
17.1 Introduction

Critical infrastructures are the primary needs of the society. As the need for such infrastructures is increasing along with technological improvements, the global usage, interconnections, and sophistication in the operations of these infrastructures are also increasing. In order to reduce the complexity, there is a need for simple and efficient process supporting remote control of various activities, which can be achieved through automation. Thus, these infrastructures heavily depend on industrial control system (ICS) such as SCADA systems, distributed control systems (DCS), and Remote Terminal Units (RTU). Presently, the critical infrastructures such as electric power grids, water distribution plants, paper and pulp industry, oil refineries, chemical production and processing, and manufacturing plants are the major examples in which the SCADA systems are playing a critical role [1].

In the past, considering security for the industrial automation domain had less attention. From the year 2010, due to massive security attacks, the implication of security features for command and control systems is proliferating. Figure 17.1 shows the total attacks on ICS on different years [2]. The following are the reasons for the proliferation of cyberattacks on the ICS:

  • The use of standard technologies in the automation systems is increasing. The use of COTS (commercial off-the-shelf) hardware and software products, common internet protocols and solutions, and Windows- and Unix-like operating systems is quite common in the industrial automation systems.

    Fig. 17.1
    figure 1

    Industrial control system attacks [2]

  • To achieve cost-effectiveness, fast decision-making and to optimize the production and manufacturing processes, the industrial networks are increasingly interconnected.

  • Initially, the industrial communication protocols (Modbus, DNP3, etc.) were designed as serial communication protocols (to run over a serial connection). Over time, these protocols are used as application layer protocols on top of the TCP/IP stack. But, the lack of adoption of security measures and cryptographic mechanisms provides a way for the hackers to interrupt the normal communications.

  • Incorporation of wireless technologies in the industrial automation systems. Many security attacks are possible in wireless solutions [3].

  • Insecure communication links are also a security concern. The communication between the control center and remote locations may take place using the Internet/radio or microwave/leased lines. Compromising these communication links is easy for the hackers [4].

  • Connection of industrial automation network with third-party vendors, contractors, alliance partners, and outsourcing also leads to cyberattack incidents.

  • Significant information about automation and control systems is freely available to the public sector. Search engines like Google dorks [5], Shodan [6], and Pastebin [7] provide significant information about the industrial control systems online.

To secure the infrastructures, solutions like secure communications (encryption and decryption) and intrusion detection systems (IDS) can be used. Since the lifetime of ICS is high, i.e., in decades, many industries contain legacy hardware and software systems. Also, in some real-time industrial applications, the latency involved in performing cryptographic operations may not be tolerable. This introduces the difficulty to incorporate encryption/decryption operations. In such cases, IDS can be used for monitoring the malicious activities. Also, some of the proprietary or legacy protocols used in ICS may not be supported by current IT security tools such as firewalls or IDS. An alternate solution is the use of forensic techniques where details like where the attack originated, the processed involved, and the responsible identity for the attacks can be determined.

The rest of this paper is organized as follows: In Sect. 17.2, an overview of SCADA systems is presented. In Sect. 17.3, attack incidents (year 1982–2017) occurred on SCADA systems are discussed. In Sect. 17.4, attacker goals on SCADA systems are discussed in general. In Sect. 17.5, possible attacks on Modbus and DNP3 protocols are listed. In Sect. 17.6, using the Wireshark tool, Modbus packets are analyzed, and Sect. 17.7 gives the conclusion.

17.2 SCADA Systems

SCADA systems are designed to monitor and control the industrial processes remotely. Figure 17.2 shows the architecture of the SCADA systems. It consists of the following devices:

  • HMI (human-machine interface): HMI provides an interface for the operator to interact with the system and to view and react to the process status and historical events [1].

    Fig. 17.2
    figure 2

    SCADA architecture [8]

  • MTU (Master Terminal Unit): MTU is the higher-level device in the SCADA system, which collects the data from the distributed field-level equipments by issuing commands, stores and processes the data, and displays the information in the form of graphs, curves, and tables to HMI.

  • SUBMTU: To alleviate the burden of the primary MTU, SUBMTUs are used.

  • RTU (remote terminal unit): RTUs are used for data acquisition from sensor devices and actuators. They send the collected data to master terminal unit (MTU) in digital format. They are located remotely from the control center.

17.2.1 Behavior of the SCADA Systems

  • Traffic periodicity: In SCADA systems, the packet transmission rate is periodic in nature. The stability is due to the automated process. Communications occur based on polling mechanism (HMI polls PLC at a fixed frequency).

