
These keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

5.1 Introduction

It is apparent that, from the standpoint of the cybercrime industry, institutions have changed dramatically in the past few decades. There has been “historical and cultural shifts in practices, discourses and representations of hacking” (Best, 2003). In the 1960s, the term “hacker”1 referred to a person able to solve technologically complex problems (Furnell, Dowland, & Sanders, 1999). As late as the 1980s, “hackers” were considered to be people with high level of computing skills. A complaint that was often heard in the law-enforcement community was that some hackers were “treated as media darlings” (Sandberg, 1995). Until the 1980s, there were a few laws to tackle hacking and cybercrimes. The Computer Fraud and Abuse Act, for instance, was one of the first laws developed to deal with cybercrimes (Table 5.1). The act was originally passed in 1984 to protect classified information on government computers, which was broadened in 1986 to apply to “federal interest computers” (Davis, 2006).

Table 5.1 Major events related to the evolution of cybercrime-related institutions

In the past few decades, the fields of hacking and cybercrime have undergone political, social, and psychological metamorphosis. Cybercrime has been recognized as a mainstream crime. For instance, starting 2009, Gallup included identity theft as a category in its annual survey to study Americans’ fear of being crime victims (Saad, 2009). Nowadays, hackers are often portrayed in the popular press as “criminal, deviant and disorderly” (Best, 2003). Many sub-groups related to “hacker” are considered to be socially undesirable (Furnell et al., 1999). On the political front, many laws are enacted to deal with the rapidly growing cybercrimes. For instance, in 1996, the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act was replaced by the more general concept of “protected computer,” making it widely applicable to the private sector (Table 5.1). Likewise, the US Patriot Act brought cyberattacks into the definition of terrorism with penalties of up to 20 years in prison. As of 2006, over 30 US states had laws that require businesses to report cybercrimes (Greenemeier, 2006).

How did the transformations occur in institutions related to hacking and cybercrime? Why is cybercrime rising despite the institutional transformations? These questions are not idiosyncratic to the cybercrimes, but pertain to an under-researched subject in institutional theory: What factors influence the legitimacy of a criminal activity? How do institutions related to such an activity change? It is important to note that an important and long-standing question in institutional research is how institutional change occurs (Greenwood, Suddaby, & Hinings, 2002). A related point is that “how existing logics and identities are dismantled and how actors adopt a new logic and identity” has been an under-researched aspect of institutional theory (Rao, Monin, & Durand, 2003). In this chapter, we seek to understand the loci of institutions related to cybercrimes in order to understand the growth of and institutional changes related to such crimes.

5.2 The Theoretical Framework: Institutional Field

The idea of institutional field can be very helpful in understanding institutions and institutional changes associated with cybercrimes. A field is “formed around the issues that become important to the interests and objectives of specific collectives of organizations” (Hoffman, 1999, p. 352). For a field formed around cybercrimes, these organizations include regulatory authorities, international organizations (e.g., WTO, The Council of Europe (CoU)), and software producers. The “content, rhetoric, and dialogue” among these constituents influence the nature of field formed around cybercrime (Hoffman, 1999, p. 355).

Institutional fields are “evolving” rather than “static” in nature (Hoffman, 1999, p. 352). Institutional theorists make an intriguing argument as to how a field evolves. A field is a dynamic system characterized by the entry and exit of various players and constituencies with competing interests and disparate purposes and a change in interaction patterns among them (Barnett & Carroll, 1993). As is the case of any “issue-based” field, these players continuously negotiate over issue interpretation and engage in institutional war leading to institutional evolution (Greenwood & Hinings, 1996).

Prior researchers have noted that fields evolve through three stages (Morrill, 2007, cf. Purdy & Gray, 2009). New logics are introduced and are drawn into debate in the innovation stage, which is the first stage of field evolution. In the second stage, mobilization, field development is characterized by a complex power dynamics. Institutional actors in this stage compete to validate and implement their logics. The final stage is the structuration stage, in which logics are translated into practices (Reay, Golden-Biddle, & GermAnn, 2006). In this stage, norms and structures are standardized and institutions deepen their taken-for-grantedness (Covaleski & Dirsmith, 1988; DiMaggio, 1991).

Prior research also indicates that institutional evolution entails transitions among the three institutional pillars—regulative, normative, and cognitive. Building a regulative/law pillar system is the first stage of field formation. It is followed by a formation of normative institutions (cybercrimes’ assessment from ethical viewpoint) and then cognitive institutions (“culturally supported belief” related to cybercrimes) (Hoffman, 1999).

The formation of regulative pillar is characterized by the establishment of legal and regulatory infrastructures to deal with cybercrimes (Hoffman, 1999). The strength of this pillar also depends upon the state’s administrative capacities and citizens’ willingness to accept the established institutions. A normative institutional pillar is said to be established regarding cybercrime if such a crime is viewed as an ethically and socially inappropriate behavior. Likewise, a cognitive pillar related to cybercrime is established if there is a culturally supported belief that cybercrime is wrong.

