
These keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

1 Idea and Aims

Despite the “renaissance” of biogeography in the last two decades with its central role in the study of biodiversity and evolution, and the “revolution” in morphometrics brought about by methods based on the analysis of Cartesian coordinates of anatomical landmarks, the use of geometric morphometrics in biogeographic studies has been rather limited. With this analysis we aim to provide an example of how geometric morphometrics can fruitfully be applied to the study of clinal variation in a widespread African monkey group by a simple extension of methods widely employed by macroecologists and biogeographers to multivariate shape data. Throughout the paper we aim to explain these techniques so that those who are new to them can use and adapt them for their own needs, in some cases providing specific instructions on how to perform certain operations in standard morphometrics and statistical software. Our hope is that this may stimulate morphometricians and scientists from other disciplines to explore geographic variation in size and shape using up-to-date geometric morphometric methods. The application of geometric morphometrics to ecological, biogeographic and phylogeographic studies has enormous potential for a thorough understanding of how form changes in space and time during evolution and in relation to genetic and environmental factors.

2 Introduction

“Biogeography … asks a simple question: What lives where, and why?” (Parenti and Humphries 2004, pp. 899). This simple question is crucial to the understanding of how life evolves as “biogeographic patterns provide an organizing framework within which we may interpret biological data” (Parenti and Humphries 2004, pp. 899). Biogeography is thus central to the study of present and past life forms: it helps conservationists identify endemic groups and biodiversity hot-spots, provides essential knowledge for predicting how species distributions have changed in the past and may change in the future and gives important information for climatologists and policy makers. Together with the increasing availability of molecular data and advancements in statistical methods for spatial data analysis, these factors explain why biogeography has enjoyed a renaissance over the past two decades (Parenti and Humphries 2004). During the same two decades, morphometrics has been reinvigorated by the development of a new set of methods which preserve the geometry of shape in the study of biological forms and which take full advantage of new image technologies to obtain data and visualize results (Adams et al. 2004; Sanfilippo et al. in press). For this reason, geometric morphometrics, like biogeography, has been considered a “revolution” (Rohlf and Marcus 1993; Corti 1993).

Despite an increasing interest in using geometric morphometric (GMM) data in biogeographic analyses (Fadda and Corti 2001; Frost et al. 2003; Cardini et al. 2007, and references therein; Cardini and Elton 2009), few studies have tried to put together methods and ideas from the two fields. This is unfortunate becase both size and shape often vary with geography and are influenced by environmental factors, which themselves are related to geography. Only recently has effort been made to develop methods that illustrate multivariate variation in shape that are easily comprehendible within a geographic framework (Cardini and Elton 2009). To further pursue this aim, we describe in this chapter a detailed case study of variation in the African guenon monkey superspecies Cercopithecus nictitans (Grubb et al. 2003; Tosi et al. 2005), providing a step-by-step explanation of how to conduct biogeographic analyses of morphological data derived from GMM. Also, we suggest ways in which such analyses might be elaborated using more complex models, including those which take into account factors such as phylogenetic relatedness.

Evolutionary and ecological processes occur in explicit geographical contexts. In the late 1970s, several statistical techniques were introduced to investigate the mechanisms underlying spatial patterns in biological variables at different levels of the biological hierarchy (see Epperson 2003; Dormann et al. 2007, for recent reviews). Even more importantly, most of these techniques were developed to deal specifically with the issue of spatial autocorrelation. Spatial autocorrelation occurs when closer samples in geographical space tend to be more similar or dissimilar to each other for a given variable than expected by chance alone (Legendre and Legendre 1998). Spatial autocorrelation in biological variables has both endogenous and exogenous causes. An endogenous example is gene flow, which tends to spread through a population or among metapopulations in a wave-like fashion, causing higher genetic similarity, and thus morphological similarity, among neighboring locations than between distant ones (e.g., isolation-by-distance). Another possibility is that an exogenous factor causes the observed pattern, as is the case when a genetic variable responds to environmental variation (Fortin and Dale 2005; Kissling and Carl 2008).

When autocorrelation is viewed as an endogenous process, spatial autocorrelation analyses are usually applied to infer microevolutionary processes by exploring the spatial structure in the morphometric data. However in most cases the spatial patterns are also caused by exogenous factors, and it may thus be important to model the effects of the exogenous variables in order to statistically separate them from the endogenous ones. In this case, the main issue to be considered is that the existence of autocorrelation causes inferential statistical problems, since Type I errors in regression and correlation analyses are always inflated (see Legendre 1993; Diniz-Filho et al. 2003). More complicated models are thus often necessary to produce realistic inferences about patterns and processes.

Here we use African monkeys, the Cercopithecus nictitans group, to illustrate ways in which morphology can be investigated in a spatial framework. The C. nictitans group comprises all subspecies of the Greater spot-nosed monkey, C. nictitans, along with the closely related Blue monkey, Cercopithecus mitis (Kingdon 1988; Grubb et al. 2003). In nomenclatural terms, C. nictitans has priority over C. mitis (Grubb et al. 2003), but for the sake of clarity we hereinafter refer to the group as C. mitis-nictitans. The two groups are often considered to be a “superspecies” (Kingdon 1988; Grubb 2006), a clade comprising allopatric populations that are too morphologically distinct from each other to be included in a single species (Mayr 1963). The geographic ranges of C. mitis and C. nictitans, as expected for a superspecies, do not overlap. Cercopithecus mitis is the most geographically widespread of the arboreal guenon clade, distributed across sub-Saharan Africa as far north as Ethiopia, extending into eastern and southern South Africa by way of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Zambia and Mozambique (Kingdon et al. 2008). It is also found in Angola, in the far west of Africa, and Kenya and Tanzania in the far east of the continent (Kingdon et al. 2008). In common with other widespread African monkeys, it is polytypic and numerous subspecies are recognised (Kingdon et al. 2008). Cercopithecus nictitans is found in western Africa, including Nigeria, Cameroon, Congo and Gabon, with isolated populations in Liberia and Cote d’Ivoire, and Bioko Island (Oates and Groves 2008). The range of C. nictitans is nearly contiguous with C. mitis in northern DRC. The monophyly of the C. mitis-nictitans superspecies is supported by molecular data that indicate the two named groups are closely related (Tosi et al. 2005). Nonetheless, the taxonomy within the group is far from straightforward (Napier 1981). In molecular analysis, C. mitis albogularis groups with C. nictitans rather than with the other populations of C. mitis (Tosi et al. 2005), with Groves (2001) identifying C. m. albogularis as a distinct species.

