
1 Introduction

There are many contemporary problems in multimedia research for which fully automatic solutions are still not available, and the performance of state-of-the-art algorithms is far inferior to humans performing comparable tasks [8]. In the past few years, following the success of the ESP game [11] and its ability to assist in the solution to the problem of image tagging (i.e., associating keywords to an image that describe its contents), a growing number of research projects in the intersection between games and multimedia have emerged. These so-called serious games (or “games with a purpose”) belong to a category of approaches that include human users in the loop and attempt to extract valuable information from the user input, which can then inform and improve the underlying algorithms designed to solve a particular problem. In addition to games, human input (and knowledge) can also be leveraged through the use of crowdsourcing, where inputs from large numbers of human participants are processed to serve as a basis for statistical analysis and inference [8].

Games and crowdsourcing belong to the broader field of human computation, whose main idea consists of collecting users’ input and interactions and using them to progressively refine a computational model designed to solve a particular problem. In crowdsourcing efforts, such input is captured in the form of very specific tasks, for which users are often paid a modest amount. In games, the goal is to keep the user entertained and—after the game has been played a significant number of times—mine information from the game logs and use them to feed the associated computational model.

In this paper, we postulate that games—if properly designed—have the potential to assist in the solution of challenging multimedia research problems. We note, however, that there are some problems with the vast majority of “gamification” approaches to the solution of research problems in the field of multimedia proposed over the past decade. More importantly, we offer advice for researchers who want to overcome those problems and build successful games for solving relevant scientific problems.

2 Background and Motivation

The success of using games to solve scientific problems in the field of image analysis, computer vision, and visual scene understanding can be traced back to the pioneering work of Luis von Ahn and his Extra Sensory Perception (ESP) game [11]. This game was eventually made more popular in the form of a Google Labs project (Google Image Labeler) and has helped collect an enormous amount of useful tags that describe the contents of a large collection of images crawled from the Web at large. The ESP game involves two players, matched at random, which are shown the same image and asked to type words that they believe could be used as tags to describe the image contents. When the game finds an agreement between the words used by both players, they are rewarded with points. A label (or tag) is accepted as correct when different pairs of users agree about it.

The ESP game has inspired many efforts, including ARTigo, a Web-based platform ( containing six artwork annotation games as well as an artwork search engine in English, French, and German. Funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG), the ARTigo project has—during the period between 2008 and 2013—successfully collected over 7 million tags (mostly in German) to describe the artworks in the collection and engaged more than 180,000 players (about a tenth of whom are registered). It remains active at the time of this writing.

The seminal work by von Ahn also coined the expression “games with a purpose” and its acronym, GWAP. Until 2011, the research group responsible for ESP and several other games used to maintain a Website (, which contained links to a variety of games developed to assist in the solution of specific problems, such as Peekaboom [13] for object detection, TagATune [5] for music and sound annotation, and Verbosity [12], a game for collecting common sense knowledge for the Open Mind Common Sense project. More recently, von Ahn has devoted most of his efforts to create, improve, and promote Duolingo (, an extremely successful multi-platform app that gamifies the process of learning foreign languages.

Outside of the realm of multimedia research, prominent examples of games designed to solve scientific problems include FoldIt ( (a 3D puzzle used to assist in understanding protein folding and potentially leading to the discovery of cures for diseases such as AIDS and cancer) and EyeWire (, a game for finding the connectome—a comprehensive map of neural connections—of the retina.

Games (with a purpose) remain a valid, meaningful, and not yet fully explored avenue for assisting in the solution of challenging scientific problems. Games can be particularly useful when the research question at hand that can be mapped to tasks that satisfy one or more of the following criteria: (i) are easy for humans and hard for computers; (b) require intensive labor; (iii) enable noble scientific pursuits; and (iv) improve human life.

3 Our Work

In this section, we present a brief description of three of our recent research projects involving the use of games and crowdsourcing for solving challenging multimedia research problems, namely

  • Ask’nSeek: A two-player game for object detection, segmentation, and labeling.

