
1 Introduction

In machine learning and statistics, classification is the problem of identifying to which of a set of classes or categories (sub-populations) a new observation belongs, on the basis of a training set of data containing observations whose classification membership is known. Any individual observation is analyzed into a set of quantifiable properties or characteristics, termed features, from which its category or class is to be predicted. In this work we allow features to be binary, categorical or discrete. An algorithm that implements classification, mapping input data to a category or class (output) is known as a classifier. A good classifier is one that predicts that output accurately.

A common subclass of classification is probabilistic classification. Algorithms of this nature use statistical inference to find the best class for a given instance. Unlike other algorithms, which simply output a “best” class, probabilistic algorithms output a probability of the instance being a member of each of the possible classes. The best class is then selected as the one with the highest probability, and is the “predicted class” for the input. Such algorithms have advantages over non-probabilistic classifiers. Among them, it can output a confidence value associated with its choice and, correspondingly, it can abstain when its confidence of choosing any particular output is too low; in this way, it allows to adapt both sensitivity and specificity of the model depending on priorities.

Bayesian classifiers are probabilistic classification procedures that provide a natural way of taking into account any available information about the composition of the sub-populations associated with the different groups within the overall population. If the elements of the population are grouped into sub-populations or classes because they have common values of they features, then it could be natural to try to predict the values of the features or attributes for the members of any fixed class. On the opposite, if the class is unknown, Bayes’ rule can be used to predict the class given (some of) the feature values. The Bayesian classifier is a probabilistic model including the class variable and the features, and perhaps other (latent) variables as well. This model, after construction and validation, can be used to predict (infer) the classification of any new element. The simplest case is the naive Bayesian classifier, which makes the assumption that the features are conditionally independent of each other given the classification, but other models can be considered. We will assume that the considered features, as well as the class variable, are all discrete. Although many classification methods have been developed specially for binary classification, we do not restrict ourselves to this scenario but extend our study to the multiclass setting. More specifically, we consider a probabilistic classifier for class variable C with feature variables \(F_1,\ldots ,\,F_r\).

To build effective models, data as accurate as possible is needed, but in real life, with limited resources, obtaining accurate data could have a huge associated cost. In this context, the need to decide on what features we focus on is clear. At the very first steps of the process, this is solved by passing the sieve of feature selection techniques (see Friedman et al. [2]), which attempt to shrink the dimensionality of the dataset to improve both accuracy (e.g. by avoiding overfitting or reducing variance), and interpretability. But later on, once the model is build, analyzing the importance of each feature is still a matter of importance not only because of the comments above, but because in a certain way, a model is a simplistic approximation of reality, so knowing what features are revealed as fundamental in a given model may be a clue about what features we should zoom in when looking for a deeper knowledge of the phenomenon. That is, feature strength focuses on the interpretability of the model and not on its simplification or reduction. After feature selection and the construction of the model of the desired dimension, it is a deeper step in the interpretation of the model, in which it is intended to analyze the influence of the features in the classifier.

Our goal is to introduce and compare different measures of the features strength for classification the classifier. As far as we know, there are no precedents on this type of study. There are, however, some works related in a certain sense. Indeed, different software packages deal with the question of measure the strength of influence between neighboring nodes in a Bayesian network through some kind of strength measure of the arcs among them in the Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG). Only to mention two of them:

  1. 1.

    SMILE (Structural Modeling, Inference, and Learning Engine) is a fully platform independent portable library of C++ classes implementing graphical decision-theoretic methods, such as Bayesian networks, and influence diagrams and structural equation models. Among its tools, we find the strength of influence tool of a directed arc, which is always calculated from the CPT of the child node and essentially expresses some form of distance between the probability distributions of the child node conditional on the state of the parent node. With respect to this work, we introduce two families of measures of influence features in classification, not only these which are children nodes of the class. The first one is of the type considered in GeNIe, while the second one is inherently different in nature.

  2. 2.

    Similar to the strength of influence of SMILE is the magnitude of influence that the software Elvira computes. Paper [5] introduces the magnitude of influence of a link (MI) of Elvira for ordinal variables. This definition has no sense if variables are discrete but not ordered. We introduce measures of influence named strength measures, which apply for discrete variables (ordinal or not), and not only refer to the directed arc from a parent to a child, but they apply to any pair of variables.

