
1 Introduction

It was in the late nineties when computer games market bloomed in Poland, like many other places in the world, and consoles such as PlayStation, Sega Dreamcast and later, after the year 2001—PlayStation 2 and Xbox appeared in many houses. Soon, many of youth found a passion into games as their favorite hobby, and as a supplementary for these young users of video games, the market experienced a boom in video games magazines. The game press offered near 15 titles about consoles and another 15 about games and news related to the PCs market. To quote Martin “Martinez” Przasynski—the founder of “Secret Service”, which was the most popular and legendary magazine in those days:

(…) it was a golden era and very profitable industry at that time. At the peak, we were selling 120 thousands of copies. Every month to our editorial office was coming around 6000 of letters. (Przasynski 2011)

As the game industry was developing, new gaming printing press appeared in the market. Between 1994 and 2004, many editors of these magazines were idols for youth and their magazines have had an impact on the culture of whole generations in Poland. However, this golden era of magazines like the whole press industry were revolutionized and challenged by appearance of the Internet. Now, video-games printing press market has changed irreversibly.

In March 2013, video games press market ended a famous cult magazine named “Neo Plus”. It was the last direct competitor for “PSX Extreme”, which dealt only with console games (no PC content). In 2014, 13 years after video games market reached to a turning point, previously mentioned “Secret Service” reappeared. But this return lasted only for two editions. If we look at the video games press market after year 2010, it may be noticed that there was also a number of entirely new magazines, created by game enthusiasts, but they fell as quickly as they appeared. Finally, in 2016, we have currently two magazines about games on the Polish market—“PSX Extreme”, a company that is subject of this chapter, and its counterpart CD Action (used as a case study), associated mainly with PC games content. It should be noted that in spite of different game platforms (mainly consoles vs. mainly PCs), these two magazines are now direct competitors. For this reason, the players are no longer divided into those who play only on one platform like Xbox or PC, rather they are multiplatform customers and they play on any device. Moreover, for a large number of games that come out on consoles, there is also premiers on the PCs. however, it should be noted that for many years on the market we have so-called “exclusives” phenomenon, when some cult games appear only on one game platform. For example, “Gothic” is a game that could be played only on PC.

In spite of optimistic view of the “PSX Extreme” board about their condition, many people speculate that this magazine is the next one which will disappear from the market as a result of war of attrition. It is because year by year, sales and circulation decrease, slightly but steadily. “PSX Extreme” thrives on the market for the longest period (almost 19 years), thanks to their unique style of writing and the great relationship with customers based on editors’ “openness”. With this regard, it is assumed that the critical challenge ahead of this magazine is retention of its existing customers, and then acquiring new ones. Such problem is a complicated and challenging, considering the turbulent market that consistently offer new opportunities for customers. “To maximize customer lifetime value, a company must not only convince customers to buy its product or service once; it must also retain them” (Hamilton et al. 2017, p. 79). In the age of disruptive technologies, customer retention is becoming harder and harder (Tamaddoni et al. 2017) and for industries like printing press that are in decline phase (Winter and Alpar 2017) it is even worse. The situation on the printing press market is similar to the aging society phenomenon (Murata 2008): The magazine has a dozen thousands of loyal fans who read and buy it every month, but over the years, older customers are slowly moving away from buying their favorite magazine, as well as they are often moving away just from playing games. It makes a gap and to continue this path, even for currently well dealing “PSX Extreme”, it may be only the matter of a time when they will be forced to quit business.

However, “aging customers” are only a small part of the missing customers. Some of them probably move to the Internet sources; some simply lose the interest in the magazine, having no more time or interest in “reading” at all; and some other pass to the rival magazine, CD Action. This situation brings to mind the “leaking bucket” theory where the company is compared to the leaky bucket and customers to the water it drops. If water comes into the bucket less than it leaks at same time, we have to deal with situation of constant decrease/loss of customer. This will exclude the company from the market in the long run. That is the reason for importance of monitoring current clients and measure their level of satisfaction, to prevent customers declining over time.