The C. mitis-nictitans group is part of a Pliocene radiation of arboreal guenons (Tosi et al. 2005). Cercopithecus mitis exploits a wide variety of forest types across its extensive range, including thickets in areas of forest loss (Kingdon et al. 2008). Cercopithecus mitis is thus one of the most ecologically flexible arboreal guenons (Lawes 1990, 2002). Cercopithecus nictitans has a more restricted set of habitat preferences, being found in primary and secondary tropical forest (Oates and Groves 2008). Its fragmented distribution in the west of Africa has been attributed to competition with Cercopithecus diana (Oates and Groves 2008). The arboreal guenons are likely to have speciated in the central African forest belt (Hamilton 1988), with C. mitis subsequently expanding its range into southern Africa, probably during the Pleistocene (Elton 2007). Despite its wide range, ecological flexibility and soft tissue variation, very little work has been undertaken on the hard tissue morphology of C. mitis-nictitans, especially in the context of geographic and environmental variation. Within the guenon clade as a whole, the allometry of skull shape appears largely to be conserved, although phylogenetic differences have been observed in some cases (Cardini and Elton 2008a, b). Cercopithecus mitis and C. nictitans are no exception to the conserved allometry, with their skull shapes being grouped with other medium to large-sized arboreal guenons (Cardini and Elton 2008a). Although on visual inspection many guenons seem to have a homogenous skull form, detailed GMM data allow for good species discrimination (Cardini and Elton 2008a). Nevertheless, when classification errors occurred, it was C. mitis specimens that were misclassified into C. nictitans with no reciprocal misclassification in the C. nictitans sample, though they were sometimes misclassified as other species (Cardini and Elton 2008a). Examining spatial and ecological variation may help to explain this pattern and shed further light on morphological differentiation within the C. mitis-nictitans superspecies.

In this study, we examine geographic variation in skull form of the Cercopithecus mitis-nictitans superspecies using linear and curvilinear regression models. Similar studies have been undertaken on the widely distributed African vervet (Cardini et al. 2007) and red colobus (Cardini and Elton 2009) monkeys. In both groups, a strong longitudinal, non-linear cline was identified in both size and shape. In vervets, morphological variation was also distributed along gradients of environmental variables. Precipitation emerged particularly strongly in these models, suggesting that habitat productivity affects size and shape, with larger animals living in higher rainfall and hence probably more productive environments. A similar finding has been reported for baboons (Dunbar 1990; Barrett and Henzi 1997b) and hartebeest (Capellini and Gosling 2007). In the red colobus, as with vervets, specimens in the far east of Africa were considerably smaller than elsewhere, although no study to date has specifically considered the role of environmental variables in influencing this pattern.

Our main aims in this paper are: (1) to investigate clinal variation in C. mitis-nictitans, taking into account possible non-linear patterns; (2) to summarize and visualize clines in size and shape within C. mitis-nictitans; (3) to examine environmental factors which may contribute to explain geographic variation in the superspecies; and (4) to partition size and shape into components (geographic, environmental, spatially structured environmental and residual) of ecogeographic variation. Throughout the paper we attempt to explain the methods so that those who are new to them can use and adapt them for their own needs, in some cases providing specific instructions on how to perform certain operations in standard morphometrics and statistical software.

3 Methods

3.1 Data Collection

The sample was derived from museum collections, comprising 122 specimens of C. mitis (56 females and 66 males) and 42 C. nictitans (22 females and 20 males), which had already been included in previous studies on guenons (Cardini and Elton 2008a, b, c). The specimens were all wild-caught and provenanced, with ninety-one localities represented. Data from the same locality were averaged and included in the analysis as means for those localities. A list of specimens with catalogue numbers is available upon request.

Three-dimensional coordinates of anatomical landmarks were directly collected by the same person on crania and mandibles using a 3D-digitizer (MicroScribe 3DX, Immersion Corporation). Landmarks were digitized only on the left side to avoid redundant information in symmetrical structures. The set (configuration) of 86 landmarks used for the analysis (Fig. 8.1) is described in Cardini et al. (2007) and several other papers from the same series of studies (Cardini and Elton 2007; Cardini and Elton 2008a, b, c). Landmarks on crania and mandibles were digitized separately, and aligned using the method described in Cardini et al. (2007). Measurement error and estimates of a small number of missing landmarks, described in Cardini et al. (2007) and Cardini and Elton (2008a), had negligible effects on the analysis.

3.2 Geometric Morphometrics

We used a geometric morphometric approach (Adams et al. 2004; Rohlf and Marcus 1993), an extensive introduction to which can be found in Zelditch et al. (2004). Geometric morphometric analyses were performed in the following computer programs: Morpheus (Slice 1999), NTSYSpc 2.2 V (Rohlf 2009), Morphologika (O’Higgins and Jones 2006). Statistical analyses were performed using SPSS 15.0 (2006) and NTSYSpc 2.2 V (Rohlf 2009).

