
1 Introduction

Since the rapid development of large scale, open and dynamic systems, the shortcomings of traditional access control models (e.g. Discretionary Access Control (DAC), Mandatory Access Control (MAC), Role based Access Control (RBAC) [1]) have gradually revealed, for example, applied for only closed systems, role explosion, complexity in compulsory assignments between users, roles, and permissions, and inflexibility in specifying dynamic policies and contextual conditions. Attribute based access control models (ABAC) have been recently investigated [2,3,4] and considered as one of three mandatory features for future access control systems [5].

Extensible Access Control Markup Language (XACML) 3.0 is an industrial OASIS standardFootnote 1 for enforcing access control policies based on attributes, considered as a predecessor of ABAC. In XACML policies, every operation on attributes even trivial conditions such as comparison requires function and data type definitions. This has caused the verbosity and difficulty in the specification of policies. Moreover, XACML is based on XML, which is not well-suited for Web 2.0 applications. Meanwhile, JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) languageFootnote 2 is the fat-free alternative of XML. In [27], the experimental results indicate that JSON is remarkably faster and uses fewer resources than XML. Thus, JSON is currently a light weight and widely used data interchange format in the Web of Things. Moreover, since JSON is a subset of JavaScript, it is easier to parse components of a policy into programming objects for further processing. Besides, JSON has been used in many NoSQL databases for storage and retrieval with the high performance. Such advantages of JSON have brought the motivation for our work when using it to model attribute based policies.

Furthermore, our mechanism is built on the principle of the NIST Standard ABAC model that an access decision is permitted only if the request satisfies conditions on attributes of subject, resource and environment specified in policies. We also propose a light-weight grammar for conditional expressions, which are human readable text and enough robust to describe complex policies such as user, data, environment driven policies. Besides, we also build an additional module by extending the ABAC model for data privacy protection.

Privacy is a major concern in both of research and industrial fields due to dissemination of personal and sensitive data without user control, especially in mobile and ubiquitous computing applications and systems. In [7], privacy is defined as the claim of individuals, groups, or institutions to determine for themselves when, how, and to what extent information about them is communicated to others. Most previous studies have considered privacy protection in access control models as constraints on purpose of data usage. The research on purpose based access control (PBAC) model has recently drawn many interests, although it has developed since 2000s. However, to the best of our knowledge, no research has integrated PBAC into ABAC. The novel contribution of our work includes three main aspects: (1) using JSON to specify attribute based policies, (2) integrating PBAC model into ABAC model and (3) developing the prototype by Java and MongoDB database for demonstrating privacy preserving attribute based policy evaluation mechanism.

The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 gives a brief survey of related works. Section 3 presents the overview of our approach. In Sect. 4, we introduce the structure of policies and main components in our proposed model. Section 5 indicates the mechanism of the proposed access control model in details. The experiment for evaluating the processing time is shown in Sect. 6. Concluding remarks and future work are discussed in Sect. 7.

2 Related Work

The development of Information Technology, especially in the age of Big Data and Internet of Things, causes the role explosion problem and increases the complexity in permission management in RBAC models which have been dominant for a long time [20, 21]. An emerging interest in addressing these problems is ABAC models, which can be adaptable with large, open and dynamic environments [2, 3].

In the common approach of ABAC, according to the NIST standard [2], authorization decision is based on rules that simultaneously specify a set of conditions on numerous attributes such as subject, object, action and environment for a certain valid permission. There are many research works on ABAC. In [28], the authors have presented a taxonomy of ABAC research which is demonstrated in Fig. 1. According to the classification, our work focuses on the branches as follows: ABAC models, policy language and confidentiality of attributes. In this survey, ABAC research about confidentiality of attributes means that how to ensure the privacy of attributes in the model. It has been also recognized that no research work in the survey have used JSON for policy language and addressed data privacy protection in ABAC.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

A taxonomy of attribute based access control research [28]

