
1 Introduction

As tertiary-level students progress in their studies, whether they are native or nonnative speakers of English, they arrive at a point when they need to read and write the genres valued in their chosen areas of study. These disciplinary genres are challenging for them in part because they differ substantially from the general academic English, and corresponding texts, that they were exposed to at earlier stages in their studies (in high school, university-level English preparation programs, first-year composition classes, and other introductory university classes). As university students transition from general English for academic purposes (EAP) to English for specific purposes (ESP), they have a lot to learn. That they have to master disciplinary subject matter, including key terminology and concepts, goes without saying. They also need to gain access to and control of valued disciplinary genres and the linguistic variation that exists within them (Nesi and Gardner 2012; Paltridge 2013; Swales and Feak 2012; Tardy 2009). ESP classes can facilitate students’ transition from EAP to ESP by helping students become (a) more skilled readers and writers in their chosen disciplines (Hirvela 2013, 2016; Hyland 2013) and (b) more self-regulated, autonomous learners (Andrade and Evans 2015). One major goal of ESP instruction is to equip students with language and genre-analytic skills that permit them to continue to learn on their own as they encounter new genres, and corresponding literacy expectations, during their academic and professional lives (Johns 2007).

ESP courses take on many different configurations. Some are taught by ESP faculty; some are taught by disciplinary faculty; and others are team taught by interdisciplinary teams, comprising an ESP specialist and discipline-specific instructor. Some ESP courses are geared toward students just entering their academic fields; others are geared toward students at more advanced levels of disciplinary study. ESP instruction sometimes is the sole focus of the course; in other settings, ESP is addressed as one component of a discipline-specific content class or lab. Instructional practices and materials used in this range of ESP classes vary, in part depending on (a) whether the class comprises students from one overarching discipline (e.g., chemistry), one sub-discipline (e.g., organic chemistry), or multiple disciplines (e.g., chemistry, engineering, forestry, psychology); (b) what the language-skill emphases are (e.g., reading, writing, speaking, and/or listening); and (c) which genres are targeted for instruction (e.g., engineering design reports, journal articles, law briefs, scientific posters). What these varied ESP contexts have in common, despite their differences, is the goal to tailor pedagogy, and corresponding instructional materials, to students’ pressing discipline-specific language-skill and genre needs.

In this chapter, we focus on ESP at two different points in university students’ progression toward disciplinary literacy, specifically at what we call the read–and–notice (pre-production) stage and the read–analyze and write stage (cf. Basturkmen 2006, who discusses input and input-to-output methods of teaching ESP). To illustrate what can be accomplished at these two different stages of ESP instruction, we highlight innovative teaching practices and materials developed specifically for chemistry students, though parallels certainly exist in other fields. We begin by providing some background on our interdisciplinary efforts. Then we explain briefly our readanalyze and write pedagogy (which has been documented elsewhere, as noted below). We then turn to a more extensive discussion of our readandnotice pedagogy, supported by examples of ESP tasks developed for chemistry students enrolled in an organic chemistry lab. Our discussion is sequenced in this way, even though students benefit from the readandnotice pedagogy first, because it is in the order in which we have developed these approaches to ESP. We conclude with implications for ESP across the disciplines.

2 Background

We have worked as an interdisciplinary ESP team, one applied linguist and one chemist, for more than 15 years. We have collaborated on chemistry-specific ESP research, the conceptualization of instructional approaches for ESP literacy-skill instruction, and the development of print and online instructional materials to support chemistry students’ discipline-specific literacy-skills development. Our interdisciplinary collaboration has allowed us to combine our distinct areas of expertise and, at the same time, our shared interests in students’ disciplinary literacy needs (Horn et al. 2008). Early on in our joint efforts, we analyzed the language of chemistry in four key disciplinary genres (journal articles, conference abstracts, posters, and research proposals) to ascertain their defining linguistic and nonlinguistic features (Stoller et al. 2008; Stoller and Robinson 2013, 2014a). From the findings of our analyses, we envisioned a context-specific teaching pedagogy (an iterative readanalyze and write approach) and developed corresponding instructional materials (Stoller and Robinson 2014b, 2015). The final outcomes of our efforts include a discipline-specific ESP textbook Write Like a Chemist (Robinson et al. 2008), an accompanying website (, and a discipline-specific ESP course offered at our university. Our subsequent efforts have been directed at the readandnotice (i.e., pre-production) stage, which has been integrated into an already existing organic chemistry lab, taken by students before they enroll in the Write Like a Chemist course.