A geometric morphometric analysis involves a series of main steps, described briefly here. The form of an organism (or its organs) is first captured by the Cartesian coordinates of a three-dimensional configuration of anatomical landmarks. Differences in landmark coordinates, due to the position of the specimens during the digitization process, are then removed, and size is standardized. This was achieved in our study by optimally superimposing landmark configurations using a process called generalized Procrustes analysis (GPA), which is based on a least-squares algorithm (Rohlf and Slice 1990). Centroid size (henceforth called “size” for brevity) is a measure of the dispersion of landmarks around their centroid and is computed as the square root of the sum of squared distances of all landmarks from the centroid. The new Cartesian coordinates obtained after the superimposition are the shape coordinates used for statistical comparisons of individuals. The shape differences between landmark configurations of two individuals can be summarized by their Procrustes distance, which is the square root of the sum of squared distances between pairs of corresponding landmarks.

Fig. 8.1
figure 1

Landmark configuration

3.3 Correction for Sexual Dimorphism

Due to the strong sexual dimorphism in these monkeys and the need to maximise sample size, a correction for sexual dimorphism was introduced. Within the sample for each species, the male-to-female differences between mean size and mean shape were added to the size and shape of females respectively. In other words, we standardized the female mean to equal the male mean and pooled the variance of both sexes around the male mean (see also Cheverud 1995; Marroig and Cheverud 2004). Means were calculated in SPSS (size) and Morpheus (shape), and all other computations were done in a spreadsheet; size was restored by multiplying shapes by the corresponding size after the sex-correction. The simple approach we used to remove differences related to sex assumes that the pattern of sexual dimorphism is the same throughout the whole geographic range. Although previous studies on vervets (Cardini et al. 2007) and red colobus (Cardini and Elton 2009) suggested a generally good congruence between sexes in patterns of geographic variation of African primates, this assumption should be rigorously tested. This was not possible in our study sample because of the limited number of specimens and localities. Results must therefore be seen as preliminary and will need to be confirmed on a larger sample.

3.4 Mirroring one Side of the Skull, Removing Asymmetries, and Summarizing Shape

To visualise group differences more effectively using three-dimensional diagrams (see below), landmarks on the left side were reflected and tiny asymmetries on midplane landmarks, that have little relevance in a study concerning variation among individuals (Klingenberg et al. 2002), removed. This was achieved by performing the following operations:

  1. (1)

    In a spreadsheet, we created a second set of configurations by inverting the sign of the axis that lay approximately perpendicular to the midplane.

  2. (2)

    In Morpheus, we loaded all datasets (i.e., the original set of configurations together with the one created in the previous step), including all landmarks but superimposing configurations using midplane landmarks only (i.e., all landmarks are rescaled, translated and rotated but this is done in a way that optimally superimposes only midplane landmarks). A GPA on a subset of landmarks can be easily obtained in Morpheus by using the command “demote p 84” to exclude the 84th landmark, “demote p 83” to exclude the 83rd landmark and so on. It is advisable to first “demote” the last landmark to be excluded, then the penultimate, and so on. In this way, the numbering of landmarks is not altered and one can use the number in the original landmark configuration to tell the software which landmark to exclude. A batch file (ascii text file with extension “btc”) can be easily written with the full list of landmarks to demote:

    • demote p 84

    • demote p 83

    • demote p 82

    • ….

  3. (3)

    Data were then rescaled to restore size, and midplane landmarks averaged. Rescaling can be done either in Morpheus using the “super restore scale” command or in a spreadsheet by multiplying landmark coordinates from step 2 by the corresponding centroid size. Averages of midplane landmarks can be easily obtained in a spreadsheet. Beware that when a subset of landmarks - like the 17 midplane landmarks in our study - is used for superimposition in Morpheus, these will become the first 17 landmarks in the output file.

  4. (4)

    In the last step, the ordering of the landmarks was restored (this can be done in a spreadsheet by moving columns of x, y, z coordinates to the appropriate position) and the mirrored landmarks from the dataset created in the first step were appended to the set of 86 midplane and left-side landmarks. Thus, the final set comprised the original left-side landmarks, their mirror reflection and the averaged midplane landmarks.

The whole procedure removed small asymmetries in midplane landmarks and mirror reflected left side landmarks to produce a set of perfectly symmetric configurations. Redundancy in the “symmetrized” configuration was later removed by performing a principal component analysis of shape coordinates (see below).

Landmark shape coordinates are mathematically redundant because seven degrees of freedom are lost in a GPA of three dimensional data, plus they are often highly correlated (e.g., Adams et al. 2004; Rohlf and Marcus 1993). The number of variables used for the analysis of shape is standardly rreduced by including only the first principal components (PCs) of the shape coordinates. To do this, a principal components analysis (PCA) should be performed using the variance-covariance matrix, as coordinates have already been standardized, something that can be performed in Morphologika, NTSYSpc, SPSS or almost any other standard statistical software package. Here, the number of principal components to be analysed was selected by measuring the correlation between the matrix of Procrustes shape distances in the full shape space and pairwise Euclidean distances in the reduced shape space (5, 10, 15 principal components, and so on). Computations of distances and matrix correlations were done in NTSYSpc. By plotting correlation coefficients onto the number of components in a spreadsheet (Fig. 8.2) one can use this information in a way similar to scree plots to select how many variables summarize most shape variation (Fadda and Corti 2000; Cardini et al. 2007). The “elbow” in the plot suggests the minimum number of PCs to retain before the loss of information in the higher order PCs, which are excluded, is so large to appreciably change the relationships of specimens in the reduced shape space compared to the full Procrustes shape space. Thus, in our study, the first 20 principal components of shape explained 76.0% of total variance and had a correlation with distances in the full shape space of 0.986 and so were selected for use in all subsequent analyses.

