
For a proper understanding of scientific experiments, phenomena and concepts, various mental representations, and their interplay are vitally important (Gilbert and Treagust 2009; Mayer 2005). The term ‘representation’ is understood as a tripartite relation of a referent (or object), its representation, and the meaning (or interpretation) of referent, representation and of their interaction. This relation is referred to in various ways (e.g. ‘Peircean triangle’, or ‘triangle of meaning’), and a detailed discussion of its underpinnings in epistemology and semiotics can be found in Tytler et al. (2013, Ch. 6.). Schnotz (in line with dual coding theory) distinguishes two types of representations (2005, 2002, Integrated Text and Picture Comprehension). Photographs or schematic drawings are depictive representations. Formulas, tables, and verbal descriptions are descriptive representations. All forms of representation can appear internally (in the mind) or externally (e.g., on a paper or screen). Representations are selective; therefore they can differ in content and can be useful for solving different tasks (see Schnotz 1994; Herrmann 1993). A representation is not necessarily only an illustrative picture. In addition, it can be used as a tool for problem solving tasks and is an essential means of reasoning. Schnotz and Mayer describe in detail the theory of cognitive processes that occur during the work with multiple representations (Schnotz 2005; Mayer 2005). So, information of different representations can be processed by the auditive or visual channel and integrated in propositions and mental models in the working memory (Schnotz 2005, Mayer 2005). Also, they provide task-construction strategies to reduce a possible cognitive overload (Sweller 1999) that can occur by the work with multiple representations (e.g., multimedia principle and coherence principle, Mayer 2005; Schnotz 2005).

The skilled use of several representations as problem-solving tools is well known in physics and science education (Ainsworth 1999; Tsui and Treagust 2013; Schnotz et al. 2011). The ability to generate and use different specific depictive or descriptive representations (Schnotz and Bannert 2003) of a situation or a problem in a skilled and interconnected way is called representational competence (RC, Guthrie 2002; Kozma and Russell 2005); the ability to change and translate between different forms of representations (Ainsworth 1999) and communicate about underlying, not obviously perceived, physical entities (e.g. radiation or atoms) and processes is included in the set of skills and practices of RC (Kozma and Russell 1997; Kozma 2000; Dolin 2007). A translation of information between representations is often necessary (Ainsworth 1999); in a scientific context, it means that some parts of the represented information can be expressed in different forms of representation. Experts perform significantly better than novices when translating the content of a graph, a video, or an animation about molecules into any other type of representation (Kozma and Russell 1997). Of course, the overlapping content of a set of representations should be translated without contradictions. Each representation type needs a specific way of thinking and has its assets and drawbacks; therefore a skilled combination of different representations is assumed to be beneficial for the learning process (Leisen 1998a; Leisen 1998b). In view of its importance for scientific thinking and based on a considerable body of evidence (e.g. Kozma et al. 2000; Dunbar 1997; Roth and McGinn 1998), Kozma (2000) emphasized that the development of RC should be included in the chemistry curriculum. In Denmark, it is already implemented in the school curriculum (Dolin 2007).

