
These keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

1 Introduction

In this paper, we continue our research started in [16] and investigate protocols for self-stabilizing overlay networks that guarantee the monotonic preservation of a characteristic that we call searchability, i.e., once a search message from node u to another node v is successfully delivered, all future search messages from u to v succeed as well. Instead of focusing on a specific topology, as done in [16], we present an approach that is aimed at universality. As a base, we present a set of primitives for overlay network maintainance for which we prove that they enable monotonic searchability. On top of that, we give a generic search protocol that, together with a protocol that solely uses these primitives, guarantees monotonic searchability. Additionally, we show that existing self-stabilizing overlay network protocols can be transformed to use our primitives.

To the best of our knowledge, we are the first to investigate monotonic searchability as an attempt to explore maintaining properties beyond the traditional “time and space” metrics during stabilization. We believe that the question of how to maintain monotonic searchability and similar properties during topological stabilization has a lot of potential for future research.

1.1 Model

We consider a distributed system consisting of a fixed set of nodes in which each node has a unique reference and a unique immutable numerical identifier (or short id). The system is controlled by a protocol that specifies the variables and actions that are available in each node. In addition to the protocol-based variables there is a system-based variable for each node called channel whose values are sets of messages. We denote the channel of a node u as u.Ch and it contains all incoming messages to u. Its message capacity is unbounded and messages never get lost. A node can add a message to u.Ch if it has a reference of u. Besides these channels there are no further communication means, so only point-to-point communication is possible.

There are two types of actions that a protocol can execute. The first type has the form of a standard procedure \(\langle label\rangle (\langle parameters \rangle ): \langle command \rangle \), where label is the unique name of that action, parameters specifies the parameter list of the action, and command specifies the statements to be executed when calling that action. Such actions can be called locally (which causes their immediate execution) and remotely. In fact, we assume that every message must be of the form \(\langle label \rangle (\langle parameters \rangle )\), where label specifies the action to be called in the receiving node and parameters contains the parameters to be passed to that action call. All other messages are ignored by nodes. The second type has the form \( \langle label\rangle : \langle guard \rangle \longrightarrow \langle command \rangle \), where label and command are defined as above and guard is a predicate over local variables. We call an action whose guard is simply true a timeout action.

The system state is an assignment of values to every variable of each node and messages to each channel. An action in some node u is enabled in some system state if its guard evaluates to true, or if there is a message in u.Ch requesting to call it. In the latter case, when the corresponding action is executed, the message is processed (and it is removed from u.Ch). An action is disabled otherwise. Receiving and processing a message is considered as an atomic step.

A computation is an infinite fair sequence of system states such that for each state \(S_i\), the next state \(S_{i+1}\) is obtained by executing an action that is enabled in \(S_i\). This disallows the overlap of action execution, i.e., action execution is atomic. We assume weakly fair action execution and fair message receipt. Weakly fair action execution means that if an action is enabled in all but finitely many states of a computation, then this action is executed infinitely often. Note that a timeout action of a node is executed infinitely often. Fair message receipt means that if a computation contains a state in which there is a message in a channel of a node that enables an action in that node, then that action is eventually executed with the parameters of that message, i.e., the message is eventually processed. Besides these fairness assumptions, we place no bounds on message propagation delay or relative nodes execution speeds, i.e., we allow fully asynchronous computations and non-FIFO message delivery. A computation suffix is a sequence of computation states past a particular state of this computation. In other words, the suffix of the computation is obtained by removing the initial state and finitely many subsequent states. Note that a computation suffix is also a computation. We say a state \(S'\) is reachable from a state S if starting in S there is a sequence of action executions such that we end up in state \(S'\). We use the notion \(S < S'\) as a shorthand to indicate that the state S happened chronologically before \(S'\).

We consider protocols that do not manipulate the internals of node references. Specifically, a protocol is compare-store-send if the only operations that it executes on node references is comparing them, storing them in local memory and sending them in a message. In a compare-store-send protocol, a node may learn a new reference of a node only by receiving it in a message. A compare-store-send protocol cannot create new references. It can only operate on the references given to it.

