
1 Introduction

One of the most important tasks of the teacher’s training is postgraduate psychological and pedagogical support of the graduate on the path to the realization of professional activity (overcoming barriers and difficulties of the subject, strengthening confidence in oneself and their capabilities). The Mininsky University is working on the adaptation of a young specialist in professional development with a view to successfully “entering” and adapting to professions. The purpose of this work is to optimize the process of professional development of teacher, contributing to the development of his abilities to perform his duties in his own capacity and qualitatively.

2 Theoretical Basis of the Research

Postgraduate support is a set of purposeful comprehensive measures that involve the cooperation of a teacher and mentor with a young specialist in order to ensure successful entry into the profession, effective implementation of pedagogical activity, adaptation to the professional environment and overcoming crises and barriers arising in the process of professional activity.

The graduate’s graduate support mechanism is based on the double mentoring institute. A mentor from a higher educational institution and a mentor from an employer organization are attached to the graduate who facilitate the implementation of information and methodological support, psychological and pedagogical support, and also contribute to the professional socialization of the young teacher (Fig. 1). One of the means of escorting in the mechanism of postgraduate support of a young teacher is electronic service.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

The mechanism of postgraduate support of a young teacher

Accompaniment includes several interrelated stages aimed at successfully entering the profession and adapting the graduate to a professional environment: The stage of primary entry into professional activity (first half); Stage of the primary adaptation of the graduate (second half of the first year), the motivational-value stage (first half of the second year), the stage of professional growth (second half of the second year) (Fig. 2).

Fig. 2.
figure 2

The main stages of postgraduate support for the first year

Many scientists believe that accompaniment is a very versatile movement. “Changing the focus of support, you can get different types of it: Pedagogical, methodical, information, scientific-methodical, information-methodical, tutorial, consulting, etc.” [5, 7]. Postgraduate support of a young teacher can be displayed with the help of structural, procedural and activity characteristics.

3 Research Methodology

During the research, we used theoretical and practical methods: Analysis of literature on the topic of research, modeling, pedagogical experiment, testing, questioning, observation, methods of mathematical statistics.

The purpose of pedagogical support is the purposeful development of the person’s personality, carried out through special pedagogical systems. A young teacher often has enough theoretical training, which he received at the university, but lacks his own pedagogical experience and it is difficult for him to apply the learned methods and methods of teaching in practice.

Methodical support is considered as a complex method of methodical work, consisting of diagnosing the emerging professional pedagogical problems; Informing about the ways of their solution and assistance at the implementation stage. “This method involves the interaction of an escorted person and an accompanying person, aimed at solving the problems of professional activity that are actual for the teacher, carried out in the processes of actualization and diagnosis of the problem’s essence, information search of a possible way of solving the problem, consultations at the stage of choosing the path, constructing an action plan and primary implementation of the plan” [5, 7].

Information support is the provision for young teachers of access to information stored in various databases and computer archives, in printed and electronic information, etc. Information support for the work of young teachers is the pedagogically and technically organized interaction of the subjects of the educational process.

Postgraduate support of graduates of higher educational institutions can be organized in the following forms:

  • Participation of graduates in production meetings, pedagogical councils, methodological associations, professional associations and other events of the educational organization;

  • Maintenance of documentation in terms of practical training of young teachers (schedule, report documentation);

  • Compulsory work in scientific seminars held at graduate-supervising departments;

  • The graduate’s activity in the use of electronic service, which assumes online support in professional activities.

E.I. Kazakova and A.P. Tryapitsyna consider pedagogical support as a help to the subject in the formation of the orientational field of development, the responsibility for actions in which the subject himself is responsible [4].

E.A. Aleksandrova considers pedagogical support as a type of pedagogical activity, the essence of which is in the preventive process of teaching the subject to plan independently his own way of life and of the individual professional route, organize life activities, resolve problem situations, and in the permanent readiness to respond adequately to the situation of his emotional discomfort.

Foreign authors also believe that the professional formation of teachers should begin after the “exit” from the educational institution under the guidance of experienced teachers and cannot stop until the end of their professional activities [6, 8]. Professional development is a joint activity, the authors of the article “European teacher education policy: Recommendations and indicators. “The most effective way is” with conscious interaction, and not only teachers with teachers, but also teachers with the administration, parents and other members of the educational community” [9].

Prospects of people interaction through the Internet, which removes the problem of distance between people, the possibility of using cognitive technologies, require their implementation, set in motion an information educational space. In the educational process, various forms of distance learning are used. L.N. Bakhtiyarova notes that intensive development of information and communication technologies contributes to their wide penetration into all spheres of human life and, first of all, to education, transforming both the models of the educational process and the role of students and teachers [3]. Virtual educational environments have become not only a means of learning, but also an integral part of the educational process. An example can serve both distance learning systems, and various educational environments, for example, profile training.