Many studies have shown that the levels of students RC are low. Kozma and Russell reported (2005) that students with different levels of RC show differences in their work with representations. They pointed out that persons with a low level of RC work on the surface level of a representation (Chi et al. 1981; diSessa et al. 1991; Kozma and Russell 1997), whereas those with a high level of RC show features of deep-level processing; for instance, they use a higher number of formal and informal representations to solve problems, make predictions, or explain phenomena (Dunbar 1997; Goodwin 1995; Kozma et al. 2000; Kozma and Russell 1997; Roth and McGinn 1998). Research has identified possible reasons for the low level of students’ RC in chemistry (Devetak et al. 2004): Secondary school students (average age: 18 years) had to solve several tasks in their high school examination. To do this, they had to be able to connect macroscopic, submicroscopic, and symbolic levels of chemical concepts (Thiele and Treagust 1994; Devetak et al. 2004). However, they concluded that teachers do not usually focus on teaching students how to connect several representations; they only concentrate on it during the preparation of the high school examination. If students are not able to connect levels of representations sufficiently, their knowledge is fragmented and can only be remembered temporarily. Additionally, it is known that the problem is not only a lack of students’ ability to interconnect different representation levels; in addition, students do not clearly see the role of symbolic and submicroscopic levels of representation (Treagust et al. 2003). Research has shown that students of physics also have a low level of RC (Saniter 2003): Even advanced learners (seventh semester of university) were not able to connect the meanings of formulas with phenomena and with practical implementation in experiments better than less advanced learners in the fifth semester of university. Problems occurred especially when students tried to explain an experiment only with one type of representation (e.g., with the symmetric form of coulombs law for a single source point charge, Saniter 2003). Only when students made a connection with a representation on the phenomenological level, they were able to estimate the measurement value correctly. Other representational problems have also been found (Saniter 2003). When a student was not familiar with a topic of a representation level very well, he/she could not use it to solve the task, even if he/she had already worked on the content in the task directly before (Saniter 2003). A kind of content-specific blindness is presumed as a reason for this. A danger for students is that they continue to operate based on the surface-level features of representations (Chi et al. 1981; diSessa et al. 1991; Kozma and Russell 1997). Another possible reason for the low level of students’ RC might be the way teachers deal with representations in classes. Lee (2009) analyzed lessons in three eighth-grade classes on ray optics and found an implicit, short, partly inaccurate and receptive way of using representations. Accordingly, the students are not sufficiently cognitively activated regarding representations (for an activating learning strategy for development of RC see Scheid et al. 2015; Scheid 2013).

Not only does the lack of RC lead to deficits in the learning process, the students have also not met the expectations of teachers with regard to learning with experiments (Novak 1990; Harlen 1999). In school lessons, students had only seldom the opportunity to speak about experiments or design or analyze them on their own. Therefore, they were not able to make connections to the experiments (Tesch 2005, seventh to ninth grade, video study about mechanics and electricity). For this reason, students’ opportunities to process the different types of representations in greater depth were low. An appropriate level of understanding of science experiments generally requires a certain level of RC, because information is usually spread over several representations of different types or also the same type and has to be connected. In particular, this means the ability to connect the content of different representations with each other and to translate the overlapping contents from one representation into another is a key competence to achieve connected knowledge. This competence is called Representational Coherence Ability (RCA, Scheid et al. 2015; Scheid 2013). Translating information between several representations is inherently susceptible to misinterpretation or failure, which can lead to unwanted contradictions and inconsistencies. Therefore, a central part of RC can be seen in the above mentioned RCA as the level of students’ ability to achieve consistency between the overlapping information of a set of representations, which is scientifically correct. RCA is essential for the use of multiple representations; it includes also translating of information between different types of representations or adapting representations, and has a fundamental connection to achievement in the subject matter (e.g., physics). The facts of the importance of representational abilities for the understanding and, simultaneously, the low representational abilities of the students (see above) lead to an urgent need of a diagnostic instrument for RCA. Therefore, the goal of the study is to develop test items for RCA and to probe it for reliability via psychometrical values.


The research took place in several grammar schools in Germany (federal state Rhineland-Palatinate). All schools were located in small towns. The topic of the study was physics, in particular the subject of ray optics and image forming by a convex lens. According to the curriculum, this topic is taught in the seventh grade. We had three measurement times: directly before and after six optics lessons, and six weeks after these lessons. The data were analyzed with classical methods of item analysis: factor analysis, α C , item-total correlation, item difficulty and for the expert rating intra-class correlation. We recruited 488 students in 17 classes and six schools. The students were between 12 and 14 years of age (M = 13.3; SD = 0.5), 54% boys and 46% girls.