3 ReadAnalyze and Write Approach to ESP Instruction

Our read–analyze and write approach to ESP instruction, and corresponding materials, was developed for 3rd year university students. In U.S. university contexts, it is at about this point when students (a) have acquired sufficient disciplinary content knowledge to begin to read and write in select disciplinary genres and (b) are prepared for an inaugural ESP course in disciplinary literacy skills. The textbook that we authored (Write Like a Chemist) was written specifically for such a course; the read–analyze and write approach (Fig. 1) runs throughout textbook materials and the course. Students read and analyze authentic passages (entire texts, full sections, excerpts, and textual elements, such as figures and tables) from professional chemistry genres. The readandanalyze tasks are followed by a series of scaffolded writing assignments, during which students compose targeted genres (i.e., journal-quality papers, conference abstracts, scientific posters, and/or research proposals) following a step-by-step process. When possible, students write about their own undergraduate research projects or, alternatively, they are provided with data from fictitious (though realistic) projects, making the writing experience more authentic. Following guided peer review and instructor feedback, students revise and edit their work, underscoring the importance of revision in the writing process.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Depiction of the iterative read–analyze and write approach (adapted from Stoller and Robinson 2015)

The key characteristics of the read–analyze and write approach, though initially developed for ESP in chemistry contexts, are applicable, with adaptation, across the disciplines. Some distinguishing characteristics of the approach include the following:

  • Before introducing students to the disciplinary genres targeted for instruction, students are introduced to the read–analyze and write approach by means of familiar, everyday genres (e.g., menus, used car ads, internship application letters). The early readanalyze and write tasks introduce students to the approach and guide them in looking at familiar written genres in new ways. To ease the transition from everyday genres to valued disciplinary genres, the same steps are taken with discipline-specific genres that students are already familiar with (e.g., in chemistry, this could be Safety Data Sheets [SDS], a genre that chemistry students commonly encounter in labs). In our context, we then juxtapose two articles—one written for a general audience and the other for an expert audience—on the same topic (one that we are certain that students have encountered in introductory chemistry courses). Students read and analyze both texts, iteratively, to identify similarities and differences. Such systematic scaffolding prepares students to read, analyze, and write the disciplinary genres targeted for instruction.

  • By means of readanalyze tasks (with everyday genres, familiar disciplinary genres, and new disciplinary genres), students gain an understanding of the defining linguistic, non-linguistic, and organizational features of the target genres. More specifically, the approach guides students in discovering how five essential writing components (i.e., audience and purpose, organization, field-specific writing conventions, grammar and mechanics, and content) manifest themselves in different genres. As a result of these analyses, students learn to identify and appreciate the various aspects of writing that must coalesce, in different disciplinary genres, for written work to meet disciplinary expectations. Instructionally, these five writing components offer students (and instructors) a manageable way to break down larger analytic tasks into more manageable ones.

  • After reading and analyzing multiple examples of target genres (section by section), students begin to write, using excerpts as models. While writing, students are encouraged to return to sample texts for additional rounds of reading and analysis to check and verify disciplinary practices or seek further insights about the genre that they are trying to emulate.

  • Throughout the readanalyze and write cycle, there is explicit instruction, teacher modeling, class discussion, practice, teacher and peer feedback, and student reflection. The cycle, with time, helps students gain access to and control of target genres (Tardy 2009).

