
15.1 The Growing Need

The unprecedented rise in population has engendered various challenges, most pertinent among them being food security and climate change. Agriculture is reeling under intense pressure to produce greater quantities of food, feed and biofuel on limited land resources for the projected nine billion people on the planet by 2050. It is envisioned that agricultural production has to increase by 70% by 2050 to cope with an estimated 40% increase in world population (Ebert 2014).

While about 7000 plant species are found useful in agriculture, only about 150 species among them are largely used and less than 30 plant species meet about 90 per cent of world’s food requirement. The more recent intensification of agricultural research, production and associated policy support at the national and global levels had been narrowing the species base with emphasis only on a few of them belonging to cereal and other crop groups, while many species are left out of priority. Such shrinking species content in the food basket is a matter of major concern (Ravi et al. 2010a, b). Staple crops have to face the pressing need of producing sufficient food for the increasing population. It is thus strongly demanded that the diverse agricultural resources are tapped of their potential and so the burden on major crops is released off. This diversification away from over-dependency on staple crops will be significant as part of the progress towards the goal of achieving security of food production (Thakur 2014). Dependence on a handful of major crops has inherent agronomic, ecological, nutritional and economic risks and is probably unsustainable in the long run, especially in view of global climate change. It is now generally accepted that climate change will have a major impact on both biotic and abiotic stresses in agricultural production systems and threaten yield and crop sustainability. Greater diversity, which builds spatial and temporal heterogeneity into the cropping system, will enhance resilience to abiotic and biotic stresses (Ebert 2014).

The underutilized plant species of economic importance are the key to sustainable agriculture in most of the developing countries facing resource constraints as well as rapid depletion of natural resources due to ever-increasing population pressure. From past UUC’s have continuously contributed for the subsistence and economy of poor people throughout the developing countries. Despite their potential for dietary diversification and the provision of micro-nutrients such as vitamins and minerals, they still continue to attract little research and development attention (Thakur 2014).

15.2 Underutilized Crops/ Neglected and Underutilized Crop Species

Underutilized species, refers to lesser known species in terms of marketing and research but do have ability to survive in marginal or stress conditions. They can be defined as crops that have not been previously classified as major crops, have previously been under-researched, currently occupy low levels of utilization and are mainly confined to smallholder farming areas (Chivenge et al. 2015). These crops belonging to categories such as cereals and pseudo cereals, legumes, vegetables, oilseeds, roots and tubers, aromatic and medicinal plants, fruits and nuts, have earned collective names such as ‘neglected and underutilized’ or ‘forgotten’, ‘orphan’, ‘minor’ crops (Padulosi and Hoeschle-Zeledon 2008).These species hold the potential to improve people’s livelihoods, as well as food security, but their potential remains largely unrealized or unrecognized due to their limited competitiveness with commodity crops in mainstream agriculture. While they face under realization of potential on a national level, but are of significant importance locally, being highly adapted to marginal, complex, and difficult environments and contributing significantly to diversification and resilience of agro ecosystems. This manifests their significance in future adaptation of agriculture to climate change (Padulosi et al. 2011).

Underutilized species include not just food plants but also many other species—wild or cultivated—used as sources of oil, fuel, fiber, fodder, beverages, stimulants, narcotics, ornamental, aromatic compounds, and medicine. To be considered as an ‘underutilized food crop’, a plant must have the following features:

  • Crop must have a scientific or ethno botanical proof of food value.

  • Crop must have been cultivated, either in the past, or only being cultivated in a specific geographical area,

  • It must be currently cultivated less than other conventional crops,

  • Crop must have weak or no formal seed supply system,

  • Crops are recognized to have indigenous uses in localized areas,

  • Received little attention from research, extension services, farmers, policy and decision makers and technology providers,

  • May be highly nutritious and/or have therapeutic medicinal or therapeutic properties or other multiple uses (Thakur 2014).

Neglected or underutilized crops have the potential to play a number of roles in the improvement of food security in India that include being:

  • Part of a focused effort to help the poor for subsistence and income,

  • A way to reduce the risk of over-dependency on very limited numbers of major staple food crops,

  • A way to increase sustainability of agriculture through a reduction in inputs,

  • Increase the food quality;

  • A way to preserve and celebrate cultural and dietary diversity,

  • A way to use marginal and wastelands for agricultural purposes to meet the ever increasing food demand.

In addition, under- utilized crops are also seen as offering economic advantages due to their uniqueness, suitability to environments in which they are grown and low input requirements (Mabhaudhi et al. 2016).

Most of the under- utilized crops have numerous potentialities within them which could be significantly useful to mankind. Uses of few of those have been done in Table 15.1.