The key aspect for surviving, developing and generating profits by a company, is to consider the issue of customer retention: to keep them loyal and build the long-term relationship with them. This is a problem which not only games press struggle with, but also whole press industry of all kinds. This chapter provides an analysis from the phenomenon of customer retention, and proposes some possible strategic solutions, which might be considered by the board of PSX Extreme to retain their clients.

2 Theoretical Model

Reviewing the theories in regard with customer retention helps us to understand problems of customer retention in such a way that we can step forward to identify and solve those issues. In case of PSX Extreme, a refreshment of their strategy and initiation of some more “customer-oriented” actions, might be the answer for “leaking” customers, and allows to retain them more efficiently.

Obviously the relationship marketing is a very broad concept which consists of many different postures, factors, theories, tools and action which may be taken. The guideline for choice, was the studying of literature in searching for solution for “leaking customers” and customer retention phenomenon.

Issues on which this chapter is primarily focused, are the customer satisfaction concept and to be more specific, its measurement (step 1), a co-creation method of value creation (step 2), and finally, the CRM philosophy implementation (step 3). Payne Model has been selected as the theoretical model of this study. As it has been shown in Fig. 1, this model is divided into three steps: (1) Determining of value (yellow), (2) Value creation process (blue), (3) Issues around relationship maintaining (green).

Fig. 1
figure 1

Argumentation: Payne model

Consulting, changing and designing of a product together with the customers is a crucial activity. Firstly because in the market-life of print magazine, there is nothing more important than customers’ regularity. Secondly, during the co-creation activities customer feels to be important (Baran 2013). To refresh relations with the customers and build a lasting relationship, the firm must re-examine the level of customers’ satisfaction to know what the features of company’s product or service should be, and where to put focus on. Thus, first step of enterprise should be to gain this knowledge directly from the customer group. (Islam and Liu 2016) “The knowledge should be acquired, kept up to date and the firm may develop a coherent, detailed profile (image) of the client, which will form the basis for the individual, sustainable, mutually beneficial relationship, aimed to maintain and develop a long-term contact, based on loyalty and satisfaction.” (Wojnarowska 2005). Application of relationship marketing strategy requires an organization to do a continuous research and segmentation of the market and customers, to choose customers’ target group, to determine the strength of the relation, its profitability and value of customer. After making a specific choice, company may design a strategy and marketing campaign for a customer target group, effect of which should be first contact with the company (customer acquisition) and then transaction (sales), buying product or service. Further actions are aimed at the customer retention and gaining his loyalty (Maciejewski 2012).

In case of dealing with the outflow of customers, the firm must examine customer’s satisfaction and redefine the customers’ expected value. In this research, Kano model has been used to understand customers’ satisfaction. So, the first step is to determine the value. Data should be collected directly from the customers through methods like survey and then, be grouped and analyzed according Kano method assumptions.

The second step, according to Payne model, is the value creation process. Based on the collected data in previous phase, the firm decides about changes in the strategy, improvements of the quality of services, development of products, etc. In case of such a narrow business as video-game magazine, a fair solution is to co-create the content with the end customers. The firm must learn how to listen and build relationships with customers and how to encourage process of co-creation. Besides, solutions developed in co-creation process are less risky for company; what is very important is whether its marketing is based only on one product, like in case of the company we discussed, or not (Payne and Holt 2001a).

The last step comes after the refreshment of transaction (sales) that aims to result mutual satisfaction. Again, satisfied customer, begins to regain trust in the company. Trust establishes a relationship between the firm and its customer. This relationship should be taken care of and well managed, and for this to happen, the firm needs a CRM platform. The CRM platform is already in place by the process of co-creation; so implementation of CRM is an absolute necessity for firm’s strategy in relationship marketing approach. CRM allows monitoring of the market, customer behavior, changes in the perception of value, latest trends etc. Finally, a well-run relationship provides the firm with customer retention and regularity of his purchases. The customer loyalty is the highest level that this kind of relationship can reach. (Payne and Holt 2001b) This model, focused on customer satisfaction and his loyalty, could help to gain a proper understanding of process of video game press.