Design of the RCA Test

The ability to design and adequately work with representations is connected closely with physics achievement, because scientific representations are often domain specific and describe, depict, or relate to scientific content. The ability to handle representations is in the same time foundation to develop achievement of physics and a consequence of it. So they are interdependent and their development goes hand in hand. Therefore, RCA assessing tasks are inherently related to physics achievement, even though they focus on RCA. This focus is set by the multiplicity of experiment- or phenomenon-related representations. It was measured through lesson-related assessment tasks, which require working with two representations (item-type A) or measured through tasks that require working mostly with three or more representations (item-type B, both see Table 1). By combining these variants, the spectrum of RC from single or few representations to a system of interconnected representations can be covered. Items 1b, 1c, 4a and 7 are discussed in this chapter. For illustration of the different representations of the items, the test is added in the appendix.

Table 1 Overview about different combinations of representation types of the RCA test items (*: information not urgently needed to solve the task): items 1b, 1c, 4a and 7 are discussed in the text, other items and its representations see appendix

There are six items of type A and nine of type B. The test has an open-answer format and is interval scaled (Scheid 2013; Scheid et al. 2017; complexity of the answers was considered, Kauertz 2008).

As an example for item-type A, Fig. 1 shows a task that assesses RCA via performance with a representational focus and uses a text and a ray diagram (Table 1); students were asked to find out the focus of a convex lens by constructing a ray diagram of an image-formation process with given numeric parameters. Students were only able to solve the task if they understood the verbal part of the task, found out how to obtain the solution, and if they were able to translate the relevant part of the verbal information into a depictive schematic drawing and apply the physics rules of ray diagram construction. Figure 2 also shows an item that assesses RCA with two representations.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Example of an item of type A that assesses RCA with two representations (item 7): ray construction with given numeric parameters (see Fig. 3 for an example of a ray construction, Scheid 2013; Scheid et al. 2017)

Fig. 2
figure 2

Example of an item of type A to assess RCA with two representations (item 4a): calculation with verbally implemented parameters (Scheid 2013; Scheid et al. 2017)

It looks like a traditional text task focusing on the magnification equation but solving the task also requires RCA (i.e., a level of coherence between the verbal representation and mathematical formula, Table 1). The students had to be able to allocate the verbally implemented numeric parameters to the correct physics quantities, otherwise they were not able to correctly insert the values into the formula and, therefore, not able to apply the formula correctly.

Also when students were asked to express the answer to the task verbally, they need to translate the mathematical representation into a text. For this purpose, they had to know at least the meaning of the physical parameters in the equation.

In contrast, items of type B measure RCA consisting of a set of tasks that normally require three or more coherent mental representations related to experiments or phenomena and therefore deep, under-the-surface processing to be able to solve the tasks.

Figure 3 shows an item set that required the student to develop a representational mental model to produce the correct answer. This model has to contain relevant information that is shown in the ray diagram of the experimental setting shown in the picture. To perform this, it is necessary to know the physics law concerning how certain rays can be changed by a convex lens if the object distance changes. This model was not usually available for students, but they had basic knowledge and therefore an opportunity to design the mental model. They know how to draw a ray diagram and the next step is to develop an appropriate mental model that compares and describes the outcomes of several ray diagrams with different image-lens distances and then to develop the required relation at the end of the representational thinking process (the ray construction had to alter mentally, Table 1). In this way it was possible to estimate how the image distance changes in connection with the object distance, both in particular and in general. In the second part of the task students were asked to explain verbally how they solved the tasks above. This approach attempted to gain an insight into their thinking processes and enabled the identification of students who randomly gave correct answers. For this reason, this task was only considered correct if a coherent mental model and three types of adequate representations were used: the schematic drawing of the printed task, a mental model of the schematic drawing in connection with a useful physics law (e.g., how the rays change), and a produced text describing the outcomes of the mental model as part of the answer.

Fig. 3
figure 3

Item-set for measurement of RCA with three or more representations (items 1b and 1c, Type B, Scheid 2013; Scheid et al. 2017; I: item size; f: focal length, P: picture size)

Results of Item and Test Analysis

An exploratory factor analysis (principal component analysis, quartimax rotation, Eid et al. 2011) shows that the first factor has a large eigenvalue whereas the other factors have the level of individual items or are below that level. Factors can be seen as relevant, if they clearly show higher eigenvalues as the others (Cattell 1966) and the eigenvalues of the factors are higher than the ones of single items (Kaiser and Dickman 1959; Eid et al. 2011). So, only one factor is really relevant and the instrument can be seen as one dimensional.

