
These keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

1 Introduction

Cloud computing permits running on-demand distributed applications at a fraction of the cost which was necessary just a few years ago [1]. This has revolutionised the way applications are built in the IT industry, where monoliths are giving way to distributed, component-based architectures. Modern cloud applications typically consist of multiple interacting components, which (compared to monoliths) permit better capitalising the benefits of cloud computing [8].

At the same time, the need for orchestrating the management of multi-component applications across heterogeneous cloud platforms has emerged [14]. The deployment, configuration, enactment and termination of the components forming an application must be suitably orchestrated. This must be done by taking into account all the dependencies occurring among the components forming an application, as well as the fact that each application component must run in a virtualised environment providing the software support it needs [10].

Developers and operators are currently required to manually select and configure an appropriate runtime environment for each application component, and to explicitly describe how to orchestrate such components on top of the selected environments [16]. Such process must then be manually repeated whenever a developer wishes to modify the virtual environment actually used to run an application component (e.g., because the latter has been updated and it now needs additional software support).

The current support for developing cloud applications should be enhanced. In particular, developers should be required to describe only the components forming an application, the dependencies occurring among such components, and the software support needed by each component [2]. Such description should be fed to tools capable of automatically selecting and configuring an appropriate runtime environment for each application component, and of automatically orchestrating the application management on top of the selected runtime environments. Such tools should also allow developers to automatically modify the virtual environment running an application component whenever they wish.

In this paper, we present a solution geared towards providing such an enhanced support. Our solution is based on TOSCA [18], the OASIS standard for orchestrating cloud applications, and on Docker, the de-facto standard for cloud container virtualisation [19]. The main contributions of this paper are indeed the following:

  • We propose a TOSCA-based representation for multi-component applications, which can be used to specify the components forming an application, the dependencies among them, and the software support that each component requires to effectively run.

  • We present a tool that automatically completes TOSCA application specifications, by discovering and including Docker-based runtime environments providing the software support needed by the application components. The tool also permits changing –when/if needed– the runtime environment used to host a component.

The obtained application specifications can then be processed by orchestration engines supporting TOSCA and Docker (such as TosKer [4], for instance). Such engines will automatically orchestrate the deployment and management of the corresponding applications on top of the specified runtime environments.

The rest of the paper is organised as follows. Section 2 illustrates an example further motivating the need for an enhanced support for orchestrating the management of cloud applications. Section 3 provides some background on TOSCA and Docker. Section 4 shows how to specify application-specific components only, with TOSCA. Section 5 then presents our tool to automatically determine appropriate Docker-based environments for hosting the components of an application. Sections 6 and 7 discuss related work and draw some concluding remarks, respectively.

2 Motivating Scenario

Consider the open-source web-based application Thinking Footnote 1, which allows its users to share their thoughts, so that all other users can read them. Thinking is composed by three interconnected components (Fig. 1), namely (i) a MongoDB storing the collection of thoughts shared by end-users, (ii) a Java-based REST API to remotely access the database of shared thoughts, and (iii) a web-based GUI visualising all shared thoughts and allowing to insert new thoughts into the database. As indicated in the documentation of the Thinking application:

  1. (i)

    The MongoDB component can be obtained by directly instantiating a standalone Docker-based service, such as mongo Footnote 2, for instance.

  2. (ii)

    The API component must be hosted on a virtualised environment supporting maven (version 3), java (version 1.8) and git (any version). The API must also be connected to the MongoDB.

  3. (iii)

    The GUI component must be hosted on a virtualised environment supporting nodejs (version 6), npm (version 3) and git (any version). The GUI also depends on the availability of the API to properly work (as it sends GET/POST requests to the API to retrieve/add shared thoughts).

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Running example: the application Thinking.

Docker containers work as virtualised environments for running application components [19]. However, we have currently to manually look for the Docker containers offering the software support needed by API and GUI (or to manually extend existing containers to include such support). We have then to manually package the API and GUI components within such Docker containers, and to explicitly describe the orchestration of all the Docker containers in our application. In other words, we have to identify, develop, configure and orchestrate all components in Fig. 1, including those not specific to the Thinking application (viz., the lighter nodes API RTE and GUI RTE).

Our effort would be much lower if we were provided with a support requiring us to describe our application only, and automating all remaining tasks. More precisely, we should only be required to specify the thicker nodes and dependencies in Fig. 1. The support should then be able to automatically complete our specification, and to exploit the obtained specification to automatically orchestrate the deployment and management of the application Thinking. In this paper, we show a TOSCA-based solution geared towards providing such a support.