We have followed two different approaches to the problem of defining measures of the strength of a feature in a probabilistic classifier: one based on conditional probability tables (CPT) of the classification variable C to the feature, using different statistical distances, and the other based on accuracy in prediction. With respect to the first one, which is the subject of Sect. 2, statistical distances, divergences, and similar quantities have a large history and play a fundamental role in statistics, machine learning and associated scientific disciplines. Statistical distances are defined in a variety of ways, by comparing probability mass distributions in the discrete probability models context, as is the case at hand. We will choose four of them as an example in our case study (Sect. 4). We will assign a measure of strength to each feature, say \(F_i\), as the “maximum discrepancy” observed on the CPT of C conditioned to feature \(F_i\), which is defined as the maximum distance in the pairwise comparisons corresponding to the conditional probability distribution of C to different fixed values of \(F_i\).

In the second case, considered in Sect. 3, the strength measure of each feature \(F_i\) for the classification variable is defined as the corresponding accuracy when predicting classification from an evidence expressed exclusively in terms of \(F_i\). In both cases we obtain a ranking of the features in classification (in the first case, a possible different ranking is obtained for each statistical distance that has been considered). In Sect. 4 we apply the different measures we have introduced in previous sections to a case study, and compare features rankings by using both Hamming distance and the degree of consistency.

2 Strength Measures Based on CPT

In this section we introduce some strength measures to deeply analyze to what extent class variable C is affected by the different features in the classifier. Fix a feature variable F. We would like to compute a measure of the effect of induced changes in F on the conditional probability distribution of variable C. For that, we consider evidences of the form \(F=a\) and estimate from sample probabilities for the query variable C given the evidence, \(P^F_{a} (x)= P(C=x\,/\,F=a)\) with \(x\in \mathcal{C}\) (\(\mathcal{C}\) being the set of possible outcomes of variable C), if \(P(F=a)>0\). These probabilities conform the Conditional Probability Table (CPT) of C conditioned to F. We propose an approach based on a statistical distance.

Different statistical distances or divergence measures have been introduced in the literature between two discrete probability distributions. For example, and only to mention four of them, the Kullback-Leibler divergence, the Pearson chi-square distance, the Hellinger measure or the Kolmogorov distance (see [6]). Some of them are asymmetric, provoking that changing order of the arguments can yield substantially different values. For that, we consider symmetrized versions of them. We denote by KL the Kullback-Leibler distance or divergence, also known as relative entropy, that is, given two discrete probability distributions taking values \(x \in \mathcal {X}\), \(Q_1\) and \(Q_2\), and with the understanding that there is not \(x\in \mathcal{X}\) such that \(Q_1(x)=Q_2(x)=0\), \(KL(Q_1,\,Q_2)=\sum _{x\in \mathcal{X}} Q_1(x)\,\big (\log Q_1(x)-\log Q_2(x)\big )\), with the convention that \(0\,\log (0)=0\). Note that \(KL(Q_1,\,Q_2)\ge 0\) although it could be \(+\infty \) (if \(Q_2(x)=0\) for some x). Following [4], we symmetrize this distance by means of the harmonic sum, that is, the half the harmonic mean, of the component Kullback-Leibler divergences. Pearson chi-squared and Hellinger distances have also been symmetrized.

Distance name



\(d_1(Q_1,\,Q_2)=1/\Big (\frac{1}{KL(Q_1,\,Q_2)} + \frac{1}{KL(Q_2,\,Q_1)}\Big ) \)

Pearson chi-squared

\(d_2(Q_1,\,Q_2)=\sum _{x\in \mathcal{X}} 2\,\frac{(Q_1(x)-Q_2(x))^2}{Q_1(x)+Q_2(x)}\)

Squared blended Hellinger

\(d_3(Q_1,\,Q_2)=\sqrt{\sum _{x\in \mathcal{X}} 2\,\big (\sqrt{Q_1(x)}-\sqrt{Q_2(x)}\big )^2}\)


\(d_4(Q_1,\,Q_2)=\max _{x\in \mathcal{X}} | Q_1(x)-Q_2(x)|\)

Note that \(d_i\ge 0\), but that if there exist \(x_1,\,x_2\in \mathcal{X}\) such that \(Q_1(x_1)=0\) and \(Q_2(x_2)=0\), then \(d_1(Q_1,\,Q_2)=+\infty \).