3 About “PSX Extreme”

PSX Extreme is a monthly magazine which treats about games and gaming industry. Established in 1997 by two friends: Przemyslav Scierski and Wojciech Oczko. Originally published by “Group 69” located in Katowice city and since June 2011 is publishing by ADVERTIGO SA, with its headquarter in Warsaw.

The magazine includes previews and reviews of latest video games and consoles, news and essays about game trade shows, hardware tests and journalistic materials. PSX Extreme name is taken from Sony Play Station console: “PS” is a shortcut from Play Station and “X” comes from early design stage of Play Station, when Japanese who worked on hardware in Sony, were calling this project by a mysterious name “project X”. Word “Extreme” in the title of magazine, refers to the hardcore style of magazine.

Magazine originally was treated only about Sony Play Station, but with the development of video game industry, expanded itself to Xbox and Nintendo consoles and also to the handhelds market. Therefore, it should be noted that it is not a magazine about computers, but about consoles and console games.

The current circulation of the magazine is about 30,000 copies and stabilized sales around 16,000 per month. To this amount it should be added also a sales of e-version of magazine. In 2009, average circulation of magazine was around 29,000 with sales on level of 19,400 units—so we can notice a decline in recent years. These figures confirm data of Press Distribution Control Association (ZKDP), which says that the computer written press market has decreased −17.2% in average sales in years 2009–2013. Decline of printing press in the era of Internet many of PSX Extreme’s competitors out of the market, and in result, its most prominent competitor in Polish video game printing press market is “CD Action”, which is a more PC games and hardware oriented magazine.

Catherine Zajac, the PR and marketing manager of PSX Extreme says in an interview:

(…) after the end of “Neo Plus” market existence in 2013, we experienced an increase in monthly sales. This was most likely due to that, the part of the readers of Neo Plus, passed to us when their magazine stopped being published. In the next few months (from April to October), PSX Extreme noted an increase in sales about 500 to 1000 more copies sold per month. This situation lasted for about half a year. Since 2014, we again noted regular decrease—drop about 200 units less, each quarter. The September number (2015), has been sold in quantity of 17,900 copies. (Zajac 2015).

4 Methodology

4.1 Customers Observation

To gain a better understanding of what customers need and how they think about the magazine, an internet search conducted. In related internet forums and communities’ opinions and discussions among users observed and relevant parts extracted. Based on gained insight questions for a survey developed.

4.2 Survey

Survey is a good means of measuring responses to specific and exact questions. In this phase, a survey developed from observations of previous phase and presented to the community of users. Survey #1 was conducted among the PSX Extreme forum members, and declared customers/readers of the magazine. Within the period of one month (between 20 Nov. and 20 Dec.), it managed to collect responses from a sample of n = 114 people. The survey, its results and interpretation are presented in accordance with the Kano model of value assessment.

Then, customers/readers were again asked about their opinions in reference to new ideas in survey #2. The survey itself was a co-creation activity, because customers had a real impact on that, in which direction the magazine will develop. However, it was a disposable, single action. But still, in the list of ideas, there were those which were based on regular co-creation principles, for example introducing “Article of the month”. Customers should be encouraged to take more active role in the life of magazine.

4.3 Interview

Interview is a valuable means of collecting of qualitative data, such someone’s narration on something or extracting ideas in mind of a person, or to collect fragmented memories and insights of an influencing player in a subject. Three interviews conducted with three practitioners in the field, one from Extreme PSX, one from CD Action, that is competitor magazine, and one from an expert in CRM.

Figure 2 illustrates the all three stages of data collection.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Three stages of data collection

5 Data Analysis

5.1 Customers Observation

To understand what value users are seeking for and how is their opinion about the current value proposition of Extreme PSX, many forums and discussion rooms reviewed and most relevant and informative feedbacks collected.

In response to the question of “What kind of computer magazines do you buy and why?”, some respondents expressed that they buy these magazines in search on information. Interesting writing style and addressing current trends are the determining factors in purchasing this magazine. Some others responded that they buy it out of habit and some following their habit of collecting an archive.