Table 15.1 Some Under-utilized crops and their uses

15.3 Processed Products from Under-utilized Crops

Various processed products such as canned jackfruit bulbs in syrup, squash, raw jack pickle, roasted jack seeds, jack seed flour and candied jackfruit have been prepared from jack fruit (Chadha and Pareek 1988; Chandra and Prakash 2009). Various processed products such as nectar, suash, slab, toffee powder, etc. can be made with Bael pulp. Ber can be processed to prepare murabba, candy, dehydrated ber, pulp, jam and ready to serve beverage (Khurdiya 1980; Pareek 2001). Jamun fruits can be processed to prepare excellent quality fermented and non- fermented beverages. Besides that good quality jelly, jam, leather can be prepared. The seeds can be processed into powder which is very useful to cure diabetes (Khurdiya 2001a, b) (Fig. 15.1).

Fig. 15.1
figure 1

Various processed food products from underutilized fruits (Source (Thakur 2014))

15.4 Their Inherent Potential Owing to the Global Menace –Climate Change

There is a large number of plant resources which holds promise to humanity in terms of nutrition or agricultural yield even in harsh or adverse conditions to which main or commercial crops succumb. Amaranth, cucurbits, and water spinach (Ipomoea aquatica) are some of the few crop choices under such extreme conditions (Kuo et al. 1992, Wang et al. 2012). Water spinach proved to be heat tolerant and amaranth moderately heat tolerant, whereas majority of vegetable crops are either heat sensitive or only slightly heat tolerant (Kuo et al. 1992). As a C4-cycle plant, amaranth can sustain high photosynthetic activity and water use efficiency under high temperatures and high radiation intensity, making it an ideal crop for abiotic stress conditions under changing climates (Wang et al. 2012). Amaranth is a very nutritious leafy vegetable, both in raw and cooked form. The nutritional value of this crop is comparable to spinach, but much higher than cabbage and Chinese cabbage. Amaranth is increasingly gaining importance both for household consumption and commercial production in Africa and Asia. There is a good market potential for this crop, both in the high-price and low-price segments.

15.5 NUCS “Wonder Plants”: Indian Perspective

Southern part of Rajasthan is predominantly a tribal dominated area having harsh climate, hence, only indigenous vegetables (IVs) which are hardy, drought resistant and have short duration grow well. Some of them namely kachari (Cucumis melo var. agrestis), snap melon (Cucumis melo var. momordica Duthie and Fuller), spine gourd (Momordica dioica Roxb. Ex Wild.), bitter melon (M. balsamina L.) and hill colocynth [Cucumis hardwickii (Royle) Gabaev, grow naturally during rainy season and generate good source of income for the tribals. These vegetables possess very good nutritive and medicinal value with resistance to biotic and abiotic stresses but till now no systematic efforts have been made to improve the existing land races of these IVs (Maurya et al. 2006).

India is endowed with a number of excellent crops. First crop in this list is a hardy tree- moringa (Moringa oleifera), the “wonder tree,” which as well as its drought-resistance trait also has leaves of high nutritional content. Likewise, species from India including custard apple (Annona squamosa), Indian gooseberry (Emblica officinalis), ber (Zizyphus mauritania), tamarind (Tamarindus indica), and neem (Azadirachta indica) are also well recognized for their drought tolerance and ability to thrive in poor soils and marginal lands (Hegde 2009). A globally renowned hardy and multipurpose tree species known for its drought resistance is prosopis (Prosopis spp.), a reliable crop for both human consumption and animal feed in difficult areas (Pasiecznik et al. 2001). A good example is that of bambara groundnut (Vigna subterranea), a nutritious legume originating from west Africa and cultivated throughout sub-Saharan Africa (Heller et al. 1997). This legume, known for its drought tolerance (Andika et al. 2008), is found growing in harsh climates and marginal soils (Heller et al. 1997); but in spite of these traits the crop still suffers from a status of neglect because of its unpredictability in yields, long cooking time, and negative social image (Mayes et al. 2009). Other underutilized crops known for their drought tolerance are the minor millets, a category of several “coarse” cereals used particularly in South Asia whose drought-resistant traits coupled with an excellent nutritious profile offer major opportunities for the development of areas increasingly affected by water shortages such as those in the marginal hills of Tamil Nadu or Karnataka States of India (Bala Ravi 2004; Padulosi et al. 2009).

Among perennial species, a good example is that of the sea buckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides), a species naturally distributed from Europe to Central Asia and China, which has been found to be more tolerant to abiotic stresses than apple and pear—tolerance which seems associated with its high levels in ascorbic acid and myo-inositol (Kamayama et al. 2009).

