
1 Introduction

Waste collection systems usually plan their operations according to administrative territorial boundaries (e.g. municipalities, county, district…). Even when managing two adjacent municipalities, operations are plan independently. The company studied in this chapter is no exception. All operations have been managed under a municipality perspective, i.e., the service areas of each depot and the collection routes have been defined taking into account the municipalities’ boundaries. This approach has proved to be very costly and motivated the restructure of the company’s tactical and operational planning decisions. Moreover, the company aims to foster the system’s sustainability by integrating economic, social, and environmental objectives in the new plan.

This company responsible for the recyclable collection system covering 19 rural municipalities with a total area of 7000 km2. It involves 1522 glass bins, 1238 paper bins, and 1205 plastic/metal bins spread over 207 sites (see Fig. 14.1). A collection site is assumed to correspond to an area instead of an individual container to reduce the problem size. Due to the proximity of the bins within an urban area (an average distance of 500 m), it is realistic to assume the containers to collect within this site as a single node. The number of containers at each site is known in advance. The company operates four depots and a vehicle fleet of eight vehicles. One of the depots acts also as a sorting station (depot 208). The remaining three depots are only transfer stations where the recyclable waste is consolidated and afterward transferred to the sorting station.

Fig. 14.1
figure 1

Collection sites and depot locations

The company provided a dataset with historical data concerning all routes performed over a year. For each route, this available data contains the day, the collected recyclable material type and the corresponding number of containers, the traveled distance (in kilometers), the route duration, and the total collected weight. To estimate the collected amounts at each site and the corresponding collection frequency, the daily collected weight average per container was estimated. It took into account the time interval between two consecutive collections sites and the average collected amount per container in each route.

The three recyclable materials present different collection frequencies. Glass has to be collected every 6 weeks, plastic/metal every 3 weeks, and paper every 2 weeks. Therefore, a 6-week planning horizon is assumed. The materials are collected in separated routes since the vehicle fleet has no compartments. Taking into account the materials’ densities and vehicles’ maximum capacities, it was considered that vehicles can load a maximum of 8500 kg of glass, 3000 kg of paper, and 1000 kg of plastic/metal. For the outbound transportation (from the depots to the sorting station), larger vehicles are used, and their weight capacities are, under the same assumption, 12,000 kg for glass, 5000 kg for paper, and 3000 for plastic/metal.

All collection routes start at a depot, visit several sites collecting a single type of material, and return to a depot to unload. Multiple trips per day, as well as inter-depot routes (routes starting and ending at different depots), are allowed. However, by the end of a working day, all vehicles have to return to their depot of origin. Collection is performed 5 days a week, 8 h per day. The new plan should consider a vehicle route planning for a 6-week period that is to be repeated every 6 weeks. To avoid containers’ overflow, managers should set a minimal and a maximum interval between two consecutive collections when defining route scheduling for each material.

2 Sustainability Objectives

The economic objective accunts, only for the variable costs of the system, since the fixed costs are associated with strategic decisions that have already been taken, (as number of depots, number of vehicles, and number of drivers), and cannot be changed. Hence, the variable costs are mainly related to the distance traveled by vehicles when collecting containers and transporting waste from depots to the sorting station. This includes fuel consumption and maintenance of the vehicle. Such costs depend linearly on the distance traveled, and thus the economic objective function is assessed by the total distance traveled. This includes the inbound distance (from the collection sites to the depots) and the outbound distance (from the depots to the sorting stations), to which adds the possible distance covered by empty vehicles between depots (heavily penalized). Currently, the total distance traveled is about 270,000 km per year.

On the environmental objective, and since transportation is this system’s main activity, the greenhouse gas emissions (like CO2, CH4, HFCs, NOx) are generated, in particular CO2, which negatively impact the environment. The function is defined as the total CO2 emitted by all vehicles in the system: each collection route performed and the round-trips between depots and the sorting station. Notice that since these last vehicles travel empty when returning to the depots, different CO2 values are assumed for each direction. It was estimated that a total of 340,000 kg of CO2 are emitted per year.

