
These keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

Data and information are the fundamental resources managed by public administrations to provide services to users. So, the reader should not be surprised that at the beginning of the book we focus on the part of the eG4M methodology that deals with data. To give an example, in the Italian Central Public Administration more than 500 large-sized databases are managed, while in each one of the 21 regions more than 1000 large-sized databases are used. Each one of the above databases has been designed independently from the other by different teams and is updated by different sources and data flows.As a consequence, administrative processes making use of such heterogeneous variety of data result in costly and low-quality services. To mention another typical phenomenon of eGovernment initiatives, data are often considered ancillary to software applications, so in order to solve a problem, the most important issue is considered to produce a new software application, without worrying about the data involved. We arrive at the conclusion that data deserve a special attention in eGovernment initiatives, from different perspectives, that are discussed in this chapter. Section 2.1 introduces the concept of data governance and of its different facets. Section 2.2 discusses the most important of such facets, namely data quality, providing an introduction to data quality dimensions and methodologies for data quality assessment and improvement. Section 2.3 introduces the reader the representation of data by means of graphical models that allow us to represent data classes by means of schemas, so as to understand more clearly their meaning and relationships among them. In Sects. 2.4 and 2.5 we deal with the problem of integrating data schemas, to achieve a comprehensive and reconciled description of the information content managed in an administration or a set of public administrations; in Sect. 2.4 we discuss schema integration in the small, say, when performed on 5–10 schemas, while Sect. 2.5 discusses schema integration in large, when abstraction mechanisms are needed to govern the complexity of schema representation. An encompassing comment is needed for the terms data and information. When we use the term data we refer to values represented in a database by means of n-ples of attributes whose domains are usually numeric or alphanumeric, such data are also called in the literature structured data . The term information is referred to as any type of representation such as maps, images, videos, semi-structured text, and unstructured text.

1 Data Governance Issues

Data governance can be defined as the formal orchestration of people, processes, and technology to enable an organization to leverage data as an enterprise asset. Several different issues related to data governance exist:

  1. 1.

    Data quality : The set of issues that allow to assess different dimensions of data quality (e.g., accuracy, timeliness, consistency) and to improve such dimensions by means of activities that may operate directly on data or else on processes that interchange or elaborate data.

  2. 2.

    Data modeling : The representation of classes of data in terms of a conceptual model, namely a model whose linguistic categories highlight the aspects related to the meaning of data, instead of their representation in a computer.

  3. 3.

    Data integration : The technologies that allow to query and access different independent databases as they were virtually a single, integrated database.

  4. 4.

    Schema integration : The process of harmonizing conceptual descriptions of data across heterogeneous databases.

  5. 5.

    Data architecture governance : The process that considers the overall architecture of data, namely the representation of data in different databases of the organization, and conceives a new architecture that, making use of data integration solutions, maximally increases the amount of queries that can be expressed on it.

  6. 6.

    Data governance management : The asset of responsibilities and activities and their collocation in the organization that allow to manage, monitor, govern, improve the quality and level of integration of data.

Although all of the above issues are relevant in data governance, in this chapter we focus on data quality, data modeling, and schema integration. Data quality is relevant due to the negative impact of loose quality data in administrative processes and in service provision. Data modeling provides all the users of data a common model and, consequently, a common understanding of the data resource. Schema integration is relevant since it gives all the users of data to proceed to their reconciliation in terms of a common integrated description, notwithstanding the heterogeneous representation of data in databases.

2 Data Quality

In this section we deal with data quality issues at an introductory level, since the whole matter has been thoroughly discussed by one of the authors in the book [23]. Data quality has serious consequences, of far-reaching significance, for the efficiency and effectiveness of organizations and businesses. The report on data quality of the Data Warehousing Institute (see [70]) estimates that data quality problems cost US businesses more than 600 billion dollars a year. The findings of the report were based on interviews with industry experts, leading edge customers, and survey data from 647 respondents.