Some who dropped the magazine, expressed that the value of articles is lower and very better-written and interesting articles are available online, although there are some exceptions in monographic articles, analysis and comparisons. With regard to the CDs attached to magazines, they say that in the age of the Internet, buying magazine to get a CD does not make sense at all.

Lukasamd, who has recently subscribed to the print version of “PSX Extreme”, says that “I prefer a print copy, with which you can sit comfortable in the armchair or lie on the bed, without staring at the screen.”

In another response, Ichito says that for him, buying print version of magazines is restricted to long travels by train. He observes that in the web, news appears and spreads much faster than print magazines.

Hrabia Dracula is another user who does not read any magazines and prefers to register in the various Internet forums instead. On the contrary, however, some object that the Internet is flooded by ads and useless content.

ON the website, the user “N1nja-mast3r” opened a special discussion about a competitive magazine, CD Action. The title of discussion was simple and clear: “Why do you buy CD Action?” Respondents answered that because it’s the best source of information about games and has been always a magazine of great transmission (in meaning of content). Nice atmosphere, reliable articles, the objective reviews, cool topics, and nice tests of equipment and accessories were important for some users. A user described their attitude toward games as very good and professional.

Other observations are as following:

With regard to the price, most respondents consider it appropriate. They notice that the price of magazine has not changed through years. That said, some believe that in the age of the Internet, it is “pure stupidity” to buy a print magazine even in a low price.

In part of interview with Catherine Zajac PR and marketing manager in Advertigo S.A. (PSX Extreme publisher), that comes later in this chapter, she said that their clients want to have something unique and iconic and this is true most for those who are collectors of such magazines. Her thought is supported by some observations: The “player-calendar” which was added in last December (2015) edition of PSX Extreme is a good example. It was just a simple, nice-looking wall calendar for 2016, with photos from various, popular and well-known games. See the calendar of the “October page” in the picture:

Next feature mentioned in terms of potential value determining was specific content: tests of game consoles and their accessories and giving advices if it is worth to buy them etc. Experts admit that in the Internet we can find a lot of reviews, but they add that many studies confirm that the people trust print media more than the Internet. It is difficult in the Internet to distinguish professional and reliable comments from opinions based on personal views. People are especially “sensitive” about their money and look for professional sources to justify their choices. They are more willing to trust professional press rather than an 18 years old YouTube tester-vlogger.

5.2 Survey

Observations in previous section concluded that the customers of PSX Extreme have very different requirements and expectations according to the final value. By analyzing customers’ statements and an interview with Catherine Zajac, it was possible to distinguish many different areas of potential value, which helped in creation of Survey #1. According to Demski for each of these areas (groups) one item (question) has been developed in a survey. After obtaining the list of items, they were assigned to a specific dimensions (classes) of customer requirements. For example, the event “I could not find the new PSX Extreme issue in my living place” and “I always obtained new issue on time”, should be grouped in one place, called e.g. “availability of magazine”. Developed list of value areas based on this project research, is presented as follows: (113).

  1. 1.

    The value of providing information and news about gaming industry.

  2. 2.

    The value of providing a unique, professional journalistic content.

  3. 3.

    The value of providing entertainment and humor.

  4. 4.

    The value of easy availability.

  5. 5.

    The value of appropriate price in relation to quality.

  6. 6.

    The value of providing “extra” additions to the magazine.

  7. 7.

    The value of good magazine’s atmosphere, the feeling of proximity to the authors.

  8. 8.

    The value of belonging to the group, community of PSX Extreme readers.

  9. 9.

    The value of collectible value, nice design and esthetic.

  10. 10.

    The value of providing horizons development in specific interest areas.

According to Demski theory, one question has been developed according to each value area (item). However, for this project’s purposes, a kind of double-structured question has been developed for each item. Thus, every respondent was asked about the importance of each value for him/her, and then, about judgment of current situation within this specific value sphere. The adopted scale of assessment has been set on 1–10 in a 10-point scale. This is familiar scale for the PSX Extreme customers; because the same scale is also used by magazine in their game reviews, equipment tests etc.