Lastly, the social objective promotes equity among human resources, in this case, the drivers. In the current plan, drivers’ schedules are imbalanced with some drivers operating larger number of routes than others. From the historical data, a maximum of 220 and a minimum and 100 driving hours, are observed in a 6-week horizon. The company wants to put into practice a new operation scheme which will account for this organizational issue. Hence, the social objective is modeled as the minimization of the maximum working hours among all drivers in the planning horizon. This metric has a twofold contribution toward social sustainability. First, it promotes equity among drivers, enabling balanced workloads since all drivers are assigned to collection activities with similar number of hours (see Fig. 14.2 for an illustrative example). Second, with the minimization of the maximum working hours, drivers may be released to perform tasks other than just collection, as sorting activities, participation in recycling awareness campaigns, or training. This latter activity helps to improve the career development and promotes versatility among the human resources.

Fig. 14.2
figure 2

Example of the effect of minimizing the maximum working hours

3 Modeling and Solution Approach

This case study involves the definition and scheduling of vehicle routes in multiple depot system, where inter-depot routes and multiple trips per vehicle are allowed. It is modeled as a multi-depot periodic vehicle routing problem with inter-depot routes (MDPVRPI). This model allows for the simultaneous selection of a set of visiting days for each client, the definition of the service areas of each depot, and of the multiple routes to be performed in each day of the planning horizon (see Annex A for the full model formulation). The MDPVRPI combines three problems: a multi-depot vehicle routing problem (MDVRP), a periodic vehicle routing problem (PVRP), and a vehicle routing problem with multiple use of vehicles (VRPMU). While the MDVRP considers a planning horizon of a single time unit, the PVRP considers a planning horizon with several time units, since it assumes customers to have different delivery (or collection) patterns. In this problem, a customer specifies a service frequency and a set of allowable delivery patterns, and the company has to decide on which day the delivery will occur. In the VRPMU, a vehicle can perform several routes during a working day and/or the planning horizon. The multiple uses of vehicles appear when the fleet is either small or the working day period is larger than the average route duration (see Petch and Salhi (2003), Oliveira and Vieira (2007), Azi et al. (2010), and Rieck and Zimmermann (2010)).

In the classical MDPVRP, all routes have to start and end in the same depot (closed routes). Whereas, in the MDPVRP with inter-depot routes (MDPVRPI), vehicles can renew their capacity in any depot in order to continue delivering or collecting materials without being forced to return to their home depot before the end of the working day. Hence, routes can start and finish at different depots enabling a vehicle rotation composed by inter-depot routes. The different routes concepts are illustrated at Fig. 14.3

Fig. 14.3
figure 3

Illustration of closed, open, and inter-depot routes

. The difference between an open and an inter-depot route is that in the latter a rotation has to be defined in order to get the vehicle back to its home depot. One defines a rotation as a set of inter-depot routes that can be performed consecutively until the home depot is reached.

A solution approach is developed to solve the case study as multi-objective MDPVRPI. Since the problem is modeled with the set partitioning formulation, a set of a large number of feasible routes has to be generated, and then the most adequate ones are selected from that pool. Therefore, the solution approach involves a first step to generate the routes and a second step where the multi-objective problem is solved (see Fig. 14.4). As the goal is to obtain a solution where costs are balanced with environmental and social concerns, the set of routes is defined considering only the economic objective. However, when selecting and scheduling the routes, at step 2, the three objectives are taken into account by solving the multi-objective MDPVRPI with the augmented ε-constraint method (see book Sect. 12.3.4). With such approach, an approximation to the Pareto front is obtained, which can be used by the decision-maker to evaluate trade-offs and to select the most adequate solution to put into practice.

Fig. 14.4
figure 4

Solution approach overview

The goal of step 1 is then to build the set of feasible routes required by the multi-objective MDPRVPI formulation. Generating all the feasible routes is however intractable (Laporte 2007), so only a subset will be defined. Accounting for the characteristics of the problem addressed, a diverse set of closed and inter-depot routes are generated representing alternative solutions to collect all sites. To build only closed ones, a MDVRP is solved – procedure 1. To build closed and inter-depot routes, a MDVRPI is solved – procedure 2. To build only inter-depot routes, a MDVRPI Extension is solved – procedure 3 (see Annexes B.1.1, B.1.2, and B.1.3 for all the details). Therefore, the set of all routes is fed by three independent procedures modeling the three alternative solutions to collect waste from all collection sites (see Fig. 14.5).