3.4.1 (1) Analysis of Clines and Selection of the Best Model to Quantify Geographic Variation

Regressions of size and shape onto geographic coordinates were used to quantify clinal variation. This was done both using a simple regression onto latitude and longitude and by performing a trend surface analysis (TSA – Legendre and Legendre 1998; Ruggiero and Kitzberger 2004; Botes et al. 2006; Cardini et al. 2007; Cardini and Elton 2009). TSA is a curvilinear model that can take into account non-linearities in the relationship between independent and dependent variables. Thus, size or shape variables were regressed in SPSS onto a third-order polynomial (x, y, x2, xy, y2, and so on) of latitude and longitude, and non-significant terms were removed one by one starting with the largest and then repeating the regression until all terms of the multiple regression were significant. Although more sophisticated methods, such as eigenvector mapping (see Dormann et al. 2007; Griffith and Peres-Neto 2006), are available to represent geographic structure at multiple scales, the simple approach used here, based on broad-scale clines expressed by TSA, was effective in describing the clines and, at the same time, generally good at reducing residual autocorrelation (see below).

Fig. 8.2
figure 2

Correlation between matrices of Euclidean distances computed from 5, 10, 20 etc. PCs and the matrix of Procrustes distances in the full shape space

To select the best model, results of the TSA were compared with those of both simple linear models and the full third-order polynomial expansion of geographic coordinates. For this purpose, size or shape variables were regressed onto geographic coordinates, and the second order Akaike information criterion (AICc; Burnham and Anderson 1998; Mazerolle 2004) was used to compare the goodness of fit of the models. AICc is a measure based on information theory and derived from the concept of entropy in physics. Briefly, it measures the lack of fit of the data (sum of squared residuals in a regression) to a given model, where the model is penalized in proportion to the number of parameters it employs. Thus, compared to available alternatives, the best model is the one with the lowest AICc (AICcmin). The multivariate extension of AICc suggested by Burnham and Anderson (1998) is described in Cardini and Elton (2009). The relative level of support for different models was evaluated by ΔAICc = AICc– AICcmin and Akaike weights (Burnham and Anderson 1998). Akaike weights provide another measure of the strength of evidence (likelihood) for each model and approximately represent the ratio of ΔAICc values for each model relative to the whole set of candidate models. Burnham and Anderson (1998) suggest that models with ΔAICc values of 0–2 provide similar support, whereas ΔAICc > 2 indicate substantially less support than the best model.

All these analyses can be affected by residual autocorrelation, even when no significance tests are used (see Legendre 1993; Diniz-Filho et al. 2008). Residual autocorrelation can be tested using Moran’s I coefficients (Legendre and Legendre 1998, pp. 714–721) in the univariate case (i.e., size) and multivariate Mantel correlograms (Legendre and Legendre 1998, pp. 736–738) in the multivariate case (i.e., shape). The tests estimate whether groups of localities that have approximately the same distance from one another (distance classes) are more similar than the average of all other localities based on the study variable(s). Ten distance classes were chosen so that there were an equal number of localities in each group and the geographic distances between pairs of localities in each group were similar. Distances between pairs of localities were smallest in the first group, greatest in the tenth group, and intermediate in the intermediate groups. In the absence of spatial autocorrelation, coefficients should not differ significantly from zero (i.e., morphological distances within a class are on average about the same as in any other class).

Moran’s I coefficients for size were computed in SAM 3.0 (Rangel et al. 2006). Matrices of pairwise shape distances for Mantel tests were computed in NTSYSpc using SIMINT (option for Euclidean distances). Distance matrices from geographic coordinates were calculated in ArcView (Jenness 2005) and transformed into model matrices for each of the 10 geographic distance classes using SPSS (“recode into same variables” option with specific ranges for each distance class). Thus, all neighbouring localities within a given distance class were coded as 1 and the remainder values were set to zero. Mantel tests for the correlation between shape distances and model matrices were done in NTSYSpc. The sign of the matrix correlation r was inverted so that positive r implies positive autocorrelation. Significance of both Moran’s I and matrix correlation was tested using 10,000 random permutation. A sequential Bonferroni correction using Holm’s method (Howell 2002) was employed to control for the inflation of type I errors in multiple comparisons.

3.4.2 (2) Visualization of Clines in Size and Shape

Specimens were plotted according to geographic coordinates on a map of Africa using Arcview GIS 3.2 (1999). Clinal variation predicted by the selected model was illustrated with grey scale colour symbols on the map. Size, which is univariate, can be easily described by a single variable. Thus, grey symbols and contour plots of a tone proportional to the size of the skull predicted by geography were used. Contour plots based on clinal size help to visualize main trends in geographic variation in a way similar to altitudinal lines in terrain maps and can be easily computed in software for the analysis of geographic data like Arcview.

For the visualization of clines in shape, which is multivariate, we followed the method proposed by Cardini and Elton (2009), which summarises the main trends of geographic variation and the corresponding shapes described by three dimensional anatomical landmarks using surface rendering. Thus:

  1. (1)

    As for size, clinal shape variation predicted by the selected model was first computed and prediction scores saved. This can be done easily in NTSYSpc using the regression module but the SPSS general linear model for multivariate data could also be used, using predictors (i.e., geographic coordinates) as covariates.

  2. (2)

    The variables describing the predicted cline in shape were then subjected to gsPCA (“geo-shape PCA”, sensu Cardini and Elton 2009) in order to summarize most of the variation predicted by the model with a few variables. As before, the PCA is done using the variance covariance matrix.