3 Background


TOSCA (Topology and Orchestration Specification for Cloud Applications [18]) is an OASIS standard whose main goals are to enable (i) the specification of portable cloud applications and (ii) the automation of their deployment and management. TOSCA provides a YAML-based and machine-readable modelling language that permits describing cloud applications. Obtained specifications can then be processed to automate the deployment and management of the specified applications. We hereby report only those features of the TOSCA modelling language that are used in this paperFootnote 3.

Fig. 2.
figure 2

The TOSCA metamodel [18].

TOSCA permits specifying a cloud application as a service template, which is in turn composed by a topology template, and by the types needed to build such a topology template (Fig. 2). The topology template is essentially a typed directed graph, which describes the topological structure of a multi-component cloud application. Its nodes (called node templates) model the application components, while its edges (called relationship templates) model the relations occurring among such components.

Node templates and relationship templates are typed by means of node types and relationship types, respectively. A node type defines the observable properties of a component, its possible requirements, the capabilities it may offer to satisfy other components’ requirements, and the interfaces through which it offers its management operations. Requirements and capabilities are also typed, to permit specifying the properties characterising them. A relationship type instead describes the observable properties of a relationship occurring between two application components. As the TOSCA type system supports inheritance, a node/relationship type can be defined by extending another, thus permitting the former to inherit the latter’s properties, requirements, capabilities, interfaces, and operations (if any).

Node templates and relationship templates also specify the artifacts needed to actually perform their deployment or to implement their management operations. As TOSCA allows artifacts to represent contents of any type (e.g., scripts, executables, images, configuration files, etc.), the metadata needed to properly access and process them is described by means of artifact types.

TOSCA applications are packaged and distributed in so-called CSARs (Cloud Service ARchives). A CSAR is essentially a zip archive containing an application specification along with the concrete artifacts realising the deployment and management operations of its components.

3.2 Docker

Docker ( is a Linux-based platform for developing, shipping, and running applications through container-based virtualisation. Container-based virtualisation [22] exploits the kernel of the operating system of a host to run multiple isolated user-space instances, called containers.

Each Docker container packages the applications to run, along with whatever software support they need (e.g., libraries, binaries, etc.). Containers are built by instantiating so-called Docker images, which can be seen as read-only templates providing all instructions needed for creating and configuring a container. Existing Docker images are distributed through so-called Docker registries (e.g., Docker Hub—, and new images can be built by extending existing ones.

Docker containers are volatile, and the data produced by a container is (by default) lost when the container is stopped. This is why Docker introduces volumes, which are specially-designated directories (within one or more containers) whose purpose is to persist data, independently of the lifecycle of the containers mounting them. Docker never automatically deletes volumes when a container is removed, nor it removes volumes that are no longer referenced by any container.

Docker also allows containers to intercommunicate. It indeed permits creating virtual networks, which span from bridge networks (for single hosts), to complex overlay networks (for clusters of hosts)Footnote 4.

4 Specifying Applications Only, with TOSCA

Multi-component applications typically integrate various and heterogeneous components [10]. We hereby propose a TOSCA-based representation for such components (Sect. 4.1). We also illustrate how it can be used to specify only the components that are specific to an application, and to constrain the Docker containers that can be used to actually host such components (Sect. 4.2).

4.1 A TOSCA-Based Representation for Applications

We first define three different TOSCA node typesFootnote 5 to distinguish Docker containers, Docker volumes, and software components that can be used to build a multi-component application (Fig. 3).

Fig. 3.
figure 3

TOSCA node types for multi-component, Docker-based applications, viz., tosker.nodes.Container, tosker.nodes.Software, and tosker.nodes.Volume.


tosker.nodes.Container :

permits representing Docker containers, by indicating whether a container requires a connection (to another Docker container or to an application component), whether it has a generic dependency on another node in the topology, or whether it needs some persistent storage (hence requiring to be attached to a Docker volume). tosker.nodes.Container also permits indicating whether a container can host an application component, whether it offers an endpoint where to connect to, or whether it offers a generic feature (to satisfy a generic dependency requirement of another container or application component). It also lists the operations to manage a container (which correspond to the basic operations offered by Docker [15]).

