
1 The Research Object and Methods

1.1 The Research Object

Skills against project of wrestling, taekwondo, feet, boxing, ping Pong, badminton, volleyball, and basketball are the project of physical training, a total of 15 a shipmen dynamic team, one of which is a national team, and the other is the province, city team [1, 2].

1.2 Research Methods

We use the literature material law, on-the-spot observation statistics, factor comparison method, and investigation.

2 Physical Training Factors Comparison

2.1 Physical Stamina Training in Combat, the Nets, and the Status of Training to Compete Against

Combat athletes in the competition of tactics use hair swing and psychological quality of the game stability and physical training level close phase shut, from the survey of the 15 h on the distribution of annual training, physical stamina training in boxing, wrestling, judo, and accounting for 40 % of the training 50 % or even 60 % ratio [3, 4]. The nets against of physical training are in the relatively low proportion of some, and change to a larger extent. Table tennis project of physical stamina training low proportion, in overall training accounted for only 10–15 % of the ratio. Badminton, Volleyball project of physical training is in about 20–25 %. The nets of fitness requirements did for skills that high, but our athletes and foreign wonderful players than, fitness, are still in existence in certain disparity. Improve the nets against athlete’s fitness level to promote the development of the important way. Athletes to compete in the game against the offense and defense in the fight against frequent and intense melee, athletes, only to have a good body level of training to adapt to the high speed, the fast pace of conversion, and in the whole game time from beginning to end play at a high level of techniques and tactics ability. The proportion of physical stamina training accounts for 25–30 % of the overall training.

2.2 Leading the Sports Quality and the Body’s Ability to Function Comparison

Combat class project requirements of athletes have a comprehensive physical quality, force quantity, speed, and sensitive; endurance is the dominant sport of combat quality [5]. Wrestling with the maximum power and explosive, dexterity, movement speed, and stamina row sequence; Boxing, kickboxing, with a response speed and movement speed, flexibility, and durability sort. Feet to the reaction rate and movement speed, flexibility, durability, and strength sort. Combat kind of project for athletes and the body functions. Requirements have in common; the body of the main physical training is to improve the call suction and cardiovascular system function, which improves the body fight play ability and inside. Dirty organ seismic capacity; improve the function of the organ and vestibular muscle acid ability. The nets against the dominant sport quality are project movement speed, flick arm speed, flexibility, and fast moving durability. Speed is the core quality, speed, and endurance is the foundation. Its body function strengthen training in order to improve the flexibility of central nervous, cardiovascular, and respiratory system. All functions and muscle fatigue resistance ability give priority to. To compete against the project game running positive athletes, many times heavy after rapid starts and sprinting, the body in the reasonable frequent contact rush bumps, and game time is long. So, suddenly started speed, movement speed. Degrees, linear and change to displacement speed, strength, sensitivity, and explosive resistance. Force is the dominant sport to compete against quality. Its body function training. The main practice can improve heart function, the lactic acid can offer ability, around aerobic for ability,space balance and space directional sense.

3 Physical Training Method Features Comparison

The usual kind of project combat training methods had distinct properties to refer. A week of fighting against the project of the game for the time of 2–3 rain, training practice, usually the maximum intensity and time biggest strong degree of short-term repeat method, improve the lactic acid can be the biggest energy force, development speed, and explosive action ability; the strong intermittent and strengthen sex intermittent method, improvement of lactic acid and respectively of the lactic acid meta obligation can mix for lactic acid metabolism ability, the speed of development and speed endurance, strength endurance, improve muscle acid ability; combined training and follow ring training method is required on the development speed of fight quality, force quantity and physical stamina; the training intensity, density, transform the way of teaching methods, make the body function and structure in the production and the actual kiss game close to the training.

The nets against athlete physical stamina training is more than the reinforced sex and developmental intermittent method and short, where last method, improve oxygen generation thanks mainly the lactic acid with anaerobic alternate energy ability. In short, again the development speed of response training methods and short of the moving velocity and the explosive force; to strengthen the sex and developmental intermittent method development anaerobic endurance, mix oxygen endurance, quick take, and rapid displacement durability; to load transform, content transformation, and form transform method development flexibility. To compete against of physical training in intermittent method widely used, and heavy the complex method, transform method and circulation method, its characteristic is often tactics combined, hardening approximate to compete against competition activities of the way physical exercise ability.

