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1 Distances on Convex Bodies

A convex body in the n-dimensional Euclidean space \(\mathbb{E}^{n}\) is a convex compact connected subset of \(\mathbb{E}^{n}\). It is called solid (or proper) if it has nonempty interior. Let K denote the space of all convex bodies in \(\mathbb{E}^{n}\), and let K p be the subspace of all proper convex bodies. Given a set \(X \subset \mathbb{E}^{n}\), its convex hull c o n v(X) is the minimal convex set containing X.

Any metric space (K, d) on K is called a metric space of convex bodies. Such spaces, in particular the metrization by the Hausdorff metric, or by the symmetric difference metric, play a basic role in Convex Geometry (see, for example, [Grub93]).

For C, D ∈ K∖{∅}, the Minkowski addition and the Minkowski nonnegative scalar multiplication are defined by \(C + D =\{ x + y: x \in C,y \in D\}\), and α C = {α x: x ∈ C}, α ≥ 0, respectively. The Abelian semigroup (K, +) equipped with nonnegative scalar multiplication operators can be considered as a convex cone.

The support function \(h_{C}: S^{n-1} \rightarrow \mathbb{R}\) of C ∈ K is defined by h C (u) = sup{〈u, x〉: x ∈ C} for any u ∈ S n−1, where S n−1 is the (n − 1)-dimensional unit sphere in \(\mathbb{E}^{n}\), and 〈, 〉 is the inner product in \(\mathbb{E}^{n}\). The width w C (u) is \(h_{C}(u) + h_{C}(-u) = h_{C-C}(u)\). It is the perpendicular distance between the parallel supporting hyperplanes perpendicular to given direction. The mean width is the average of width over all directions in S n−1.

  • Area deviation

    The area deviation (or template metric ) is a metric on the set K p in \(\mathbb{E}^{2}\) (i.e., on the set of plane convex disks) defined by

    $$\displaystyle{A(C\bigtriangleup D),}$$

    where A(. ) is the area, and △ is the symmetric difference. If C ⊂ D, then it is equal to A(D) − A(C).

  • Perimeter deviation

    The perimeter deviation is a metric on K p in \(\mathbb{E}^{2}\) defined by

    $$\displaystyle{2p(conv(C \cup D)) - p(C) - p(D),}$$

    where p(. ) is the perimeter. In the case C ⊂ D, it is equal to p(D) − p(C).

  • Mean width metric

    The mean width metric is a metric on K p in \(\mathbb{E}^{2}\) defined by

    $$\displaystyle{v2W(conv(C \cup D)) - W(C) - W(D),}$$

    where W(. ) is the mean width: \(W(C) = p(C)/\pi\), and p(. ) is the perimeter.

  • Florian metric

    The Florian metric is a metric on K defined by

    $$\displaystyle{\int _{S^{n-1}}\vert h_{C}(u) - h_{D}(u)\vert d\sigma (u) = \vert \vert h_{C} - h_{D}\vert \vert _{1}.}$$

    It can be expressed in the form \(2S(conv(C \cup D)) - S(C) - S(D)\) for n = 2 (cf. perimeter deviation ); it can be expressed also in the form \(nk_{n}(2W(conv(C \cup D)) - W(C) - W(D))\) for n ≥ 2 (cf. mean width metric ).

    Here S(. ) is the surface area, k n is the volume of the unit ball \(\overline{B}^{n}\) of \(\mathbb{E}^{n}\), and W(. ) is the mean width: \(W(C) = \frac{1} {nk_{n}}\int _{S^{n-1}}(h_{C}(u) + h_{C}(-u))d\sigma (u)\).

  • McClure–Vitale metric

    Given 1 ≤ p ≤ , the McClure–Vitale metric is a metric on K, defined by

    $$\displaystyle{\left (\int _{S^{n-1}}\vert h_{C}(u) - h_{D}(u)\vert ^{p}d\sigma (u)\right )^{\frac{1} {p} } = \vert \vert h_{C} - h_{D}\vert \vert _{p}.}$$
  • Pompeiu–Hausdorff–Blaschke metric

    The Pompeiu–Hausdorff–Blaschke metric is a metric on K defined by

    $$\displaystyle{\max \{\sup _{x\in C}\inf _{y\in D}\vert \vert x - y\vert \vert _{2},\sup _{y\in D}\inf _{x\in C}\vert \vert x - y\vert \vert _{2}\},}$$

    where | | . | | 2 is the Euclidean norm on \(\mathbb{E}^{n}\).