Fig. 14.5
figure 5

Routes generation procedures

4 Results and Analysis

The solution approach proposed is applied to the described case study in order to define a sustainable plan for the recyclable waste collection in 19 Portuguese municipalities. It was implemented in GAMS 23.7 and solved through the CPLEX Optimizer 12.3.0, on an Intel Xeon CPU X5680 @ 3.33 GHz.

4.1 Routes Generation

Three procedures were applied to generate a set of diverse closed and inter-depot collection routes for each of the three recyclable materials. The number of routes provided by each procedure for each material is shown in Table 14.1.

Table 14.1 Number of routes defined per procedure and recyclable material

The mixture of plastic and metal, which is assumed as a single material, requires more collection routes than the other two materials. This mixture has a lower density when compared to the other two materials, and thus the vehicle weight capacity for plastic metal is smaller for the same vehicle volume capacity.

4.2 Sustainable Collection System

Step 2 of Figure 14.4 selects routes from set K while considering the number of available vehicles (eight in total) and where they are based. It also takes into accounts the planning horizon of 6 weeks (i.e., 30 working days) and observes the interval between collections. Then step 2 the multi-objective problem is solved by applying the augmented ε-constraint method Marieloas (2009) to define an approximation to the Pareto front. The proceedure ends with the application of a compromise solution method to compute a sustainable solution for the case study (see Annex B.2).

The payoff table generated by the lexicographic method (see section 12.4.1) is shown in Table 14.2. When minimizing the total distance (economic objective), a solution with 27,261 km is obtained. This solution emits 34,982 kg of CO2, and the maximum number of hours among the eight vehicles is 200 h. When minimizing the CO2 emissions (environmental objective), a solution with 34,747 kg of CO2 is achieved. It implies less 0.7% of CO2 emissions and more 0.3% kilometers when compared to the economic solution. The number of working hours remains unaltered. When minimizing the maximum number of working hours in the planning horizon (social objective), a solution with a maximum of 165 h is obtained. This solution implies a total of 30,118 km (about 11% more than in the economic solution) and 38,042 kg of CO2 (about 10% more than in the environmental solution).

Table 14.2 Payoff table obtained with the lexicographic optimization of the objective functions

Figure 14.6 shows the total hours each driver has to work (social concern) in the collection activity for each of the three optimal plans: economic, environmental, and social. Both economic and environmental optimal plans are quite unbalanced, with differences between the maximum and minimum working hours of 102 and 120 h, respectively. On the contrary, the social optimal plan presents a totally balanced plan, where all drivers work the same number of hours in collection activities (165 h).

Fig. 14.6
figure 6

Number of working hours per vehicle in the three solutions

The daily schedule for each vehicle with the assignment of all the routes to be operated in each day is the output of the procedure step 2. Vehicle 7’s daily schedule is given in Fig. 14.7. Each day has the number and type of routes to be performed (Pl stands for plastic/metal, Gl for glass, and Pa for paper) and the total duration (in minutes). For example, in day 1 of the economic plan, the vehicle has to perform route #56 to collect plastic/metal and afterward route #250 to collect paper. The total duration (including unloading activities) is 461 min. Route #250 is performed three times during the planning horizon in line with the collection frequency set for the material paper (days 1, 12, and 22). The interval between consecutives visits respects the minimum and maximum interval allowed for this material (9 and 11 days, respectively).

Fig. 14.7
figure 7

Schedule for vehicle 7 in economical (a) and social (b) plans

Comparing both schedules (Fig. 14.7a, b), fewer routes are performed by vehicle 7 in the social solution (44 against 52 routes in the economic solution). On the one hand, in the “economic schedule,” routes are to be performed every day, while in the “social schedule” there is one day (day 6) where no routes are assigned. In the “social schedule,” the driver of vehicle 7 works 165 h in collection activities, while in the “economic schedule,” he/she works 200 h. To reduce 35 working hours from vehicle 7, the scheduled hours for the remaining vehicles have to increase. This can be achieved with the reconfiguration of depot service areas. As an illustrative example, the service areas for the material glass for the three solutions are shown in Fig. 14.8. In the social solution, the number of collection sites assigned to depot 208 (114 sites) is the lowest when among the three solutions (128 sites in the economic solution and 136 in the environmental solution). In opposition, the number of sites assigned to depot 209 is the largest (46 sites in the social solution against 32 and 26 in the economic and environmental solutions, respectively). Depot 209 (where vehicles 5 and 6 are based) is the one with less working hours in the economic and environmental plans (Fig. 14.6). To balance the number of working hours in the social solution, more sites have to be assigned to this depot.