This survey in this project is called Survey #1, and it was conducted among the PSX Extreme forum members, and declared customers/readers of the magazine. Within the period of one month (between 20 Nov. and 20 Dec.), it managed to collect responses from a sample of n = 114 people. The survey, its results and interpretation are presented in accordance with the Kano model of value assessment.

Performance of the Test (Survey #1)

Survey #1


How important are below mentioned features of video games magazine for you? (rate in a scale from 1 to 10, where:1 = completely irrelevant, 10 = priority)

How would you rate PSX Extreme, in providing below mentioned values/features? (rate in a scale from 1 to 10, where: 1 = extremely bad, 10 = perfect)

1. Information and news about gaming industry, market



2. Unique, professional journalistic content



3. Entertainment and humor



4. Easy availability



5. Appropriate price in relation to quality



6. Additions included into the magazine



7. Good atmosphere, feeling of proximity to the favorite authors



8. Feeling of belonging to the group—community of readers



9. Collectible value, nice looking design and esthetic graphic frame



10. Possibility of developing horizons in specific interest areas



With sample ratio of n = 114 people, the highest score could reach 1140 points and the lowest respectively 114 points. Results in order:


The most important values for customers

PSX Extreme best at


920 (Journalistic content)

1012 (Availability)


880 (Price to quality)

966 (Information)


874 (Information)

920 (Price to quality)


828 (Atmosphere)

828 (Developing horizons)


805 (Entertainment & humor)

805 (Journalistic content)


782 (Availability)

782 (Collectible, design)


759 (Developing horizons)

713 (Atmosphere)


414 (Belonging to group)

690 (Entertainment & humor)


345 (Additions)

460 (Belonging to group)


230 (Collectible, design)

437 (Additions)

The results of Survey #1, showed some disparities between customers’ expectations in relation to provided value, and value provided by PSX Extreme magazine. Differences bigger than 100 points are marked in the table above by red color—these are spheres in which the company should necessarily consider some improvements. In turn, the features in which PSX Extreme significantly exceeds the expectations of customers/readers are marked by green color. With reference to the model of the characteristics value evaluation of Kano, the division is as follows:

  1. 1.

    One-dimensional quality: journalistic content, information, price to quality

  2. 2.

    Standard (must be quality): atmosphere, entertainment & humor, availability

  3. 3.

    Attractive quality: additions, collectible & design

  4. 4.

    Neutral: belonging to group, developing horizons

Performed study allowed to determine where the value lies for the current customers of gaming press industry in Poland. Moreover, it was possible to discover where the problems of case company lie and in which area they should seek for improvements.

5.3 Interviews

Selected parts of interviews with Agnes Szostak and Martin Gajzler are related mainly to concepts of building and managing relationship techniques, value creation and co-creation. Not relevant statements have been omitted intentionally by authors.

5.3.1 Interview with Agnes Szostak

Agnes Szostak says that the quality of writing is the core value of their magazine:

(…) we focus primarily on quality; the quality of our writing and individuals we work with. We are not “dull” and readers feel it. We try to create a magazine that we ourselves would like to read with the greatest possible attention. We take subjects in which we are good—not necessarily those which are currently “hot”.

CD Action style is based on an open dialogue with the readers in which customers are encouraged to interact. They have a competition for an “Article of the month”- everyone write his own article which has a chance to be published in next numbers.

There is a section called “Action Redaction” in which they interact with readers. They also search for B2B cooperation outside the gaming market—in exchange for a “gifts”, they offer them advertising space.

They often ask clients about their opinions on many issues on all social media platforms—like Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. Some popular, individual editors create “oases” around themselves, through those media. It helps in creating a close community. There is a lot of sections, focused on building relationships with editors—e.g. “Easy going”, where they drop the official, journalistic tone and write, as they want—loosely.

Interaction should be continuous, because proper CRM is a long-term process. For this, they try to develop some qualities as their “extra” features. These features should be something that the competition never think/dream about. That way, they can be always a step further than others. Companies should also consider the terms creativity/innovation & CRM. It is worth to think about the CRM in the meaning of attracting new customers. Consistency, exceeding customers’ expectations, involving them in process, responding to their requests, increasing dialogue should be their goals.

