
What is the mechanism of a talar neck fracture?

Forced dorsiflexion with axial load

What does the lateral process of the talus articulate with?

Posterior facet of calcaneus and lateral malleolus of fibula

What Hawkins classification has the highest risk of AVN?

Hawkins IV

What is a Canale view?

Optimal view of talar neck. Maximum equinus, 15° pronation, and X-ray 75° cephalad from horizontal

What should be done with an extruded talus?

Clean, reduce, and ORIF

What is a Hawkins sign ?

Subchondral lucency seen on mortise X-ray at 6–8 weeks representing intact vascularity and resorption of subchondral bone

What does a varus talar malunion lead to?

Decreased subtalar eversion and weightbearing on the lateral border of foot