optimization of Cooperation and Exchange System

Our psychological test has two important defects now. First, psychological test scale of old, poor adaptability, and test effect is poor; Second, psychological archives management is” fighting the enemy separately”, the lack of sharing, consistency and continuity. To solve these two problems have to strengthen the cooperation and communication [6]. First of all to improve scale, should strengthen the communication among authoritative research unit and research units at the grass-roots level and grassroots units. Authoritative research unit that can improve existent scale is less, but each basic unit is complex, and has different characteristics, for different units need to be improved accordingly, so the scale improved workload is so big that it’s not feasible to depend on a handful of authority unit, and we need to communicate actively with grassroots research unit. In addition, it is necessary to strengthen the communication between the basic research units and the grassroots units, especially the communication between professional psychology workers and basic unit of psychological backbone. In this way can help the research unit at the grass-roots level grasp the need and the feature of the grassroots units, and then do concrete operation. Besides we need record the usage of the grassroots units and communicate with authority and form the feedback mechanism of psychological research. So that can we form a closed loop of study.

3.3 Complete Professionals Gap

3.3.1 Widen the Talent Cultivate Path

According to the goal of psychological service talented person troop construction, we must stick to the civil-military integration and open channels, and take many kinds of ways and measures to make full use of various advantageous resources, optimizing cultivation, and strive to build the psychological service personnel training pattern, combined with forces training, military and local introduction of complementary. Military colleges should play a master role in talent training. Also, it must complete task of talent training according to concrete training, teaching, and teachers of different type of military colleges and the different needs of psychological services; each unit should make good use of the unit’s psychological service human resources, and also use the professional strength of other units through the way of explaining and giving a lesson by professional psychologist or psychiatrist for satisfactory completion of psychological backbones in basic unit; With the help of social forces, it’s a powerful measure to increase the introduction of local professionals for strengthening the construction of military psychological service personnel. Through the civil-military integration mechanism at all levels and social forces to aid, to do a good job of the introduction of local professionals.

3.3.2 To Perfect Management and Use

People is the basis of all activities, but must not only quantity over quality, for personnel management and use must be regular and orderly. First of all, through the personnel qualification, increase the degree of talent specialization; Secondly, by the clear responsibility, ensure all kinds of people do their own job; Finally, take incentive measures to improve the efficient use of talent management. Our psychology talents team will be a normal and orderly, capable team, and play the proper even extraordinary effect.

4 Conclusion

According to the report, the most important factor in the war is the soldiers, which attaches great significance to psychological test. The psychological test system still has many problems, but there is no denying that the construction of psychological system of our country has underwent considerable development, including the medical field, education, business, organization department and the justice department. I am sure that with the quick development of the psychological test, the construction of psychological test of military system will achieve a higher level and benefits the military officers and soldiers as soon as possible.