
These keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

27.1 Introduction

This chapter discusses the contents of the Scala collection framework packages for immutable and mutable collections.

27.2 Package Scala.Collection.Immutable

The key classes and traits in the scala.collection.immutable package are shown in Fig. 27.1 and described in the rest of this section.

Fig. 27.1
figure 1

Key classes and traits in the scala.collection.immutable package

27.2.1 Sequences

There are a number of different types of Sequences including:

  • Vector. This is a general-purpose immutable indexed sequence. As a general rule you might choose to use a Vector over a List as it provides faster access. An example of using the Vector class is given below:

    The result of running this program is shown below:

        Vector(3, 2, 1)     3     3     Vector(4, 3, 2, 1)

  • List. The List class has been discussed extensively earlier in this chapter. However, it is worth noting that it is probably the most widely used type in the scala.collection.immutable package.

  • Queue. A Queue is a first-in first-out (FIFO) type of collection. That is elements can be added to a queue and removed from the queue in the same order. The primary methods on a Queue are the enqueue method for adding an element to the queue , dequeue for removing an object from the queue. This type might at first seem a strange choice for the immutable a package. After all once you create an immutable Queue you cannot modify it. This is true, but there operations such as enqueue and dequeue that return a copy of the original queue with a new element added or an element removed, respectively. This is particularly useful in concurrent processing environments where this avoids the need to worry about multiple processes updating a common data structure such as a Queue. An example of using the Queue class is shown below:

    The result of executing this program is:

    Queue(1) Queue(1, 2, 3) 1 Queue(2, 3)

    Points to note about this example are that each of the operations to add or remove elements from the queue generated a new Queue instance. Also note that dequeue returned both the result of removing the first element from the queue and the newly generated queue instance containing all the elements of ‘q3’ minus the value removed. Finally, also note that we had to import the Queue type.

  • Stack. This class was deprecated in 2.12. A Stack provides a last-in first-out behaviour (LIFO). As with the Queue any operations that add elements to the stack or remove elements from the stack actually result in a new Stack instance being created. A simple example is shown below:

    The result of executing this program is given below:

        Stack(1)     Stack(2, 1)     2     Stack(1)

    Note that we have again imported the scala.collection.immutable.Stack class. Also note that the top method returns the value at the top of the stack but does not remove it. Pop on the other hand removes the top value and returns a copy of the original stack without the top element.

    From Scala 2.12 onwards a list should be used with a var, along with the +: and head methods.

27.2.2 Sets

There are a number of different types of Sets including:

  • HashSet is an immutable Set implementation based on a hashing function. A Set only allows a single instance of an element in the Set—the equals method is used to determine equality. For example,

    This results in the following output:

        HashSet(Liverpool, West Ham, Newcastle, Everton)

    Note that there is only one occurrence of the String “West Ham” in this set.

  • TreeSet. This class implements the Set concept based on a tree structure. Specifically on a Red-Black Tree structure. Red-Black Trees are a form of balanced binary tree where some nodes are designed red and some nodes are designated black. With any balanced tree structure the operations applied to the tree complete in time logarithmic to the size of the tree.

  • ListSet. A ListSet is an immutable set using a list-based structure internally. It can be viewed as a List that restricts the occurrences of some element to one within the list. For example,

    which results in the following output:

        ListSet(Everton, Newcastle, West Ham, Liverpool)

27.2.3 Maps

There are a number of different types of Maps including

  • ListMap. A ListMap is a map that uses a linked list-based structure to internally represent the key-value pairs in the Map. Operations on a list map take linear time relative to the size of the map. Due to this there is little benefit in using a ListMap and a HashMap is almost always a better choice.

  • HashMap. It represents a collection of associated keys and values that are organized based on the hash code of the key.

  • TreeMap. This class implements the Map as a tree structure.

27.3 Package Scala.Collection.Mutable

The key types in the scala.collection.mutable package are shown in Fig. 27.2. You will notice that many of the names are the same as those in the immutable collection described earlier. This can make it very confusing for someone working with the collection classes to understand the impact of the operations being performed. For example, an operation on an immutable collection may generate a new instance of that collection containing the new element, whereas the mutable version will merely add that element to the collection (and both collections are called HashMap !). Therefore ensuring that you know which type of collection you are working with is an important issue.

Fig. 27.2
figure 2

Key types in the scala.collection.mutable package

The actual set of mutable collection classes available is continually growing; for example, in Scala 2.11 additional mutable types, LongMap and AnyRefMap were added to provide improved performance when using Long or AnyRef keys. In turn, Scala 2.12 added a mutable TreeMap collection class.