With regard to reliability and validity for the curriculum, we obtained internal consistencies of the RCA test of α C = 0.8 (N(post) = 488, N(follow-up) = 484, Cronbach and Snow 1977). Pretest values cannot be expected to be in the desired ranges, as there is no consistent knowledge yet (Nersessian 1992; Ramlo 2008; Nieminen et al. 2010). Excluding individual items does not lead to an increase of the internal consistency. The item-total correlation of the RCA test was calculated, what means the correlation of single items with the total score of the remaining items. Every item has the desired correlation above r it > 0.3 with the total score of the rest of the items (Weise 1975). Only item 3a has a correlation of r it = 0.2.

In the pretest, the item difficulty is within the desired range of 0.2 < P i < 0.8 for eight items and lower than 0.2 for seven items (\( \overline{P} \) i (pretest) = 0.16). For the other measurement times, no item has a difficulty outside the desired range except for item 1c (post and follow-up) and item 6 (follow-up). The mean item difficulty of the posttest (P i (post) = 0.36) is 17% higher than the mean of the follow-up test (\( \overline{P} \) i (follow-up) = 0.30).

The results of the expert rating showed that the RCA test is seen as “valid for the curriculum” or “completely valid for the curriculum”. The intra-rater correlations were highly significant and the values were between 0.5 < ICC < 0.7.


Regarding the item analysis, a possible explanation for the low item difficulties of the RCA pretest is that the physics content that was asked was actually the subject of the following lessons. Nevertheless, it made sense to assess RCA before the lessons started, because students showed variance in RCA in the pretest and this information could be used in the statistical analysis for measuring changes. The low item difficulties in the pretest and several missing values in the datasheet were the reason why the corrected item-total correlation and α C could not be calculated for that time. Altogether three items were conspicuous at other measuring times. The item difficulty of item 1c is low because it required to logically reason about an abstract interrelation between the item distance and the image distance of an image formation experiment. Item 6 showed also a low item difficulty (but only in follow-up test); it asks for reasons why it is not possible to derive the magnification equation with two triangles that were marked in a ray diagram. For both items, the contents are difficult from the physics point of view and known to be difficult from the teaching practice; however, just because of these contents the items are interesting and important for measuring high levels of RCA. Therefore they are useful and may remain in the test. For item-total correlation, only item 3a had a low value and appeared to be an exception. A possible explanation could be that the topic of the item differed from the topics of the remaining items. It asked for the application possibilities of the magnification equation, therefore requiring metacognition. A remaining of the item in the instrument is questionable and it may be excluded. The values of the corrected item-total correlations and the value of α C of the post- and follow-up tests were acceptable (Kline 2000). In sum, the RCA test can be considered as reliable.

The intra-class correlation of the expert rating was highly significant with acceptable values (Wirtz and Caspar 2002). So the expert rating showed clearly that the RCA test is valid for the curriculum and can, therefore, be used in schools to diagnose students’ individual levels of RCA and also, if needed, for grading purposes.

Implications, Limitations, and Recommendations for Future Research

The development of a theory-based strategy for designing items for a RCA instrument was successful in respect to the considered aspects. So, with knowledge about the outcomes of this study, instructors can either generally assess whether teaching lessons fostering RCA are necessary or, in particular, identify which students need individual help to develop RCA and how much help they need. This can help to overcome well-known problems students face in understanding science concepts, phenomena, and experiments. The test instrument for RCA allows also to investigate the effects of future strategies to foster the development of RCA (e.g. by using RATs, see Scheid et al. 2015; Scheid 2013). A limitation is that the instrument is only available for the domain of ray optics. We recommend the design of RCA tests for other topics of science education that use multiple representations, as example for thermodynamics or genetics.