The overlay network of a set of nodes is determined by their knowledge of each other. We say that there is a (directed) edge from a to b, denoted by (ab), if node a stores a reference of b in its local memory or has a message in a.Ch carrying the reference of b. In the former case, the edge is called explicit, and in the latter case, the edge is called implicit. Messages can only be sent via explicit edges. Note that message receipt converts an implicit edge to an explicit edge since the message is in the local memory of a node while it is processed. With NG we denote the directed network (multi-)graph given by the explicit and implicit edges. ENG is the subgraph of NG induced by only the explicit edges. A weakly connected component of a directed graph G is a subgraph of G of maximum size so that for any two nodes u and v in that subgraph there is a (not necessarily directed) path from u to v. Two nodes that are not in the same weakly connected component are disconnected. We assume that the positions of the processes in the topology are encapsulated in their identifier and that there is a distance measure which is based on the identifiers of the processes and which can be checked locally. That is, for a given identifier ID, each node u can decide for each neighbor v whether v is closer to the node w with \(id(w)=ID\) if such a node exists (we also say that id(v) is closer to ID than id(u) or \(ds(id(v),ID) < ds(id(u),ID)\)). For a node u, we define R(uID) as the set containing u and all processes v for which there is a path Q from u to v via explicit edges such that for each edge (ab) that is traversed in Q it holds that \(ds(id(b),ID)< ds(id(a),ID)\). Furthermore, for a set U, we define \(R(U,ID) := \bigcup _{u \in U}R(u,ID)\).

We are particularly concerned with search requests, i.e., Search(\(v,destID\)) messages that are routed along ENG according to a given search protocol, where v is the sender of the message and destID is the identifier of a node we are looking for. We assume that Search() requests are initiated locally by an (possibly user controlled) application operating on top of the network. Note that destID does not need to be an id of an existing node w, since it is also possible that we are searching for a node that is not in the system. If a Search(\(v,destID\)) message reaches a node w with \(id(w)=destID\), the search request succeeds; if the message reaches some node u with \(id(u) \ne destID\) and cannot be forwarded anymore according to the given search protocol, the search request fails.

1.2 Problem Statement

A protocol is self-stabilizing if it satisfies the following two properties as long as no transient faults occur: (i) Convergence: starting from an arbitrary system state, the protocol is guaranteed to arrive at a legitimate state and (ii) Closure: starting from a legitimate state the protocol remains in legitimate states thereafter.

A self-stabilizing protocol is thus able to recover from transient faults regardless of their nature. Moreover, a self-stabilizing protocol does not have to be initialized as it eventually starts to behave correctly regardless of its initial state. In topological self-stabilization we allow self-stabilizing protocols to perform changes to the overlay network NG. A legitimate state may then include a particular graph topology or a family of graph topologies. We are interested in self-stabilizing protocols that stabilize to static topologies, i.e., in every computation of the protocol that starts from a legitimate state, ENG stays the same, as long as the node set stays the same.

In this paper we are not focusing on building a self-stabilizing protocol for a particular topology. Instead we are interested in providing a reliable protocol for searching in a wide range of topologies that fulfill certain requirements. Traditionally, search protocols for a given topology were only required to deliver the search messages reliably once a legitimate state has been reached. However, it is not possible to determine when a legitimate state has been reached. Furthermore, searching reliably during the stabilization phase is much more involved. We say a self-stabilizing protocol satisfies monotonic searchability according to some search protocol R if it holds for any pair of nodes vw that once a Search(\(v,id(w)\)) request (that is routed according to R) initiated at time t succeeds, any Search(\(v,id(w)\)) request initiated at a time \(t' > t\) will succeed. We do not mention R if it is clear from the context. A protocol is said to satisfy non-trivial monotonic searchability if (i) it satisfies monotonic searchability and (ii) every computation of the protocol contains a suffix such that for each pair of nodes vw, Search(\(v,id(w)\)) requests will succeed if there is a path from v to w in the target topology. Throughout the paper we will only investigate non-trivial monotonic searchability. Consequently, whenever we use the term monotonic searchability in the following, we implicitly refer to non-trivial monotonic searchability.