In a discussion of institutional field around cybercrime the nature of social stigmatization (Blackwell, 2000; Grasmick & Bursik, 1990; Probasco, Clark, & Davis, 1995) deserves special attention. From the standpoint of stigmatization of cyber-criminals, to understand the roles of players and constituencies related to field formed around cybercrime, a central concept here is arbiter. Drawing on the conceptual foundation provided by theories of socially situated judgment (Bell & Tetlock, 1989; Kahneman, 2003; Tetlock, 2002), Wiesenfeld, Wurthmann, and Hambrick (2008) argue that arbiters’ “constituent-minded sensemaking” influences stigmatization process. Wiesenfeld et al. (2008) have identified three categories of “arbiters”— social, legal, and economic. Social arbiters include members of the press, governance watchdog groups, academics, and activists. Legal arbiters are those who play role in enforcing rules and regulations. Economic arbiters make decisions about engaging in economic exchange with individuals.

Legal arbiters, who enforce rules, have stepped up campaign against cybercrimes. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC), the DOJ, and the Department of Homeland Security have taken measures to create public awareness of cybercrimes and to improve cyber readiness.

Social arbiters include members of the press, governance watchdog groups, academics, and activists. The media’s anti-cybercrime sentiments are reflected in their negative discourses of criminal hackers (Best, 2003). Academics and activists have also pointed out that software vendors should not expect consumers to create their own security software and bear liability for cybercrimes (Ryan, 2003; Rustad & Koenig, 2005). Religious groups can also be considered as social arbiters. In June 2009, for instance, the Head Pastor of a Christian Centre in Ghana urged Pastors, and Christians in general, to declare war against cyber-fraud also known as “sakawa” (, 2009). He made the call at a special prayer session, which was organized by the Church for the nation against the spread of cybercrime.

Economic arbiters make economic exchange-related decisions. In this regard, businesses are actively mobilizing discourses against technology and service providers to take anti-cybercrime measures. In 2006, a coalition of major brands such as Expedia and LendingTree expressed dissatisfaction with click fraud and pressured Google and Yahoo to be more accountable (Grow & Bush, 2005).

A field is a dynamic system characterized by the entry and exit of various members and constituencies with competing interests and disparate purposes and a change in interaction patterns among them (Barnett & Carroll, 1993). For a field formed around cybercrime, the members include criminal hacker (also known as black hat hackers), ethical hackers (or white hat hackers), regulatory authorities (e.g., the FBI), international organizations (e.g., Council of Europe and the G8 High Tech Crime Working Group), software manufacturers, and consumers. As is the case of any issue-based field, these field members continuously negotiate over issue interpretation and engage in institutional war, leading to institutional evolution (Barnett & Carroll, 1993; Hoffman, 1999). The “content, rhetoric, and dialogue” among the field members influence the nature of cybercrime and institutionalization of anti-cybercrime logics (Hoffman, 1999, p. 355).

Various members in an institutional field differ in their influence in shaping the field. The dominant field members, for instance, tend to be those with “greater formal authority, resources and discursive legitimacy” (Phillips, Lawrence, & Hardy, 2000, p. 33). A field member’s degree of dominance is positively related to the member’s influence in the development of the field’s structures and practices (Phillips et al., 2000).

5.3 Institutional Field Change Mechanisms

To understand the changes in formal and informal constraints related to cybercrime, it may be helpful to consider a set of institutions, including practices, understandings, and rules; as well as a network of related organizations (Tolbert & Zucker, 1983). In this regard, it is important to note that in looking at issues of institutional development and change from the standpoint of cybercrime, we are treating institutions as endogenous. Doing so, however, requires an understanding of other “higher” level existing institutions and exogenous parameters (Snidal, 1994, 1996). Snidal (1996, p. 131): “In the short run, given exogenous institutional and other constraints, actors maximize their outcomes both through their behavior and through the development of efficient endogenous institutions. In the longer term, exogenous institutional constraints are themselves subject to change. There may be efficiency gains in changing these erstwhile exogenous institutions as well as the corresponding endogenous institutions.”

In prior theoretical and empirical research, scholars have identified mechanisms related to changes in institutional fields: “jolts” or exogenous shocks (Meyer, 1982; Meyer, Brooks, & Goes, 1990; Haveman, Russo, & Meyer, 2001; Meyer, Gaba, & Colwell, 2005), changes in organizational logics (Friedland & Alford, 1991; Leblebici, Salancik, Copay, & King, 1991; Haveman & Rao, 1997; Thornton & Ocasio, 1999), and gradual change in field structure (Clemens & Cook, 1999; Fligstein, 1991; Schneiberg, 2005).