A frequent problem of data quality in organizations concerns the so-called customer matching problem. Information systems of public and private organizations can be seen as the result of a set of scarcely controlled and independent activities producing several databases which are very often characterized by overlapping information. In private organizations, such as marketing firms or banks, it is not surprising to have several (sometimes dozens!) customer registries, updated with different organizational procedures, resulting in inconsistent, duplicate information. The customer matching problem is indicative of the growing need to integrate information across completely different data sources, an activity in which poor quality hampers integration efforts.

Awareness of the importance of improving the quality of data is increasing in many public domains. In the public sector a number of initiatives address data quality issues at international, European, and national levels. Two of the main initiatives concern the Data Quality Act in the US and European directives on reuse of public data.

In 2001 the president of the USA signed into law important new data quality legislations, concerning “Guidelines for Ensuring and Maximizing the Quality, Objectivity , Utility , and Integrity of Information Disseminated by Federal Agencies,” in short the Data Quality Act . The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) issued referred guidelines for policies and procedures on data quality issues (see [158]). Obligations mentioned in the guidelines concern agencies, which are to report periodically to the OMB regarding the number and nature of data quality complaints received and how such complaints were handled. OMB must also include a mechanism through which the public can petition agencies to correct information that does not meet the OMB standard. In the OMB guidelines data quality is defined as an encompassing term comprising utility, objectivity, and integrity. Objectivity is a measure to determine whether the disseminated information is accurate, reliable, and unbiased, and whether that information is presented in an accurate, clear, complete, and unbiased manner. Utility refers to the usefulness of the information for its anticipated purpose, by its intended audience. Integrity refers to the security of information, namely protection of the information from unauthorized, unanticipated, or unintentional modification, to prevent from being compromised by corruption or falsification. Specific risk-based, cost-effective policies are defined for assuring integrity.

The European directive 2003/98/CE on the reuse of public data (see [76]) highlights the importance of reusing the vast data assets owned by public agencies. The public sector collects, produces, and disseminates a wide range of information in many areas of activity, such as social, economic, geographical, meteorological, business, and educational information. Making public all generally available documents held by the public sector, concerning not only the political process but also the legal and administrative processes, is considered a fundamental instrument for extending the right to information, which is a basic principle of democracy. Aspects of data quality addressed by such a directive are the accessibility of public data and availability in a format which is not dependent on the use of specific software. At the same time, a related and necessary step for public data reuse is to guarantee its quality in terms of accuracy and currency, through data cleaning campaigns. This makes it attractive to new potential users and customers.

2.1 Data Quality Dimensions

Data are normally considered to be of poor quality if typos are present or wrong values are associated with a concept instance, such as an erroneous birth date or age associated with a person. However, data quality is more than simply data accuracy. Other significant dimensions such as completeness, consistency, and currency are necessary in order to fully characterize the quality of data. In Fig. 7.4 we provide some examples of these dimensions. The relation in Fig. 2.1 describes movies, with title, director, year of production, number of remakes, and year of the last remake.

Fig. 2.1
figure 1

A relation Movies with data quality problems

In the figure, the cells with data quality problems are shaded. At first, only the cell corresponding to the title of movie 3 seems to be affected by a data quality problem. In fact, there is a misspelling in the title, where Rman stands for Roman, thus causing an accuracy problem. Nevertheless, another accuracy problem is related to the exchange of the director between movies 1 and 2; Weir is actually the director of movie 2 and Curtiz the director of movie 1. Other data quality problems are a missing value for the director of movie 4, causing a completeness problem, and a 0 value for the number of remakes of movie 4, causing a currency problem because a remake of the movie has actually been proposed. Finally, there are two consistency problems: first, for movie 1, the value of LastRemakeYear cannot be lower than the value of Year; second, for movie 4 the value of LastRemakeYear cannot be different from null, because the value of !Remakes is 0.

Over 50 quality dimensions have been proposed in the literature, referring both to qualities of data schemas and to quality of data values. The most frequently mentioned concerns are as follows:

  1. 1.

    Accuracy is defined as the closeness between a value v and a value \(v^{\prime}\), considered as the correct representation of the real-life phenomenon that v aims to represent. For example, “Jon” is an inaccurate representation of the name “John.”

  2. 2.

