
These keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

In this chapter ca. 600 lines (and bands), which are observed in natural diamond (see Sect. 1.2.1), are presented in 32 tables. The entries are assigned to 120 centers. The corresponding defect structure is established for 18 centers, is almost certain for 20 centers, and is incomplete or unknown for 82 centers.

Chapter 2 is subdivided into absorption lines (Sect. 2.1: 230 NA lines in 11 tables (see Tables, into photoluminescence excitation (PLE) lines (Sect. 2.2: 50 NE lines in three tables (see Tables, into luminescence lines (Sect. 2.3: 280 NL lines in 15 tables (see Tables, and into broad bands (Sect. 2.1: 40 NB bands in three tables (see Tables

The progress achieved within the last 30 years can be estimated from the following comparison. In 1979 the comprehensive review “Optical Absorption and Luminescence in Diamond” was published [Wal79]. For natural diamond 20 centers are described, but only four corresponding structures are given (A \(\mathrm{center} ={{ \mathrm{N}}_{2}}^{\circ }\), C \(\mathrm{center} ={{ \mathrm{N}}_{1}}^{\circ }\), boron \(\mathrm{acceptor} ={{ \mathrm{B}}_{1}}^{\circ }\), and N3 \(\mathrm{center} ={ \mathrm{{V}_{1}{N}_{3}}}^{\circ }\)). The present knowledge is an increase of 500%.

2.1 Absorption lines (NA)

Table Natural diamond: absorption lines, far infrared, Part 1 (0.04–0.144 eV)
Table Natural diamond: absorption lines, far infrared, Part 2 (0.145–0.18 eV)
Table Natural diamond: absorption lines, mid infrared, Part 1 (0.18–0.343 eV)
Table Natural diamond: absorption lines, mid infrared, Part 2 (0.343–0.47 eV)
Table Natural diamond: absorption lines, mid infrared, Part 3 (0.50–1.24 eV)
Table 2.1.3 Natural diamond: absorption lines, near infrared (1.24–1.77 eV)
Table 2.1.4 Natural diamond: absorption lines, visible: purple-to-ultramarine (1.77–2.75 eV)
Table 2.1.5 Natural diamond: absorption lines, visible: violet (2.75–3.10 eV)
Table 2.1.6 Natural diamond: absorption lines, near ultraviolet (3.10–3.94 eV)
Table 2.1.7 Natural diamond: absorption lines, mid ultraviolet (3.94–4.43 eV)
Table 2.1.8 Natural diamond: absorption lines, far ultraviolet (4.43–5.90 eV)

2.2 Excitation of Photoluminescence Lines (NE)

Table 2.2.1 Natural diamond: excitation of photoluminescence lines (PLE), visible: blue to violet (2.43–3.10 eV)
Table 2.2.2 Natural diamond: excitation of photoluminescence lines (PLE), near ultraviolet (3.10–3.94 eV)
Table 2.2.3 Natural diamond: excitation of photoluminescence lines (PLE), far ultraviolet (4.43–5.90 eV)

2.3 Luminescence Lines (NL)

Table 2.3.1 Natural diamond: luminescence lines, mid infrared (0.18–1.24 eV)
Table 2.3.2 Natural diamond: luminescence lines, near infrared (1.24–1.77 eV)
Table 2.3.3 Natural diamond: luminescence lines, visible: purple + red (1.77–2.03 eV)
Table 2.3.4 Natural diamond: luminescence lines, visible: orange (2.03–2.10 eV)
Table 2.3.5 Natural diamond: luminescence lines, visible: yellow (2.10–2.18 eV)
Table Natural diamond: luminescence lines, visible: green, Part 1 (2.18–2.36 eV)
Table Natural diamond: luminescence lines, visible: green, Part 2 (2.36–2.43 eV)
Table 2.3.7 Natural diamond: luminescence lines, visible: blue (2.43–2.58 eV)
Table 2.3.8 Natural diamond: luminescence lines, visible: ultramarine (2.58–2.75 eV)
Table Natural diamond: luminescence lines, visible: violet, Part 1 (2.75–2.94 eV)
Table Natural diamond: luminescence lines, visible: violet, Part 2 (2.94–3.10 eV)
Table 2.3.10 Natural diamond: luminescence lines, near ultraviolet (3.10–3.94 eV)
Table Natural diamond: luminescence lines, far ultraviolet, Part 1 (4.43–5.10 eV)
Table Natural diamond: luminescence lines, far ultraviolet, Part 2 (5.10–5.37 eV)
Table Natural diamond: luminescence lines, far ultraviolet, Part 3 (5.40–5.90 eV)

2.4 Broad Bands (NB)

Table 2.4.1 Natural diamond: broad bands, mid and near infrared (0.40–1.77 eV)
Table 2.4.2 Natural diamond: broad bands, visible: purple to violet (1.77–3.10 eV)
Table 2.4.3 Natural diamond: broad bands, near and far ultraviolet (3.10–5.90 eV)