5.3.2 Interview with Martin Gajzler

Martin Gajzler believes that when customers leave, something is wrong. He suggests that we should first examine what the company is doing wrong. In his view, customer satisfaction measurement and determining of their expectations is a fundamental step. Then, re-organization of work and creating appropriate value and strategy are important. Gajzler proposes now that the Internet has shaken the written press industry, it is time for industry to learn how take benefits from the Internet medium.

One of the techniques he offers is to build tension in anticipation of the product. He mentions TV series like “Game of Thrones” or “Lost” as an examples in which producers use this technique:

Throughout the watching, you wait for something to happen and the event continues in the next episodes; so you have to wait for it and you become a regular customer for the film. In the next episode, the tension is relieved at the beginning and you feel satisfied. Then, a “new” tension develops, and the story continues. In the case of magazine, they may use social media to build tension, or they may publish at least 1 page announcing hottest content.

With regard to CRM, when customers complain about the quality of journalism, Gajzler proposes that we should ask them which sections or authors they do not like and why:

You may also ask them about their favorite sections and then you should consider to expand or cut relevant material.

Gajzler notices that computer games press has very different customer targets: from nerds to serious and educated people. He believes that performing humor and entertainment for such a diverse target is very difficult but not impossible. He proposes the method of trials and errors to know what fits with such a diverse group of customers. What he considers important is to realistically assess chances, resources and opportunities. He says: “Customize your product to the client, not the customer to your product! Initiate interaction!”

Asking customers for sending their best jokes or materials is another suggestion by Gajzler. He insists that a company like PSX Extreme needs to experiment and see what works, to lead an active dialogue and ask for feedback.

He says that customers should have much power in specific activities/areas. He continues:

We are talking about the issues of the final value/content of the magazine, e.g. innovation—you want the PDF E-book version of the magazine, read by the editors and their own voice—yes or no—say it, period. (Gajzler 2015)

Survey 2: Value creation (Co-creation & CRM Solutions, Survey #2)

To propose the solutions for problematic issues within the PSX Extreme, another survey developed and conducted among the customers about potential changes, improvements, developments of final value/product/magazine etc.

All eight items of the survey are designed on the basis of the Internet research, interviews with Agnes Szostak and Martin Gajzler, empirical observation and theories. In addition, the propositions were formulated under the supervision of Catherine Zajac from the PSX Extreme.


Would you like…/would you be interested in…?



1. Publishing of “article of the month”, written by reader



2. Expanding of the most liked & popular sections, by shortening/removing those which you do not like



3. Expanding the content (e.g. from 100 to 130 pages), but with increase in price (from PLN 10 to PLN 13)



4. Bigger activity of editors on the social media (open dialogue)



5. Reporting up to date work in the new issue, through the social media (pictures videos, trivia regarding the content, funny situations from the life of editorial office)



6. A comprehensive presentation of every new editor who starts to write for PSX Extreme in the magazine



7. The introduction of more entertainment sections (jokes, riddles, puzzles, crosswords, thematic comics)



8. The introduction of the PDF E-book -read by the voices of the authors of particular articles, pages



With sample ratio of n = 98 people, the highest score could reach to 98 points and the lowest to 0 points. Results in order of the most “yes” answers:

  1. 1.

    A comprehensive presentation of every new editor who starts to write for PSX Extreme in the magazine.

  2. 2.

    Publishing of “article of the month”, written by reader.

  3. 3.

    Expanding the content (e.g. from 100 to 130 pages), but with increase in price (from PLN 10 to PLN 13).

  4. 4.

    The introduction of the PDF E-book -read by the voices of the authors of particular articles, pages.

  5. 5.

    The introduction of more entertainment sections (jokes, riddles, puzzles, crosswords, thematic comics).

  6. 6.

    Bigger activity of editors on the social media (open dialogue).

  7. 7.

    Reporting up to date work in the new issue, through the social media (pictures videos, trivia regarding the content, funny situations from the life of editorial office).