Also, there area number of improved varieties released in underutilized crops like amaranth, buckwheat, winged bean, rice bean, faba bean, jojoba and guayule which have been described in the Table 15.2.

Table 15.2 List of improved varieties released in different underutilized plants in India

15.6 Advantages of Crop Diversity

Pest Suppression

It is a persistent challenge with the farmers which consumes a voluminous amount of cost of cultivation. This very challenge will further aggravate due to impacts of climate change. The raised temperatures, higher humidity due to heat and other phonological changes have conducive effect on pest proliferation. This abundance will be accompanied by higher rates of population development, growth, migration, and overwintering. Diversity in crops helps break the pest cycle or pest –crop association that becomes integral in monocropping type situations. Also, with greater plant species richness and diversity in spatial and temporal distribution of crops, diversified agro ecosystems mimic more natural systems and are therefore able to maintain a greater diversity of animal species, many of which are natural enemies of crop pests (Lin 2011).

Disease Suppression

Increasing diversification of cereal cropping systems by alternating crops, such as oilseed, pulse, and forage crops, is another option for managing plant disease risk. Disease cycles get interrupted through crop rotation by interchanging cereal crops with broadleaf crops that are not susceptible to the same diseases. Variety in plants as well as greater temporal and spatial diversity in agricultural systems hinders the disease infestation Reduced tillage could enhance soil biodiversity, leading to greater disease suppression, and stand densities could be adjusted to allow for better microclimatic adjustments to disease growth.

Climate Variability Buffering and Mitigation

Agricultural vulnerabilities have been found in a number of important crop species. Temperature maximums and minimums, as well as seasonal shifts, can have large effects on crop growth and production. Research has shown that crop yields are quite susceptible to changes in temperature and precipitation, especially during flower and fruit development stages. Here, the importance of diversified agro ecosystems comes into picture, as complex systems help mitigate the effects of such fluctuations on crop production.

15.7 Their Relevance in the Present Context-

Under the overarching goals of food security, poverty elimination and environmental sustainability, underutilized species should be selected on the basis of their capacity to best address such challenges:

Food Security:

Attention should be paid to both quantity and quality of food.

Underutilized species offer untapped potentials to contribute to fight malnutrition. Their enhanced use can bring about better nutrition (vitamin C in the fruit of the Barbadoscherry -Malpighia glabra- is more than ten times higher than in the kiwi fruit –notably very rich in this micro nutrient; nutritional value of the Himalayan chenopod grains, Chenopodium spp., is superior to that of most major cereals). Emphasis should thus be given to those species having comparative advantages in providing better food, being affordable by the poor and more available both in time and space (

Nutrient Security:

Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) statistics reveal (Swaminathan 1999) that while about 800 million children, women and men are currently suffering from protein-calorie under nutrition over 2 billion suffer from hidden hunger and there is a high frequency of low birth-weight children caused by the deficiency of micronutrients in the diet, particularly iron. Such micronutrients are in plenty in Panicum miliaceum (proso millet), Paspalum scrobiculatum (kodo millet), Chenopodium (chenopod), Amaranthus (amaranth), Fagopyrum (buckwheat) and so on. These underutilized plants can help to make diets more balanced and hence can play an important role in combating silent hunger (Joshi et al. 2002). Many vegetables – indigenous vegetables in particular – have high levels of micronutrients and could significantly contribute to nutritional security if eaten as part of the daily diet.

Poverty Elimination:

Multiple uses offer greater opportunities to raise income of local people by diversifying valuable plant products. The greater the number of uses, the greater the chances to strengthen local markets and contribute to improve well- being of people. In terms of numbers, the recorded 3000 vascular species of economic importance are part of a much larger diversity basket, largely unexplored by R&D. As for figures on income generation, it is estimated that the use of minor forest products in India employs as a whole more than 10 million people per year.

Environmental Sustainability:

Underutilized species have recognized ability to grow in marginal areas. Selection criteria should thus take into consideration their comparative advantages in halting soil erosion, contribute to land rehabilitation, ability to withstand difficult soils (excess of salt, lack of water, etc..), contribute to maintain balanced ecosystems and ability to tolerate heat, cold and other abiotic stresses (

Acting as Crop Wild Relatives (CWR):

Crop Wild relatives (CWR) as gene donors for plant breeding have been a major contributor to economic development and food security. With the accelerated rate of change predicted for future climate and recognition of the need to find quick solutions to expect increases in abiotic and biotic stresses, it is expected that the demand for such genetic traits will also rise significantly.