    In terms of support functions and using Minkowski addition, this metric is

    $$\displaystyle{\sup _{u\in S^{n-1}}\vert h_{C}(u) - h_{D}(u)\vert = \vert \vert h_{C} - h_{D}\vert \vert _{\infty } =\inf \{\lambda \geq 0: C \subset D +\lambda \overline{B}^{n},D \subset C +\lambda \overline{B}^{n}\},}$$

    where \(\overline{B}^{n}\) is the unit ball of \(\mathbb{E}^{n}\). This metric can be defined using any norm on \(\mathbb{R}^{n}\) and for the space of bounded closed subsets of any metric space.

  • Pompeiu–Eggleston metric

    The Pompeiu–Eggleston metric is a metric on K defined by

    $$\displaystyle{\sup _{x\in C}\inf _{y\in D}\vert \vert x - y\vert \vert _{2} +\sup _{y\in D}\inf _{x\in C}\vert \vert x - y\vert \vert _{2},}$$

    where | | . | | 2 is the Euclidean norm on \(\mathbb{E}^{n}\).

    In terms of support functions and using Minkowski addition, this metric is

    $$\displaystyle\begin{array}{rcl} & & \max \{0,\sup _{u\in S^{n-1}}(h_{C}(u) - h_{D}(u))\} +\max \{ 0,\sup _{u\in S^{n-1}}(h_{D}(u) - h_{C}(u))\} = {}\\ & & \quad =\inf \{\lambda \geq 0: C \subset D +\lambda \overline{B}^{n}\}+\inf \{\lambda \geq 0: D \subset C +\lambda \overline{B}^{n}\}, {}\\ \end{array}$$

    where \(\overline{B}^{n}\) is the unit ball of \(\mathbb{E}^{n}\). This metric can be defined using any norm on \(\mathbb{R}^{n}\) and for the space of bounded closed subsets of any metric space.

  • Sobolev distance

    The Sobolev distance is a metric on K defined by

    $$\displaystyle{\vert \vert h_{C} - h_{D}\vert \vert _{w},}$$

    where | | . | |  w is the Sobolev 1-norm on the set \(G_{S^{n-1}}\) of all real continuous functions on the unit sphere S n−1 of \(\mathbb{E}^{n}\).

    The Sobolev 1-norm is defined by \(\vert \vert \,f\vert \vert _{w} =\langle \, f,f\rangle _{w}^{1/2}\), where 〈, 〉 w is an inner product on \(G_{S^{n-1}}\), given by

    $$\displaystyle{\langle \,f,g\rangle _{w} =\int _{S^{n-1}}(\,fg + \nabla _{s}(\,f,g))dw_{0},\,\,\,w_{0} = \frac{1} {n \cdot k_{n}}w,}$$

    where ∇ s ( f, g) = 〈grad s f, grad s g〉, 〈, 〉 is the inner product in \(\mathbb{E}^{n}\), and grad s is the gradient on S n−1 (see [ArWe92]).

  • Shephard metric

    The Shephard metric is a metric on K p defined by

    $$\displaystyle{\ln (1 + 2\inf \{\lambda \geq 0: C \subset D +\lambda (D - D),D \subset C +\lambda (C - C)\}).}$$
  • Nikodym metric

    The Nikodym metric (or volume of symmetric difference, Dinghas distance ) is a metric on K p defined by

    $$\displaystyle{V (C\bigtriangleup D) =\int (1_{x\in C} - 1_{x\in D})^{2}dx,}$$

    where V (. ) is the volume (i.e., the Lebesgue n-dimensional measure), and △ is the symmetric difference. For n = 2, one obtains the area deviation.

    Normalized volume of symmetric difference is a variant of Steinhaus distance defined by

    $$\displaystyle{ \frac{V (C\bigtriangleup D)} {V (C \cup D)}.}$$
  • Eggleston distance

    The Eggleston distance (or symmetric surface area deviation ) is a distance on K p defined by

    $$\displaystyle{S(C \cup D) - S(C \cap D),}$$

    where S(. ) is the surface area. It is not a metric.

  • Asplund metric

    The Asplund metric is a metric on the space K p ∕ ≈ of affine-equivalence classes in K p defined by

    $$\displaystyle{\ln \inf \{\lambda \geq 1:\exists T: \mathbb{E}^{n} \rightarrow \mathbb{E}^{n}\mbox{ affine},\,x \in \mathbb{E}^{n},C \subset T(D) \subset \lambda C + x\}}$$

    for any equivalence classes C and D with the representatives C and D, respectively.

  • Macbeath metric

    The Macbeath metric is a metric on the space K p ∕ ≈ of affine-equivalence classes in K p defined by

    $$\displaystyle{\ln \inf \{\vert \det T \cdot P\vert:\exists T,P: \mathbb{E}^{n} \rightarrow \mathbb{E}^{n}\mbox{ regular affine},C \subset T(D),D \subset P(C)\}}$$

    for any equivalence classes C and D with the representatives C and D, respectively.

