
These keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

26.1 Introduction

This chapter focuses on the List and Map types from the scala.collection.immutable package.

26.2 The Immutable List Collection

As a common approach is applied across all the collection classes in Scala we will first use the scala.collection.immutable.List class as a detailed case study to look at the facilities it provides and the operations that can be performed on it.

A List is an immutable (fixed) sequence of elements that provides for constant time access to the first element and to the tail (remaining) elements. Many other operations take linear time. Lists are a very widely used collection as they provide all the core sequence like behaviours.

26.2.1 List Creation

The following listing illustrates some of the list creation options available:

The first option illustrated by myList0 creates a list containing strings initialized to “One”, “Two” and “Three”. This is saved into a val myList0 which is specified to be of type List[String] . The second example illustrates how Scala can infer the type of the val myList1 for us, and the third indicates that Scala can determine the type of the contents of the list so that it is not necessary to explicitly state that the list will contain Strings.

26.2.2 List Concatenation

We can concatenate strings together using the ‘ ::: ’ operator. This creates a new list based on two existing lists, for example,

This results in longList now containing the list:

             List(One,   Two,   Three,   One,   Two,   Three)

Note that in the older versions of Scala the ‘ ::: ’ operator was available instead of the ‘ ++ ’. However, the effect will be the same whichever operation you select to use.

It is also possible to use the cons operator (‘ :: ’) to prepend an element to the front of a list (which takes constant time), for example,

Note that this of course produces a new list referenced by newList as Lists are immutable. The contents of newList is:

              List(Zero,   One,   Two,   Three)

The cons operator can also be used to construct a list from a set of existing values. For example,

This example may look a little strange. This is because the value Nil at the end of the statement represents an empty list. It is thus to this list that the strings “One”, “Two” and “Three” are being added. This raises the question, why is Nil at the end of the statement and not at the start? This is because any method or operation that ends with a ‘:’ is right associative. Thus the expression:

must be read from the right to the left (and not from the more traditional left to right). Thus the String “Three” is being prepended to the empty list represented by Nil . This expression then returns the new list containing the String “Three”. The String “Two” is then prepended to that list by the next ‘::’ cons operation. This result sin a new List containing “Two” and “Three”. The string “One is then prepended to that List to create the final list containing “One”, “Two” and “Three”. As prepending is done in constant time is the preferred way to add an element to the List. The result is

              List(One,   Two,   Three)

There is also the ‘+:’ operator which again prepends an element to the front of the list return a new copy of the list.

We could also append an element to the contents of the existing list using the ‘ :+ ’ operator. However, this is rarely used as the time it takes to append to the list grows linearly as the size of the list grows:

The val endList would now hold a reference to the following list:

              List(One,   Two,   Three,   End)

26.2.3 List Operations

Other operations of interest on the List class are illustrated in the following listing and discussed below:

The method length returns the length of the list while the method reverse returns the list in reverse order. The head of the list returns the first element in the list and the method last returns the last element in the list. The method tail returns all the elements in the list bar the first element. The method isEmpty returns a Boolean true of false depending upon whether the list is empty or not and the . mkString method converts the contents of the list into a string with each element in the list separated by the string passed into the method. The result of executing Test2 is shown below:

              List(1,   2,   3,   4,   5)               length   of   the   list:   5               Reversed:   List(5,   4,   3,   2,   1)               Drop   first   two   objects:   List(3,   4,   5)               The   first   element:   1               The   last   Element:   5               The   tailed   list:   List(2,   3,   4,   5)               The   init   part   of   the   list:   List(1,   2,   3,   4)               Is   the   list   Empty:   false               String   format   of   list:   1,2,3,4,5

26.2.4 List Processing

You can also process all the elements in the list. This can be done in a number of ways. For example, lists are iterable collections and thus you can iterate over the elements in the list as follows:

However, many of the collection classes also provide the foreach higher-order function that can take a function to apply to each of the elements in the List in turn. Therefore you can also write:

Of course in Scala this can be written in a number of different (and shorter) ways, including:where we gradually rely in Scala to infer more and more of what is being defined.