    Completeness is defined as the extent to which data are of sufficient breadth, depth, and scope for the task at hand. A null value in a data set is an example of incomplete data.

  3. 3.

    Currency concerns how promptly data are updated. A change of address of a business that is updated after 1 month in a business registry is an example of out of date data.

  4. 4.

    Consistency is the absence of any violation of a business rule in a database. In the relational model of data, any violation of referential integrity is an example of inconsistency.

A detailed list of DQ dimensions can be found in [23]; we suggest that the reader read this book for a thorough description of dimensions and proposed classifications.

2.2 A Methodology for Data Quality Assessment and Improvement

We define a data quality methodology as a set of guidelines and techniques that, starting from the input information concerning a set of databases, defines a rational process for using the information to measure and improve the quality of data of an organization through given phases and decision points. In [23] the methodology shown in Fig. 2.2 is proposed.

Fig. 2.2
figure 2

Phases and steps of a methodology for data quality assessment and improvement

The overall strategy of the methodology sees the measurement and improvement activities as being deeply related to the business processes, services provided by processes, and the costs of the organization due to low data quality. In phase 1 all the most important relationships between organization units, processes, services, and data if not known are reconstructed. Phase 2 sets new target quality dimensions that are needed to improve process qualities and evaluates cost savings and new benefits. Phase 3 identifies the optimal improvement process, i.e., the sequence of activities that has the optimal cost-effectiveness ratio.

We refer the reader again to [23] for a detailed description of the methodology and the discussion of a case study.

3 Data Modeling

In our life we frequently need to conceptualize the physical objects we perceive in everyday life. With the term “conceptualize” we mean the process of extracting and representing common features from physical objects pertaining to the same class, e.g., human beings are very different among populations, but are characterized by common physical and intellectual features, such as arms, eyes, and the ability to reflect and think.

The public administration makes intensive use of data to provide services. Databases are the most common technology we use to represent, manage, query data. Database management systems (DBMSs) are software applications that are built in functionalities to represent, manage, and query data. Every DBMS represents data in terms of a logical model that provides linguistic primitives to represent classes of data (e.g., the classes Person, Business, City, here and in the following we give singular names to classes of data) and relationships between them (e.g., the relationship Born that relates the class Person to the class Municipality). In the early years of data management programs were written using programming languages such as Cobol that uses a representation such as the one shown in Fig. 2.3 to represent classes of data. At a first glance it is quite difficult without knowing the technicalities of Cobol to understand that the Cobol representation describes two different classes of Person, namely Man and Woman, their birth relationship with the birthplace, represented as the administrative class Municipality, and the administrative/territorial relationship of municipalities with regions that are represented by the class Region.

Fig. 2.3
figure 3

A piece of a Cobol program

As another example, relational DBMSs, the most frequently used ones, adopt the relational model which represents data in terms of tables, tuples, and columns. Also the relational model, though simple to understand, reveals unfit to represent classes of data and relationships among them. When we conceive classes of data which are used to provide services in eGovernment information systems, we need a model that is at the same time (i) simple to understand and (ii) rich of linguistic features that allow an intuitive description of classes of data and hide physical aspects of the computer implementation. Since the 80 s of the past century, the model adopted for this goal is the entity – relationship model (ER model in the following) that uses intuitive linguistic primitives for classes, properties of classes, relationships among classes. Furthermore, the ER model adopts a diagrammatic representation that provides even more intuitive flavor. Here we provide an example of schema represented in the ER model, while the next section is dedicated to a more detailed introduction to the model. In Fig. 2.4 we see the same piece of reality described in Fig. 2.3 represented using the ER model. We see the class Person, with a Code, a Description, and classified in terms of the classes Man and Woman; then we see Municipality, with a Code and a Description, and the relationship Born between Person and Municipality. Finally we see the class Region, again with a Code and a Description and its administrative/territorial relationship, called Located in, with Municipality.

Fig. 2.4
figure 4

An example of entity – relationship schema

3.1 The Entity – Relationship Model

We provide here a simplified description of the entity – relationship model, for a more comprehensive discussion see [21]. The ER model makes use of the following concepts to represent in an easy-to-understand way a reality of interest.