  3. (3)

    Eventually, variation along gsPCA axes (gsPC1 and gsPC2) was illustrated using:

    1. (a)

      grey scale colour symbols and contours of a tone proportional to the score of gsPC1 (or gsPC2) for individuals plotted on a map of Africa;

    2. (b)

      surface renderings of shapes corresponding to individuals at the opposite extremes of gsPC1 (or gsPC2). Surface rendering for main axes of clinal shape was obtained using Morphologika (O’Higgins and Jones 2006). Thus, the regression estimates of skull shape (the 20 PC scores) on geography were visualized as landmark configurations by adding to each mean coordinate the products of its eigenvectors and predicted PC scores. Predictions were computed in NTSYSpc (Rohlf 2009). The sum of predicted PC scores and mean coordinates was done in a spreadsheet and the resulting clinal shapes imported into Morphologika for visualization.

To aid interpretation of (b) relative to (a), shapes were shown using the same grey tone as for symbols and contours on the map. Thus, for instance, if lowest scores on gsPC1 were shown using light grey symbols on the map, light grey was also used for surface rendering of the shape predicted for the negative extreme of gsPC1. This allowed (a) mapping of clinal shape in a fashion similar to clinal size and (b) visualization of geographic shape variation as is commonly done in geometric morphometrics by using predictions for shapes along a vector (see Cardini and Elton 2009).

3.4.3 (3) Environmental Correlates

Size and shape were regressed onto environmental predictors and geographic coordinates. This was done in order to investigate which environmental variables may be related to changes in form once the effect of spatial distribution had been included in the model. The environmental variables used in the analysis were elevation, average annual temperature, rainfall and the Shannon rainfall diversity index, a measure of the differences in mean monthly rainfall over a 12 month period, with less seasonal environments represented by higher index values (Hill and Dunbar 2002). Elevation data were extracted from the SRTM 30 digital elevation model of Africa (data available from USGS/EROS, Sioux Falls, SD) using the “extract values to points” procedure in ArcGIS 9.0 Spatial Analyst (2004). Climatic variables were taken from the Willmott and Matsuura database (see Cardini et al. 2007, for references) which provides data at 0.5 degree grids. As before, multiple (size) and multivariate multiple (shape) regressions can be done in NTSYSpc, SPSS and other commercial statistical software.

3.4.4 (4) Components of Ecomorphological Variance

Partial linear regression was used to assess the effects of spatial structuring of variables and estimate the amount of skull size or shape variation that could be attributed to different sets of factors (Legendre and Legendre 1998; Ruggiero and Kitzberger 2004; Botes et al. 2006). Thus, terms of geographic coordinates (spatial component) and environmental variables were combined and morphological variation was partitioned into four components: (1) non-environmental spatial (proportion of variance exclusively explained by geography); (2) spatially structured environmental (proportion of variance explained by both geography and environment); (3) non-spatial environmental (proportion of variance explained exclusively by environment); (4) unexplained variation (proportion of variance explained by the effect of other factors). Partial regression employs a simple additive model based on the amount of variance explained by different sets of variables and is closely related to path analysis (Caumul and Polly 2005; Crespi and Bookstein 1989). Thus, using the following abbreviations for components of variance

$${\bf S} = (1),\ {\bf E} = (2),\ {\bf SE} = (3),\ {\bf res} = (4)$$

and referring to amounts of variances explained by the different regressions as

  • Tr = regression onto both spatial and environmental variables (i.e., total set of predictors);

  • Sr =  regression onto spatial variables only (latitude and longitude or terms from the TSA);

  • Er = regression onto environmental variables only ( elevation, temperature and so on)

we have

$$\begin{aligned}\textrm{T}_{\textrm{r}} =&\, {\bf S} + {\bf E} + {\bf SE}\\\textrm{S}_{\textrm{r}} =&\, {\bf S} + {\bf SE}\\\textrm{E}_{\textrm{r}} =&\, {\bf E} + {\bf SE}\end{aligned}$$

By making the appropriate substitutions in the equations, one gets estimates of all components:

$$\begin{aligned}\textrm{T}_{\textrm{r}} = {\bf S} + \textrm{E}_{\textrm{r}}\ \textrm{hence}\ {\bf S} = \textrm{T}_{\textrm{r}} - \textrm{E}_{\textrm{r}} \\ \textrm{T}_{\textrm{r}} = {\bf E} + \textrm{S}_{\textrm{r}}\ \textrm{hence}\ {\bf E} = \textrm{T}_{\textrm{r}} -\textrm{S}_{\textrm{r}}\end{aligned}$$

which makes

$${\bf SE} = \textrm{T}_{\textrm{r}} - {\bf (S + E)}$$

and finally

$${\bf res} = 100 - \textrm{T}_{\textrm{r}}$$

(variances are here expressed as percentages)

Jackknife confidence intervals (Manly 1997) were also computed, in NTSYSpc, to assess the reliability of estimates of explained variance. The jackknife requires the iterative removal of each specimen from its sample before the analysis is repeated and the parameter estimated. Thus, for the full regression model (Tr) for instance, the 91st specimen was removed, the regression done on the subsample of 90 specimens and the corresponding percentage of variance explained by the computed predictors. This was repeated after removing the 90th specimen, then the 89th and so on until, one at a time, all specimens were excluded from the regression. Finally, the standard deviation of explained variances in the 91 regressions computed as described above was used to estimate the standard error (SE) of Tr. Assuming normality in the distribution of explained variances from the jackknife subsamples, 99% confidence intervals are computed as Tr ± 2.575 x SE(Tr). The same procedure was used to estimate confidence intervals of Sr and Er, and all other terms of the partial regression. Jackknives tend to underestimate SE (Manly 1997). To mitigate this problem we chose 99% confidence intervals instead of 95%. The jackknife was used instead of bootstrapping (random sampling with replacement) to avoid having multiple data points for the same locality, which would have been inconsistent with our approach of averaging size and shape of specimens with the same provenance. Percentages and confidence intervals were computed in a spreadsheet after jackknife results were imported.