    Equivalently, it can be written as lnδ(C, D) + ln δ(D, C), where \(\delta (C,D) =\inf _{T}\{\frac{V (T(D))} {V (C)};C \subset T(D)\}\), and T is a regular affine mapping of \(\mathbb{E}^{n}\) onto itself.

  • Banach–Mazur metric

    The Banach–Mazur metric is a metric on the space K po ∕ ∼ of the equivalence classes of proper 0-symmetric convex bodies with respect to linear transformations defined by

    $$\displaystyle{\ln \inf \{\lambda \geq 1:\exists T: \mathbb{E}^{n} \rightarrow \mathbb{E}^{n}\mbox{ linear, }C \subset T(D) \subset \lambda C\}}$$

    for any equivalence classes C and D with the representatives C and D, respectively.

    It is a special case of the Banach–Mazur distance (Chap. 1).

  • Separation distance

    The separation distance between two disjoint convex bodies C and D in \(\mathbb{E}^{n}\) (in general, between any two disjoint subsets) \(\mathbb{E}^{n}\)) is (Buckley, 1985) their Euclidean set-set distance inf{ | | xy | | 2: x ∈ C, y ∈ D}, while sup{ | | xy | | 2: x ∈ C, y ∈ D} is their spanning distance.

  • Penetration depth distance

    The penetration depth distance between two interpenetrating convex bodies C and D in \(\mathbb{E}^{n}\) (in general, between any two interpenetrating subsets of \(\mathbb{E}^{n}\)) is (Cameron–Culley, 1986) defined as the minimum translation distance that one body undergoes to make the interiors of C and D disjoint:

    $$\displaystyle{\min \{\vert \vert t\vert \vert _{2}: interior(C + t) \cap D =\emptyset \}.}$$

    Keerthi–Sridharan, 1991, considered | | t | | 1- and | | t | |  -analogs of this distance.

    Cf. penetration distance in Chap. 23 and penetration depth in Chap. 24

  • Growth distances

    Let C, D ∈ K p be two compact convex proper bodies. Fix their seed points p C  ∈ intC and p D  ∈ intD; usually, they are the centroids of C and D. The growth function g(C, D) is the minimal number λ > 0, such that

    $$\displaystyle{(\{p_{C}\} +\lambda (C\setminus \{p_{C}\})) \cap (\{p_{D}\} +\lambda (D\setminus \{p_{D}\}))\neq \emptyset.}$$

    It is the amount objects must be grown if g(C, D) > 1 (i.e., CD = ∅), or contracted if g(C, D) > 1 (i.e., intCintD ≠ ∅) from their internal seed points until their surfaces just touch. The growth separation distance d S (C, D) and the growth penetration distance d P (C, D) ([OnGi96]) are defined as

    $$\displaystyle{d_{S}(C,D) =\max \{ 0,r_{CD}(g(C,D) - 1)\}\,\mbox{ and}\,d_{P}(C,D) =\max \{ 0,r_{CD}(1 - g(C,D))\},}$$

    where r CD is the scaling coefficient (usually, the sum of radii of circumscribing spheres for the sets C∖{p C } and D∖{p D }).

    The one-sided growth distance between disjoint C and D (Leven–Sharir, 1987) is

    $$\displaystyle{-1+\min \lambda> 0: (\{p_{C}\} +\lambda \{ (C\setminus \{p_{C}\})) \cap D\neq \emptyset \}.}$$
  • Minkowski difference

    The Minkowski difference on the set of all compact subsets, in particular, on the set of all sculptured objects (or free form objects), of \(\mathbb{R}^{3}\) is defined by

    $$\displaystyle{A - B =\{ x - y: x \in A,y \in B\}.}$$

    If we consider object B to be free to move with fixed orientation, the Minkowski difference is a set containing all the translations that bring B to intersect with A. The closest point from the Minkowski difference boundary, (AB), to the origin gives the separation distance between A and B.

    If both objects intersect, the origin is inside of their Minkowski difference, and the obtained distance can be interpreted as a penetration depth distance.

  • Demyanov distance

    Given C ∈ K p and u ∈ S n−1, denote, if \(\vert \{c \in C:\langle u,c\rangle = h_{C}(u)\}\vert = 1\), this unique point by y(u, C) (exposed point of C in direction u).

    The Demyanov difference AB of two subsets A, B ∈ K p is the closure of

    $$\displaystyle{conv(\cup _{T(A)\cap T(B)}\{y(u,A) - y(u,B)\}),}$$

    where \(T(C) =\{ u \in S^{n-1}: \vert \{c \in C:\langle u,c\rangle = h_{C}(u)\}\vert = 1\}\).