    To complete the description, tosker.nodes.Container provides placeholder properties for specifying port mappings (ports) and the environment variables (env_variables) to be configured in a running instance of the corresponding Docker container. It also provides two properties (supported_sw and os_distribution) for indicating the software support provided by the corresponding Docker container and the operating system distribution it runs.

tosker.nodes.Volume :

permits specifying Docker volumes, and it defines a capability attachment to indicate that a Docker volume can satisfy the storage requirements of Docker containers. It also lists the operations to manage a Docker volume (which corresponds to the basic operations offered by the Docker platform [15]).

tosker.nodes.Software :

permits indicating the software components forming a multi-component application. It permits specifying whether an application component requires a connection (to a Docker container or to another application component), whether it has a generic dependency on another node in the topology, and that it has to be hosted on a Docker container or on another componentFootnote 6. tosker.nodes.Software also permits indicating whether an application component can host another application component, whether it provides an endpoint where to connect to, or whether it offers some feature (to satisfy a generic dependency requirement of a container/application component). Finally, tosker.nodes.Software indicates the operations to manage an application component (viz., create, configure, start, stop, delete).


The interconnections and interdependencies among the nodes forming a multi-component application can then be indicated by exploiting the TOSCA normative relationship types [18]. Namely, tosca.relationships.AttachesTo can be used to attach a Docker volume to a Docker container, tosca.relationships.ConnectsTo can indicate interconnections between Docker containers and/or application components, tosca.relationships.HostedOn can be used to indicate that an application component is hosted on another component or on a Docker container, and tosca.relationships.DependsOn can be used to indicate generic dependencies between the nodes of a multi-component application.

4.2 Specifying Application-Specific Components Only

The TOSCA types introduced in the previous section can be used to specify the topology of a multi-component application. We hereby illustrate, by means of an example, how to specify in TOSCA only the fragment of a topology that is specific to an application (by also constraining the Docker containers that can be used to actually host the components in such fragment).

Example. Consider again the application Thinking in our motivating scenario (Sect. 2). The components specific to Thinking (viz., MongoDB, API, and GUI) can be specified in TOSCA as illustrated in Fig. 4:

Fig. 4.
figure 4

A specification of our running example in TOSCA (where nodes are typed with tosker.nodes.Container, tosker.nodes.Volume, or tosker.nodes.Software, while relationships are typed with TOSCA normative types [18]).

  • MongoDB is obtained by directly instantiating a Docker container mongo (modelled as a node of type tosker.nodes.Container). The latter is attached to a Docker volume where the shared thoughts will be persistently storedFootnote 7.

  • API is a software component (viz., a node of type tosker.nodes.Software). API requires to be connected to the back-end MongoDB, to remotely access the database of shared thoughts.

  • GUI is a software component (viz., a node of type tosker.nodes.Software). GUI depends on the availability of API to properly work (as it sends HTTP requests to the API to retrieve/add shared thoughts).

Please note that the requirements host of both API and GUI are left pending (viz., there is no node satisfying them). This is because the actual runtime environment of API and GUI is not specific to the application Thinking, and it should be automatically determined among the many possible (as we will discuss in Sect. 5). The only effort required to the developer is to specify constraints on the configuration of the Docker containers that can effectively host API and GUI (e.g., which software support they have to provide, which operating system distribution they must run, which port mappings they must expose, etc.).    \(\square \)

TOSCA natively supports the possibility of expressing constraints on the nodes that can satisfy requirements left pending [18], through the clause node_filter that can be indicated within a requirement. node_filter permits specifying the type of a node that can satisfy a requirement, and it permit constraining the properties of such node.

We can hence exploit node_filter to indicate that the software components in an application must be hosted on Docker containers (viz., on nodes of type tosker.nodes.Container). We can also indicate constraints on the software support to be provided by such containers, on the operating system distribution they must run, and on how to configure them (e.g., which port mappings they must expose, or which environment variables they should define).

Example (cont.). Consider again the multi-component application Thinking, modelled in TOSCA as in Fig. 4. The pending requirements host of API and GUI must constrain the nodes that can actually satisfy them.

Fig. 5.
figure 5

Constraints on the Docker containers that can effectively run the software components (a) API and (b) GUI (specified within their requirements host).

The requirement host of API can express the constraints on the Docker containers that can effectively host it with the node_filter in Fig. 5(a). The latter indicates that API needs to run on a Docker container, viz., a node of type tosker.nodes.Container, which supports maven (version 3), java (version 1.8) and git (any version). It also indicates a port mapping to be configured in the hosting container and that such container must be based on a Ubuntu distributionFootnote 8.