There are two fields for researching about ABAC models, pure ABAC models and hybrid models. Several papers have provided various approaches for a general model. In [4], the authors took a first consideration about formal connections between traditional access control models (DAC, MAC, RBAC) and ABACα which consists of users, subjects, objects and their attributes. In this ABACα, the authors did not mention the environment component in policies as well as the enforcement mechanisms. In [2, 3], the authors provided a definition of ABAC and considered about using ABAC in organizations according to NIST standard. However, the implementation has not been discussed yet in these papers. In another paper [29], Next Generation Access Control (NGAC) takes advantages of graphs illustrating assignment and association between attributes and values to perform access rights. It has provided benefits for policy review and management. However, the cost for building such graphs and the complexity of the policy evaluation algorithm increase significantly when the size of attribute domains and the variety of data structure grow up. In hybrid models, majority of research works have integrated traditional access control models (DAC, MAC, and RBAC) with ABAC such as [21,22,23]. About policy language to express policy enforcement mechanism in the above papers, several approaches such as XACML, logic programming languages or UML have been proposed. For the last problem, the confidentiality of attributes, access control models need to provide a mechanism which can protect data attributes with the highest fine-grained level as possible. Attribute based access control models can allow or not allow to access to each data attribute in various context through attribute based policies. Purpose based access control (PBAC) model is another approach to protect data privacy based on the concept of purpose of data usage. A purpose compliance check in PBAC models depends on the relationship between access purposes and intended purposes of data objects ranging from the level of tables to the data cells [7,8,9,10]. In the beginning, Byun et al. [7] proposed the model with two types of allowable and prohibited intended purposes. It was then extended with an additional purpose, i.e. conditional intended purpose [9]. Several works have been conducted on enhancing this model by combining with role based access control (e.g., [11,12,13,14]), implementing with relational database management systems (DBMSs) with the technique of SQL query rewriting [15] and integrating with MongoDB [16]. Recently, action-aware with indirect access and direct access has also been considered in policies [17]. Nevertheless, research works about PBAC have not expressed privacy policies with the approach of attribute based policies yet except of the paper in [30]. However, such PBAC models have not provided the fine granularity for privacy policies. In such approaches, there are three setting levels for disclosing values of attributes, that is, show, hide and partial. All data items of the same attribute have the same disclosure level for the same purpose. Besides, such privacy policies have also not considered about contextual conditions.

With the different approach compared to related works, our research takes a new mechanism for enforcing attribute based policies using the JSON language and proposes an additional module for data privacy protection based on the principle of PBAC and its enhancement.

In summary, our work contributes a novel and comprehensive attribute based access control mechanism which can preserve data privacy. In this mechanism, we use JSON which is more light-weight than XML and widely used in Web 2.0 applications as the language for policy specification. The additional module, PurJABAC, is integrated into the model based on the purpose concept to describe attribute based data privacy policies. Our approach can support fine grained policies with contextual and attribute based constraints and protect data attributes with various disclosure levels according to the tree of data generalization.

3 The Overview

In this paper, we propose a model, called as the JABAC model which is an integration between ABAC, PBAC and using JSON to express attribute based security policies to regulate data accesses and protect data privacy. We also provide a mechanism to execute this model. In this section, we briefly describe the access control mechanism of our proposed model. In Fig. 2, requests from applications are sent to the Policy Enforcement Point module. For each request, all necessary data is retrieved. Both of data and the request are processed and converted to the JSON based request context. After that, it is sent to the JABAC module to be decided whether it is permitted or denied according to the predefined attribute based policies stored in JSON document store database. In addition, before returning data to the requester, JABAC calls the PurJABAC module to filter data according to privacy policies. We achieve privacy awareness through the PurJABAC module which enforces privacy policies to show, hide and generalize data before the requester receives them.