    The Demyanov distance between two subsets A, B ∈ K p is defined by

    $$\displaystyle{\vert \vert A \ominus B\vert \vert =\max _{c\in A\ominus B}\vert \vert c\vert \vert _{2}.}$$

    It is shown in [BaFa07] that | | AB | | = sup α  | | St α (A) − St α (M) | | 2, where St α (C) is a generalized Steiner point and the supremum is over all “sufficiently smooth” probabilistic measures α.

  • Maximum polygon distance

    The maximum polygon distance is a distance between two convex polygons \(P = (p_{1},\ldots,p_{n})\) and \(Q = (q_{1},\ldots,q_{m})\) defined by

    $$\displaystyle{\max _{i,j}\vert \vert p_{i} - q_{j}\vert \vert _{2},\,\,i \in \{ 1,\ldots,n\},\,\,j \in \{ 1,\ldots,m\}.}$$
  • Grenander distance

    Let \(P = (p_{1},\ldots,p_{n})\) and \(Q = (q_{1},\ldots,q_{m})\) be two disjoint convex polygons, and let L(p i , q j ), L(p l , q m ) be two intersecting critical support lines for P and Q. Then the Grenander distance between P and Q is defined by

    $$\displaystyle{\vert \vert p_{i} - q_{j}\vert \vert _{2} + \vert \vert p_{l} - q_{m}\vert \vert _{2} - \Sigma (p_{i},p_{l}) - \Sigma (g_{j},q_{m}),}$$

    where | | . | | 2 is the Euclidean norm, and \(\Sigma (p_{i},p_{l})\) is the sum of the edges lengths of the polynomial chain \(p_{i},\ldots,p_{l}\).

    Here \(P = (p_{1},\ldots,p_{n})\) is a convex polygon with the vertices in standard form, i.e., the vertices are specified according to Cartesian coordinates in a clockwise order, and no three consecutive vertices are collinear. A line L is a line of support of P if the interior of P lies completely to one side of L.

    Given two disjoint polygons P and Q, the line L(p i , q j ) is a critical support line if it is a line of support for P at p i , a line of support for Q at q j , and P and Q lie on opposite sides of L(p i , q j ). In general, a chord [a, b] of a convex body C is called its affine diameter if there is a pair of different hyperplanes each containing one of the endpoints a, b and supporting C.

2 Distances on Cones

A convex cone C in a real vector space V is a subset C of V such that C + C ⊂ C, λ C ⊂ C for any λ ≥ 0. A cone C induces a partial order on V by

$$\displaystyle{x\preceq y\mbox{ if and only if }y - x \in C.}$$

The order respects the vector structure of V, i.e., if x ⪯ y and z ⪯ u, then \(x + z\preceq y + u\), and if x ⪯ y, then λ x ⪯ λ y, \(\lambda \in \mathbb{R}\), λ ≥ 0. Elements x, y ∈ V are called comparable and denoted by x ∼ y if there exist positive real numbers α and β such that α y ⪯ x ⪯ β y. Comparability is an equivalence relation; its equivalence classes (which belong to C or to − C) are called parts (or components, constituents).

Given a convex cone C, a subset \(S =\{ x \in C: T(x) = 1\}\), where \(T: V \rightarrow \mathbb{R}\) is a positive linear functional, is called a cross-section of C. A convex cone C is called almost Archimedean if the closure of its restriction to any 2D subspace is also a cone.

A convex cone C is called pointed if \(C \cup (-C) =\{ 0\}\) and solid if intC ≠ ∅.

  • Koszul–Vinberg metric

    Given an open pointed convex cone C, let C be its dual cone.

    The Koszul–Vinberg metric on C (Vinberg, 1963, and Koszul, 1965) is an affine invariant Riemannian metric defined as the Hessian g = d 2 ψ C , where \(\psi _{C}(x) = -\log \int _{C^{{\ast}}}e^{-(\epsilon,x)}d\epsilon\) for any x ∈ C.

    The Hessian of the entropy (Legendre transform of ψ C (x)) defines a metric on C , which ([Barb14]) is equivalent to the Fisher–Rao metric (Sect. 7.2). [Barb14] also observed that Fisher–Souriau metric ([Sour70]) generalises Fisher–Rao metric for Lie group thermodynamics and interpreted it as a geometric heat capacity.

  • Invariant distances on symmetric cones

    An open convex cone C in an Euclidean space V is said to be homogeneous if its group of linear automorphisms \(G =\{ g \in GL(V ): g(C) = C\}\) act transitively on C. If, moreover, \(\overline{C}\) is pointed and C is self-dual with respect to the given inner product 〈, 〉, then it is called a symmetric cone. Any symmetric cone is a Cartesian product of such cones of only 5 types: the cones \(Sym(n, \mathbb{R})^{+}\), \(Her(n, \mathbb{C})^{+}\) (cf. Chap. 12), \(Her(n, \mathbb{H})^{+}\) of positive-definite Hermitian matrices with real, complex or quaternion entries, the Lorentz cone (or forward light cone) \(\{(t,x_{1},\ldots,x_{n}) \in \mathbb{R}^{n+1}: t^{2}> x_{1}^{2} +\ldots +x_{n}^{2}\}\) and 27-dimensional exceptional cone of 3 × 3 positive-definite matrices over the octonions \(\mathbb{O}\). An n × n quaternion matrix A can be seen as a 2n × 2n complex matrix A′; so, \(A \in Her(n, \mathbb{H})^{+}\) means \(A' \in Her(2n, \mathbb{C})^{+}\).