  1. 1.

    An entity is a class of things or events of the reality of interest having common properties, e.g., a Person is an entity in a registry of living persons having residence address in a Municipality. Things or events are also called instances of the entity. An attribute is an elementary property of an entity, e.g., a Social Security Number, a Name, a BirthDate. An identifier is an attribute or a set of attributes of an entity whose values uniquely identify a single instance of the entity, e.g., Social Security Number is an identifier of the entity Person, since every person has a specific Social Security Number that uniquely identifies the person.

  2. 2.

    A relationship is a set of facts relating instances of two entities, e.g., Owns defined among entities Person and Car describes for each person the cars he/she owns. Also the relationships may have attributes associated, e.g., the relationship Owns may have an attribute StartDate that, for each person and for each car owned, provides the start date of the ownership.

  3. 3.

    An IS-A relation is defined among two entities, Entity1 and Entity2 and expresses the property that every instance of Entity2 is also an instance of Entity1, e.g., the IS-A relation among the entities Person and Woman expresses the property that all women are persons.

  4. 4.

    A generalization is defined among an entity Entity0, called ancestor, and a set of entities Entity1, Entity2,…, Entityn, called children, and expresses the property that each child entity is in the IS-A relation with the Entity0.

We call ER schema a set of interconnected entities, relationships, attributes, IS-A relations, and generalizations representing a reality of interest. The ER model is popular due to its intuitive and simple diagrammatic notation. In Fig. 2.5 we provide a notation that simplifies the one adopted in Fig. 2.4. We will use this notation in the following.

Fig. 2.5
figure 5

A diagrammatic notation for the entity – relationship model

In Fig. 2.6 we reproduce the ER schema of Fig. 2.4 using the notation of Fig. 2.5. We have added some more attributes to the entities.

Fig. 2.6
figure 6

The previous ER schema represented with the notation of Fig. 2.5

4 Schema Integration in the Small

The structure of public administration (PA) consists in many countries of central and local administrations that together interact with and offer services to citizens and businesses. For example, in Italy central PAs are of two types: ministries such as internal affairs, finance and other central agencies such as social security, accident insurance, and the chambers of commerce. Main types of local PAs correspond to regions (21 in Italy), provinces (about 100), and municipalities (about 8000). Each one of these administrations usually manages its own databases and registries. A crucial aspect in changing the relationship between PAs and citizens consists in the design of a new technological architecture that, contrary to the past, offers the services to citizens by means of a common front-office layer, on the basis of the one-stop shop paradigm; furthermore, a cooperative back-office layer has to be developed that allows administrations to share information and application services, in order to re-engineer the administrative procedures and reduce the burden to users. Concerning the data architecture, redundancies should be discovered and controlled, data have to be interchanged in an interoperable format, all the administrations have to assign the same meaning to the same data, achieving integration in the long term. To be able to

  1. 1.

    discover redundancies and heterogeneities among databases of different administrations;

  2. 2.

    reconcile the different meanings of data;

  3. 3.

    reuse entities in the design of new databases achieving semantic interoperability

a unified conceptual and reconciled description is needed of the different databases. In the following, we call such a description an integrated schema . Integration is the mechanism by which a set of local schemas is merged into a unique global schema, after solving all heterogeneities present in the input schemas.

In order to be able to reconcile the (usually) heterogeneous representations of data managed in databases of different administrations, we have to perform an activity of schema integration , whose goal is to homogenize two or more ER schemas and produce a reconciled representation of all the entities and relationships into a new schema called the integrated schema . Schema integration has different approaches when the number of schemas is small, say, less than 10, and in the case when the number of schemas is large. In the two cases we will use the terms schema integration in the small and schema integration in the large . Schema integration in the small is discussed in this section, while schema integration in the large is described in Sect. 2.5.