26.2.5 Further List Processing

As well as the foreach operation, there is a whole range of higher order functions that you can use with Lists. These include filter , map , foldLeft and foldRight , flatMap .

For example, if you wish to select only certain elements in a list, that meet a specific criterion, you can do that using the filter higher order function. For example,

This would result in the following output:

             List(1,   2,   3,   4,   5)              Filtered:   List(1,   2)

As you can see from this example, the result of applying the function literal passed into the filter is that only elements less than three have been included in the filter list ‘f’.

We can also apply a function to each of the elements in a list and create a new list of the same size, based on the result returned by the function we applied. For example,

The output from this is

             Modified   list:   List(11,   12,   13,   14,   15)

Thus the modified list has five elements, and these elements are each 10 greater than the elements in the original list. Thus the function:

             n    =>   N    +    10

has added 10 to each of the elements and collated the results into a new list referenced by ‘m’.

We could have written this in a short from as:

Which would also result in a list being created containing five elements, where each element is 10 greater than that in the original list:

Modified   List   (alternative   form):   List(11,   12,   13,   14,   15)

We can also apply a function to all the elements in the list and gather up the results into a single value. This can be done using either the foldLeft or the foldRight methods. The foldLeft operation takes an initial value (or state) and propagates that state from one element to the next, with the result of one evaluation being passed as input to the next. It starts from the left most element and processes right towards the end of the list. For example, given our list of numbers we could add them all up using the foldLeft operation:

The result of this is:

Sum   of   List   15

Note that foldLeft is a multi-argument list operation, thus the first argument takes the initial value to use (in this case Zero) and the second argument list takes the function to apply. This function is a two parameter function, one which takes the total already calculated and one parameter that is the current element to process. The result return from this function is then passed to the next invocation of the function. Note due to the alternative syntax available for single parameter lists the above could also be written as the following with the second parameter list being represented by the curly braces ‘{…}’:

There is also a foldRight operation which starts at the end of the list with the last element and processes towards the start of the list. For example,

The result (in this case) is exactly the same, alternativeSum contains the value 15:

             Alternative   Sum   of   List   15

However, there are some issues with foldRight when it comes to processing very large lists and thus it is often better to reverse a list and then call foldLeft , for example,

             myList.reverse.foldLeft(0){(t,   e)    =>   t    +    e}

Another operation flatten can be used to flatten a list. That is, given a list of lists it can return a single list constructed from the contents of the original sublists. For example,

             scala   >   val   nested   =   List(List(1,   2,   3),   List(4,   5))              nested:   List[List[Int]]    =    List(List(1,   2,   3),   List(4,   5))              scala   >   nested   flatten              res0:   List[Int]    =    List(1,   2,   3,   4,   5)

In the above example, the first sublist containing 1, 2 and 3, and the second sublist containing 4 and 5 have been flattened into a single list containing 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.

The operation flatMap is essentially map plus flattern combined together. The function given to the flatMap is expected to return a list of values. The resultant list of lists is then flattened into a single list. For example, given a val ‘contents’ containing a list of Arrays of Integers. In the following example, we use flatMap to convert the array to a list and then to flattern the two lists into a single list:

The output from this program is:

             List(1,   2,   3,   4,   5,   6)

26.2.6 Pattern Matching

It is possible to extract the contents of a list into a set of variables as follows:

             val myList    =   List("a",   "b",   "c")              val List(x,   y,   z)    =    myList

with the result that x , y and z are variables containing the contents of the myList (rather than being the members of a new list):

       x:         java.lang.String    =    a        y:         java.lang.String    =    b        z:         java.lang.String    =    c

However, this has limited utility unless you know the number of elements in the list. A generally more useful approach is to extract the head and the tail of a list in this way:

             val hd :: tl   =   myList

which results in two vals being created one called hd and containing the string “a” and one called tl containing the list of strings (“b” and “c”):

             hd:   java.lang.String    =   a              tl:   List[java.lang.String]    =    List(b,   c)