In this section we will look at the ArrayBuffer, ListBuffer, Stack and HashMap classes.

27.3.1 ArrayBuffer

An ArrayBuffer is a growable collection that is backed by an array and has a current size (it is similar in nature to the ArrayList class in Java). The majority of operations on an array buffer have the same speed as for an array as the operations simply access and modify the underlying array, ArrayBuffers can therefore be used for efficiently building up a large collection whenever new items are added to the end of the array (e.g. as a result of reasoning data from a file or a database). The following example illustrates how they are used (remember elements in a collection such as ArrayBuffer are indexed from Zero not one):

The result of executing this program is shown below:

        ArrayBuffer(1)         ArrayBuffer(1, 5, 6)         6         [I@3d5b5376

As you can see from this example it is the ArrayBuffer data which is updated when we add an element using the ‘+=’ operator. Thus we can see that data is a mutable collection as opposed to the immutable collections we looked at earlier. We have also included how an ArrayBuffer can be converted into an Array using the toArray (other options include toList and toSet ).

27.3.2 ListBuffer

A ListBuffer is like an ArrayBuffer except that it uses a linked list as its underlying structure (rather than an array). This means that insertion may be faster than for an ArrayBuffer . Also if you intend to convert your structure to a List once you have added all the elements to the buffer, then a ListBuffer is a more efficient option. Here is an example of working with a ListBuffer :

The output from this program is given below:

        ListBuffer(1)         ListBuffer(1, 5, 6)         6         List(1, 5, 6)

27.3.3 LinkedList

Linked lists are mutable sequences that consist of nodes that are linked together via pointers. That is, the first node has a reference to the second node, the second node has a reference to the third, etc., with next pointers.

27.3.4 Stack

The mutable Stack provides similar functionality to the immutable Stack with the primary difference being that when an element is added to the stack or removed from the stack it affects that stack (rather than creating a copy of the stack modified as appropriate). The following listing illustrates typical mutable stack behaviour:

The result of running this program is:

    Stack(3, 2, 1)     top: 3     pop: 3     pop: 2     Stack(1)

Note that the push operation updates the stack directly as the pop option. Note that for the mutable stack pop returns the item popped whereas for the immutable version it returned the state of the stack after the pop.

27.3.5 HashMap

The mutable HashMap class is very similar to the immutable HashMap except that modifications are made to the receiver of the operation rather than to a copy. The following listing illustrates HashMap usage:

The result of executing this program is given below:

Map(FRANCE -   >   Paris, UK -   >   London, Spain -   >   Madrid, USA -   >   Wasington. DC) 4 Set(FRANCE, UK, Spain, USA) HashMap(Paris, London, Madrid, Wasington. DC) false Some(London) London true Not known

27.4 Generic Collections

One interesting area is to look at what happens if you create one of the scala.collection core collections such as Set or Map . The following program uses the Map type from the scala.collection .

Now consider the output from this program:

        class scala.collection.immutable.Map$EmptyMap$         class scala.collection.immutable.Map$Map1         class scala.collection.immutable.Map$Map2         class scala.collection.immutable.Map$Map3         Map(121 - > Miami, 231 - > Dublin, 456 - > Paris)         Dublin

There is something strange happening here. The class name retrieved from the getClass method appears to be different!

This is because by default the core Map type uses the immutable Map from the scala.collection.immutable package. However, because our program then adds a series of key-value pairs to that map it must create new instances of the Map class to represent the new map and bind those to the variable flights. It does this as flights actually reference a wrapper around an immutable Map and it is this inner map that is replaced.

If we add an import to this program to import the scala.collection.mutable.Map , for example:

we can now use the same immutable HashMap throughout the application:

        class scala.collection.mutable.HashMap         class scala.collection.mutable.HashMap         class scala.collection.mutable.HashMap         class scala.collection.mutable.HashMap         Map(456 -   >   Paris, 121 -   >   Miami, 231 -   >   Dublin)         Dublin

27.5 Summary

It is likely that, just as in C# and Java, these classes will become the most used classes in Scala. The various collection API interfaces and classes will form the basis of the data structures you build and will be the cornerstone of most of your implementations. Stick with them, try them out, implement some simple programs using them, and you will soon find that they are easy to use and extremely useful. You will very quickly come to wonder why every language doesn’t have the same facilities!