3.1 The Training Load Characteristics Compared

Combat class athletes in training and competition fierce sport heart rate of 180–200/rain, training high average heart rate is exercise density. The nets against project of the game for a long time, a game about 30 min or even more than 2 h, but the relative movement heart rate is high. According to project characteristic, the strength of the training for above the average intensity, see below but for larger. Athletes to compete against the project in the game are no energy supply oxygen and aerobic alternating metabolism, large, medium, and small strength alternate activities. The average load rate is higher, in anaerobic threshold heart rate and anaerobic threshold heart rate above range, the density of the practice, measuring is higher.

3.2 The Athletes’ Mental Factors Analysis Characteristics of the Winner

3.2.1 Emotional Stability

One-to-one combat game was a man of item-group directly adversarial program, in game on the athletes’ mood of thinking sex, attention degree, perceptions, accurate performance, and the reaction that all have certain effect. High spirits, inspiring spirit, and height sense of responsibility, sense of honor, etc., can cause the force of positive emotions, the athletes thinking agility, attention focused, and perceptions clear, accurate, fast reaction; instead, excessive shock still, cold, anxiety, fear, and blind confidence negative emotions such as reducing force, can make the player thinking slow rigid, attention and lax, perceptions fuzzy, and slow response. On the other hand, feeling Arizona is aroused level which also affects the athlete’s training effect and the full play of the game. Emotional awakening level, not only affects the degree of athletes physiological mobilization, also influence on athletes psychological mobilization energy. So one-on-one item-group athletes is than in combat before the game should be fully activating mental energy, in order to be able to match or exceed constant play normal water ping. Because in the course of a game, the athletes games against combat are between a process; therefore, the mood of the athletes is easy to be his opponent’s play, the audience or drink the color, the referee gave effect etc. During the race it will be in advantage, athletes and stalemate disadvantages three games state, and in the open competition for between the variables so many factors, the athletes are in advantage when trying to be a defense if the opponent strike score or errors by the referee era, will have a big impact to the mood, coke fear, tension and even fear are likely to emerge, direct influence on athletes mood stability and morale. According to the theory can explain for: when the cerebral cortex and the cortex central some part of the body by a strong need to dominate and highly excited, the cerebral cortex. Other parts produced negative induction due to restrain, thus in the emotional state, can make the person’s reason degree and self control drop, increase the aggression, easy to cause the in strong or intense competitive game come bad behavior, also influence tactical thinking, decision and other reason activities, and for consciousness and action has certain influence on the accuracy makes the power to finalize the design cannot automatically representation of the smooth, so that the movement under the operation level drop. So the group of athletes should have stable emotional control, in the face of various situations should be easily face, as far as possible will own mood stability in a certain appropriate level, and right various negative effects using positive measures, which will be the negative influence will be to emotions. The minimum in the emotional force of the boycott reduction effect also should pay attention to the emotional force effect increased when Athletes in the competition show superb the level of skill and tactics, beautiful defensive back, from athletes itself to the coaches and the audience will have emotional fluctuations, generally produce is the force effect, when facing the situation at this time, the athlete must strike while the iron is hot, and more mobilize the positive emotions, boost morale to continue to pressure opponents at the same time, the more heavy. To live is to be able to stable mood in a certain range, if awaken to a high levels now blind, space, and too much exposure to attack by his opponents the opportunity to seize counterattack.