Fig. 2.
figure 2

Overview of the approach

A JSON based request context contains information of a request string and the context at the time of requesting. Any request issued from the application is converted to the structure of a request context in the JSON format by Policy Enforcement Point. If there exists at least one rule requiring requested data during the process of policy evaluation, the data queried from the application database will be converted into the JSON format and filled in the request context for processing.

After evaluating necessary policies, JABAC returns a response to Policy Enforcement Point for the decision result. The response also contains the final data if they are filtered according to related privacy policies by the PurJABAC module. Policy Enforcement Point has the responsibility to convert data into the format of application.

The communication between the application, the application database and JABAC uses the JSON format to exchange data. Therefore, JABAC is independent from the technology of application and application database.

Unlike the traditional purpose based access control models, in the approach, all degrees of privacy policies from the table one to the cell one are expressed in the same way under the form of attribute based policies through generalization functions. Furthermore, we take attribute based conditions into consideration for privacy policies.

The structure of access control and privacy policies is identical. Therefore, in general, we provide a simple but sound and comprehensive solution. The details of the JABAC model and its mechanism will be provided in Sects. 4 and 5.

4 The JABAC Model

We describe the proposed access control model in this section before describing the mechanism to enforce this model. When a subject s accesses an object o, the authorization process is carried out through two stages called as 2-stage authorization: (1) access policy authorization and (2) privacy policy authorization. The first step using access policies verifies that the request is legitimate with rights for the subject to access data. After that, the request is transferred to the second stage for checking privacy compliance based on privacy policies.

Access policies describe access rights of subjects on resources, and conditions compositing of attributes of subject, action, resource, and environment as well as obligations that are instructions from Policy Decision Point to Policy Enforcement Point to be performed before or after data results is returned to the requester.

Privacy policies describe access restriction on data objects which need to be preserved privacy. The structure of privacy policies is similar to access policies. It also includes subject, action, resource, environment, obligations and attribute based condition. However, each component contains the slightly different meaning. The components of subject, action, resource, environment in privacy policies indicate attribute based conditions and the component of obligation contains generalization functions applied on values of data objects for privacy protection.

In privacy preserving access control, the purpose concept plays an important role in privacy policies to describe a valid reason for data usage. When users send a request to query data, they must provide their access purpose to the system. The access purpose is then verified whether the subject is permitted for using it in the access policy authorization stage. In our model, this value, access purpose, is considered as an attribute of the environment entity. However intended purpose is not implicitly mentioned, it is described through a conditional expression based on the access purpose attribute identifying which values are valid for data usage and generalization (Fig. 3).

Fig. 3.
figure 3

The components of ABAC model for privacy protection

4.1 Policy Structure

In this section, we present a general structure used for both of access and privacy policies. However, for each use case, we will describe how to specify policies through examples. The mechanism of processing policies works slightly differently.

General Structure.

In our model, a policy set includes policies. Each policy includes rules. Each rule defines a conditional expression that is a critical component in the policy. The rule returns a value specified in Effect if the condition is true. The target component, including three sub components Subject, Action and Resource, is used to pre-select applicable policies for access decision. To avoid conflicts between policies and rules, the policy and rule combining algorithms such as permit override, deny override, etc. are applied into the policy set and policies. The implementation for rule combining algorithm is inherited from XACML [26]. The final component in a rule is obligations indicating actions which will be performed before or after a final response is established by Policy Enforcement Point. The relationship diagram between policy set, policies and rules are illustrated in Fig. 4. The structure of a policy in the JSON format is illustrated in Fig. 5. Its properties are described in details in Table 1.

Fig. 4.
figure 4

The relationship diagram of components in policy set

Fig. 5.
figure 5

The JSON structure of policy

Table 1. The description of the fields in a policy

In the above structure, the condition component <conditionalExpr> is written according to the below grammar (Fig. 6):

Fig. 6.
figure 6

The grammar of conditional expression

It can be seen that the operands in the condition expression are attributes from Subject, Action, Resource, ResourceContent and Environment or specific values. The values of attributes are loaded from the request context. For missing values, JABAC will look up from database to fulfill the request context. More details will be presented in Sect. 5.