Resilience to Climatic Variability’s:

Resilience has been defined as the capacity of a system to absorb shock while maintaining function (Resilience Alliance 2008). Thus, a resilient agro ecosystem will continue to provide a vital service such as food production if challenged by severe drought or by a large reduction in rainfall. In agricultural systems, crop biodiversity may provide the link between stress and resilience because a diversity of organisms is required for ecosystems to function and provide services (Heal 2000).

The other way in which underutilized species help agriculture to adapt to climate change is through their contribution in enhancing the diversification and resilience of agro ecosystems in order to withstand the impacts of climate change scenarios (e.g., drought and increased frequency and intensity of extreme weather events such as cyclones and hurricanes) (Padulosi et al. 2011).

15.8 Advantages of UUC’s

The benefits of these underutilized plant species are manifold:

  • They have potential to contribute to poverty elimination through employment opportunities and income generation and also through improved efficiency and profitability of farm household labour use in both rural and urban environments.

  • With the use of underutilized crops, there is a way to reduce the risk of over-reliance on very limited number of major crops.

  • They can contribute to sustainable livelihoods through household food security as they can widen the food edibility options.

  • They add nutrients to the diet and are sometimes convenience food for low income urban people. They are adapted to fragile environments and can contribute to the stability of agro ecosystems, particularly in the arid, semi-arid lands, mountains, steppes and tropical forests.

  • They provide a broad spectrum of crops to improve productivity and global food security and to meet new market demands.

  • They assist development of rural community through small-scale investment.

  • They have a strong cultural and sacred identify and are associated with traditional customs and beliefs. Therefore, a best way to preserve and celebrate cultural and dietary diversity. (Thakur 2014)

15.9 Constraints in Utilization and Marketing of UUC’s

Overall, the slow progress and poor popularity in the effective development and utilization of underutilized crops results from a number of constraints which are summarized below:

  • Lack of information on production, nutritional quality, consumption and utilization of many of the underutilized plant products which are unpopular compared to major fruits.

  • Lack of awareness on economic benefits and market opportunities.

  • Lack of technology for value addition through village level food processing.

  • Lack of improved quality planting material.

  • Lack of technology to reduce the gestation period and enhance the fruit production.

  • Lack of interest by researchers, agriculturists and extension workers.

  • Lack of producer interest.

  • Low yield.

  • Post-harvest and transport losses.

  • Non-existence of marketing network and infrastructure facility for underutilized fruits.

  • Lack of national policy.

  • Lack of credit and investment.

  • Non-availability of scientific resources for testing, valuation and post- harvest management of different underutilized fruits.

  • Disorganized communities.

15.10 Global Initiatives/Organizations towards their Conservation

AVRDC (Asian Vegetable Research and Development Center (AVRDC)

The World Vegetable Center, previously called Asian Vegetable Research and Development Center (AVRDC): Its gene bank is a major source of germplasm for breeding abiotic stress tolerant vegetable crops. Heat-tolerant tomato, pepper, Chinese cabbage, and mungbean varieties developed by AVRDC have enabled increased production of these crops in tropical lowlands. Indigenous vegetables tolerant to degraded, drought-prone, or saline areas provide great potential to combat malnutrition and mitigate the risks that climate change poses to farmers in developing countries.

International Centre for Underutilized Crops (ICUC)

This is a research, development and training organization. It provides expertise and acts as a knowledge hub and supported research on national priorities for germplasm collections, agronomy and post- harvest methodology of underutilized species and associated scientific conferences and training events.

Global Facilitation Unit (GFU)

The GFU is a multi-institutional initiative that acts globally to promote a wider use of underutilized plant species through supporting and facilitating the work of other stakeholders.

Crops for the Future (CFF)

has been an independent, international organization that works with its partners and has a mandate to promote and facilitate the greater use of neglected and underutilized crops to advocate research, policies, and capacity building on underutilized crops for the diversification of agricultural systems and diets (Thakur 2014).

15.11 Conclusion

Owing to the present as well as the future food and other agricultural demands combined with the alarming menace of climate change to global agriculture, it is high time that we realize the importance of under-utilized crops. There is an urgent need to promote/revive indigenous crop varieties and reverse the loss of agro-biodiversity caused due to market drivers. The benefits or uses they offer is no less than wonder or treasure for nations. Many of these wonder plants were once more widely grown but are today falling into disuse for a variety of agronomic, genetic, economic and cultural factors. Farmers and consumers are using these crops less because they are in some way not competitive with other crop species in the same agricultural environment. The general decline of these crops may erode the genetic base and prevent the use of distinctive useful traits in crop adaptation and improvement. So, the factors or reasons that limit their full use must be identified as well as addressed adequately. This will actualize when there will be optimum research as well as promotion of these “jewel” crops as they truly hold greater promise for entire humanity and are awaiting to be explored.