We introduce a strength measure for feature F based on a statistical distance or symmetrised divergence measure d, which could be any of the previous distances \(d_1,\ldots ,\,d_4\), or even another, and name it Strength Distance (SD), in this way:

$$\begin{aligned} SD(F)=\max _{a, \,b \in \mathcal{F}} \,d^F_{a,\,b} \end{aligned}$$

where \(\mathcal{F}\) is the set of the possible outcomes of variable F, and \(d^F_{a,\,b}\) denotes the statistical distance between \(P^F_a\) and \(P^F_{b}\), that is, \(d^F_{a,\,b}=d(P^F_{a},\,P^F_{b})\). Therefore, we compute strength distance from pairwise comparatives through the statistical distance or symmetrised divergence d.

Proposition 1

\(SD(F)\ge 0\), and \(SD(F)=0\) if and only if F and C are independent.


\(SD(F)\ge 0\) by definition. On the other hand, \(SD(F)=0\) if and only if \(d_{a,b}^F=0\) for any \(a,\,b\in \mathcal{F}\), but this fact is equivalent to say that \(P_a^F=P_b^F\) for any \(a,\,b\in \mathcal{F}\), which is equivalent to the independency between F and C.    \(\square \)

Note that although we have defined SD through the maximum, we could have chosen any other aggregation function of the distances \(d_{a,b}^F\) that verified Proposition 1. The maximum is the least robust (jointly with the minimum) option, since it is maximally sensitive to extreme values, which represents an advantage if extreme values are real (not measurement errors), as in our case, where they are of great importance to assess the strength of a feature for classification.

Because previous measure does not consider if different instantiations of a feature variable produce different predictions for class variable C, it seems appropriate to introduce a correction that does take account of this fact.

Let \(\alpha =\#\mathcal{C}\) and \(\beta (F)=\#\mathcal{F}\), where \(\#\) denotes the cardinal of a finite set, and let \(\gamma (F)\) denote the number of different predictions obtained from the classifier for C given the evidences \(E=\{F=a\}\), with a varying in \(\mathcal{F}\), that is,

$$\begin{aligned} \gamma (F)=\#\{\arg \,\max _{x\in \mathcal{C}} P(C=x\,/\,F=a),\, a\in \mathcal{F}\}. \end{aligned}$$

Then, define

$$\begin{aligned} \delta (F)=\frac{\gamma (F)}{\min (\alpha ,\,\beta (F))}\in (0,\,1]\,, \end{aligned}$$

which is the proportion of different predictions actually obtained by the classifier for class C among the possible we could obtain from an evidence on F. Therefore, \(\delta (F)\) is a measure of the influence of feature F on C, and we can use it to correct strength measure SD by introducing the Corrected Strength Distance (CSD) in this way: \(CSD(F)=SD(F)\times \delta (F)\), which is \(\le SD(F)\). Note that as SD, \(CSD(F)\ge 0\), and \(CSD(F)=0\) if and only if F and C are independent.

3 Strength Measures Based on Accuracy in Prediction

In general, after constructing the classifier from the dataset, we perform validation of the model, and once validated, we can use it for future predictions. Validation consists of a procedure for assessing how the classifier performs in the sense of correctly predict the query variable C from any evidence given in terms of the features. The most elementary validation procedure is based on splitting the dataset into two parts, training and test sets, what is known as split-validation. Cross-validation procedure is one of the most widely used methods for estimating prediction error, most common forms for implementation are k-fold cross-validation and its particular case (\(k = r\)) leave-one-out cross-validation, We will apply leave-one-out cross-validation, from which we obtain accuracy, defined as the success rate in prediction, that is, \(\frac{\# \{Matches\}}{\# \{Validation \,\,set\}}\). In addition, for each fixed feature F, we can apply the procedure by predicting the class outcome from single evidences on F, and estimate the accuracy in predicting class C. We denote it by Acc(F).