4 Results

4.1 1–2. Models of Clinal Variation, and Visualization of Clines in Size and Shape

Results of the regressions of size and shape onto geographic predictors are shown in Table 8.1. Clinal variation was highly significant for both size and shape. For size, the model with the highest likelihood was derived from the TSA and effectively removed autocorrelation (-0.110 < Moran’s I < 0.130, non-significant after a sequential Bonferroni correction). Other models had ΔAICc > 8. TSA explained about 50% of variation in size. The non-linear trend showed a strong longitudinal component. However, a north-to-south gradient in size was also evident. Figure 8.3 summarizes clinal size. Largest skulls were found in the central-south region of the C. mitis-nictitans geographic range. Size becomes progressively smaller to the north-east and to the north-west. Smallest individuals were found in Liberia and Sierra Leone. East of the African Rift, the gradient in size reduction was particularly steep.

Table 8.1 Clinal variation in size and shape: comparison of different modelsa using percentages of shape variance explained (% ex.), significance in F tests, second order Akaike information criterion (AICc), Delta AICc (ΔAICc = AICc– AICcmin) and Akaike weights (Wi)

For shape, the model with the highest likelihood was the linear regression onto latitude and longitude. Curvilinear models had ΔAICc > 11. Thus, about 9% of variation in shape was linearly related to geography although the regression was not completely effective in removing residual autocorrelation, as indicated by significance of two out of 10 distance classes after a sequential Bonferroni correction (distance class 678–857 km, r = –0.0863, p = 0.0011; distance class 2384–3221 km, r < 0.1294, P = 0.0025). The main component (~80% of clinal shape) of clinal shape was longitudinal. This component corresponds to gsPC1 and is illustrated in Fig. 8.4. To the west faces tend to be broad and short, brow ridges are relatively inconspicuous, neurocrania somewhat round in shape and nasals short. To the east, the trend is reverted. Faces are long with a narrow snout, brow ridges are prominent and zygomatic arches expanded, the temporal fossa is deep; also, the cranial vault is oval-shaped, and the mandible has a massive appearance compared to those from the west side of the range. The latitudinal component (gsPC2; Fig. 8.5) was modest and accounted for the remaining 20% of clinal shape variation. This component seemed mostly related to a lateral compression of the skull and a propensity to having longer faces in the south than in the north.

4.2 3–4. Environmental Correlates and Ecomorphological Components of Size and Shape Variation

When environmental predictors were included in the analysis together with geographic coordinates from the previous analyses, none were significant for either size or shape (Table 8.2). Temperature, however, was marginally significant for shape. Bivariate correlations also suggested that for size temperature (r = –0.427, P < 0.001) and also elevation (r = 0.253, P < 0.05) may have some effect, but this was too small to be significant in the full model.

Fig. 8.3
figure 3

Clinal size. Grey scale of contour lines and symbols, plus size of symbols, are according to increasing skull size. Largest skulls are found in south and central tropical Africa, smallest ones are in the westernmost part of the superspecies range (Liberia, Sierra Leone), medium sized skulls are both in the west (e.g., Cameroon and Gabon) and the east (e.g., Kenya, Tanzania and Ethiopia) of central tropical Africa. The main trend in size is summarized by pictures of crania (grey scale and size approximately proportional to skull size; pictures are from

Regressions used to compute percentages of variance explained by different factors are shown in Table 8.3. The increase (from about 48 to 51%) in the percentage of variance explained by the model when environmental predictors are added to geographic coordinates was very modest. That the environment alone was a poor predictor was emphasized by the results of the partial regression analysis (Table 8.4). The percentage of variance explained exclusively by environmental variables was tiny compared to percentages of variance related to the spatially structured environmental and purely spatial components (8–12 times larger respectively). Thus, size showed a pattern which was partly related to environmental variation along a geographic gradient and partly dependent on geographic distance regardless of the environment. In a different pattern to that evident for size, when environmental variables together with latitude and longitude were used to predict variation in shape (Table 8.3), the amount of variance explained increased 1.5 times. In the partial regression, about the same percentage of variance (~5%) was explained by geography alone, the environment alone or both of them congruently.

Fig. 8.4
figure 4

Clinal shape. The first major axis (gsPC1) is shown which summarizes 80.3% of clinal variation in shape and has a clear longitudinal direction. Grey scale of contours and symbols on the map are proportional to gsPC scores. Shape changes at extremes of the axis are shown with surface renderings using three views (frontal, lateral and dorsal). Consistently with the grey scale of symbols on the map, dark and light grey tones are used for shapes corresponding to the opposite extremes of gsPC1. The same convention for symbols, contours and shapes is used in the next figure for the second major axis of clinal shape (Fig. 8.5)

Fig. 8.5
figure 5

Clinal shape. The second major axis (gsPC2) is shown which summarizes 19.7% of clinal variation in shape and is mostly according to a latitudinal gradient

Table 8.2 Regressions on environmental correlates and best fit geographic predictors

Differences in patterns of size and shape variation relative to geography and environmental predictors are more easily appreciated using profile plots (Figure 8.6) for components of variances. The dominance of geography and the spatially structured environmental variation was evident for size. In contrast, confidence intervals of the three components largely overlapped for shape.