    Let V be an Euclidean Jordan algebra, i.e., a finite-dimensional Jordan algebra (commutative algebra satisfying x 2(xy) = x(x 2 y) and having a multiplicative identity e) equipped with an associative (〈xy, z〉 = 〈y, xz〉) inner product 〈, 〉. Then the set of square elements of V is a symmetric cone, and every symmetric cone arises in this way. Denote \(P(x)y = 2x(xy) - x^{2}y\) for any x, y ∈ C.

    For example, for \(C = PD_{n}(\mathbb{R})\), the group G is \(GL(n, \mathbb{R})\), the inner product is 〈X, Y 〉 = Tr(XY ), the Jordan product is \(\frac{1} {2}(XY + Y X)\), and P(X)Y = XYX, where the multiplication on the right-hand side is the usual matrix multiplication.

    If r is the rank of V, then for any x ∈ V there is a complete set of orthogonal primitive idempotents \(c_{1},\ldots,c_{r}\neq 0\) (i.e., c i 2 = c i , c i indecomposable, c i c j  = 0 if ij, \(\sum _{i=1}^{r}c_{i} = e\)) and real numbers \(\lambda _{1},\ldots,\lambda _{r}\), called eigenvalues of x, such that \(x =\sum _{ i=1}^{r}\lambda _{i}c_{i}\). Let x, y ∈ C and \(\lambda _{1},\ldots,\lambda _{r}\) be the eigenvalues of \(P(x^{-\frac{1} {2} })y\). Lim, 2001, defined following three G-invariant distances on any symmetric cone C:

    $$\displaystyle{d_{R} = (\sum _{1\leq i\leq r}\ln ^{2}\lambda _{ i})^{\frac{1} {2} },\,\,d_{F} =\max _{1\leq i\leq r}\ln \vert \lambda _{i}\vert,\,\,d_{H} =\ln (\max _{1\leq i\leq r}\lambda _{i}(\min _{1\leq i\leq r}\lambda _{i})^{-1}).}$$

    For above distances, the geometric mean \(P(x^{\frac{1} {2} })(P(x^{-\frac{1} {2} }y))^{\frac{1} {2} }\) is the midpoint of x and y. The distances d R (x, y), d F (x, y) are the intrinsic metrics of G-invariant Riemannian and Finsler metrics on C. The Riemannian geodesic curve \(\alpha (t) = P(x^{\frac{1} {2} })(P(x^{-\frac{1} {2} }y))^{t}\) is one of infinitely many shortest Finsler curves passing through x and y. The space (C, d R (x, y)) is an Hadamard space (Chap. 6), while (C, d F (x, y)) is not. The distance d F (x, y) is the Thompson’s part metric on C, and the distance d H (x, y) is the Hilbert projective semimetric on C which is a complete metric on the unit sphere on C.

  • Thompson’s part metric

    Given a convex cone C in a real Banach space V, the Thompson’s part metric on a part K ⊂ C∖{0} is defined (Thompson, 1963) by

    $$\displaystyle{\log \max \{m(x,y),m(y,x)\}}$$

    for any x, y ∈ K, where \(m(x,y) =\inf \{\lambda \in \mathbb{R}: y\preceq \lambda x\}\).

    If C is almost Archimedean, then K equipped with this metric is a complete metric space. If C is finite-dimensional, then one obtains a chord space (Chap. 6). The positive cone \(\mathbb{R}_{+}^{n} =\{ (x_{1},\ldots,x_{n}): x_{i} \geq 0\mbox{ for }1 \leq i \leq n\}\) equipped with this metric is isometric to a normed space which can be seen as being flat. The same holds for the Hilbert projective semimetric on \(\mathbb{R}_{+}^{n}\).

    If C is a closed solid cone in \(\mathbb{R}^{n}\), then intC can be seen as an n-dimensional manifold M n. If for any tangent vector v ∈ T p (M n), p ∈ M n, we define a norm \(\vert \vert v\vert \vert _{p}^{T} =\inf \{\alpha> 0: -\alpha p\preceq v\preceq \alpha p\}\), then the length of any piecewise differentiable curve γ: [0, 1] → M n is l(γ) =  0 1 | | γ (t) | |  γ(t) T dt, and the distance between x and y is inf γ l(γ), where the infimum is taken over all such curves γ with γ(0) = x, γ(1) = y.