  • Click‘n’Cut: An interactive intelligent image segmentation tool for object segmentation.

  • Guess That Face: A single-player game for face recognition under blurred conditions.

At the end of the section, we share some of the lessons we have learned from these projects.

3.1 Ask’nSeek

AsknSeek [2] is a two-player Web-based guessing game that asks users to guess the location of a hidden region within an image with the help of semantic and topological clues. One player (master) hides a rectangular region somewhere within a randomly chosen image, whereas the second player (seeker) tries to guess the location of the hidden region through a series of successive guesses, expressed by clicking at some point in the image. Rather than blindly guessing the location of the hidden region, the seeker asks the master for clues (i.e., indications) relative to the objects present in the image (e.g., “above the cat” or “partially on the dog” in Fig. 1). The game is cooperative—i.e., both players score more points when the hidden region is found quickly—which leads to the master providing accurate clues, which are stored into the game logs for further processing.

The information collected from game logs is combined with the results from content analysis algorithms and used to feed a machine-learning algorithm that outputs the outline of the most relevant regions within the image and their names (Fig. 1). The approach solves two computer vision problems—object detection and labeling—in a single game and, as a bonus, allows the learning of spatial relations (e.g., “the dog is above the cat”) within the image [8].

Fig. 1
figure 1

Examples of object detection and labeling results obtained with AsknSeek: two objects (cat and dog) were detected and labeled

3.2 Click‘n’Cut

Ask’nSeek was extended to address the object segmentation problem [9], where the game traces are combined with the ranked set of segments generated by the constrained parametric min-cuts (CPMC) algorithm [4].

Fig. 2
figure 2

Click‘n’Cut user interface

In a parallel effort, an intelligent interactive tool for foreground object segmentation (Click‘n’Cut) was created, where the users are asked to produce foreground and background clicks to perform a segmentation of the object that is indicated in a provided description (Fig. 2). Every time a user produces a click, the segmentation result is updated and displayed over the image with an alpha value of 0.5. This segmentation is computed using an algorithm based on object candidates [1] and aims at guiding the user to provide information (i.e., meaningful clicks) that will help improve the quality of the final segmentation result.

Several experiments were performed using the Click‘n’Cut tool on a set of 105 tasks (100 images to be segmented plus 5 gold standard tasks, to control for errors), with two distinct groups of users:

  • Experts: 15 computer vision researchers from academia, both students and professors.

  • Workers: 20 paid workers from the platform; each worker was paid 4 USD for annotating 105 images.

The results obtained by each group were also compared against the segmentation output produced by using clicks collected from 162 Ask’nSeek players (mostly students) who played the Ask’nSeek game on any number of images they wanted to.

The goal of such experiments was to assess: (i) the “crowdsourcing loss” between experts and less-skilled workers; and (ii) the “gamification loss” incurred by replacing an interactive crowdsourcing tool (Click‘n’Cut) with a game (Ask’nSeek) as a generator of foreground and background clicks. Detailed results and discussions can be found in [3].

3.3 Guess That Face!

Guess That Face! [7] is a single-payer Web-based face recognition game that reverse engineers uses the human biological threshold for accurately recognizing blurred faces of celebrities under time-varying conditions (Fig. 3). The game combines a successful casual game paradigm with meaningful applications in both human- and computer-vision science. Results from preliminary user studies conducted with 28 users and more than 7,000 game rounds supported and extended preexisting knowledge and hypotheses from controlled scientific experiments, which show that humans are remarkably good at recognizing famous faces, even with a significant degree of blurring [10]. A live prototype is available at

Fig. 3
figure 3

Guess That Face! screenshot: The player is presented with a severely blurred image (de-blurring progress is indicated by the green bar below the image) and four options (buttons). Here, the correct answer has already been chosen (green)

3.4 Lessons Learned

The experience with the games and crowdsourcing projects described in this section has taught us several valuable lessons that we could not have anticipated if we had not developed and deployed the games and tools and conducted associated user studies and experiments, among them:

  • Most of our users played the game for extrinsic—rather than intrinsic—reasons; for example, the highest response rates for Ask’nSeek came as a result of assigning bonus points in a course for students who played 30 or more rounds of the game.