Table 8.3 Regressions used to compute partial regressions (see next Table)
Table 8.4 Partial regressions of size and shape onto geography and environment: percentages of variance explained by different components
Fig. 8.6
figure 6

Partial regressions of size and shape onto geography and environment: percentages of variance explained by different components and 99% jackknife confidence intervals illustrated using profile plots

5 Discussion

The strong spatial component to skull morphology in C. mitis-nictitans reinforces the emerging trend that geography is an important determinant of size and shape within widespread African primates, both arboreal and terrestrial (Frost et al. 2003; Cardini et al. 2007; Nowak et al. 2008; Cardini and Elton 2009). The observed size cline is non-linear, with a clear longitudinal component. There is an especially marked size reduction in the far east of the C. mitis-nictitans range, with another reduction to the west. Latitudinally, there is also a size gradient, although this is less steep, with individuals to the north of the range being only slightly smaller than those in the south. Essentially, the largest individuals - those at the “top of the hill” on the gradient plots - are found in the centre of the distribution, in the central African forests.

The C. mitis-nictitans superspecies is polytypic (Grubb et al. 2003), and marked intraspecific variation has been observed in its dentition (Vitzthum 1990) and pelage (Groves 2001). Our data indicate that skull shapes vary across the range, with specimens from the west having rounded neurocrania and short broad faces, with the trend reversed to the east. Southerly specimens have longer faces than those in the north. Allometry probably contributes to differences in morphology, with smaller individuals showing more paedomorphic features. This has been observed in several mammal species and is discussed in detail elsewhere (Cardini and Elton 2009). The obvious shape trend is longitudinal but it is likely that shape does not vary in a simple linear way, hinted at by the pattern seen on gsPC2. Larger, well provenced samples taken from the whole C. mitis-nictitans distribution are necessary to investigate this in detail. It is thus worth noting that when examining spatial trends in shape, which is multivariate, large samples are necessary to identify detailed variations in morphology in taxa with a large geographic range.

The Cercopithecus mitis-nictitans group is one of several widely distributed Old World monkey taxa found in Africa. Others include vervet monkeys (Chlorocebus aethiops spp.), common baboons (Papio hamadryas spp.), black and white colobus (Colobus sp.) and red colobus (Piliocolobus sp.). Of these, similar studies to the one reported here have been conducted on vervets (Cardini et al. 2007) and red colobus (Cardini and Elton 2009). Some interesting, if tentative, patterns emerge from the comparison of skull variation between these two groups and C. mitis-nictitans. All show a marked decrease in skull size in specimens east of the African Rift Valley lakes. In the rest of Africa, clinal variation in size is especially similar in Piliocolobus and C. mitis-nictitans, with specimens from central Africa being remarkably larger than those from west Africa. This contrasts with the trend in Chlorocebus aethiops, in which the largest forms are found in West Africa (Cardini et al. 2007).

It is likely that a complex, interacting array of factors influence morphological variation in African primates. These may contribute to size and shape differentiation through adaptation as well as developmental plasticity. Influential factors include (but are not confined to) phylogenetic history, environmental variables such as temperature and rainfall, insularity and other small population effects, stochastic processes and diet. In sympatric but distantly-related primates, shared behaviours and ecologies may contribute to parallel morphological evolution. Although C. mitis-nictitans and Piliocolobus do not share a particularly close evolutionary relationship, with molecular data indicating that colobines and cercopithecines diverged around 16 Ma (Raaum et al. 2005), both taxa are arboreal, found in similar regions and have a Pliocene origin (Tosi et al. 2005; Ting 2008). It is therefore probable that they have been subject to similar environmental pressures and hence parallelism.

During the Pleistocene climatic fluctuations, forest cover in tropical Africa would have fluctuated, with vicariance events promoting speciation within African forest primates (Hamilton 1988). Forest fragmentation, alongside competition with other arboreal mammals, including primates, has also very probably influenced distributions and population histories. Kingdon (1990) has equated African forest fragments to islands, and it is possible that insularity has impacted upon the morphological evolution of both C. mitis-nictitans and red colobus (Nowak et al. 2008; Cardini and Elton 2009). Extremely small C. nictitans specimens are found in the far west of their distribution, in populations geographically isolated from the rest of the subspecies range (Oates and Groves 2008). It cannot be discounted that their small size is causally related to their geographic and possibly reproductive isolation. The fragmentation of the C. nictitans range may also help to explain a previous observation (Cardini and Elton 2008a) that their skulls are more morphologically heterogeneous that those of C. mitis. Similarly, Piliocolobus has a discontinuous distribution within West Africa (Oates et al. 2008), which again may have affected size (Cardini and Elton 2009). One possible mechanistic explanation for decreased size in isolated populations is that smaller size reduces competition in resource-limited environments (Lomolino 2005). Arboreal primates lack the ability to move easily between widely separated forest patches, so habitat fragmentation is more likely to create isolated populations and reduce gene flow. Terrestrial or semi terrestrial primates, like the vervets, have fewer constraints on movement, and may be able to avoid strong competition within restricted areas (Cardini and Elton 2009). This may explain why vervets diverge from the trend identified in red colobus and C. mitis-nictitans.