A message invariant is a predicate of the following form: If there is a message m in the incoming channel of a node, then a logical predicate P must hold. A protocol may specify one or more message invariants. An arbitrary message m in a system is called corrupted if the existence of m violates one or multiple message invariants. A state S is called admissible if there are no corrupted messages in S. We say a (self-stabilizing) protocol admissibly satisfies a predicate P if the following two conditions hold: (i) the predicate is satisfied in all computation suffixes of the protocol that start from admissible states, and (ii) every computation of the protocol contains at least one admissible state. A protocol unconditionally satisfies a predicate if it satisfies this predicate starting from any state.

The following was proven in [16]:

Lemma 1

  No self-stabilizing compare-store-send protocol can unconditionally satisfy monotonic searchability.

Consequently, to prove monotonic searchability for a protocol (according to a given search protocol R) it is sufficient to show that: (i) in every computation of the protocol that starts from an admissible state, every state is admissible, (ii) in every computation of the protocol there is an admissible state, and (iii) the protocol satisfies monotonic searchability according to R in every computation that starts from an admissible state. Note that we have not defined any invariants yet and it is possible to pick invariants such that the set of admissible states equals the set of legitimate states, in which the problem becomes trivial. However, for the invariants we provide, any initial topology can be an admissible state. In particular, as long as no corrupt messages are initially in the system, our protocols satisfy monotonic searchability throughout the computation.

We will show that a broad class of existing self-stabilizing protocols can be transformed to satisfy monotonic searchability. More specifically, we will consider protocols that fulfill the mdl property, i.e., for any action a of the protocol it holds that (i) a node u executing action a will always keep a reference of another node v in its local memory if an edge (uv) is part of the final topology, and (ii) if a node u executing action a in state S decides not to keep a reference of another node v in its local memory, every other action of the protocol executed by u in a subsequent state will decide to not keep the reference of v, and (iii) a node u executing action a decides deterministically and solely based on its local memory whether to send and where to send the reference of v, and (iv) in every legitimate state, for every reference of a node v contained in a message m in the channel of a node u (i.e., for any implicit edge (uv)), there are fixed cycle-free paths \((u = u_1, u_2, \dots , u_k)\) such that \(u_i\) sends the reference of v to \(u_{i+1}\), and \(u_k\) has an explicit edge \((u_k,v)\) (note that there is only one path if the reference is never duplicated), i.e., the reference of v is forwarded along fixed paths until it finally fuses with an existing reference. Informally speaking, the first two properties imply that the protocol monotonically converges to its desired topology, since edges of the topology are always kept and edges that are not part of the topology are obviated over time. The last property implies that in legitimate states, all implicit edges will eventually merge with explicit edges. Note that the mdl property is generally not a severe restriction. Most existing protocols that stabilize to static topologies naturally fulfill this property.

In addition to the mdl property and the assumption that the final topology is static, we have one more condition on the topologies and their distance measures. The generic search protocol we will use to achieve monotonic searchability assumes that in the target topology for every pair of nodes uv within the same connected component, there is a path of explicit edges from u to v with the property that each edge on the path strictly decreases the distance to v (i.e., for each edge (ab) that is traversed in the path, \(ds(id(b),id(v))< ds(id(a),id(v))\)). Note that many topologies naturally fulfill this property (in particular, whenever the distance is defined as the number of nodes on a shortest path).

1.3 Our Contribution

To the best of our knowledge, we are the first to solve the problem of searching reliably during the stabilization phase in self-stabilizing topologies. Although routing with a low dilation is a major motivation behind the use of overlay topologies, prior to this work, one could not rely on the routing paths in such topologiesFootnote 1: In previous approaches, it can happen that a node u is able to send a message to a node v, while it is unable to do so in a later state, only because the system has not stabilized yet (which is not locally detectable by the nodes). In our solution, once a search message from a node u has successfully arrived at a node v, every further search message from u to v will also arrive at its destination, regardless of whether the system has fully stabilized or not.