  • On a related note, for Guess That Face!, a different reward system was adopted, in which students placed in the “High scores” table were assigned extra bonus points. As a result, students played many more games than expected, driven by intrinsic reasons—placing themselves among the top scorers and beating their friends’ scores. As a side effect of playing the game for many more rounds than originally expected, some players ended up “memorizing” the dataset, which led to additional work when processing and cleaning up the game logs.

  • None of our games has reached a level of engagement remotely close to “viral” or “addictive.”

4 Discussion

4.1 Problems

In this paper, I postulate that most of the efforts aimed at creating games for assisting in the solution of multimedia research problems suffer from two main problems:

  1. 1.

    The design process is often reversed, i.e., rather than designing a game with the player in mind, researchers (including the author) usually follow these steps: (i) start from a problem; (ii) think of a crowdsourcing solution; (iii) create a tool; and (at the end) (iv) “make it look like a game.”

  2. 2.

    Our terminology is not exactly inspiring: expressions such as “serious games,” “Games with a purpose (GWAP),” “Human-based computation games,” or “Non-entertainment focused games” do not convey the idea that such games can (and should!) be fun to play.

4.2 Possible Solutions

I was recently asked to give a talk on this topic and provide advice for (young) researchers who are interested in the intersection of games and multimedia research. While reflecting upon the message I wanted to convey to the audience, I realized that the worst advice I could give was “Gamify everything!” Gamification has been overused and misused during recent years; it should not be seen as a “cure-all” solution, but rather a creative way to engage users in meaningful human computation tasks, while being driven by the intrinsic motivation evoked by a properly designed game.

These are some other pieces of advice that I hope will be helpful to readers of this paper:

  • Do not try to gamify if you cannot see the world from a gamer’s viewpoint. If you are not a gamer, learn more about it from resources such as the excellent book “Getting Gamers: The Psychology of Video Games and Their Impact on the People who Play Them” [6] and companion site ( by Jamie Madigan.

  • Select multimedia problems that are worth researching and can be modeled as tasks that fulfill at least two of the criteria stated earlier in this paper (and repeated here for convenience): (i) are easy for humans and hard for computers; (b) require intensive labor; (iii) enable noble scientific pursuits; and (iv) improve human life.

  • Be mindful of (and try to incorporate, whenever possible) new devices and technologies, such as increasingly popular virtual reality (VR) kits, new sensors, and wearable devices and gadgets.

  • Consider engaging in research on game effectiveness, e.g., creating experiments to find out if people are having fun while playing a certain game.

  • Challenge the design workflow described in Sect. 4.1 (and turn it upside-down!)

5 Conclusion

In this paper, I have discussed the intersection between (serious) games and multimedia research and provided advice on how to use games to supplement traditional content analysis techniques and assist in the solution of hard multimedia problems.

As stated in an earlier paper [8], I believe that games should be designed such that the input collected from the users is as simple as possible, but carries as much meaningful information as possible. Moreover, we should not ignore the traditional approach of content analysis, which can be used to augment crowdsourcing, in order to reduce the number of participants needed to obtain meaningful results, using semi-supervised machine-learning approaches.

As a final reflection, for those readers who might want to consider engaging in this field of research and studies, a simplified SWOT analysis might be helpful:

  • Strengths

    • There are many meaningful research problems waiting to be solved.

    • People love games!

  • Weaknesses

    • Poorly designed games turn people away (quickly!).

  • Opportunities

    • There are multiple game platforms to develop for—from Web to traditional consoles to mobile apps for iOS and Android devices.

    • There is a growing interest in games, and the trend is not likely to change any time soon.

  • Threats

    • There may be better solutions for certain multimedia research problems (e.g., the increasingly popular use of deep learning techniques) that do not use games.