5.3.1 Exogenous Shocks

According to Hoffman’s (1999) model, evolution of an institutional pillar is associated with and facilitated by initiating events or triggers also known as disruptive events. Disruptive events are also referred to as shocks (Fligstein, 1991), jolts (Meyer, 1982), or discontinuities (Lorange, Scott, & Ghoshal, 1986) and can overcome the effects of institutional inertia (White, 1992).

Disruptive events tend to create “disruptive uncertainty” and force organizations to adopt “unorthodox experiments” that differ drastically from established practice (Meyer, 1982). Preliminary evidence consistent with this proposition emerges from some governments’ responses to cybercrimes. New forms of major cybercrimes have led to new laws as well as the creation of technical infrastructure for monitoring and tracing (Katyal, 2001). According to Hannigan’s (1995) typology, these disruptive events can be considered as catastrophes2 in the cyberworld. For instance, in 2000, following hackers’ attacks of several major websites, the US Congress considered proposals to improve security (Morning Edition, 2000). In March 2000, the US Department of Justice (DOJ) opened the website: The site provided measures to protect against hackers and to report cybercrimes (New York Times, 2000). Others materials featured on the website include DOJ reports and speeches, congressional testimony, efforts to protect infrastructures, and international efforts on that front (Larkin, 2000).

Similarly, following the September 11 attacks, the USA Patriot Act was enacted in 2001 to expand the intelligence gathering and surveillance powers of law-enforcement and national security agencies. As noted earlier, cybercrime and cyber-terrorism also became FBI’s No. 3 priority since 2002.

Likewise, after a Philippino hacker launched the “Love Letter” virus in 2000, the Philippine Republic Act 8792 was enacted. The electronic commerce act laid out how “hacking or cracking” crimes should be punished in the country (Evans, 2000). Legal and administrative happenings also act as disruptive events (Hannigan, 1995). In 2007, New York State held advertisers responsible for using an agency distributing adware, which changed advertisers’ adware policies.

5.3.2 Changes in Organizational Logics

In prior theoretical and empirical research, scholars have emphasized the coevolving nature of institutions and the organizational forms that embody them and found that changes in organizational logics lead to a change in a field’s practices and conventions (Friedland & Alford, 1991; Leblebici et al., 1991; Haveman & Rao, 1997; Thornton & Ocasio, 1999). In a study of the thrift industry, Haveman and Rao (1997, p. 1614) found that creation of new organization and adoption of structures embodying norms, value, and beliefs lead to an expansion of institutional influences. Destruction of organizational infrastructures, on the other hand, is associated with the decline of institutions (Haveman & Rao, 1997).

There have been changes in organizational logics at various levels. First, consider government agencies. In 2006, the FBI and the US Postal Inspection Service realized that click fraud may have violated federal laws. There have also been changes in the logics of trade associations. In 2006, the Internet Advertising Bureau (IAB) launched the Click Measurement Working Group to create Click Measurement Guidelines including definition of a click, standard to measure and count clicks, and identify invalid clicks. Individual organizations have also changed their structures and practices. In 2006, Priceline stopped utilizing adware providers and adopted best practices related to Internet ads.

5.3.3 Gradual Change in Field Structure

Structure of an institutional field may change over time with the changes in rules and norms governing the field. Cybercrime-related institutions and related organizations have also undergone gradual changes. Observers have noted “historical and cultural shifts in practices, discourses and representations of hacking” (Best, 2003). In the 1960s, for instance, the term “hacker” referred to a person able to solve technologically complex problems (Furnell et al., 1999). As late as the 1980s, “hackers” were considered to be people with superior computing skills. A complaint that was often heard in the law-enforcement community was that some hackers were “treated as media darlings” (Sandberg, 1995). As noted earlier, the media nowadays is mostly against hackers. Many sub-groups related to “hacker” are considered to be socially undesirable (Furnell et al., 1999).

The nature of gradual change in field structure can also be explained with the entry and exit of field members and relative power and dominance of various members in the field. In this regard, an issue that deserves mention relates to the government agencies’ increasing power and dominance through formal authority and resources. Likewise, the entry of cybercrime-related supranational organizations such as Council of Europe and the G8 High Tech Crime Working Group has a powerful impact on institutional fields formed around cybercrime at the national level.

Regulative agencies’ structures to fight cybercrime have also changed. In 1996, the FBI established Computer Investigations and Infrastructure Threat Assessment Center, which grew to 1,151 employees in 2007.

5.4 Institutional Evolution

Prior research indicates that institutional evolution entails a sequence of evolutionary development among the three institutional pillars—regulative, normative, and cognitive. Building a regulative/law pillar system is often the first stage of field formation. According to Hoffman (1999), it is followed by the formation of normative institutions (cybercrime as an ethically inappropriate behavior) (p. 363) and then cognitive institutions (“culturally supported belief” against cybercrime) (p. 364).