We present a universal set of primitives for manipulating edges that protocols should use and a simple generic search protocol, which together satisfy monotonic searchability. Moreover, we provide a general description of how a broad class of self-stabilizing protocols for overlay networks can be transformed such that they use these primitives, thus satisfying monotonic searchability afterwards.

Our results of Sect. 3 may be of independent interest, where we reinvestigate the fundamental primitives for manipulating edges introduced in [13] and strengthen the results concerning the universality of these primitives.

2 Related Work

The idea of self-stabilization in distributed computing was introduced by E.W. Dijkstra in 1974 [4], in which he investigated the problem of self-stabilization in a token ring. In order to recover certain network topologies from any weakly connected state, researchers started with simple line and ring networks (e.g., [7, 18]). Over the years more and more topologies were considered, ranging from skip lists and skip graphs [8, 14], to expanders [6], and small-world graphs [12]. Also a universal algorithm for topological self-stabilization is known [1].

In the last 20 years many approaches have been investigated that focus on maintaining safety properties during convergence phase of self-stabilization, e.g. snap-stabilization [2, 3], super-stabilization [5], safe convergence [11] and self-stabilization with service guarantee [10]. Closest to our work is the notion of monotonic convergence by Yamauchi and Tixeuil [19]. A self-stabilizing protocol is monotonically converging if every change done by a node p makes the system approach a legitimate state and if every node changes its output only once. The authors investigate monotonically converging protocols for different classical distributed problems (e.g., leader election and vertex coloring) and focus on the amount of non-local information that is needed for them.

Research on monotonic searchability was initiated in [16], in which the authors proved that it is impossible to satisfy monotonic searchability if corrupted messages are present. In addition, they presented a self-stabilizing protocol for the line topology that is able to satisfy monotonic searchability.

3 Primitives for Topology Maintenance

An important property for every overlay management protocol is that weak connectivity is never lost by its own actions. Therefore, it is highly desirable that every node only executes actions that preserve weak connectivity. Koutsopoulos et al. [13] introduced the following four primitives for manipulating edges in an overlay network.

  • Introduction. If a node u has a reference of two nodes v and w with \(v \ne w\), u introduces w to v if u sends a message to v containing a reference of w while keeping the reference.

  • Delegation. If a node u has a reference of two nodes v and w s.t. uvw are all different, then u delegates w’s reference of v if u sends a message to v containing a reference of w and deletes the reference of w.

  • Fusion. If a node u has two references v and w with \(v=w\), then u fuses the two references if it only keeps one of these references.

  • Reversal. If a node u has a reference of some other node v, then u reverses the connection if it sends a reference of itself to v and deletes its reference of v.

Note that the four primitives can be executed locally by every node in a wait-free fashion. Furthermore, for the Introduction primitive, it is possible that \(w=u\), i.e., u introduces itself to v. The authors show that these four primitives are safe in a sense that they preserve weak connectivity (as long as there is no fault). This implies that any distributed protocol whose actions can be decomposed into these four primitives is guaranteed to preserve weak connectivity.

We define \(\mathcal {IDF}\) as the set containing the first three primitives: Introduction, Delegation and Fusion. Let \(\mathcal {P_{IDF}}\) denote the set of all distributed protocols where all interactions between processes can be decomposed into the primitives of \(\mathcal {IDF}\). According to [13] these protocols even preserve strong connectivity in a sense that for any pair of nodes uv with a directed path in NG there will always be a directed path from u to v in NG. To the best of our knowledge, all self-stabilizing topology maintenance protocols proposed so far (such as the list [7, 15, 18], the Delaunay graph [9], etc.) satisfy this property. Moreover, in [13], the four primitives were shown to be universal, i.e. the primitives allow one to get from any weakly connected graph \(G=(V,E)\) to any other weakly connected graph \(G'=(V,E')\) for NG. In fact, only the first three primitives (i.e., \(\mathcal {IDF}\)) are necessary to get from any weakly connected graph to any strongly connected graph, which is sufficient in our case ([13] denote this by weak universality). Note that the notion of universality for a set of primitives is not constructive, i.e., only in principle the primitives allow one to get from any weakly connected graph to any other weakly connected graph. We strengthen the results concerning universality of the primitives with the following theorem (the proof can be found in the full version [17]).