  • Fixed number of devices: The network consists of fixed number of devices.

  • Continuous operation: The systems are intended to operate ceaselessly for a long time.

  • Limited number of protocols: The number of protocols used in SCADA network is less.

  • Limited number of packets: The network has low throughput. The communications are regular in nature.

  • Limited human-initiated actions: The HMI-to-PLC communication is extremely regimented device-to-device communication, with minimal human-initiated actions.

17.3 Attack Incidents on Command and Control Systems

A view on attack incidents occurred on command and control systems is portrayed in Table 17.1 (from the year 1982–2017).

Table 17.1 Command and Control Systems attack incidents

17.4 Attacker’s Goals on SCADA Systems

By observing the key characteristics of the SCADA systems, we have identified some of the general attacker objectives:

  • Gaining access into the SCADA network: In order to perform malicious activities and to disrupt the normal processes, the primary goal of the attacker is to enter the SCADA network. The attackers may enter the system via vendors/contractors (third party), disgruntled employees, unsecured remote field sites, IT network, SCADA transmission media, wireless interface, Internet, corporate network, remote access, infected USB or laptops, physical attack, or poorly configured firewalls.

  • Identifying SCADA devices and available ports in the network: Once the attacker gets access into the network, their intention is to identify the devices, ports used/opened, and communication paths. Recognizing who is master, who are slaves, and protocols used for communication is their curiosity.

  • Switching on/switching off the devices: The operations of SCADA systems are remote based. The attacker may send a command to switch off the device in place of controller’s command to switch on the device and vice versa.

  • Reading data from the devices: The communication protocols were designed without considering cryptographic features. Reading the conversation between master and slave devices or reading the data directly from the slave or master device is the attacker interests.

  • Writing data into the devices: The lack of authentication helps the attackers to write the data into the devices. The attacker likes to overwrite the existing programs or modify the configurations of the devices.

  • Disrupting the communications: Sending invalid commands, delaying the response or reply between the devices, performing packet loss, overflow in the communication path, modifying the transmitted readings, and sending misleading values to the system operator are the attacker interests.

  • Compromising the devices: Virus, Worms, and Trojans are used to compromise the devices. Through the compromised devices, the attacker controls the operations of the industrial plant.

  • System-related threats: Exploit software/configuration vulnerabilities of the SCADA system (buffer overflow due to illegal packet size, exploiting bug, stack overflow, misconfigured radio network).

  • Insider attacks: Gaining access rights, getting the credentials of engineer/ operator, stealing the passwords, altering the employee data, and manipulating the access list are the attacker interests.

  • Attack on acquisition data: The attacker may try to control the collection of valid entries in the logs or may alter/delete the recorded entries.

  • Crashing the devices for a period of time: Access the devices, keeping the device in busy mode, and disrupting the normal traffic flow are attacker interests.

  • Attacks on SCADA systems: The primary targets include the master, field devices, and communication paths. The following are the possible attacks:

    Master level: Violating authorization, data modification, DOS attack, bypass control, information leakage, illegitimate use, physical attack, resource exhaustion, theft, tunneling, introducing virus, worms and Trojan horse, and unauthorized access.

    Communication link: Data modification, eavesdropping, replay attack, man in the middle attack, rerouting the messages, sniffing, and traffic analysis.

    Field level: Violating authorization, DOS attack, data modification, sniffing, spoofing, and physical attack.

17.5 Possible Attacks on Modbus TCP and DNP3 Protocols

Modbus [34] and DNP3 [35] are the commonly used communication protocols to connect industrial devices. Modbus is a master-slave protocol. Communications are polling based. The master device sends a request message to the slave device. Upon receiving the request, the slave device sends either a normal response or an exception. It is predominantly used in the gas and oil sectors [36]. Recently, Modbus has been extended to support the TCP/IP stack (Modbus TCP) [34]. The protocol is simple and reliable, but it does not provide any security feature (authentication and confidentiality). Messages are exchanged in plain text. This leads to the possibility of security attacks in the industrial networks [36].

DNP3 consists of four layers (application, pseudo-transport, data link, and physical). DNP3 is commonly used in North America for power grids and oil refiners [35].

  • Possible Attacks on Modbus TCP protocol: Table 17.2 shows the Modbus TCP attacks with respect to TCP, and Table 17.3 shows the Modbus TCP attacks with respect to Modbus TCP.