5.4.1 Regulative Pillar Related to Cybercrime

Regulative institutions consist of regulatory bodies (such as the FBI) and existing laws and rules related to cybercrimes. The formation of this pillar is characterized by the establishment of legal and regulatory infrastructures to combat cybercrimes (Hoffman, 1999). The strength of this pillar also depends upon the state’s administrative capacities and citizens’ willingness to accept the established regulative institutions.

5.4.2 Normative and Cognitive Pillars Related to Cybercrime

Responses to external pressures are functions of a social construction. Normative constraints discourage actions as “negative sanctions are anticipated if the actions are carried out” (Galtung, 1958; p. 127). Galtung (1958, p. 127) distinguishes two types of normative constraints facing a person (P). Institutionalized norms are “norms from other members from the social system to P” and internalized norms are “norms from P to himself” (p. 127). These norms can be expressed in the forms of shame and embarrassment. Psychic costs associated with shame and embarrassment reduces the propensity to commit a crime (Blackwell, 2000; Probasco et al., 1995). Shame is a “self-imposed sanction,” which occurs when individuals violate their internalized norms (Grasmick & Bursik, 1990). Embarrassment, on the other hand, is related to a “socially imposed sanction” that occurs when actors violate norms that have been endorsed by others in the society (Probasco et al., 1995). Put differently, embarrassment is related to social stigmatization (Blackwell, 2000).

The formation of an anti-cybercrime institutional field requires the construction of new identities that redefine social, cognitive, and moral legitimacy related to cybercrime; frame actions in an anti-cybercrime manner; and facilitate the development of habits and practices consistent with an anti-cybercrime logic (Misangyi, Weaver, & Elms, 2008).

An anti-cybercrime normative pillar is said to be established if cybercrime is viewed as an ethically inappropriate behavior and institutional actors feel a sense of social obligation to act against cybercrimes. Likewise, an anti-cybercrime cognitive pillar is established if there is a culturally supported belief that cybercrime is wrong (Hoffman, 1999). Measures taken to build normative and cognitive pillars should affect both substance as well as symbolism related to cybercrime (Misangyi et al., 2008).

5.5 Institutional Field Formed Around Cybercrimes

5.5.1 The Formation of Regulative Pillar Around Cybercrime

A central concept here is related to dominant field members. The idea of the government in a country as a dominant field member can be very helpful in understanding the development of regulative institutions. Prior research indicates that powerful and dominant field members tend to be those with “greater formal authority, resources and discursive legitimacy” (Phillips et al., 2000, p. 33; Hardy & Phillips, 1998).

Formal authority is related to an institutional actor’s “legitimately recognized right to make decisions” (Phillips et al., 2000, p. 33). In most cases, such power lies with the government (Hardy & Phillips, 1998). While new cybercrime laws have increased the government’s formal authority in industrialized countries, many developing countries have no laws dealing with cybercrimes. In 2000, for instance, only about 45 nations in the world had laws recognizing and validating some forms of digital or electronic transactions (Kshetri & Dholakia, 2001). This means that even if governments in some developing countries want to fight against cybercrimes, a lack of regulatory framework means that they lack formal authority to do so.

Industrialized countries have also increased resources3 devoted to fight cybercrimes. While some maintain that resources to fight cybercrimes are far from sufficient in industrialized countries, there has been a greater achievement in these countries than in developing countries. Many developing economies, on the other hand, lack resources to build anti-cybercrime institutions (Cuéllar, 2004). As one might expect, developing countries lack judges, lawyers, and other law-enforcement workforce, who understand cybercrimes.

Discursive legitimacy concerns speaking legitimately about issues and affected organizations (Phillips & Brown, 1993). Undoubtedly, increased cybercrimes in developed countries such as the United States has helped gain discursive legitimacy for agencies involved in anti-cybercrime efforts. To gain discursive legitimacy,, for instance, featured DOJ reports and speeches, congressional testimony, efforts to protect infrastructures, and international efforts on that front (Larkin, 2000). All this has to be contrasted with situations in developing countries, where governments lack discursive legitimacy to take actions against cybercrimes. Consider, for instance, piracy, a form of cybercrime. In developing countries, consumers perceive anti-piracy enforcement tools as supports to foreign software companies. The Taiwanese government’s attempt to force students using pirated versions of Windows to pay up was perceived as a support to a foreign company rather than its own citizens (Kshetri, 2004). In sum, most governments in developing countries have been unable to fight cybercrimes due to the lack of resources, formal authority, and discursive legitimacy.

In sum, an increase in cybercrimes in a country leads to the development of stronger regulative institutions. A lower income country is thus likely to have thinner and more dysfunctional regulative institutions related to cybercrimes than a higher income country. National and International Initiatives to Build Strong Regulative Institutions

Supranational institutions such as International Telecommunication Union (ITU) and the Council of Europe (CoU) are influencing individual countries to strengthen cybercrime-related regulative institutions. As of August 2009, 46 nations had signed the CoE Treaty and 26 of them ratified it (Chap. 1).