26.2.7 Converting to a List

There are numerous ways in which you can convert other sequence like constructs into lists. For example, you can convert an array to a list:

             scala   >    Array(1,   2,   3,   4)   toList              List[Int]    =    List(1,   2,   3,   4)

Or a string to a list (which results in a list of characters);

             scala   >    "abc"   toList              List[Char]    =    List(a,   b,   c)

Or a generated sequence into a list

             var   shortList    =    1   to   10   toList

And indeed other collection types into a list, such as a Set or a Map:

             scala   >    Set("abc",   123)   toList              List[Any]    =    List(abc,   123)              scala   >   Map("apple"   -   >    "red",   "banana"   -   >    "yellow")   toList              List((apple,red),   (banana,yellow))

Of course the reverse is also true. That is it is possible to convert a list to a range of sequence like structures using various to <Type> methods, such as toArray , toString , toSet , toMap .

26.2.8 Lists of User Defined Types

All of the examples we have looked at so far with Lists have used strings or Integers. We can of course also make lists of user-defined types. For example, given the class Person as can create lists which hold Person types:

This defines four vals holding references to four istances of a class Person. These four vals are then used to initialise a List of Persons referenced by the val family . We have explicitly stated the type of the contents of the List as Person in this case, but that is of course optional, and we could also have written:

In the above example, Scala will infer that this is a list of Person types.

We can now apply the operations discussed earlier in this section with this list of persons. Of course we can now access the properties and methods defined on the class Person within the functions we apply to the elements of the list. Thus assuming the class Person is defined as follows:

We can write:

The examples illustrate the use of foreach , filter and map . The foreach example prints out each member of the family with a prefix of “Family member:”. The second filters the family members to find those over 21 using the age property. The final example uses the map function to obtain a list containing the ages of each of the members of the family which is then used to calculate the average of all the ages. The output of this program is:

             Family   Member:   Person(John,49)              Family   Member:   Person(Denise,46)              Family   Member:   Person(Adam,14)              Family   Member:   Person(Phoebe,16)              List(Person(John,49),   Person(Denise,46))              List(49,   46,   14,   16)              Average   age:   31

26.3 The Immutable Map Type

A Map is a set of associations, each representing a key-value pair. The elements in a Map may be unordered, but each has a definite name or key. Although the values may be duplicated, keys cannot. In turn a key can map to at most one value. Some Map implementations, like TreeMap and ArrayMap , make specific guarantees as to their order; others, like HashMap , do not. The Map protocol allows either the keys to be viewed, the values to be viewed or for the keys to be used to access the values.

A Concrete implementation of the Map trait is the scala.collection.immutable.HashMap class. It provides an immutable implementation of a Map based on the use of a hashing trie. A hash trie is a standard way to implement immutable sets and maps efficiently within Scala. To find a given key in a map, the code first takes the hash code of the key and based on information held in the hash find the appropriate bucket into which the key value pair will have been placed. The advantage of hash tries are that they strike a balance between reasonably fast lookup and reasonably efficient inserts and deletions.

The following listing illustrates some of the operations available on the Map trait that is implemented by the HashMap class.

The result of executing this program is shown below:

              4               Set(USA,   Spain,   UK,   FRANCE)               MapLike(Wasington.   DC,   Madrid,   London,   Paris)               false               Some(London)               London               true               Not   known               Dublin

The points to note about this listing include that a map contains key to value pairs. Thus the size of the map is four elements just after it is instantiated. Also note that you can obtain the keys and values in the map separately should you need to do so. The keys are returned as a Set as they will be unique. The Values are returned as a type of sequence as there may be duplicates amongst them. You can also test a map to see if it is empty. The method get and the access (nth) are often treated as synonymous, but they actually have different return types, for example,

The difference being that get will return None if the key does not exist in the HashMap were as the accessor will throw an exception if the key is not present.

An alternative is to use the getOrElse method:

This will return the value associated with the specified key (in this case Ireland) or if the key is not present it will return the value passed to the method as the second parameter.

Finally note that act of adding a new key-value pair to the map results in a new map being created containing the same set of key-value pairs as the original map with the addition of the new key-value pair (the original map is unaffected):