  • Hilbert projective semimetric

    Given a pointed closed convex cone C in a real Banach space V, the Hilbert projective semimetric on C∖{0} is defined (Bushell, 1973), for x, y ∈ C∖{0}, by

    $$\displaystyle{h(x,y) =\log (m(x,y)m(y,x)),}$$

    where \(m(x,y) =\inf \{\lambda \in \mathbb{R}: y\preceq \lambda x\}\); it holds \(\frac{1} {m(y,x)} =\sup \{\lambda \in \mathbb{R}:\lambda y\preceq x\}\). This semimetric is finite on the interior of C and h(λ x, λy) = h(x, y) for λ, λ′ > 0.

    So, h(x, y) is a metric on the projectivization of C, i.e., the space of rays of this cone.

    If C is finite-dimensional, and S is a cross-section of C (in particular, \(S =\{ x \in C: \vert \vert x\vert \vert = 1\}\), where | | . | | is a norm on V ), then, for any distinct points x, y ∈ S, it holds h(x, y) = | ln(x, y, z, t) | , where z, t are the points of the intersection of the line l x, y with the boundary of S, and (x, y, z, t) is the cross-ratio of x, y, z, t. Cf. the Hilbert projective metric in Chap. 6.

    If C is finite-dimensional and almost Archimedean, then each part of C is a chord space (Chap. 6) under the Hilbert projective semimetric. On the Lorentz cone \(L =\{ x = (t,x_{1},\ldots,x_{n}) \in \mathbb{R}^{n+1}: t^{2}> x_{1}^{2} +\ldots +x_{n}^{2}\}\), this semimetric is isometric to the n-dimensional hyperbolic space. On the hyperbolic subspace \(H =\{ x \in L:\det (x) = 1\}\), it holds h(x, y) = 2d(x, y), where d(x, y) is the Thompson’s part metric which is (on H) the usual hyperbolic distance arccosh〈x, y〉.

    If C is a closed solid cone in \(\mathbb{R}^{n}\), then intC can be seen as an n-manifold M n (Chap. 2). If for any tangent vector v ∈ T p (M n), p ∈ M n, we define a seminorm \(\vert \vert v\vert \vert _{p}^{H} = m(p,v) - m(v,p)\), then the length of any piecewise differentiable curve γ: [0, 1] → M n is l(γ) =  0 1 | | γ (t) | |  γ(t) H dt, and h(x, y) = inf γ l(γ), where the infimum is taken over all such curves γ with γ(0) = x and γ(1) = y.

  • Bushell metric

    Given a convex cone C in a real Banach space V, the Bushell metric on the set \(S =\{ x \in C:\sum _{ i=1}^{n}\vert x_{i}\vert = 1\}\) (in general, on any cross-section of C) is defined by

    $$\displaystyle{\frac{1 - m(x,y) \cdot m(y,x)} {1 + m(x,y) \cdot m(y,x)}}$$

    for any x, y ∈ S, where \(m(x,y) =\inf \{\lambda \in \mathbb{R}: y\preceq \lambda x\}\). In fact, it is equal to \(\tanh (\frac{1} {2}h(x,y))\), where h is the Hilbert projective semimetric.

  • k-oriented distance

    A simplicial cone C in \(\mathbb{R}^{n}\) is defined as the intersection of n (open or closed) half-spaces, each of whose supporting planes contain the origin 0. For any set M of n points on the unit sphere, there is a unique simplicial cone C that contains these points. The axes of the cone C can be constructed as the set of the n rays, where each ray originates at the origin, and contains one of the points from M.

    Given a partition \(\{C_{1},\ldots,C_{k}\}\) of \(\mathbb{R}^{n}\) into a set of simplicial cones C 1, \(\ldots\), C k , the k-oriented distance is a metric on \(\mathbb{R}^{n}\) defined by

    $$\displaystyle{d_{k}(x - y)}$$

    for all \(x,y \in \mathbb{R}^{n}\), where, for any x ∈ C i , the value d k (x) is the length of the shortest path from the origin 0 to x traveling only in directions parallel to the axes of C i .

  • Cones over metric space

    A cone over a metric space (X, d) is the quotient space Con(X, d)=(X × [0, 1])∕(X ×{ 0}) obtained from the product \(X \times \mathbb{R}_{\geq 0}\) by collapsing the fiber (subspace X ×{ 0}) to a point (the apex of the cone). Cf. metric cone in Chap. 1.