    Table 17.2 Modbus TCP attacks with respect to TCP [37]
    Table 17.3 Modbus TCP attacks with respect to Modbus TCP
  • Possible Attacks on DNP3 Protocol:

    Table 17.4 shows the DNP3 attacks with respect to data link layer. Table 17.5 shows the DNP3 attacks with respect to pseudo-transport layer. Table 17.6 shows the DNP3 attacks with respect to application layer.

    Table 17.4 DNP3 attacks with respect to data link layer [38]
    Table 17.5 DNP3 attacks with respect to pseudo-transport layer
    Table 17.6 DNP3 attacks with respect to application layer

17.6 Modbus Packet Analysis Using Wireshark Tool

The following section gives the analysis made on the captured packets (Fig. 17.3).

Fig. 17.3
figure 3

Modbus packets

Number of packets: 21,159

Protocol: Modbus

  • To check the request and reply packets of the master and slave devices, the following filters can be used:

    Filter the specific source IP: ip.src==

    Filter the specific destination IP: ip.dst==

  • What is the time taken (delay) for the request and response packets (response time)?

    In Fig. 17.4, the time difference between 7th (query) and 8th (response) packets is 0.000792 s.

    Fig. 17.4
    figure 4

    Response time between the request-reply packets

  • In SCADA system, packet transmission rate is periodic in nature (Sect. 17.2.1). By observing the response time, we can classify the communication patterns as normal (N)/retransmission (R)/miss (M)/abnormal (A) as follows (Fig. 17.5):

    Fig. 17.5
    figure 5

    State estimation

    • Normal (N): This state indicates that the communication pattern between the devices is normal. If the timing difference between the request and response packets is within the normal threshold time (NT), then it is classified as normal packet (Case 1), i.e., WaitingTime (WT) = (T2-T1)<= NT.

      SCADA systems are static in nature (Sect. 17.2.1). The IP addresses assigned to the systems are not changed frequently. These features help to consider some more parameters to classify the packet as normal or not. Additional parameters that can be considered along with the timing parameter are IP address, packet size, protocol used, and transaction ID.

      The packet can be classified as normal packet, if the packet contains valid IP addresses, valid protocol, valid packet size, and same transaction ID between the request and reply packets.

    • Retransmission (R): If the timing difference between the request and response packets is greater than the normal threshold time but less than the retransmission threshold time (RT), it is classified as retransmission packet, i.e., NT< (WT=(T3-T1))<= RT. Reaching this state does not mean that there is malicious activity, but normal communication patterns are missing.

      The reasons for retransmission states are as follows: device was not ready to handle the request due to congestion or poor communication link or due to security attack (Case 2).

    • Miss (M): The sender sends the request, but does not receive any reply from the receiver, leading to missing state. In this case, because of no reply, it is not possible to calculate the timing difference. Instead, if the waiting time is greater than retransmission threshold time, i.e., WT > RT, the packet is classified as missing state.

      The reasons for missing state are congestion or poor communication link or packet drop (Case 3).

    • Abnormal (A):The sender sends the request, but receiver tries to send number of duplicate response messages in short span of time. In this case, the timing difference between the request and the first response is within the normal threshold time, but without request messages the receiver has sent multiple replies, this leads to the abnormal state. Flooding number of packets in a short span of time leads to DoS attack (Case 4).

  • The port used for communication (Modbus uses port 502) and the payload that is limited to at most 253 bytes in Modbus communications can be observed using Wireshark (Fig. 17.6).

    Fig. 17.6
    figure 6

    Modbus port number and payload size

  • The function codes between the request and response message can be observed by using the Filter: modbus.functioncode==“function code number.” The function code number could be 3, 5, 18, etc. If any packet contains invalid function code, it shall be considered as invalid/malicious packets.

  • IO graph: Wireshark IO graphs show the overall traffic seen in a capture file which is usually measured in bytes per second (Fig. 17.7).

    Fig. 17.7
    figure 7

    IO graph

17.7 Conclusion

SCADA systems are being the part of critical infrastructures. The proliferation of security attacks and cybercrime incidents on SCADA systems enforcing the industries to consider security is a critical issue. In this paper, attack incidents occurred on SCADA systems (from the year 1982 to 2017) is listed. The attacker goals on SCADA systems are discussed in general. The possible attacks on Modbus TCP protocol are analyzed using the Wireshark tool.