Theorem 1

Any compare-store-send protocol that self-stabilizes to a static strongly-connected topology and preserves weak connectivity can be transformed such that the interactions between nodes can be decomposed into the primitives of \(\mathcal {IDF}\).

4 Primitives for Monotonic Searchability

Although the primitives of [13] are general enough to construct any conceivable overlay, they do not inherently satisfy monotonic searchability. This is due to the fact that the Delegation primitive replaces an explicit edge (uv) by a path (uwv) consisting of an explicit edge (uw) and an implicit edge (wv) and thus a search message from u to v issued after the delegation may be processed by w before there is a path from w to v via explicit edges, causing the search message to fail (even though an earlier message sent while (uv) was still an explicit edge was delivered successfully). Consequently, we are going to introduce a new set of primitives that enables monotonic searchability. We say a set of primitives is search-universal according to a set of Invariants \(\mathcal {I}\) if the following holds:

  1. 1.

    the set of primitives is weakly universal,

  2. 2.

    starting from every state in which the invariants in \(\mathcal {I}\) hold, for every pair of nodes u and v as soon as there is a path via explicit edges from u to v, there will be a path via explicit edges from u to v in every subsequent step.

We are now going to introduce a modified set of primitives that are search-universal. Moreover, we will show that these new primitives are also general enough to cover all self-stabilizing protocols that can be built by the original primitives. Consequently, we ultimately aim at a result similar to Theorem 1 for the new primitives.

Remember that we assume the mdl property. Therefore, in every fixed state S in every execution of a self-stabilizing protocol, each node u can divide its explicit edges into two subsets: the stable edges and the temporary edges (not to be confused with implicit edges). The first set contains those explicit edges that u wants to keep, given its current neighborhood in S; the second set holds the explicit edges that are not needed from the perspective of u in S. Note that the set of temporary edges can also be the empty set.

For the new primitives, a node does not only store references of its neighbors, but additionally stores sequence numbers for every reference in its local memory, i.e., every node u stores for each neighbor v an entry u.eseq[id(v)] (or u.eseq[v], in short). We keep the Introduction primitive as in Sect. 3 and change Delegation and Fusion in the following way:

  • Safe-Delegation. Consider a node u that has references of two different nodes v and w. In order to perform Safe-Delegation, u has to distinguish between (uw) being implicit or temporary.

    If (uw) is an implicit edge, it is delegated as in the original delegation primitive (we will later refer to this case as an implicit delegation or ImplDelegate(\(t\)) o avoid confusion with the original primitives). If (uw) is a temporary edge, it can only be delegated to a node v if (uv) is a stable edge. Whenever an explicit edge (uw) is to be delegated to another node v, u sends a \(\textsc {DelegateREQ}(u,w,eseq) \) message to v, where \(eseq = u.eseq[w]\). Additionally, it sets u.eseq[v] to \(max\{u.eseq[v], u.eseq[w] + 1\}\). Any node v that receives a \(\textsc {DelegateREQ}(u,w,eseq) \) message, adds (vw) to its set of explicit edges (if it does not already exist), sets v.eseq[w] to \(\max \{v.eseq[w],eseq + 1\}\) and sends a \(\textsc {DelegateACK}(w,eseq) \) message back to u. Upon receipt of this message, u checks whether \(eseq = u.eseq[w]\) and whether (uw) is actually a temporary edge (note that the last check is necessary to handle corrupt initial states). If both conditions hold, u removes the temporary explicit edge to w and sends an ImplDelegate(\(w\)) message to one of its neighbors. Otherwise, u simply acts as it would upon receipt of an ImplDelegate(\(w\)) message.