Many governments want to strengthen their countries’ anti-cybercrime institutions. For instance, China is facing unprecedented political and trade pressures from Western governments to combat cybercrimes. Consequently, in contrast to the 1980s, China’s central government leaders do not ignore or promote piracy and other forms of cybercrimes (Massey, 2006).

People’s compliance and cooperation with regulatory requirements, however, are driven largely by their belief in the legitimacy and fairness of legal authority rather than the fear of remedial measures and sanctions (Balganesh, 2008). Hart (1961) referred this idea as the “critical reflexive attitude.” For instance, consumers in Taiwan perceived the government’s anti-piracy efforts unfair as they viewed the efforts as support to foreign software companies rather than its own citizens. Higher Cybercrime Level Leading to Strong Regulative Institutions

An observation is that an increase in cybercrime victimization may strengthen anti-cybercrime regulative institutions through various institutional change mechanisms such as exogenous shocks (Meyer, 1982), changes in organizational logics (Friedland & Alford, 1991), and gradual change in institutions (Clemens & Cook, 1999). There are three interrelated reasons why a higher level of cybercrime victimization strengthens anti-cybercrime institutions. First, the government faces pressures to improve anti-cybercrime regulatory institutions and infrastructures. In the US, for instance, the Business Software Alliance (BSA) urged the Congress to enact legislation to “treat cybercrime as organized crime” and increase penalties (Natividad, 2008).

Second, a high-cybercrime level serves as a basis for the theorization process, which is an important stage in institutional change (Greenwood et al., 2002). Theorization provides rationales for the practices and thus increases the likelihood of acceptance of the practice (Strang & Meyer, 1993). Two key elements of theorization concern framing and justifying. Framing focuses on the need for change and justification is value of the proposed changes for concerned actors (Greenwood et al., 2002; Maguire, Hardy, & Lawrence, 2004). Businesses and governments may use increased cybercrime victimization as a basis for justifying actions to change established practices.

Regulators expanding their scope: Regulatory measures have been expanded in recent years in order to provide more comprehensive coverage of a diverse range of economic activities. Due to the increased concerns about cybercrimes, the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS) regulations have been changed to protect the US company. According to new CFIUS regulations, a potential foreign acquirer of a US company needs to certify the cybersecurity protections that will be in place with respect to the acquired US company (Asner & Kleyna, 2009).

Finally, as noted in Chap. 1, when businesses are victimized, they are likely to help develop anti-cybercrime regulative institutions by pursuing cyber-criminals under the existing laws. For instance, in 2009, as allowed under the CAN-SPAM Act,4 Facebook sought damages of over $7 billion from Sanford Wallace. A California federal judge awarded Facebook US $711 million (Claburn, 2009). Sanford Wallace also owed MySpace $234 million from another judgment in another suit. Political Institutions’ Built-In Biases Toward Manufacturers of Technologies

Drawing on political resource theory (Hicks, 1999), institutional politics theory (Amenta, 1998) and power constellations theory (Huber & Stephens, 2001), Jenkins, Leicht, and Wendt (2006) point to the possibility that “political institutions have built-in biases that systematically favor the interests of specific classes.” State policy can be viewed as “the result of power relations in society mediated by political institutions” (Huber & Stephens, 2001, p. 13) or “a joint product of class forces and political institutions” (Jenkins et al., 2006). Commenting on the government’s ability to develop capacity to fight crimes, Cuéllar (2004) notes: “building capacity may require regulatory enforcement and programs that are costly to certain interest groups” (p. 45). In this regard, one important aspect of cybercrime that renders it interesting is the fact that laws in industrialized countries do not require manufacturers of technologies to assume responsibility for the faults in their products (e.g., software flaws) (Bank, 2005). A USA Today article (2002) put the issue this way: “For decades, software makers have been protected from lawsuits as US courts have struggled with the task of defining something as abstract and fast-changing as computer code.” The UK House of Lords’ Personal Internet Security report published in 2007 stated: “The IT industry has not historically made security a priority” (IAM, 2007). Arbiters and Institutional/Social Entrepreneurship

In recent years, different groups of arbiters are moving beyond cyber-criminals and are targeting groups that have enabled cybercrimes. Liability issues associated with network security have received considerable attention (Mead, 2004). For instance, the prospect of software vendor liability is gaining speed. Social arbiters such as watchdog groups, academics, and activists have pointed out that software vendors should bear liability for cybercrimes. Some experts argue that software vendors should not expect consumers to create their own security software (Ryan, 2003). Rustad and Koenig (2005) argued that software vendors should be liable to consumers for a new tort—the negligent enablement of cybercrime. Similarly, National Academy of Sciences (NAS) argued that companies producing insecure software should be punished and the congress should take actions on this front (Computer Fraud & Security, 2002). NAS wrote in a draft report on the nation’s computer security systems after the September 11, 2001 attacks: “Policy makers should consider legislative responses to the failure of existing incentives to cause the market to respond adequately to the security challenge …. Possible options include steps that would increase the exposure of software and system vendors and system operators to liability for system breaches.” Economic arbiters such as government and private sector CIOs, on the other hand, have suggested imposing sanctions on vendors whose software is breached (Miller, 2002).