The activity of schema integration can be divided into three main steps: (i) conflict analysis, (ii) schema merging, and (iii) schema enrichment and rearrangement. We will describe the methodology for schema integration, considering as an example the land department inside a hypothetical ministry of finance. This department is in charge of the evaluation of real property in order to determine direct and indirect tax assessment and to issue real estate certifications. Moreover, this department administers and records all state properties in regard to their financial affairs. Its responsibilities include the acquisition of new state properties; the disposal of properties when authorized; the care and supervision of state properties; and the maintenance of an inclusive inventory. The above activities are in charge of two offices, the general land office and the state property office.

Seven databases are located within the information system of the land department, namely

  1. 1.

    General land office: urban database

  2. 2.

    General land office: land database

  3. 3.

    Mortgage registry database

  4. 4.

    State property office: real estate database

  5. 5.

    State property office: property grant database

  6. 6.

    State property office: confiscated private database

  7. 7.

    State property office: private estate renting database

Among them, in the following we consider the first three databases, whose schemas are described in Figs. 2.7, 2.8, and 2.9. Notice that we represent only entities, relationships, IS-A relations, and generalizations; we do not represent identifiers, attributes, and names of relationships. Only in the case of urban schema we represent for the Urban real estate unit entity two attributes, the identifier Id and the attribute Address.

Fig. 2.7
figure 7

The land schema

Fig. 2.8
figure 8

The urban schema

Fig. 2.9
figure 9

The mortgage registry schema

4.1 Conflict Analysis and Schema Merging

The aim of the conflict analysis and schema merging step is to discover and solve every type of conflict among data representations in different schemas. Two main activities may be distinguished:

  1. 1.

    Name conflict analysis , to establish naming correspondences for concepts. There are basically two sources of name conflicts: synonyms and homonyms. Synonyms occur when schema objects with different names represent the same concept while homonyms occur when the names are the same, but different concepts are represented. Therefore, whenever synonyms or homonyms are detected, a concept renaming is required to solve the conflict.

  2. 2.

    Structural conflict analysis , to discover conflicts between different representations of the same concept. The use of an entity and an attribute to represent the same concept in two different schemas is a typical example of structural conflict. Each difference in representing the same reality can be solved by applying an equivalence transformation (a transformation which does not change the schema information content) to the schemas involved. At the end of this stage, we obtain a set of amended schemas that can be syntactically integrated, all the name and structural conflicts having been solved.

In our case study we have the following conflicts.

  1. 1.

    A synonym among Individual in the Urban and Land schemas and Natural person in the Mortgage schema; we choose the term Individual and consequently amend the Mortgage schema.

  2. 2.

    A structural conflict between the attribute Address in the Mortgage schema and the entity Address in the Urban schema; we choose for Address the entity type and consequently transform the attribute Address in the Mortgage schema into an entity.

The activity required at this point, called schema merging , is a simple superimposition of common concepts belonging to the amended schemas, thus building the integrated schema.

4.2 Enrichment and Rearrangement

This phase aims to detect interschema properties , corresponding to redundancies and cycles within the global schema in order to build the final integrated schema ; with the term “interschema property” we mean mutual constraints between concepts appearing in different schemas. Due to their cross-schema nature, in fact, these relationships have not yet been represented in the global schema and therefore require a specific analysis at this point. In the case study, analyzing the Urban schema and the Land schema it is easy to discover that the entity Particle in the Land schema and Urban real estate unit in the Urban schema have many related concepts in common, so they are concepts which are in an IS-A relation with a common generalized concept, whose name can be Real estate Unit. At the end of the integration activity we obtain the integrated schema, represented in Fig. 2.10 together with the three amended schemas, identified by differently shaped closed lines.

Fig. 2.10
figure 10

The integrated schema together with the three input schemas

5 Schema Integration in the Large: The Repository of Schemas

When the number of schemas to be integrated is high, building the integrated schema becomes unfeasible, as Fig. 2.11 expresses in graphical/metaphorical terms. Reconsidering the integrated schema of Fig. 2.10 we perceive that when a schema has more than 20/30 entities, it becomes difficult to perceive at a glance the semantics of the reality represented, namely the meaning of concepts and of relationships among them.