It should be noted that the information educational space can be represented as a set of information educational environments actively interacting with each other, these are information educational environments of individual educational institutions and entire regions, these are information educational environments of small units, for example, the department of the university. Each of these environments develops and changes. S.M. Markova notes that the department is a new educational system that develops because of the developed educational standards [6, 8].

New storage tools, transformation and transmission of information affect the methodological support of the learning process. Lately there has been much talk about interactive technologies in education as a form of information exchange between students and the surrounding information environment. Interactive methods of teaching allow to intensify the understanding process due to more active inclusion of students in the process, form the ability to think extraordinarily, and initialize the disclosure of new opportunities for learners. Components of the information educational environment are constantly being transformed, including this refers to the social component. Currently, the European educational strategy sets the task of moving from education of knowledge and skills to education, ensuring the readiness of students to act and live in a rapidly in changing environment [4].

Information support for graduates of the University, the Minin University has developed an electronic postgraduate support service - an interactive multifunctional service that allows online support of a young specialist in professional activities. Electronic service is a specially organized Internet portal on which methodical services and Internet resources are concentrated.

The structure of the electronic service of postgraduate support presupposes the availability of interaction opportunities for subjects of postgraduate support in three main modes: Frontal, group and individual. The last mode of interaction requires the availability of work of subjects of postgraduate support in private offices (Fig. 3).

Fig. 3.
figure 3

Structure of the site page of the university for postgraduate support of project participants

Functional requirements for the electronic service and assume the availability of opportunities for:

  • Conducting webinars

  • Discussion (forum)

  • Presentation of video tutorials

  • Work with a diary of reflection

  • On-line mentoring

  • Psychological and pedagogical support

  • Providing information and methodological support.

Contents of the electronic service:

  1. 1.

    Diary of Reflection.

  2. 2.

    Resource for conducting mentoring sessions.

  3. 3.

    Personal chat.

  4. 4.

    Bank of methodical ideas.

  5. 5.

    Electronic portfolio.

  6. 6.

    Webinars and thematic forums.

The diary reflects the assessment of the subject’s assessment of the processes of adaptation to the professional environment, the difficulties, and crisis points in professional activity, the degree of satisfaction of the subject with the process and the results of activities, and the success of professional activity.

The diary of reflection is filled by the subject as needed, but not less than once every two weeks, and contains several sections:

  • My professional goals

  • My achievements

  • Reflective sheet of professional activity

  • Feedback

  • My calendar

The resource for conducting mentoring sessions presupposes the possibility of downloading video lessons and materials that reflect the real process of professional activity of a young specialist with the possibility of conducting mentoring sessions on-line. With young teachers in on-line mode, individual consultations are held to compile thematic plans or plans for educational work, by choosing and optimizing methods and means of instruction for organizing certain types of lessons.

A personal chat involves individual online counseling of a young specialist by a teacher-mentor.

The bank of methodical ideas presupposes methodological content, which contributes to raising the level of competence of a young specialist in solving professional problems of different levels. This tool contains specific methodological recommendations for solving problems, analytical material, video presentations, materials on the teacher’s self-presentation, a bank of solutions to pedagogical situations, literature, etc.

The electronic portfolio assumes the fixation of the personal success of the young specialist in professional activity. Has the opportunity to showcase the portfolio to the professional community. Portfolio is compiled in electronic form and includes: Information on academic performance for the period of study at the university, an autobiographical certificate, copies of documents confirming the student’s achievements over the past 2 years, recommendations from educational organizations or from the university (in the case of participation in the competition for academic baccalaureate), additional information.

Thematic forums involve a group discussion of a variety of professional topics, tasks and situations. At the same time, the teacher-instructor acts as a moderator of the forum and a consultant on these topics (Table 1).

Table 1. Example topics of webinars and discussions

Forums are preceded by webinars of teacher-instructors

Graduates of the university participating in the testing of the electronic service actively used it in their professional activities, especially personal chat and thematic forums turned out to be in demand.

4 Analysis of Research Results

After the introduction of the electronic service among the graduates of the bachelor’s and magistracy, a survey was conducted, which, among other things, aimed to find out: Whether the electronic service of postgraduate support helps the professional development of young teachers.

For example, the question “Did you need to ask for help from more experienced colleagues in the process of work?” 70% of the respondents answered positively, and the clarifying question “Who would you rather ask for help with?” Was distributed as follows (Fig. 4):

Fig. 4.
figure 4

The results of the questionnaire of the graduates

Thus, the carried out approbation of the electronic service of postgraduate support of graduates of pedagogical universities showed not only its viability, but also the theoretical validity and practical significance that manifests itself both in the growing professionalism of young teachers and in the growth of satisfaction with their chosen profession.

The electronic service of postgraduate support of the graduates of the Minin University is being realized at the current level at the level of graduates of the bachelor’s and master’s degrees. Currently, an escort service is being developed for students of advanced training courses and retraining of teaching staff.

Competent organization of postgraduate support of graduates of pedagogical universities in the period of adaptation and the initial stage of professional activity will ensure an increase in the professional competencies of young teachers and create the necessary conditions for improving the quality of domestic education.