The concepts of social entrepreneurship and institutional entrepreneurship can be helpful to understand the roles of these arbiters. Social entrepreneurs (e.g., NAS and academics) are individuals or private organizations, whose entrepreneurial behaviors are engaged in addressing social problems (Korosec & Berman, 2006; Wong & Tang, 2006/2007, p. 627). Institutional entrepreneurs “help establish market institutions in the process of their business activities” (Daokui Li, Feng, & Jiang, 2006, p. 358). DiMaggio (1988, p. 14) notes that “new institutions arise when organized actors with sufficient resources (institutional entrepreneurs) see in them an opportunity to realize interests that they value highly.” They champion a model of social order and attempt to build new organizational fields to institutionalize that model (Bartley, 2007). Government and private sector CIOs in the above discussion can be considered as institutional entrepreneurs.

In response to pressures from social and institutional entrepreneurs, regulators have also taken some measures, at least symbolic, to make software vendors responsible for cybercrimes. The UK House of Lords’ Personal Internet Security report published in 2007, for instance, called for “software vendors (to) make the development of more secure technologies their top design priority” (IAM, 2007).

5.5.2 The Formation of Normative Pillar Around Cybercrime

Condemnation of an act such as a cybercrime leads to internalization of norms against the act among the “condemners” and as well as the “condemned” (Kahan, 1996). From the society’s point of view, whether victimization related to a crime “elicit a stigma or a sympathy effect may depend on the evaluator’s characteristics” (Lyons, 2006). In this regard, social identity theory points to the possibility of ethnocentric bias (Hamner, 1992; Tajfel & Turner, 1986).

A central tenet of social identity theory is that ingroup victims and offenders are likely to be perceived sympathetically, while out-group victims and offenders may be stigmatized (Howard & Pike, 1986; Lyons, 2006). We extend this logic to argue that as more and more individuals and organizations experience cyberattacks and they belong to the ingroup of cybercrime victim, anti-cybercrime societal norms are likely to be stronger. On a more speculative basis, we can argue that Mitnick’s hacking activities is more likely to be perceived in a negative way today compared to the mid-1990s.

A related point is that, the perceived social stigma associated with becoming a cybercrime victim may also reduce with an increase in cybercrime. Note that most Internet fraud victims are embarrassed to report that they have been victimized (Salu, 2004).

To illustrate this argument, we consider the transformation in cybercrime-related societal norms. Until the mid-1990s, cyber-criminals in the United States lacked social stigma. A US attorney argued that the public was impressed because cybercrime was viewed as “a clever crime” (Sandberg, 1995). For instance, in 1995, Kevin D. Mitnick was charged of breaking into corporate computers, stealing thousands of credit card records and software. He was a featured figure in a book and was regarded by his fans as a “legend,” a “technology-wielding genius,” and a “hero” (Sandberg, 1995). Nowadays, the media mostly portrays a negative image of cybercrimes (Best, 2003; Furnell et al., 1999). Nowadays, cybercrimes’ impacts are more clearly identified and understood. An Economist (2007) article notes: “As botnets evolve from simple vandalism to sophisticated criminality, people take them more seriously.”

In the cyberworld, we expect that an increase in the rate of cybercrimes leads to an increase in the reporting of such crimes. It is also reasonable to expect that over time stigma associated with becoming a cybercrime victim will decrease and reporting of such a crime may increase. Gill and Gropp (1997) quote a computer-security expert: “there used to be an unspoken stigma about computer crime. For a company to prosecute computer theft was to publicly announce its vulnerabilities and invite copycats.” Liebermann (2008) noted: “As companies report a greater number of these breaches, the perceived stigma of such a breach will lessen. Once companies accept that—just like all banks report armed robbery—all companies should report cyber breaches, investigations of such breaches will begin earlier and have greater success.” Glamour Associated with the “Hacker” Label

An issue that deserves mention relates to the glamour associated with the “hacker” label. As noted above, as late as the 1980s, “hackers” were considered to be people with high level of computing skills. Following Garvin’s (1987) “unstated analogy,” we can argue that individuals perceive the image of hacking activities “today” as similar to the image “yesterday.” This institutional inertia effect has increased the attractiveness of hacking activities in general.