A below example for a rule demonstrates the policy structure and the grammar of conditional expression:

Doctors can read their patient records with the purpose of treatment. If the request is denied, the system will email to the administrator John about the subjectID and the access purpose of subject.

figure a

With the above rule, a doctor can read only patient records if he is a doctor and his subjectID equals to the doctorID in each patient record. By obligations, if the request is denied, the information of subjectID will be sent to by calling the function email after the response is returned to the requester. The attributes role, subjectID of subject, the attribute accessPurpose of environment, and the attribute doctorID of resource content keep values in the request context. If they cannot be found, the system will call Policy Information Point to look up them in the application database and the JABAC database. If an error occurs or some values are missing, the rule will return Indeterminant. If the target component does not match with the information in the request context, the rule will return NotApplicable. To produce the final result, the mechanism will take advantage of the rule and policy combing algorithms specified in the policy to make a decision when evaluating rules and policies in the loop. The structure of request context and details of the mechanism will be presented in Sects. 4.2 and 5 respectively.

When a request is evaluated as permit, it does not ensure that all data corresponding to the request will be accessed by the subject. For example, Alice with the role of doctor can read the records of her patients according to the above rule. However, due to privacy, Bob, one of her patients, only wants his information about address, social security number, and birthdate to be partially shown to his doctor. Thus, in our proposed model, Bob can define privacy policies to protect his data. However, it can appear special cases defined by the highest security administrative to bypass his privacy policies such as standard regulations of the organization. In this paper, such delegation problem has not been mentioned yet.

Privacy Policies.

They have the same structure with the general one but it is slightly different about the use of components. The obligations in privacy policy play the role of expressing how to generalize the value of data item to protect privacy. In our mechanism, an obligation in privacy policies associates with the special function MakeGeneralization (field name, data disclosure level) for hiding details of data. It takes two parameters; the name of the field which needs to be protected and the level of data disclosure for privacy preserving. The definition of data disclosure level is presented as below.

Data Disclosure Level (DL).

DL of data item represents the level of data generalized in the Domain Generalization Hierarchy (DGH). Based on DL, data are generalized into a new value according to Value Generalization Hierarchy (VGH) generated from DGH. The concepts of VGH and DGH are explained as follows: Each attribute has a range of values designated by a domain. For data privacy preserving, the generalization process is applied to the value domain of the attribute and establishes a DGH tree. Each value in the domain contains many generalized value in generalized domains. A set of these values with the order of generalization process establishes a VGH tree. The formal definitions for DGH and VGH tree can be seen in [24].

Figure 7 describes a DGH tree and VGH tree for the attribute domain Birthdate. In this example, the number of data disclosure levels of birthdate is five, in which the smallest number (DL0) indicates the data does not require any privacy protection, whereas the highest number indicates the data will be hidden with the keyword “*”.

Fig. 7.
figure 7

Domain generalization hierarchy tree

In summary, to specify policies for privacy protection, access purpose is defined as an attribute of environment; obligations is modeled as an indicator for data generalizations. For example, the below privacy rule PRU001 indicates “The information about birthdate and social security number of Bob who has the patientID 10001 are generalized according to the following levels: 2 (only displaying the year of birthdate), and 1 (not displaying any information of the string) respectively when any subject read the patient record of Bob with the access purpose of treatment”. Thus, the rule PRU001 is specified as follows:

figure b

The components such as Effect and FullFillOn will be discarded because they have no meaning in privacy policies. The PurJABAC module retrieves privacy policies and applies the MakeGeneralization function for related fields in each document in ResourceContent.