Fig. 14.8
figure 8

Service areas for glass material for the economic, environmental, and social plans

The environmental solution is the one with the highest number of sites assigned to depot 208 (also acts as the sorting station). The outbound transportation is performed by large vehicles that release more CO2 than the collection vehicles. Therefore, since the objective is to minimize the CO2 emissions, more sites are assigned to the sorting station to avoid the outbound transportation. Moreover, the environmental solution selects routes where vehicles travel shorter distances with heavy load given since it minimizes the CO2 emissions .

Nine different solutions are obtained when applying the augmented ε-constraint method (S1 to S9 in Table 14.3). Such solutions can be visualized in Fig. 14.9 where one can observe that to improve the social objective (reducing the number of maximum working hours), the economic and environmental objectives deteriorate. For instance, to increase the social objective in 17.5%, the economic and the environmental objectives deteriorate 10% and 9.5%, respectively (S1 versus S8). However, the economic objective only deteriorates 1.2% and the environmental 2.4% with an improvement of 12.5% in the social objective (S3 versus S8). Regarding the economic and environmental objectives, the trade-off only exists between S8 and S9. To improve 0.7% in the environmental objective, the economic objective deteriorates 0.3%. In the remaining solutions, these objectives are inversely proportional to the social objective.

Table 14.3 Pareto optimal solutions
Fig. 14.9
figure 9

Approximation to Pareto front considering the three objectives with the ideal point and the compromise solution highlighted

Aiming to find a compromise solution between the three objectives to reach a sustainable plan for the logistics network, a compromise solution method is applied. The ideal point (zI) is defined according to the individual minima of each objective. In this case, ideal point coordinates are zI = (27,261 km, 34,747 kg CO2, 165 h). The nadir point (zN) is defined according to the individual maxima of each objective, zN = (30,118 km, 38,138 kg CO2, 200 h). Figure 14.9 also depicts the compromise solution and the ideal point. After normalizing the objective functions with the amplitude between the nadir and ideal points, the compromise solution (zC) is obtained by minimizing the Tchebycheff distance to the ideal point. The compromise solution obtained is zC = (28,013 km, 35,653 kg CO2, 174 h) – all details presented in Annex B.2.

In the compromise solution (depicted in Fig. 14.10), the economic objective deteriorates 2.7%, the environmental 2.6%, and the social 5.5% regarding each corresponding value when a single objective is optimized. For all materials, the number of sites assigned to the sorting station is smaller than the ones obtained for the economic and environmental solutions but higher than the one of social solution. For instance, in the compromise solution for paper, 39% of the sites are assigned to depot 208 (sorting station), while 45% are assigned when the economic and environmental objectives are minimized individually and 38% when considering the social objective. Also, more sites are collected in inter-depot routes. These differences increase the distance traveled and emitted CO2 but balance the solution regarding workload among depots (Fig. 14.11).

Fig. 14.10
figure 10

Representation of the compromise solution for the three recyclable materials

Fig. 14.11
figure 11

Number of working hours by vehicle in the compromise solution

The compromise solution represents a sustainable solution that has been presented to the company. Savings of about 10% in the distance and 9% in CO2 emissions and a reduction of 21% in the maximum of driving hours are obtained with this sustainable solution, when comparing to the current company operation plan.

5 Conclusion

The planning a multi-depot logistics system has been taken into account considering the three dimensions of sustainability. Economic, environmental, and social objective functions have been modeled in a tactical routing and scheduling problem with multiple depots. In particular, this work addresses service areas and routes definition as well as routes scheduling, CO2 emissions, and human resources working hours.

The solution approach has been applied to a real recyclable waste collection system where the trade-offs between the three objectives were highlighted and a compromise solution proposed. When economic and environmental objectives are minimized, unbalanced solutions are obtained regarding working hours by vehicle (and consequently be driver). On the contrary, when the social objective is minimized, a balanced solution is obtained where all drivers drive the same number of hours. However, this equity solution leads to a significant increase in distance and CO2 emissions. Between environmental and economic objectives there are only minor trade-offs. An efficient solution taking into account the three objectives is obtained through the compromise solution method, where the distance to the ideal point is minimized.