Analogously, the requirement host of GUI can constrain the Docker containers for hosting it with the node_filter in Fig. 5(b). The latter prescribes that GUI must run on a Docker container supporting node (version 6), npm (version 3) and git (any version). It also requires the hosting container to expose the indicated port mapping.    \(\square \)

5 Completing TOSCA Specifications, with Docker

We hereby present TosKeriser, an open-source prototype toolFootnote 9 that automatically completes “incomplete” TOSCA application specifications (describing only application-specific components, and indicating constraints on the Docker containers that can be used to host such components—as discussed in Sect. 4.2).

TosKeriser is a command-line tool, which works as illustrated in Fig. 6:

Fig. 6.
figure 6

How TosKeriser works.

  • TosKeriser inputs a (CSAR or YAML) file containing a TOSCA application specification. It then parses the application topology, and it identifies the set of software components whose requirement host has to be fulfilled (according to the constraints indicated in the clause node_filter of such requirement).

  • For each of such components, it invokes DockerFinder Footnote 10 to identify a Docker container providing the needed support (viz., satisfying the constraints concerning the supported_sw and the os_distribution).

  • The discovered containers are then included in the application topology. More precisely, TosKeriser satisfies the pending requirements host by connecting them to new nodes of type tosker.nodes.Container. Each of the newly introduced nodes is configured to satisfy the constraints indicated by the software components it hosts (e.g., if a software component is requiring some port mappings, then the newly introduced container that hosts it will have the property port set accordingly).

  • TosKeriser outputs the (CSAR or YAML) file containing the automatically completed TOSCA application specification.

  • The obtained file can then be passed to an orchestration engine supporting TOSCA and Docker (e.g., TosKer [4]), which will automatically deploy and manage the actual instances of the specified application.

TosKeriser can be actually run by executing the following commandFootnote 11:

figure a

where FILE is the (YAML or CSAR) file containing the TOSCA application specification to be completed. COMPONENTS is an optional list, which permits restricting the completion process to a subset of the software components contained in the input application specification (by default, the completion process is applied to all software components). OPTIONS is instead a list of additional options, which permit further customising the execution of TosKeriser. Among all options that can be indicated, the following are the most interesting:  

–constraints :

The option –constraints permits customising the discovery of Docker images by indicating additional constraints (e.g., by allowing to search for images whose size is lower of 200MB).

–policy :

This option allows to indicate which images of Docker containers to privilege, among all those that can satisfy the requirement host of a software component. The policy top_rated (default) privileges images best rated by Docker users, while policies size and most_used privilege smallest images and most pulled images, respectively.

–interactive :

(or -i) This option allows users the manually select the image of the Docker container to be used for satisfying the host requirement of a software component, from a list that contains only the best images (according to the privileging policy—see –policy).

–force :

(or -f) The option –force instructs TosKeriser to search for a new Docker container for each considered component (even if the requirement host of such component is already satisfied).


Example. Consider again the application Thinking in our motivating scenario, whose corresponding TOSCA representation is displayed in Fig. 4. The CSAR file (thinking.csar) containing the TOSCA application specification of Thinking is publicly available on GitHubFootnote 12. Such file can be automatically completed by executing the following command:

figure b

The above will generate a new CSAR file (thinking.completed.csar). Such file contains the TOSCA specification of Thinking, whose topology is completed by including two new Docker containers, namely APIContainer and GUIContainer (Fig. 7, lighter nodes). Such nodes provide the software support and the port mappings needed by API and GUI, respectively. We can then run such file with TosKer [4] (or with another orchestration engine supporting both TOSCA and Docker), which will be capable of automatically deploying and managing actual instances of the specified application.

Fig. 7.
figure 7

Application topology obtained by completing the partial topology of the application Thinking (Fig. 4). Lighter nodes and relationships are those automatically included by TosKeriser.

Please note that we run TosKeriser with the option –policy size. The latter instructs TosKeriser to concretely implement APIContainer and GUIContainer with the images of Docker containers having the smallest size (among all images of containers providing the needed software support). Suppose now that we wish to change the containers used to host GUI and API, e.g., because we now wish to select the containers are most used by Docker users. We can run again TosKeriser on the obtained specification, by setting the option -f to force TosKeriser to change the actual implementation of the Docker containers it previously created:

figure c

This will result in changing the actual implementation of APIContainer and GUIContainer by selecting (among all images of Docker containers that can provide the software support needed by API and GUI) those images that are most used by Docker users.    \(\square \)

6 Related Work

We presented a solution for automatically completing TOSCA specifications, which is much in the spirit of [13]. The latter indeed inputs TOSCA specifications containing only the components specific to an application, and it can automatically determine their runtime environments. However, the approach presented in [13] only checks type-compatibility between nodes and runtime environments, while we also allow developers to impose additional constraints on the nodes that can be used to host a component (e.g., by allowing to indicate that an application component requires a certain software support on a certain operating system distribution).