3.2.2 The Superior Specialization Motion Perception

Specialization motion perception, also called special perceptions, is through the movement of the formation of training highly differentiated motion perception, in special practice process, the brain into which to various analysis of various stimuli are fine is analyzed, and the formation of the brain cortex solid complex. The results of the neural connections are miscellaneous. On a one-to-one combat item-group, taekwondo luck mobilization of seeing, hearing, motion perception, and taekwondo techniques in training and competition plays an important role. The taekwondo spatial perception including an opponent with since the distance, the position has sense perception, rivals the body form characteristics and preliminary pose knowledge sleep. In taekwondo competition, the athlete often according to the information to determine their own. Similarly, in the group of several other items of specialization motion perception similar characteristics and taekwondo project, a player’s vision, hearing, and motion perception in the group of technical training and competition plays an important role. Distance is and the central nervous system of the flexibility, visual sense, and sharp. Technical skill and tactics are the use of related. In the course of a game and must be right keep your hands effective distance, this distance is beneficial not only to his offensive, and there are defense and counterattacks. Correctly measure the distance, to strike force small, attack the use of technology, and have a decisive role. The distance is too close, cannot make against the hit of the forces into full play, also easy to make opponents in flight; the distance is too far, is nothing or attack struck weakened. The correct distance, need long term. The training, in actual combat gradually improve. Light and flexible footwork are in optimal control when the distance of the external performance. Actual combat is always a constant movement process, and all kinds of feeling in the twinkling of an eye, only rely on the flexible footwork continued to move to adjust and opponents of the distance, make the footwork movement transform truly light, flexible, stable, and accurate it. During a game, both sides’ players in the process of looking for attacking opportunities, the general situation next, maintained in action can hit directly outside the scope of the distance, two people at any time with to keep through footwork or false action, manufacturing or the opportunity to attack back. No matter into attack or fight back, premise condition is must close to each other, into action can attack in distance range. In distance range, most of the situation could be the basic technology training as usual thug’s target, equipment maintenance, sandbags, and in the best position. Therefore, the group of luck mobilization should have good distance feeling, can according to various needs to adjust and tactics opponents of the distance, keep freely, over all function completed, to make tactical played dripping wet try to. One-to-one combat sports including the time feeling of technology of movement speed degrees, rhythm, and time interval between action and action order between rival, between attacks the time of the poor clearance correctly estimated. In the game, when the referee tip the athletes. To attack began; players must in some time to attack action, at this time on the athletes’ mental pressure is very big. Especially, for the attack the dominant athletes, how to use a few seconds to rival hair up effective and do not let their offense caught counter attacking opportunity, this to the attack and defense mobilization is a sense of time grasp test. Opponents of the move, attack action speed and the order for the time needed for finishing and a correct judgment is the counter attack premise, athletes, can grasp the opportunity right back, it is the right opportunity found broken based. Defensive is the best time of each other attack action just to achieve maximum distance, also did not take back. The athlete completes a single attack technique of the action time is very short, and body moving time relatively long. Outstanding athletes often according to the body can often move, center of gravity of the position, and various signs and information prediction of action and other offensive make corresponding counter action, to ensure that holds the best counterattack time. In a complete game process, athletes cannot be in the whole game beginning always maintain a single form and psychology, the level of skill and tactics of the play, for example in the foot. The ball game, through to the opponent in the past lost the ball game time and the way the statistics learn analysis, can be concluded some regular such as lost the ball was asked section, losing the ball way and so on, from with the time period when opponent in the special for they lost the ball and set millions of tactics. On a one-to-one combat item-group game, more is needed athletes play and watch face, when opponents of momentum, athletes should be enough have selectively used conservative formation, and the advantages of the opponent in resist and opportunists looking for opponents of the flaw, ready to counterattack. Therefore, time and time not only have the time is the composition of consciousness, and including the motor imagery and intuitive thinking composition, and in the game plays a very important role, athletes have to deal with time have certain master, is able to discern the situation in the game, a pointed in different by the time of the different tactics play style.

4 Conclusions

In physical stamina training item-group, training system plays a very important role, and in the development of the sport playing more and more important role. Fighting against the dominant sports quality is similar field, fight the required on speed, strength, and physical endurance; the nets against leading the sports quality are short displacement rate, take speed, flexibility, and fast take and fast moving durability; suddenly start, the actual action speed, various forms of displacement rate, the explosive force, the sensitivity, and endurance athletes to compete against is the dominant sport diathesis. Adversarial program of physical training method has the same, but in practice, according to combat, the nets, the characteristics of the compete against and load characteristics and the body function capacity characteristics, and show the specificity of the implementation of the training, for the development of specific against different needed for athletes’ fitness level.