
1 Introduction

MANET (Mobile Ad hoc Networks) contains self organized mobile nodes without any infrastructure having dynamic topology. In MANET, Nodes can join and leave network anytime [1]. Nodes in the network can act as host or router. Nodes can route packet to help other nodes, thereby forming a network. Due to its simplicity and flexibility, MANETs are suitable for various applications such as emergency rescue operations, battlefield communication and vehicular communication. Lack of centralized management, dynamic topology and limited resources, make MANETs more vulnerable to various security issues than wired networks.

For routing in MANET various Protocols are used which control the way of packet transfer between source and destination [3]. Proactive, active and hybrid are three categories of protocol. In proactive, Routing tables are maintained for communication in the network. Continuously updating routing tables increases route availability but creates network overhead. Destination Sequenced Distance Vector (DSDV) is an example of Proactive Protocol [11]. Reactive protocol uses on demand route discovery process to calculate routes in the network which causes delays in the network. Dynamic Source Routing (DSR) and Ad hoc on demand Distance Vector (AODV) is an example of reactive protocol [10]. Hybrid protocol combines both reactive and proactive protocols to exploit efficient communication in the network. Zone Routing Protocol (ZRP) is an example of this routing protocol [12].

Passive and Active attacks are two categories of attacks in MANET. In Passive attacks, attacker gets the information from the network without doing any alteration [2]. Eaves dropping, traffic control and monitoring are examples of Passive attacks. Active attack disrupted normal functioning of network by altering or destroying data. Black hole and worm hole are active attacks. In this paper, we tackle black hole attacks in AODV routing protocol. In black hole attack, malicious node falsely claiming shortest path to destination by replying to every route request and then drops every packet coming to it [4].

Figure 1 illustrates working of black hole attack in MANET. Black Hole node B falsely reply with Fake RREP claiming fresh route to the D (Destination Node) and node S (Source) starts sending data to node B. B (Black hole node) starts dropping all the packets.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Black hole attack

The rest of the paper is organized as: Sect. 2 describes related work. Section 3 presents the proposed method and results are discussed in Sect. 4. Finally, conclusion and discussion is in Sect. 5.

2 Related Work

A number of works have been done to tackle black hole attacks in MANET. This section discusses some of these works.

In [5], network is divided into clusters and the trust value calculated between the nodes by their interaction behaviour. A secret key is distributed among various nodes by cluster heads to provide secure communication, only the nodes which know the key can decrypt the message. Another method is proposed by [6] in which TimerExpiredTable and CRRT (Collect Route Reply Table) are used. After the expired time all the entries in the CRRT table are checked. The RREP in which there is repeated next hop nodes are selected. It assumes that the path is correct. This Method is good only in those cases when more RREP packets arrive at source node to select a secure path. The limitation of this solution is that sometimes a secure and the shortest path gets eliminated at source.

Promiscuous mode is used to mitigate black hole and the alert of malicious node is generated in the solution discussed in [7]. In this method, after receiving RREP reply from an intermediate node, a node preceding the intermediate node switch on its promiscuous mode and sends a “hello” packet to the destination node using this node. If the destination receives the hello message from this node, then node and the route are safe to use. This method gives better results as database and extra memory is not required but have more average end-end delay than the normal AODV.

Secured and efficient protocol SAODV is implemented by [8]. In SAODV routing protocol destination is directly verified using the random numbers. SAODV can prevent black hole attack efficiently. But this protocol adds some burden to the network such as extra memory and calculations in route discovery phase. Another method detects the black hole in AODV and finds a safe route using wait and then checks the replies coming from the nodes [9]. The route is selected based on repliers of RREP. The activities of a node are noted by its neighbor nodes and send their opinion to the source node. After collecting all the opinions, a source node decides whether there is a Black hole node or not. The proposed method provides better performance but overhead is involved.

3 Proposed Method

In Proposed Method, network is divided into cluster form which contains mobile nodes, cluster heads and mobile Trust points.

3.1 Mobile Nodes

Nodes are free to move and can participate in communication with each other and cluster head.

3.2 Cluster Head

When the mobile node wants to communicate with any other node not within its range, it will send data packets using cluster head.

3.3 Mobile Trust Points

These are used to check the activities of cluster head and do communication with cluster heads after some time to detect whether cluster heads are Black hole or not.

4 Simulation Results

The simulations are performed using ns-2. A flat plane of 1000 × 1000 m is used where nodes are placed. The Two Ray Ground model is used for radio propagation. Nodes mobilize at random speed which is 10 m/s. For Media Access Control protocol 802.11 is used. Each node has 250 m communication range. There are total 100 mobile nodes with 10 cluster heads and 10 mobile trust points. The number of malicious nodes is between 5, 10, 15 and 20 respectively.

Various parameters considered are packet delivery ratio (PDR), end to end delay, average throughput and detection rate. Detection rate is number of Black Bole node detected to total number of black hole nodes.

Figure 2 shows the comparison of packet delivery ratio and malicious nodes. Proposed method is showing better packet delivery ratio after detection of Black Hole attack. By calculating results of packet delivery ratio under 5, 10, 15, 20 Black Hole nodes, packet delivery ratio remains consistent even after increasing number of Black Hole nodes. It shows the consistency of proposed technique.

Fig. 2.
figure 2

Packet delivery ratio

Next performance metrics is average end to end delay. Figure 3 showing significant delay occurs during communication under black hole in AODV. Under normal AODV delay is lesser and after applying the proposed method delay is almost similar to normal AODV. Results are clearly showing that proposed algorithm gives good result after detection of black hole attack.

Fig. 3.
figure 3

Average end to end delay

Results in Fig. 4 are showing a good detection rate of black hole nodes. When detection rate calculated for 5 black hole nodes, all of them are detected using proposed method. Even after taking the number of black hole nodes as 10, 15 and 20, detection rate is almost 90%, which in itself shows how well this method is efficient to detect black hole nodes.

Fig. 4.
figure 4

Detection rate

Average throughput is calculated for AODV, AODV under black hole attack and proposed method. There is decrease in network throughput in AODV under black hole attack but increases between 80 to 90%. So results in Fig. 5 are showing average throughput increases in proposed method.

Fig. 5.
figure 5

Average throughput

5 Conclusion and Future Work

Clustering and Mobile Trust Points based technique has been proposed for detection of black hole attack. Overview of some previous work is listed for prevention and detection of black hole. The approach is to monitor the activities of cluster head and the normal nodes and maintain a list of black hole nodes. Results are showing effectiveness and consistency to detect black hole nodes. Performance is measured and the results are proving the proposed method as promising one. PDR (Packet delivery ratio) and the average throughput increases in proposed method after detection of black hole attack. Also, average end to end delay is very less as compare to AODV under black hole attack. Detection rate of black hole nodes is around 90% in this technique.

In future, this work can be extended to scale the network to find performance and accuracy of this technique. It can also be implemented for detection of other types of attacks. The technique is promising to give good results in other attacks too.