Fig. 2.11
figure 11

Unfeasibility of the integration of a large number of schemas

When the reality becomes complex, besides integration we have to adopt another paradigm that we call abstraction (see also [20]). Given a schema S, we define abstraction of S a new schema obtained from S, clustering and collapsing groups of concepts into a unique entity. The new schema, in a sense, describes the same reality of S with a more concise representation. Given a schema S, we may iterate the use of abstractions producing schemas that describe the same reality at different levels, from detailed to abstract ones. We will call refinement the inverse primitive that allows to proceed from abstract representations to more detailed ones.

We call repository of schemas :

  1. 1.

    A set of ER schemas, representing the set of databases of an organization, one schema for each database. We will call these schemas basic schemas .

  2. 2.

    A set of ER schemas obtained from basic schemas by iterative joint usage of the two integration and abstraction primitives.

In Fig. 2.12 we show an example of repository, where in the bottom row in the second, third, and last columns the Production, Sales, Department basic schemas of a production and sales organization are represented. The Company schema in the bottom row, in the first column, is the result of their integration. For the Company schema we show in the second and first rows two abstractions. In the first column groups of concepts abstracted at the upper level into single concepts are highlighted in closed lines (see next section).

Fig. 2.12
figure 12

An example of repository

We now have to provide more detail on the abstraction step (Sect. 2.5.1); furthermore, putting together all issues introduced so far, in Sect. 2.5.2 we discuss a methodology for building a repository of schemas.

5.1 Schema Abstraction

In Fig. 2.13 we show a methodology for producing an abstract schema.

Fig. 2.13
figure 13

A methodology for producing an abstract schema

We apply the methodology to the schema represented in the bottom of Fig. 2.14. Typical candidates for groups of concepts to be abstracted are generalization hierarchies, sometimes alone (as in the case of Identity (ancestor), Individual, Legal entity), other times together with less relevant concepts related to the generalization (as in the case of the group Cadastral document (ancestor), Cadastral registration and Cadastral document modified), to which the Compiler entity is added due to its unique relationship with the generalization.

Fig. 2.14
figure 14

A schema and one possible abstraction

Another group concerns two relationships, among respectively: Urban Real Estate Unit and Urban Classification, and Urban Real Estate Unit and Address. In this case, the most relevant concept is clearly Urban Real Estate Unit that is chosen as the abstract concept in the upper level abstract schema. In previous cases the ancestors in generalizations were chosen as abstract concepts.

Notice that the abstraction process is subjective, and it is not easy to provide quality criteria that distinguish between a good abstraction and a bad abstraction. In our example it is not evident why we leave the entity Claim untouched in the process. Groups made of a single entity have to be avoided, since their presence tends to create an asymmetry in the balancing of concepts in groups. In our case, we could adjoin Claim to one of the adjacent groups.

5.2 A Methodology for the Construction of a Repository of Schemas

A methodology for the construction of a repository of conceptual schemas is described in Fig. 2.15 (see also [20] for a more comprehensive discussion). In the case of a repository made of dozens or hundreds of schemas, schemas have first to be clustered; the clustering activity can be performed putting together schemas that pertain to the same topic, e.g., finance, internal affairs, justice. As a second step, schemas in the same cluster are integrated producing a unique integrated schema. At this point integrated schemas are abstracted and the process of clustering/integration/abstraction proceeds until a unique schema is produced. Notice that when the group of schemas to be integrated is made of a huge number of concepts, resulting in a complex integrated schema, the two integration and abstraction steps can be applied in the inverse order.

Fig. 2.15
figure 15

A methodology for the construction of a repository of conceptual schemas

We apply the methodology to the land office case study. Initially we populate the bottom level of the repository with the basic Land, Urban, and Mortgage registry schemas. Then we generate the integrated schema.

At this point we may abstract the integrated schema at two different levels, leading in the end to a six-entity schema, compact enough to conclude the abstraction procedure (see Fig. 2.16).

Fig. 2.16
figure 16

The repository of the land office

5.3 Usages of the Repository of Schemas in eG4M Planning Activities

In this section we discuss several analyses that can be made on the repository of schemas that provide useful insight for planning activities and for defining joint eGovernment projects in groups of administrations.