Nevertheless, this strength measure for each feature does not take into account the following fact: if feature F were independent of class variable C, \(\gamma (F)=1\) since for any \(a \in \mathcal{F}, \arg \,\max _{x\in \mathcal{C}} P(C=x\,/\,F=a) = Mode(C)\), with Mode(C) the most frequent class in dataset, that is, if F and C were independent, prediction for C will always be its more likely outcome, independently of the instantiation of F. Denote by \(p_{mode}\) the relative frequency of this value in the dataset, \(p_{mode}\ge 1/\alpha \). In general, \(Acc(F)\ge 1/\alpha \) but if F and C were independent, we would have \(Acc(F)=p_{mode}\). Therefore, it seems natural to scale accuracy and introduce the Relative Increment in Accuracy (RIC) (with respect to \(p_{mode}\)) of any feature F by

$$\begin{aligned} RIA(F)=\frac{Acc(F)-p_{mode}}{p_{mode}}. \end{aligned}$$

Proposition 2

RIA verifies the following properties:

  1. (a)

    \(RIA(F)=0\) if F and C are independent, but the reciprocal is not true.

  2. (b)

    \(-1<c_1-c_2 \le RIA(F) \le c_1 \le \alpha -1\), with \(c_1=\frac{1-p_{mode}}{p_{mode}}, \,c_2=(c_1+1)\,\frac{\alpha -1}{\alpha }\).


  1. (a)

    If F and C are independent, the predicted class given any evidence on F will be always the same, Mode(C). Therefore, the proportion of correct prediction, which is Acc(F), has to be equal to \(p_{mode}\) by definition.

  2. (b)

    First, since \(Acc(F)\le 1, RIA(F)\le \frac{1-p_{mode}}{p_{mode}}=c_1\), and \(c_1\le \alpha -1\) due to the fact that \(p_{mode}\ge 1/\alpha \). Secondly, since \(Acc(F)\ge 1/\alpha \), we have that

    $$\begin{aligned} RIA(F)&\ge \frac{1/\alpha - p_{mode}}{p_{mode}}=\frac{(1/\alpha -1)+(1-p_{mode})}{p_{mode}}=c_1-\frac{1-1/\alpha }{p_{mode}} \end{aligned}$$

    and \(c_2=\frac{1-1/\alpha }{p_{mode}}\) can be written as \(c_2=(c_1+1)\,\frac{\alpha -1}{\alpha }\) if we use that by definition of \(c_1\) we can isolate and obtain \(p_{mode}=\frac{1}{c_1+1}\).    \(\square \)

Interpretation of \(RIA(F)<0\) is that F is a feature that as predictor is worse that choosing the most common class. That is, to make classification, it is worst to use evidence on F than nothing, just the opposite that if \(RIA(F)>0\), case in which the higher the value of RIA(F), the stronger the influence of feature F in classification. Therefore, this measure allows to make a ranking of the features, taking into account the strength of their influence in the classification process.

Particular Cases:

  1. (i)

    Uniform distribution of class C in the dataset. Then, \(p_{mode}=1/\alpha \) and \(c_1=c_2=\alpha -1\), obtaining \(0\le RIA(F) \le \alpha -1\).

  2. (ii)

    Binary classification (\(\alpha =2\)). Then, \(c_2=(c_1+1)/2\) and \(-1<\frac{c_1-1}{2}\le RIA(F)\le c_1\le 1\).

  3. (iii)

    If our situation is a combination of both, that is, binary classification and uniform distribution of C into the database, then \(0\le RIA(F)\le 1\).

Table 1. Variables in the dataset of the arson-caused wildfires.

4 Case Study

We consider a dataset of \(1,\!597\) policing clarified arson-caused wildfires (for which the alleged offenders have been identified), that has been feeding since 2008 by the Secretary of State for Security throughout the entire Spanish territory, under the leadership of the Prosecution Office of Environment and Urbanism of the Spanish state, and contains information obtained from a specific questionnaire concerning authors that have been arrested or imputed. This dataset is an update of that considered in [1]. A total number of \(n=25\) categorical variables are consigned, from which 10 refer to forest fire features, \(C_1,\ldots ,\,C_{10}\), and the rest to arsonist characteristics, \(A_1,\ldots ,\,A_{15}\), and are described in Table 1.

Bayesian network classifier has been constructed from the dataset with the restriction that directed arcs from forest fire features to arsonist characteristics are forbidden, and is used for classification variable \(A_{15}\), which is author motivation and has proved to be the most significant author variable (see [1]) and forest fire features \(C_1,\ldots ,\,C_{10}\).