    The Euclidean cone over the metric space (X, d) is the cone Con(X, d) with a metric d defined, for any (x, t), (y, s) ∈ Con(X, d), by

    $$\displaystyle{\sqrt{t^{2 } + s^{2 } - 2ts\cos (\min \{d(x, y),\pi \} )}.}$$

    If (X, d) is a compact metric space with diameter < 2, the Krakus metric is a metric on Con(X, d) defined, for any (x, t), (y, s) ∈ Con(X, d), by

    $$\displaystyle{\min \{s,t\}d(x,y) + \vert t - s\vert.}$$

    The cone Con(X, d) with the Krakus metric admits a unique midpoint for each pair of its points if (X, d) has this property.

    If M n is a manifold with a pseudo-Riemannian metric g, one can consider a metric dr 2 + r 2 g (in general, a metric \(\frac{1} {k}dr^{2} + r^{2}g\), k ≠ 0) on \(Con(M^{n}) = M^{n} \times \mathbb{R}_{>0}\). For example, \(Con(M^{n}) = \mathbb{R}^{n}\setminus \{0\}\) if (M n, g) is the unit sphere in \(\mathbb{R}^{n}\).

    A spherical cone (or suspension) \(\Sigma (X)\) over a metric space (X, d) is the quotient of the product X × [0, a] obtained by identifying all points in the fibers X ×{ 0} and X ×{ a}. If (X, d) is a length space (Chap. 6) with diam(X) ≤ π, and a = π, the suspension metric on \(\Sigma (X)\) is defined, for any \((x,t),(y,s) \in \Sigma (X)\), by

    $$\displaystyle{\arccos (\cos t\cos s +\sin t\sin s\cos d(x,y)).}$$

3 Distances on Simplicial Complexes

An r-dimensional simplex (or geometrical simplex, hypertetrahedron) is the convex hull of r + 1 points of \(\mathbb{E}^{n}\) which do not lie in any (r − 1)-plane. The boundary of an r-simplex has r + 1 0-faces (polytope vertices), \(\frac{r(r+1)} {2}\) 1-faces (polytope edges), and \((_{i+1}^{r+1})\) i-faces, where ( i r) is the binomial coefficient. The content (i.e., the hypervolume) of a simplex can be computed using the Cayley–Menger determinant. The regular simplex of dimension r is denoted by α r . Simplicial depth of a point \(p \in \mathbb{E}^{n}\) relative to a set \(P \subset \mathbb{E}^{n}\) is the number of simplices S, generated by (n + 1)-subsets of P and containing p.

Roughly, a geometrical simplicial complex is a space with a triangulation, i.e., a decomposition of it into closed simplices such that any two simplices either do not intersect or intersect only along a common face.

An abstract simplicial complex S is a set, whose elements are called vertices, in which a family of finite nonempty subsets, called simplices, is distinguished, such that every nonempty subset of a simplex s is a simplex, called a face of s, and every one-element subset is a simplex. A simplex is called i-dimensional if it consists of i + 1 vertices. The dimension of S is the maximal dimension of its simplices. For every simplicial complex S there exists a triangulation of a polyhedron whose simplicial complex is S. This geometric simplicial complex, denoted by GS, is called the geometric realization of S.

  • Vietoris–Rips complex

    Given a metric space (X, d) and distance δ, their Vietoris–Rips complex is an abstract simplicial complex, the simplexes of which are the finite subsets M of (X, d) having diameter at most δ; the dimension of a simplex defined by M is | M | − 1.

  • Simplicial metric

    Given an abstract simplicial complex S, the points of geometric simplicial complex GS, realizing S, can be identified with the functions α: S → [0, 1] for which the set {x ∈ S: α(x) ≠ 0} is a simplex in S, and x ∈ S α(x) = 1. The number α(x) is called the x-th barycentric coordinate of α.

    The simplicial metric on GS (Lefschetz, 1939) is the Euclidean metric on it:

    $$\displaystyle{\sqrt{\sum _{x\in S } (\alpha (x) -\beta (x))^{2}}.}$$

    Tukey, 1939, found another metric on GS, topologically equivalent to a simplicial one. His polyhedral metric is the intrinsic metric, defined as the infimum of the lengths of the polygonal lines joining the points α and β such that each link is within one of the simplices. An example of a polyhedral metric is the intrinsic metric on the surface of a convex polyhedron in \(\mathbb{E}^{3}\).

  • Polyhedral space

    A Euclidean polyhedral space is a simplicial complex with a polyhedral metric. Every simplex is a flat space (a metric space locally isometric to some \(\mathbb{E}^{n}\); cf. Chap. 1), and the metrics of any two simplices coincide on their intersection. The metric is the maximal metric not exceeding the metrics of simplices.

    If such a space is an n-manifold (Chap. 2), a point in it is a metric singularity if it has no neighborhood isometric to an open subset of \(\mathbb{E}^{n}\).

    A polyhedral metric on a simplicial complex in a space of constant (positive or negative) curvature results in spherical and hyperbolic polyhedral spaces.