  • Fusion. If a node u has two references v and w with \(v=w\), then u fuses the two references if it only keeps one of these references. Note that when a node u receives a DelegateREQ(v,w,eseq) message and already stores a reference of w, it also behaves as described in the Safe-Delegation primitive.

We define \(\mathcal {ISF}\) as the set containing the three primitives Introduction, Safe-Delegation and Fusion. Throughout the paper we assume that DelegateREQ() and DelegateACK() messages are only sent in the Safe-Delegation primitive. Analogous to \(\mathcal {P_{IDF}}\), let \(\mathcal {P_{ISF}}\) denote the set of all distributed protocols where all interactions between processes can be decomposed into the primitives of \(\mathcal {ISF}\). Likewise to the mdl property, we say that a protocol fulfills the stable mdl property, if the protocol fulfills the mdl property with respect to stable explicit edges. More specifically, for any action a of the protocol it holds that a node u executing action a will always keep a reference of another node v in its local memory (i.e., the stable edge (uv)) if an edge (uv) is part of the final topology, and if a node u executing action a in some state S decides to not keep a reference of another node v in its local memory (i.e., the temporary or implicit edge (uv)), every other action of the protocol executed by u in any state \(S' > S\) will decide to not keep the reference of v.

4.1 Universality of the New Primitives

To show that our primitives are search-universal we first show that they are weakly universal. The corresponding proof can be found in the full version.

Lemma 2

\(\mathcal {ISF}\) is weakly universal.

In order to enable monotonic searchability, we define the following two message invariants:

  1. 1.

    If there is a DelegateREQ(u,w,eseq) message in v.Ch, then there exists a path \(P = (u=x_1, x_2, \dots , x_k = v)\) that does not contain (uw) and for every \(1 \le i < k\), \(x_i.eseq[x_{i+1}] > u.eseq[w]\), or \(u.eseq[w] > eseq\).

  2. 2.

    If there is a DelegateACK(w,eseq) message in u.Ch, then there exists a path \(P = (u=x_1, x_2, \dots , x_k = w)\) that does not contain (uw) and for every \(1 \le i < k\), \(x_i.eseq[x_{i+1}] > u.eseq[w]\), or \(u.eseq[w] > eseq\).

Intuitively, Invariant 1 says that whenever node v has a DelegateREQ(u,w,eseq) message in v.Ch (i.e., node u asked v to establish the edge (vw) such that it may remove its own (uw) edge), then there is a path from u to v that does not use the edge (uw). Invariant 2 states that whenever a node u has a DelegateACK(w,seq) message in u.Ch (i.e., some other node v which u asked to establish the edge (vw) has already done so), then there is a path from u to w that does not use the edge (uw). However, both statements only need to hold if the value of eseq indicates that the messages belong to a current safe-delegation, i.e., if \(u.seq[w] > eseq\), the DelegateREQ() or DelegateACK() message can be ignored.

We define the predicate E(uv) to be true if and only if there exists a directed path from u to v via explicit edges. In order to show search-universality, we prove the following lemma.

Lemma 3

Consider a computation of a protocol \(P \in \mathcal {P_{ISF}} \) that fulfills the stable mdl property. If there is a state S such that Invariants 1 and 2 hold, then they will hold in every subsequent state. Additionally, for every state \(S' \ge S\) it holds that if \(E(u,v) \equiv TRUE\) in \(S'\), then \(E(u,v) \equiv TRUE\) in every state \(S'' \ge S'\).

Lemmas 2 and 3 imply the following corollary:

Corollary 1

\(\mathcal {ISF}\) is search-universal according to Invariants 1 and 2.

We conclude this section by showing that a protocol \(A \in \mathcal {P_{IDF}} \) that fulfills the mdl property and self-stabilizes to some topology can be transformed into a protocol \(B \in \mathcal {P_{ISF}} \) that fulfills the stable mdl property and for which it holds that in every computation of B there is a state in which Invariant 1–2 hold. The corresponding proof can be found in the full version [17].