  8. 8.

    Expanding of the most liked & popular sections, by shortening/removing those which you do not like.

By analyzing the survey #2, it appears that connection with content generator (A comprehensive presentation of every new editor who starts to write for PSX Extreme), Reader Generated Content (publishing of ‘article of the month’, written by readers) and more content for consuming even in charge of higher price obtained the biggest support from the customer side. These choices can be interpreted that readers seek the value of “interesting content” in different types: from well-known editors, from other readers and in more articles in charge of higher price.

On the other hand, not many people are interested in changes, such as: bigger activity of editors on the social media (open dialogue), reporting up to date work in the new issue, through the social media (pictures videos, trivia regarding to the content, funny situations from the life of editorial office) and expanding of the most liked & popular sections to shortening/removing those, which you do not like.

One might conclude that pervasiveness of social media doesn’t mean that all contents are proper to consume in social media. Reader of this magazine prefer to read magazine in its traditional form: in print rather than online, in charge rather than free but low-quality, in long articles rather than short chunks of social media.

Understanding of the value customers seek can lead the magazine managers to fit and reorganize themselves with their customers’ wants.

6 Conclusion

From the emergence of digital media, the print industry has been faced with “leaking customers”. For this reason, customer retention is one the major concerns for the firms stayed in this industry. The PSX Extreme Company has been taken as an example of such firms that are still operating in the print industry in Polish market. This article has been conducted to answer the following questions:

  1. (a)

    What relationship marketing approach can retain “leaking” customers?

  2. (b)

    What relational marketing methods are crucial in creating a loyalty?

  3. (c)

    What changes may assist PSX Extreme to retain its costumers more efficiently?

Findings of this research suggest that the model designed by A. Payne might answer above questions. Following this model, relationship marketing can be a key. To perform it, firms must follow some steps:

  1. 1.

    The first and starting step is to examine why customers leave. This should be performed by a proper customer satisfaction measurement and interpretation of results, according to a model like Kano model. This first step is crucial because it is impossible to establish a good relationship, and in consequence loyalty, if the consumers do not feel satisfied.

  2. 2.

    After understanding of customers’ demands, value creation is the next step. co-creation understood as the best option because it customizes final value, with simultaneous deepening of relation, building trust and so on. For performing a co-creation, as well as for monitoring customers’ behavior, it is necessary to get a platform. social media can be used as one of the common platforms of co-creation.

    Philosophy of company should be based on the customer relationship management’ attitudes. The company has to adjust the product and itself to expectations of customers (Velcro strategy). The customer retention is a long-term process and it requires continuity. The main assumptions of co-creation and CRM, complement each other. In relationship marketing approach, the internal understanding of this philosophy within the company is also very important. The actions should be performed carefully and not by the method of trials and errors.

  3. 3.

    Co-creation: An important trend in media industry after digitalization is the involvement of users in the content. While user-generated-content is the main content of social media and many internet and mobile platforms, increasing the involvement of users into the process of content production in printing press must be considered too. Many of printing press have followed this strategy and consistently increase the share of their readers into the process of value delivery. Following such strategy for PSX Extreme might enhance the interaction of the readers with this magazine. Publishing of “article of the month” as well as other reader-generated-contents is suggested.

  4. 4.

    Digitalization: Many of readers, especially millennial who are generation of using digital content, are willing to consume the content digitally. They need to read the content on their handheld devices, to share it with their friends in social media and to discuss on it. Thus introduction of digital version of content in different formats such as PDF E-books or audio books or other formats will increase the customer reach.

It might be concluded that customer churn is an inevitable trend in media market. For a small media firm like PSX Extreme, the strategy of making a bigger “water inflow into the bucket” is worth to consider to replace the strategy of preventing from “leaking customers”. In this perspective acquiring new customers would make more profit rather than trying to save the existing ones who are in diminishing markets.

Measuring customer satisfaction, implementation of co-creation strategy and solutions, following CRM philosophy and establish of CRM platforms are some of most important suggestions for this media firm to retain its clients in such a challenging and turbulent market that video-game printing press are operating in.