    The dimension of a polyhedral space is the maximal dimension of simplices used to glue it. Metric graphs (Chap. 15) are just one-dimensional polyhedral spaces.

    The surface of a convex polyhedron is a 2D polyhedral space. A polyhedral metric d on a triangulated surface is a circle-packing metric (Thurston, 1985) if there exists a vertex-weighting w(x) > 0 with \(d(x,y) = w(x) + w(y)\) for any edge xy.

  • Manifold edge-distance

    A (boundaryless) combinatorial n-manifold is an abstract n-dimensional simplicial complex M n in which the link of each r-simplex is an \((n - r - 1)\)-sphere. The category of such spaces is equivalent to the category of piecewise-linear (PL) manifolds.

    The link of a simplex S is Cl(Star S ) − Star S , where Star S is the set of all simplices in M n having a face S, and Cl(Star S ) is the smallest simplicial subcomplex of M n containing Star S .

    The edge-distance between vertices u, v ∈ M n is the minimum number of edges needed to connect them.

  • Manifold triangulation metric

    Let M n be a compact PL (piecewise-linear) n-dimensional manifold. A triangulation of M n is a simplicial complex such that its corresponding polyhedron is PL-homeomorphic to M n. Let \(T_{M^{n}}\) be the set of all combinatorial types of triangulations, where two triangulations are equivalent if they are simplicially isomorphic.

    Every such triangulation can be seen as a metric on the smooth manifold M if one assigns the unit length for any of its 1-dimensional simplices; so, \(T_{M^{n}}\) can be seen as a discrete analog of the space of Riemannian structures, i.e., isometry classes of Riemannian metrics on M n.

    A manifold triangulation metric between two triangulations x and y is (Nabutovsky and Ben-Av, 1993) an editing metric on \(T_{M^{n}}\), i.e., the minimal number of elementary moves, from a given finite list of operations, needed to obtain y from x.

    For example, the bistellar move consists of replacing a subcomplex of a given triangulation, which is simplicially isomorphic to a subcomplex of the boundary of the standard (n + 1)-simplex, by the complementary subcomplex of the boundary of an (n + 1)-simplex, containing all remaining n-simplices and their faces. Every triangulation can be obtained from any other one by a finite sequence of bistellar moves.

  • Polyhedral chain metric

    An r-dimensional polyhedral chain A in \(\mathbb{E}^{n}\) is a linear expression i = 1 m d i t i r, where, for any i, the value t i r is an r-dimensional simplex of \(\mathbb{E}^{n}\). The boundary ∂ A of a chain AD is the linear combination of boundaries of the simplices in the chain. The boundary of an r-dimensional chain is an (r − 1)-dimensional chain.

    A polyhedral chain metric is a norm metric | | AB | | on the set \(C_{r}(\mathbb{E}^{n})\) of all r-dimensional polyhedral chains. As a norm | | . | | on \(C_{r}(\mathbb{E}^{n})\) one can take:

    1. 1.

      The mass of a polyhedral chain, i.e., | A | =  i = 1 m | d i  | | t i r | , where | t r | is the volume of the cell t i r;

    2. 2.

      The flat norm of a polyhedral chain, i.e., | A |  = inf D { | A∂ D | + | D | }, where the infimum is taken over all (r + 1)-dimensional polyhedral chains;

    3. 3.

      The sharp norm of a polyhedral chain, i.e.,

      $$\displaystyle{\vert A\vert ^{\sharp } =\inf \left (\frac{\sum _{i=1}^{m}\vert d_{ i}\vert \vert t_{i}^{r}\vert \vert v_{ i}\vert } {r + 1} + \vert \sum _{i=1}^{m}d_{ i}T_{v_{i}}t_{i}^{r}\vert ^{\flat }\right ),}$$

      where the infimum is taken over all shifts v (here T v t r is the cell obtained by shifting t r by a vector v of length | v | ). A flat chain of finite mass is a sharp chain. If r = 0, than | A |  = | A | .

    The metric space of polyhedral co-chains (i.e., linear functions of polyhedral chains) can be defined similarly. As a norm of a polyhedral co-chain X one can take:

    1. 1.

      The co-mass of a polyhedral co-chain, i.e., \(\vert X\vert =\sup _{\vert A\vert =1}\vert X(A)\vert\), where X(A) is the value of the co-chain X on a chain A;

    2. 2.

      The flat co-norm of a polyhedral co-chain, i.e., \(\vert X\vert ^{\flat } =\sup _{\vert A\vert ^{\flat }=1}\vert X(A)\vert\);

    3. 3.

      The sharp co-norm of a polyhedral co-chain, i.e., \(\vert X\vert ^{\sharp } =\sup _{\vert A\vert ^{\sharp }=1}\vert X(A)\vert\).