All calculations, as well as the process of model construction, validation and inference, have been carried out with R ( Two packages of R has been adopted: bnlearn, for network and parameter learning, and gRain, for making inference by probability propagation.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Learned structure (DAG) of the BN from the dataset of arson-caused wildfires.

4.1 Ranking Features by Strength Using Measures Based on CPT

The CPT of class variable \(A_{15}\) with respect to any of the features \(C_1,\ldots ,\,C_{10}\), are learned from the dataset and given in Tables 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 in the Appendix. Fixed the evidence in terms of a feature variable and one of its values (that is, fixing a column in a CPT), the corresponding predicted class is the most likely, that is, that with the highest probability, which is highlighted in boldface. In this way we see in Table 6, for example, that regardless of the value of feature \(C_1\), the prediction for \(A_{15}\) is always “slight negligence”, which is consistent with the fact that both are independent variables, as is deduced from the fact that in the DAG they appear as disconnected (see Fig. 1). Instead, evidences on feature \(C_3\) can lead to predict “slight negligence” or “gross negligence”, depending on if \(C_3=\)“morning” or “afternoon”, or \(C_3=\)“evening” (see Table 7). In Table 2 we have the values of SD and CSD for the features \(C_3-C_{10}\) and the four statistical distances introduced in Sect. 2. Both are zero for \(C_1\) and \(C_2\), since they are disconnected from \(A_{15}\).

Table 2. SD and CSD for the feature variables, using different distances.
Table 3. Ranking of the feature variables by SD and by CSD, using different distances, from the strongest (top) to the weakest (bottom).

Glancing at Table 3, we realize that rankings of the features do not match for all the distances, although \(C_7\) is the number one, and \(C_5\) is always at the end of the classification. But if we restrict ourselves to CSD, \(C_6\) is the top second for the four considered distances, while \(C_9\) is the bottom second one.

4.2 Ranking Features by Strength Using Measures Based on Accuracy in Prediction

We perform leave-one-out cross-validation and the accuracy value \(Acc(C_i)\) is obtained by dividing the number of correct predictions using as evidence the value of \(C_i\), by the total number of predictions (excluding blanks). Both Acc values and RIA are recorded in Table 4. Take into account that \(p_{mode}\) is the probability of the most likely non-missing class in the dataset, normalizing probability after eliminating missing values. In this case, \(p_{mode}= 697/1463\simeq 0.47642\).

Table 4. Acc and RIA for the feature variables, which have been ranked from top to bottom in descending order.
Table 5. Hamming distance and degree of consistency indicator c between SD and CDS, with distance \(d_i\), and RIA.

Finally, we compare rankings obtained from SD and CSD and that obtained by applying RIA criterion, by using both the Hamming distance and the degree of consistency indicator c (see [3]), as consigned in Table 5. In information theory, the Hamming distance between two strings of equal length is the number of positions at which the corresponding symbols are different, that is, it measures the minimum number of substitutions required to change one string into the other. For two measures f and g on a domain \(\varPsi \), let \(R=\{(a,\,b) \in \varPsi \times \varPsi \,:\,f(a)>f(b),\,g(a)>g(b)\}\) and \(V=\{(a,\,b) \in \varPsi \times \varPsi \,:\,f(a)>f(b),\,g(a)<g(b)\}\). Then, the degree of consistency c of f and g is \(c(f,\,g)=\frac{|R|}{|R|+|V|}\), where |A| denotes the number of elements of the (finite) set A. We apply this indicator with f and g ranking functions. We observe that Hamming distance is minimized with CSD and distances \(d_3=\) Squared blended symmetric Hellinger distance, and \(d_4=\) Kolmogorv-Smirnov, while \(d_4\) maximizes the consistency indicator, being CSD more consistent with RIA than SD. This reinforces the hypothesis that the correction in SD obtained multiplying by factor \(\delta \), improves it.

5 Conclusion

We introduce different measures of features strength in a probability classifier. From them, Corrected Strength Distance (CSD), which is based on CPT of class conditioned to each feature, seems to outperform Strength Distance (SD) since it is more consistent with Relative Increment in Accuracy (RIA), which is a measure based on accuracy in prediction. From the chosen distances, the best options have been Hellinger and Kolmogorov-Smirnov, both after correction.