Differences in the results of regression analyses indicate that although there is a strong spatial component to skull variation in C. mitis-nictitans, Piliocolobus and Chlorocebus aethiops, environmental influences may vary. In C. mitis-nictitans, precipitation and annual rainfall diversity (as indicated by the Shannon index) are not significant predictors for size or shape, although temperature is on the boundaries of significance as a predictor for shape. In vervets, skull shape is affected by average annual rainfall, but to less of an extent than size, probably because size responds more quickly to environmental variation than shape, which is inherently more complex (Cardini et al. 2007). Small vervet size may be related to drier and less productive habitats (Cardini et al. 2007). Similar suggestions have been made for baboons (Dunbar 1990; Barrett and Henzi 1997a) and hartebeest (Capellini and Gosling 2007). Within vervets, however, the regression models for size differ slightly in males and females, with rainfall having more of an effect on male size and temperature contributing to female size. It is therefore possible that the use of a corrected, pooled sex sample for C. mitis-nictitans may conceal subtle differences in morphology that are related to ecological variations between males and females and may be detectable in larger samples. Indeed, the partial regressions are fairly similar in the two taxa, with the common component of geography and environment accounting for a much higher percentage of variance than environment on its own (Cardini et al. 2007). The relationhips between environmental, geographic and morphological variables are yet to be specifically tested in red colobus. Doing so and comparing with the work described here may help to elucidate the patterns observed in the skull morphology of arboreal and terrestrial African primates with large geographic ranges.

Our approach to spatial analysis of morphology aims to distinguish among different factors that contribute to geographic variation, including the exogenous effects of environment and the endogenous effects of population structure and gene flow, with the special requirement of being able to visualize the components of multivariate geometric shape that are associated with different factors. Ours is not the only approach to this problem, but it is closely related and, we argue, more sophisticated than most. An approach that also partitioned morphological variance among exogenous and endogenous factors in a geographic setting using path analysis was Caumul and Polly’s (2005) partitioning of variation among climate, diet, vegetation, size and phylogenetic factors. While the partitioning of variance approach of these authors was similar to what we describe here and could have been used to model shape geographically, geographic analysis was neither the aim of that study nor did it take advantage of the geographically appropriate curvilinear TSA models. Two-block partial least squares (2B-PLS) has also been used to analyze the effects of geography and climate on geometric morphometric measurements of morphology (e.g. Fadda and Corti 2001; Rychlik et al. 2006) but with similar differences to our approach.

Phylogenetic relatedness is a factor of interest to many biologists and one which may contribute importantly to patterns of geographic variation. Phylogeny is an example of an endogenous factor that grows out of the spatial autocorrelation introduced by population structure and gene flow. Closely related species are expected to be more similar to one another, regardless of where they live, than are distantly related species. At the time of speciation, the two ancestral populations of an allopatrically probably live in similar environments and have similar morphologies, but are geographically separated (Peterson et al. 1999). At the incipient stage of speciation, perhaps similar to the current stage of the Cercopithecus mitis-nictitans superspecies, the effects of phylogeny may not be much different from the effects of population structure and gene flow. However, in situations where distinct species with long geological histories are studied, phylogenetic effects may be more important. Over time, the ranges of distinct species will change as the result of migrations, environmental changes, and chance. Two related species that were once geographically close together may become separated by long distances into different environments, yet they will carry with them a common component of morphological variance that is due to their shared ancestry; as each species adapts to its new environment, the endogenous phylogenetic component will shrink in favour of the exogeneous environmental one. The phylogenetic component of variance is thus a dynamic one that interacts with the other factors that we considered in this study (e.g., Polly 2008). One way to deal with phylogenetic autocorrelation in morphology is to remove it by subtracting the variance that can be associated with phylogenetic relationships in much the same way that we substracted the variation due to sexual dimorphism. In other words, one could regress out the morphological variation due to phylogeny and examine only the residual variation using the methods described by Martins and Hansen (1997). This can be done in the program COMPARE, which has a web-based JAVA interface (Martins 2004). PC scores can be used as variables in the “taxon means” part of the program. The PGLS-Ancestor module will calculate ancestral values for each PC axis at every node on a tree. The ancestral value of taxa can be subtracted from their species means to standardize for the effects of phylogeny in exactly the same way as we standardized for the effects of sex. This approach is not without problems, however, because often the geographic location of species and the climates they are adapted to are also phylogenetically correlated, which means that some of the geographic effects that one might want to study are being removed prematurely. A better approach would be to include phylogeny as a fifth regression term in the partial correlation analysis we presented above. To do this, one would add the phylogenetic weighting models presented by Martins and Hansen (1997) to the partial regression analysis, allowing phylogenetic factors to compete equally in the same partitioning of variance as the geographic and environmental effects.

Shape data are often analysed using simple models because their multivariate nature makes it more difficult to do complex analyses and because many statistical analyses are not yet available in user-friendly geometric morphometric programs. Besides statistical testing, results from the analysis of shape need to be effectively visualized, and this adds a futher layer of computational complexity. Our study shows how biogeographic studies using methods which allow consideration of possible non-linearities can be easily applied to size and shape data by using a combination of some of the most widely used commercial statistical packages together with freeware programs for geometric morphometric analyses.

The application of geometric morphometrics in biogeography is still in its infancy and much more need to be done to take full advantage of methods developed in this discipline over the last two decades. For instance, spatial autocorrelation may be harder to control for using spatial filters when the number of variables is large. This may help to explain why the best fit regression model effectively removed autocorrelation from size but did not do it as well for shape. Most of the biogeographic literature, however, either focuses on single dependent variables (i.e., univariate or univariate multiple analyses) or lacks explict tests of autocorrelation in multivariate data, thus limiting the usefulness of previous studies in the interpretation of our results.

The main aim of this study was to provide a step-by-step example of biogeographic analysis using geometric morphometrics which may stimulate morphometricians and scientists from other disciplines to investigate geographic variation in size and shape using up-to-date methods for the analysis of form using Cartesian coordinates of anatomical landmarks. Although more studies on how best to control and test for autocorrelation due to spatial or phylogenetic structure in multivariate shape data are needed, the application of geometric morphometrics to ecological, biogeographic and phylogeographic studies has an enormous potential for a thorough understanding of how form changes in space and time during evolution and in relation to genetic and environmental factors.