Theorem 2

Consider a protocol \(A \in \mathcal {P_{IDF}} \) that self-stabilizes to a strongly-connected topology T and that fulfills the mdl property. Then A can be transformed into another protocol \(B \in \mathcal {P_{ISF}} \) such that B fulfills the stable mdl property, B self-stabilizes to the same topology, and in every computation of B there exists a computation suffix in which Invariants 1 and 2 hold.

5 The Generic Search Protocol

In this section we describe a generic search protocol such that every protocol in \(\mathcal {P_{ISF}} \) fulfilling the stable mdl property satisfies monotonic searchability according to that search protocol. We assume that when a node u wants to search for a node with identifier ID, it performs an InitiateNewSearch(\(ID\)) action in which a Search(\(u,ID\)) message is created. The search request is regarded as answered as soon as the Search(\(u,ID\)) message is either dropped, i.e., it fails, or is received by the node w with \(id(w)=ID\), i.e. it succeeds.

The principle idea of the generic search protocol is the following: A node u with a Search(\(u,ID\)) message does not directly forward this message through the network but buffers it. Instead, u initiates a probing algorithm whose goal is to either receive the reference of the node w with \(id(w)=ID\), or to get a negative response in case this node does not exist or cannot be reached yet. In the former case, u directly sends Search(\(u,ID\)) to w. In the latter case, u drops Search(\(u,ID\)). Whenever an additional Search(\(u,ID\)) message for the same identifier ID is initiated at u while a probing for ID is still in progress, this message is combined with previous Search(\(u,ID\)) messages waiting at u.

For the probing, a node u with a buffered Search(\(u,ID\)) message periodically initiates a new Probe() message in its Timeout action. This Probe() message contains four arguments: First, a reference source of the source of the Probe() message., i.e., a reference of u. Second, the identifier destID of the node that is searched, i.e., ID. Third, a set Next that holds references of all neighbors of u with a closer distance to destID than id(u). Last, a sequence number seq that is used to distinguish probe messages that belong to different probing processes from the same node and for the same target, i.e., \(seq = u.seq[ID]\), where u.seq[ID] is a value stored at u. This is necessary because in each execution of the Timeout action, a new probe message is sent, although upon receival of the first response to such a message, the set of buffered search messages is sent out to the target or dropped completely. Thus, future replies may arrive afterwards and u has to know that these are outdated. All in all, u initiates a Probe(\(source,destID,Next,seq\)) message and sends this message to the node in Next whose identifier has the maximum distance to ID (i.e., it is the closest to u).

Any intermediate node v that receives a Probe(\(source,destID,Next,seq\)) message first checks whether \(id(v) = destID\). If so, v sends a reference of itself to source via a ProbeSuccess(\(destID,dest\)) message with \(dest = v\). Otherwise, v removes itself from Next and adds all its neighbors to Next that have a closer distance to destID than itself. If Next is empty after this step, v responds to source via a ProbeFail(\(destID,seq\)) message. Otherwise, v forwards the Probe(\(source,destID,Next,seq\)) message (with the already described changes performed to Next) to the node in Next whose identifier has the maximum distance to ID. If the initiator u of a probe receives a ProbeSuccess(\(destID,dest\)) or a ProbeFail(\(destID,seq\)) message, it first checks whether \(seq \ge u.seq[destID]\), i.e., it checks whether the received message is a response to the current batch of search requests. If it is from an earlier probe, u simply drops the received message. Otherwise, u acts depending on the message it received: In case of a ProbeSuccess(\(destID,dest\)) message, u sends out all (possibly combined) Search(\(u,destID\)) messages waiting at u to dest (thus stopping the probing). In case of a ProbeFail(\(destID,seq\)) message, u drops all Search(\(u,destID\)) messages waiting at u to dest (thus also stopping the probing). In both cases, u additionally increases u.seq[destID] such that probe messages that are still in the system at this point in time cannot have any effects on future requests. The pseudocode of the generic search protocol and supplementary details can be found in the full version [17].