Take an example that Alice, who has the subjectID 20001, sends a request to database to read her patient records with the access purpose “treatment”. Alice is allowed but information about birthdate and social security number of Bob is generalized by PRU001. For instance, Table 2 shows patient records in the database. There are only two records of Bob and Kitty which Alice can see due to the rule ARU001. Besides, the information of Bob displays only the year of his birthdate and his ssn with the special character “*” due to the rule PRU001 (ref. Table 3). In the next section, the structure of the request context is presented in details.

Table 2. An example of patient records
Table 3. An example of patient records returned to alice

4.2 The Request Context Structure

The structure of a request context is very important for the JAPAC mechanism. A request context contains the components such as Subject, Resource, Action and Environment. The below example demonstrates the structure of the request context. Each part contains ID and its attributes. Especially, the Resource component includes ResourceContent which contains data queried from the original request and inserted by Policy Enforcement Point into the request context.

figure c

In our model, JABAC receives a request which must comply with the designed structure in the JSON format and contains information about the request such as subject, action, resource and environment. The system then analyzes the request and evaluates whether it is permitted or denied. After evaluating, JABAC calls the PurJABAC model to filter data for privacy protection.

In this section, the structure of components has been introduced in details. However, the mechanism for enforcing such policies has not been mentioned yet. In the next section, we present the mechanism of evaluating access control policies and processing data based on privacy policies.

5 The JABAC Mechanism

In this work, we utilize the concepts in XACML such as Policy Enforcement Point (PEP), Policy Decision Point (PDP), Policy Information Point (PIP), Policy Administration Point (PAP) and Obligations. PEP takes responsibility for receiving requests from applications, converting into request contexts in the JSON format, sending them to PDP for evaluating whether they are permitted or not, filtering and hiding data according to privacy policies and finally executing obligations of related access control policies. PDP receives the JSON request contexts to check access rights with access control policies. PIP has the feature of collecting information of attributes if PDP cannot find them in the request contexts. PAP represents the module of specifying policies. Obligation is the module of executing obligation functions of access control policies. With obligations specified in privacy policy, the PurJABAC module has a different mechanism to enforce. The below section will describe the data flow of our model.

The main processes in the data flow of our model depicted in Fig. 8 are described as follows:

  1. 1.

    PEP receives the access request consisting of the components: subject, action, and resource.

  2. 2.

    PEP creates another request, called request context, for policy decision from the access request fulfilled with the attributes of subject, action, resource, and environment and then sends to PDP for access authorization.

  3. 3.

    PDP retrieves the list of access policies from database.

  4. 4.

    For each policy, PDP checks whether the target element of the policy (i.e. subject, action, resource) matches with the corresponding components of the request context by the Target Matching module. If it returns “successfully matching”, all rules of this policy are examined. Rules satisfying the target component will be processed in the next step.

  5. 5.

    In this step, the condition component of applicable rules is evaluated by the module ConditionalExpr Parser and Evaluator. ConditionalExpr Parser and Evaluator uses the open source ANTLR Footnote 3 with the grammar presented in Sect. 4.1 to evaluate the expression.

  6. 6.

    The module Condition Parser and Evaluation sends requests to Policy Information Point (PIP) to retrieve values for operands.

  7. 7.

    PIP collects values from the request context and database; and then sends them to ConditionalExpr Parser and Evaluator for expression evaluation.

    Depending on the combining rule algorithm specified in the component PolicyCombiningAlgID in the current policy, PDP will continue to check the next access rule (e.g. permit overrides) or terminate with the result deny (e.g. deny overrides). Similarly, depending on the combining algorithms for policies specified in the component RuleCombiningAlgID of PolicySet, PDP will terminate together with the result of policy evaluation or keep on checking with other applicable policies.

  8. 8.

    After evaluating all applicable policies from step 4 to step 7, PDP returns the response to PEP. The response can be permit or deny.

  9. 9.

    In the case of permit, PEP asks the PurJABAC module for filtering and hiding data in ResourceContent of the request context.