Many teens are still attracted by the glamour surrounding the “hacker” label. A major problem is related to youths’ inability to distinguish the boundary between white hat hacking and criminal hacking (Rao, Monin, & Durand, 2005). Organized crime groups have recruited young people in cybercrime enterprises (BBC news, 2006). According to a March 2007 McAfee Virtual Criminology Report produced with the United States and European high-tech crime units, 88% of computer science students at a US university admitted committing an illegal act online. David Marcus, security research and communications manager with McAfee observed: “They watch for bright kids and they start them on small tasks, like ‘Find me 100 passwords and I’ll give you 1,000 rubles’ ” (Sullivan, 2007). Another McAfee analyst noted that Crime gangs are recruiting and training teenagers as young as 14 for cybercrimes (Personal Computer World, 2007).

A final issue that deserves mention relates to potential social benefit associated with white hat hacking. It is argued that hacking may also generate social benefit by exposing security flaws (Best, 2003). Most obviously, these types of hacking activities tend to be honored rather than being stigmatized. To take one example, ‘Back Orifice’ released by the hacker group Cult of the Dead Cow (cDc) was intended to exploit vulnerabilities in Microsoft’s Windows 95 and 98 (Best, 2003). Similarly, L0pht created L0phtCrack, which illustrated a flaw in Windows NT (Thomas, 2002). The Hollywood Effect

Many youths adopt their role models from Hollywood (Welsch, 1998).5 Many hackers have found their role models in cyberpunk sci-fi stories and especially, Hollywood movies have helped shape the cultural image of hacking (Brandt, 2001). The 1982 movie, Tron, portrayed “triumph of individual (hacker) good over corporate evil” (Brandt, 2001). Speaking of WarGames, Christopher Null (2003) notes: “[the movie] sparked an almost inconceivable interest in computer hacking among our juvenile intelligencia (I was one of them), and the movie’s effect on Hollywood and the American consciousness can still be seen today.” Likewise, the theme of Real Genius (1985) was that hackers are young geniuses, who understand and respect technology better than the adults who create it (Brandt, 2001).

Beginning the 1990s, however, digital crimes increased rapidly. Accordingly, in the latter half of the 1990s, there were several widely publicized movies, in which hacker engaged in criminal activities. Hackers were no longer a harmless character (Brandt, 2001). The Hackers (1995) was the first movie to focus solely on the hacker community. The film portrayed hacker as a “quintessentially teenage miscreant” (Levi, 2001, pp. 46–47). In the movie, teenage hackers are engaged in criminal hacking activities, who, in an attempt to extort money, threaten to release a destructive virus (Brandt, 2001). Likewise, in Goldeneye (1995), a hacker in Siberia helps the villains steal a high-tech helicopter and a satellite weapon, with capability to disrupt networks located in hundreds of miles away (Brandt, 2001).

Based on above discussion, we can thus argue that anti-cybercrime societal norms are stronger in a society with a higher concentration of cybercrimes than in one with a lower concentration of cybercrimes.

5.5.3 The Formation of Cognitive Pillar Around Cybercrime

Cognitive institutions are associated with culture (Jepperson, 1991). In most cases, they are based on subconsciously accepted rules and customs as well as some taken-for-granted cultural account of cybercrime-related activities (Berger & Luckmann, 1967). Anti-cybercrime cognitive institutions are also associated with consumers’ cultural resources related to behaviors, dispositions, knowledge, and habits internalized through socialization (Bourdieu, 1986).

The real question is how anti-cybercrime habits and practices develop among organizations and Internet users. Note that anti-cybercrime practices include staying away from cybercrime as well as helping to combat cybercrimes. As noted earlier, most people using computer networks unethically do not perceive ethical implications of their actions (Kallman & Grillo, 1996). Consider, for instance, piracy, a form of cybercrime. It should be noted that software sharing was more common in the United States when computers were rare and found mostly in universities (Gallaway & Kinnear, 2004). There is some evidence that parents, and even teachers, advocate certain computer crimes, particularly software piracy among students (Bowker, 2000). The Chronicle of Higher Education (2007) noted: “We continue to seek technological, legislative, and law-enforcement solutions to what is largely an educational problem.” For some cybercrime victims, it also takes some time to realize that they have been victims (Wall, 1998; Richtel, 1999).

Different theoretical contributions and various empirical studies have led to the accepted view that when institutional rules and norms are broadly diffused and supported, organizations are more likely to acquiesce to these pressures because their social validity is less likely to be questioned (Knoke, 1982; Oliver, 1991; Tolbert & Zucker, 1983). For instance, Knoke (1982) found that one of the best predictors of a municipality’s adoption of reforms was the proportion of other municipalities that had adopted such reforms. Likewise, Tolbert and Zucker’s (1983) study indicated that the degree of diffusion of civil service policies and programs was positively related to the probability of adoption by a firm that had not yet adopted such policies and programs. We extend this logic to argue that increased Internet penetration and consumers’ and businesses’ longer experiences facilitate the development of habits and practices consistent with an anti-cybercrime logic. To take one example, in 2005, started working on a draft of the company’s adware policy (Heun, 2005). Likewise, more experienced users are likely to be more capable to realize that they are victimized. The Novelty Factor

A US attorney argued that a cybercrime is “a clever crime” and “everyone’s impressed” (Sandberg, 1995). The 1995 arrest of Kevin D. Mitnick, who was charged of cracking dozens of corporate computers, stealing thousands of credit card records and software, provides a remarkable example of how the society perceives such crimes. The public handled it as a “heroic act” or “a funny story” (Zombori, 2001). He was a featured figure in a book and was regarded by his fans as a “legend,” a “technology-wielding genius” and a “hero” (Sandberg, 1995; New York Times, 1995). More broadly, American society has been very fond of clever outlaws (Sandberg, 1995).