Using the protocol as specified above could cause a high dilation because each probe message in each step is always sent to the node with the highest distance to the target in Next, even if a shorter path is possible. Luckily, if there exists a fast routing protocol for the stabilized target topology (i.e., o(n) hops in the worst case), it is possible to speed up search messages in legitimate states (and possibly even earlier). Details can be found in the full version [17].

As the generic search protocol cannot guarantee to function properly under the presence of corrupt messages, we define the following additional invariants that are maintained during the execution of the generic search protocol (that did not start with corrupt messages):

  1. 3.

    If there is a Probe(\(source,destID,Next,seq\)) message in u.Ch, then

    1. (a)

      \(u \in Next\) and \(\forall w \in Next \setminus \{u\}: ds(id(w),destID) \le ds(id(u),destID)\),

    2. (b)

      \(R(Next,ID) \subseteq R(source,ID)\), and

    3. (c)

      if v exists with \(id(v) = destID\) and \(v \notin R(Next,destID)\), then for every admissible state with \(source.seq[destID] < seq\), \(v \notin R(source,destID)\).

    If there is a FastProbe(\(source, destID\)) message in u.Ch, then

    1. (d)

      \(u \in R(source, destID)\).

  2. 4.

    If there is a ProbeSuccess(\(destID, dest\)) message in u.Ch, then \(id(dest) = destID\) and \(dest \in R(u,destID)\).

  3. 5.

    If there is a ProbeFail(\(destID, seq\)) message in u.Ch, then if v exists such that \(id(v) = destID\), then for every admissible state with \(u.seq[destID] < seq\), \(v \notin R(u,destID)\).

  4. 6.

    If there is a Search(\(v, destID\)) message in u.Ch, then \(id(u) = destID\) and \(u \in R(v,destID)\).

We say a protocol for the self-stabilization of a topology is monotonic-searchability-sufficient (ms -sufficient) if (i) all interactions between processes can be decomposed into the primitives in \(\mathcal {ISF}\), (ii) it fulfills the stable mdl property, (iii) it uses the generic search protocol for searching, (iv) no Probe(), ProbeSuccess(), ProbeFail(), or Search() message is sent at any other occasion than the ones specified in the generic search protocol, and (v) in every computation of the protocol there is a state in which the first two invariants hold. Note that Theorem 2 implies the following:

Corollary 2

Any conventional protocol \(A \in \mathcal {P_{IDF}} \) that self-stabilizes to a strongly-connected topology T and that fulfills the mdl property can be transformed into an \(ms\)-sufficient protocol that stabilizes the same topology.

For an \(ms\)-sufficient protocol, we define a state as admissible if all six invariants hold. The proof of the following theorem can be found in the full version [17].

Theorem 3

Every \(ms\)-sufficient protocol satisfies monotonic searchability according to Invariant 1–6.

The following result follows from the description of the generic search protocol:

Corollary 3

Every \(ms\)-sufficient protocol P that stabilizes to a topology T and in which the generic search protocol uses a routing strategy with a worst-case routing time of O(T(n)) for the fast search as described in the protocol, then P answers successful search requests in legitimate states in time O(T(n)).

6 Conclusion and Outlook

In this work we further strengthened the notion of monotonic searchability introduced in [16] by presenting a universal approach for adapting conventional protocols for topological self-stabilization such that they satisfy monotonic searchability. Even more, we carved out some design principles that protocols should adhere to in order to enable reliable searches even during the stabilization phase.

Although our results solve the problem of monotonic searchability for a wide range of topologies, there are certain aspects that have not been studied yet. For example, we did not consider the additional cost of convergence (i.e., the amount of additional messages to be sent), nor the impact of our methods on the convergence time of the topology. Additionally, while our generic search protocol enables us to search existing nodes in legitimate states with a low dilation, searching for a non-existing node can still cause a message to travel \(\varOmega (n)\) hops, even in a legitimate state. Whether this is provably necessary or could be improved is still an open question.