The analyses we show have been performed on a repository made of about 300 databases managed in the Italian Central PA (central PA repository in the following); the repository has been produced using the methodologies for schema integration, schema abstraction, and the methodology for repository structuring described above. In order to build the repository, about 200 person-months were needed to first produce the 300 basic ER schemas, while about 24 person-months were needed to produce the 59 abstract schemas of the upper part of the repository (approximately 14 person-days per schema, both for the basic and for the abstract schemas).

The analyses performed on the central PA repository led to significant planning decisions and to the conception of innovative projects that significantly improved the relationships among PAs and citizens and businesses.

5.3.1 Choosing Priorities and Planning New Initiatives

The repository provides useful knowledge on the information resource to define priorities in eGovernment projects, e.g., at a very high level of analysis we may evaluate the distribution of entities among the different areas of interest and among the different administrations which are owners of data. In Fig. 2.17 we show such a distribution for the two service and resource macroareas and the related areas of interest.

Fig. 2.17
figure 17

Macroareas and corresponding number of entities of schemas owned by a set of central administrations

We see that the 50% of the entities are concentrated in three agencies, namely finance, treasury, and internal affairs, while referring to areas, over 40% of entities are managed for resource-related support processes, while less than 60% of entities are used for processes that produce services to citizens; this means that for every five employees, two of the five work for managing themselves and the other three for the employees! Such distribution increases the costs of public administration and reduces the effectiveness of its mission in providing services to users. Similar figures can be produced for the distribution of instances . On the basis of such figures, several projects can be conceived and set up to balance this unequal distribution of information.

A second analysis concerns the redundancy related to managing the same entity in different schemas and administrations; in such analysis we may initially focus on macro-entities of interest in public administration that are Person and Business. Focusing on Business, in Fig. 2.18 we represent attributes associated with the Business entity in common with the three agencies that own national registries on businesses, namely chambers of commerce, social insurance, and social security. Due to such overlapping, common attributes regarding any particular business are likely to be duplicated, with no guaranteed consistency among the copies. A project that can be launched concerns the coordination of updates, choosing, e.g., to update only one reference database and subsequently to coordinate the updates to be performed in other databases with an asynchronous communication between the reference and the other databases.

Fig. 2.18
figure 18

Common attributes of the entity company among different administrations

Furthermore, high costs for agencies and for businesses are related to the multiple updates. In [23] a project setup to tackle the above issues is described, showing that in the new coordinated ICT architecture overall costs for agencies and businesses can be reduced yearly by approximately 200 million euros.

5.3.2 Coverage Analysis

Public administration in its relationship with citizens exercises a different degree of attention as to different types of individuals, such as workers, retired persons, emigrants, immigrants. In Fig. 2.19 we show an analysis of the instances of entities referring to individuals, state employees, retired persons, and students, compared with the corresponding size of the universe in Italy, as results from the national bureau of census statistical tables.

Fig. 2.19
figure 19

Instances represented in databases and sizes of the real universe for several relevant entities in the repository of schemas

The comparison puts in evidence uneven coverage between the four categories, e.g., students are neglected, despite a much greater availability of information (in terms of instances) for public employees. These analyses can also be used for choosing priority areas to focus eGovernment projects on.

5.3.3 Reconciliation of Identifiers and Knowledge Potential

The knowledge represented in the information systems of public administrations is huge, but is fragmented in databases managed by different administrations. The possibility of integrating the different databases and retrieving and joining related data are enabled by having common identifiers defined in the different databases. An analysis on the repository has shown (see Fig. 2.20 referring to individuals) that among all the identifiers of individuals and companies only 25% standard identifiers such as fiscal code are for individuals and VAT code for companies.

Fig. 2.20
figure 20

Common standard identifiers and other identifiers of individuals

6 Summary

Languages, models, tools, and methodologies introduced in this chapter can be used in eGovernment projects for several purposes, namely to improve the quality of data and consequently, of administrative processes, to understand more clearly the types of data managed in an information system, to analyze the redundancies and overlapping existing between different databases, to reconcile heterogeneous databases, to launch projects for shared usage of databases managed by different administrations, in a word, to govern data, the most important resource managed in public administration. Further usages will be shown in the following chapters.