Reflective pieces from the popular press and academic articles have illustrated how different forms of cybercrimes lack stigma. It is, for instance, argued that there is no public and social stigma if an operator of an online gambling is caught. Clark (1998) observes: “in fact the opposite is often the case.” Likewise some analysts observe that “Internet gambling [lacks] … the social stigma of gambling” (The Washington Post, 1998). Other similar examples have been noted in Chap. 2. The real issue thus concerns a lack of social stigma in cybercrimes.

5.6 Concluding Comments

In this chapter, we examined the nature institutional legitimacy for cyber-criminals. This matters not only for theoretical reasons, but also for practical ones. Hacking and cybercrime are going through a rapid transition phase. In the past two decade, most industrialized countries have enacted many laws to deal with cybercrimes and have developed other regulatory infrastructures. Yet, notwithstanding the accomplishments on the regulative front, normative and cognitive institutions related to cybercrime have been relatively slow to change. Informal institutions inherited from the past have helped the growth of this industry. For instance, traditionally cybercrime victims were stigmatized and cyber-criminals were honored. A related point is that while hackers share the things they find, attack victims are embarrassed to publicize their vulnerabilities and fear that it would aid other attackers (Paller, 1998). They thus tend to hide such information. There is, however, some indication that this situation is changing.

Regulators in industrialized countries have a plenty of wind in their sails. Due to institutional inertia, the seriousness of cybercrimes and their far-reaching influence seem to be underrecognized in the political community. Well coordinated, well funded campaigns are thus needed to combat cybercrimes. By well coordinated, we mean a better international, inter-governmental agency, and government–business collaborations and coordination to fight cybercrimes. It is also necessary to increases resources and funding to fight cybercrimes in proportion to the impact of such crimes.

The novelty effect of hacking is expected to decline with a higher level of cybercrime in a society and the public’s longer experience with the Internet (Coates & Humphreys, 2008). Likewise, anti-cybercrime codes, policies, principles, standards, and procedures are likely to develop over time. The example of piracy helps explain the processes that underlie the gradual development of anti-cybercrime cognitive institutions. It should be noted that software sharing was more common in the United States when computers were rare and found mostly in universities (Gallaway & Kinnear, 2004). Nowadays, public awareness toward intellectual property protection has increased. In sum, anti-cybercrime normative and cognitive institutions are likely to be stronger in a society that has more experienced consumers and businesses than in one with less experienced consumers and businesses.

We discussed various examples of exogenous shocks. Some analysts, however, believe that these external shocks have not been big enough to lead to the development of strong anti-cybercrime institutions. In 2003, Mike McConnell, a former director of the US National Security Agency, noted that until “there is a cyber 9/11,” or “without something that serves as a forcing issue,” governments and the private sector would not be prepared for attack (Cant, 2003).

Finally, in some developing economies, efforts to develop regulative institutions have been mainly directed toward protecting the ruling regimes’ interests instead of ensuring the security of the country and its citizens. In Pakistan, for instance, the Interior Ministry announced in July 2009 that acts such as mocking the president via text messages, e-mail, or blogs may face prison sentences of up to 14 years under a new Cybercrimes Act (Ahmed, 2009). Likewise, in China, about 30,000–40,000 cyber police “patrol” the Internet including chat rooms and Weblogs, who also provide viewpoints that are favorable to the Communist Party of China (CPC) (Cannici, 2009; Kshetri, 2008).

5.7 Notes

  1. 1.

    It is important to note that most cybercrimes are associated with hacking.

  2. 2.

    Hannigan (1995, p. 64) identified three types of disruptive events: milestones; catastrophes; and legal/administrative happenings.

  3. 3.

    Resources are tangible (economic/financial, human) and intangible (cultural, social, symbolic) (Misangyi et al., 2008). We, however, deal with only tangible resources in this chapter.

  4. 4.

    The CAN-SPAM Act is a law that “sets the rules for commercial email, establishes requirements for commercial messages, gives recipients the right to have … stop emailing them, and spells out tough penalties for violations” (, 2009).

  5. 5.

    Welsch (1998) observes: “One gangster compares himself to Jesse James and Al Capone by turns; another comments that he likes it when the movies make the mob boss ‘good looking’ ”.