    To generalize data for privacy protection, PurJABAC retrieves privacy policies which their target component matches with the request context and then read data documents in ResourceContent. For each document, PurJABAC selects the set of privacy policies which can be applied to the current document and then computes the highest disclosure level for each field name from those privacy policies. Take the example in Sect. 4; we assume that there have two privacy rules for Bob and one privacy rule for Kitty. The first one is PRU001 described above and the second one is PRU002 which allows showing the year and the month of birthdate (the lower level than PRU001) in the case of treatment purpose. Thus, PRU001 wants to generalize the birthdate of Bob into the year level meanwhile the birthdate of Kitty is not influented by PRU001. Therefore, the PurJABAC module chooses the highest disclosure value, DL02 for Bob and DL01 for Kitty to generalize their birthdate.

  10. 10.

    In the case ResourceContent has not been fulfilled in the request context due to no prior policy requires resource data, the PurJABAC module will send the request to PIP for querying resource content.

  11. 11.

    After checking all objects in the result set, PEP calls Obligation Services to perform obligations. The obligations are executed before or after PEP returns results to the requester. If any function in obligations returns an exception, PEP will not send data to the requester however the access is permitted. For example, an obligation requires the requester to accept terms and conditions. If she/he refuses to perform this obligation, her request is denied.

  12. 12.

    PEP returns data results to the requester.

Fig. 8.
figure 8

The data flow diagram of the proposed access control model

In general, the components of our model and its mechanism are presented in this paper. With our best knowledge, no research work has integrated PBAC into ABAC. Besides, we extend the fine grained feature for access control policies through the conditional expression specified by our grammar and for privacy policies through the generalization function with various data disclosure levels.

6 Evaluation

We carried out experiments about the relevance between processing time of the PDP module and complexity of rules. The system configuration for the experiments is Dell Vostro 3650, 8 GB RAM, Intel core i5-3230M 2.60 GHz. The prototype is implemented by Java SDK, Spring Framework and MongoDB 3.0.7 for storing policies and data. The target database includes 20 collections with 20 attributes and 200 documents for each collection generated randomly. Each subject, action, resource and environment contains 20 attributes.

The following Table 4 indicates the results after five experiments. For each experiment, we measure processing time with three times (e.g. T1, T2 and T3). From the Table 1, it can be seen that the processing time increases with the complexity of rules. However, when there was a fivefold and twofold increase in the number of rules from 10 to 50 and from 50 to 100, the processing time only increased by 2–3 ms, approximately 13–25%.

Table 4. The Results of Experiments

About the fine granularity, our attribute based access control model can describe various attribute based policies due to the flexibility of conditional expressions built under the proposed grammar. Compared to other approaches, our model can specify policies with the conditions based on the combination of attributes of subject, resource, and environment. Besides, by using JSON, our model can easily integrate with Web 2.0 applications as well as devices and systems in Internet of Things.

7 Conclusion and Future Work

In this paper, we have proposed the fine grained attribute and purpose based access control model JABAC for privacy protection with the mechanism of 2-stage authorization. A conditional expression based on attributes of subject, resource, action and environment are built on the ANTLR grammar, which is enough to describe various policies. Besides, an additional module PurJABAC is integrated into JABAC for privacy protection. In our approach, privacy policies are specified under the same structure of attribute based policies. Purposes are associated with the new concept, disclosure level, for indicating the degree of generalization for privacy protection. They are demonstrated as obligations in privacy policies which call MakeGeneralization functions to generalize data.

However our model takes a novel approach in the research field of attribute access control and purpose based access control, there have still some disadvantages. In future, we will improve the grammar for conditional expressions to describe more complex policies which can retrieve data from multiple sources not only from the request context. Furthermore, the solution currently supports the data which are not allowed many levels of embedded documents. Therefore, the complexity of data will be investigated as well. Besides, the problems such as policy review and administration have not been mentioned yet in this article. They will be promising research problems in the future.