Other approaches worth mentioning are [5, 6, 21], as they also propose solutions that can be used to automatically determine the runtime environment needed by the components of TOSCA applications. They indeed allow to abstractly specify desired nodes, and they can determine actual implementations for such nodes by matching and adapting existing TOSCA application specifications. [5, 6, 21] however differ from our approach as they look for type-compatible solutions, without constraining the actual values that can be assigned to a property (hence not allowing to indicate the software support that must be provided by a Docker container, for instance).

If we broaden our view beyond TOSCA, we can identify various other efforts that have been recently oriented to try devising systematic approaches to adapt multi-component applications to work with heterogeneous cloud platforms. For instance, [9, 12] propose two approaches to transform platform-agnostic source code of applications into platform-specific applications. In contrast, our approach does not require the availability of the source code of an application, and it is hence applicable also to third-party components whose source code is not available nor open.

[11] proposes a framework allowing developers to write the source code of cloud applications as if they were “on-premise” applications. [11] is similar to our approach, since, based on cloud deployment information (specified in a separate file), it automatically generates all artefacts needed to deploy and manage an application on a cloud platform. [11] however differs from our approach, as artefacts must be (re-)generated whenever an application is moved to a different platform, and since the obtained artefacts must be manually orchestrated on such platform. Our approach instead produces portable TOSCA application specifications, which can be automatically orchestrated by engines supporting both TOSCA and Docker (e.g., TosKer [4]).

In general, most existing approaches to the reuse of cloud services support a from-scratch development of cloud-agnostic applications, and do not account for the possibility of adapting existing (third-party) components. To the best of our knowledge, ours is the first approach for adapting multi-component applications to work with heterogeneous cloud platforms, by relying on TOSCA [18] and Docker to achieve cloud interoperability, and by supporting an easy (re)use of third-party components.

On the one hand, TOSCA is proved to allow automating the orchestration of a multi-component application, thanks to the fact that deployment and management plans can be directly inferred from the topology of an application [2, 17]. On the other hand, Docker can standardise the virtual runtime environment of application components to a Linux-based environment [19], hence allowing to implement their deployment and management operations as artefacts supported by such environment.

7 Conclusions

Cloud applications typically consist of multiple heterogeneous components, whose deployment, configuration, enactment and termination must be suitably orchestrated [10]. This is currently done manually, by requiring developers to manually select and configure an appropriate runtime environment for each component in an application, and to explicitly describe how to orchestrate such components on top of the selected environments.

In this paper, we have presented a solution for enhancing the current support for orchestrating the management of cloud applications, based on TOSCA and Docker. More precisely, we have proposed a TOSCA-based representation for multi-component applications, which allows developers to describe only the components forming an application, the dependencies among such components, and the software support needed by each component. We have also presented a tool (called TosKeriser), which can automatically complete the TOSCA specification of a multi-component application, by discovering and configuring the Docker containers needed to host its components.

The obtained application specifications can then be processed by orchestration engines supporting TOSCA and Docker, like TosKer [4], which can process specifications produced by TosKeriser, to automatically orchestrate the deployment and management of the corresponding applications.

TosKeriser is integrated with DockerFinder [3], and it produces specifications that can be effectively processed by TosKer [4]. TosKeriser, DockerFinder and TosKer are all open-source tools, and their ensemble provides a first support for automating the orchestration of multi-component applications with TOSCA and Docker. We plan to further extend this ensemble, to pave the way towards the development of a full-fledged, open-source support for orchestrating multi-component applications with TOSCA and Docker.

In this perspective, an interesting direction for future work is to investigate whether existing approaches for reusing fragments of TOSCA applications (e.g., ToscaMart [21]) can be included in TosKeriser. This would permit completing TOSCA specifications by hosting the components of an application not only on single Docker containers, but also on software stacks already employed in other existing solutions.

TosKeriser currently relies only on DockerFinder [3] to search for existing images of Docker containers. If there is no image providing the software support and the operating system distribution needed by an application component, TosKeriser cannot complete the corresponding TOSCA specification of the application containing such component. This could be avoided by supporting the creation of ad-hoc images (configured from scratch, if necessary). The development of a tool allowing to build ad-hoc images, as well as its integration with TosKeriser, is in the scope of our immediate future work.