4 Read–and–Notice Approach to ESP Instruction

Recently, we have shifted our attention from read–analyze and write ESP instruction (with 3rd year, and more advanced, university students) to readandnotice ESP instruction for 2nd year university students, who are ready to notice disciplinary conventions, but not ready to produce them. This stage serves as a useful “training ground” for the later read–analyze and write cycle. Our specific goal has been to integrate readandnotice instructional materials into an already existing organic chemistry lab. Unlike the Write Like a Chemist course, described above, the read–and–notice ESP writing module has been developed to be delivered online via a Learning Management System (i.e., BlackBoard Learn). The writing module comprises short (15 min) weekly assignments, all scored electronically. Students complete the assignments entirely on their own, outside of lab. The online tasks guide students in noticing disciplinary conventions and are set up to provide immediate feedback upon task completion (both positive and corrective), without direct faculty assistance. The primary learning objective of the module is a simple one: to raise students’ awareness of writing conventions in organic chemistry. Unlike our course centered around the readanalyze and write cycle, this module is intentionally pre-production; students are eased into disciplinary writing through activities that promote observational skills (e.g., noticing, comparing, contrasting), with no formal writing assignments. The module is intentionally low stakes, and students are allowed unlimited attempts to complete each task correctly. To encourage successful completion, the module comprises 10% of students’ final grade in the lab. We envision the read–and–notice module to be a prerequisite for the reading and writing intensive Write Like a Chemist course.

With over a decade’s experience in teaching our Write Like a Chemist course, we have learned that most 3rd year university students entering the course know very little about chemistry-specific writing. Moreover, they often believe that they know more than they do, in part due to their experience in preparing lab reports (see Parkinson 2017; cf. Kelly-Laubscher et al. 2017) in first- and second-year chemistry labs. They have been instructed in how to prepare these reports, so it is not surprising that they assume that a professional-level research paper is simply a more extensive version of a lab report. The goal of our readandnotice module is to dispel such beliefs and to help students develop a clearer understanding of the differences between a lab report (a genre for students learning chemistry) and a journal article (a genre for expert chemists), without actually asking them to produce close approximations of the latter. Instead, we engage students in simple assignments designed to raise their awareness of these differences. Such increased awareness can serve as a right-of-passage and foster a sense of belonging to the discipline. Knowing, for example, that the Experimental section (akin to the Methods section in an applied linguistics journal article) comes at the end of an organic chemistry journal article (not after the Introduction), that nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) data are presented in the Experimental section in prose (not as spectra, that is, as graphic displays, in the Results section), and that chemicals are written in lower case (not capitalized) enhances a student’s right to membership as an organic chemist. Awareness of these conventions is akin to knowing a secret password or handshake for entrance into a club or organization.

In the sections that follow, we provide an overview of the readandnotice module and give examples of tasks assigned to increase students’ awareness of disciplinary conventions. Although the examples are all specific to organic chemistry, the approach can be easily adapted to other disciplines, including other areas within chemistry. We begin by describing a pre-assessment task (which students complete again later as a post-assessment task) and then describe 10 read–and–notice assignments.

4.1 Pre-assessment Task

The module begins with a pre-assessment task. Students are asked to answer 15 multiple-choice questions designed to assess what they already know about writing conventions in organic chemistry. Upon completion of the task, students are told only how many questions they answered correctly; they do not see the correct answers, nor do they see the questions that they answered incorrectly. At the end of the semester, students repeat the task as a post-assessment. Only the post-assessment is graded (the equivalent of one homework assignment).

It is worth noting that when we piloted our materials, the pre-assessment task was completed by three students enrolled in an organic chemistry lecture and lab; they all ultimately received A grades in each course. All three scored below 20% on the pre-assessment task, confirming our assumption that students are not likely to have learned these conventions in other courses or through the writing of lab reports.

4.2 Read–and–Notice Assignments

Following the pre-assessment task are 10 readandnotice assignments that are designed to be completed by students online. The sequence of assignments is outlined in the course syllabus (see Table 1 in the Appendix). The assignments center around excerpts from three different chemistry journals: two are published by the American Chemical Society (ACS), The Journal of Organic Chemistry (JOC) and Organic Letters (Org. Lett.); the third, Tetrahedron, is published by Elsevier. We intentionally used different publishers and genre types (research articles and letters) to help students recognize that conventions vary across journals. The articles that were selected from the three chemistry journals addressed content parallel to the lab experiments in the organic chemistry lab; the experiments involve “named” reactions in organic synthesis, specifically the Diels-Alder, Wittig, Friedel-Crafts, and Grignard reactions. The selected articles each refer to one of these reactions, enticing perhaps the more motivated student to explore the articles for the science, too! We assumed, while selecting articles for the readandnotice assignments, that very few students, in their second year of university study, will have read anything from these journals (or other peer-reviewed journals). Thus, it is our intention, with these low-stake readandnotice tasks, to offer a gentle introduction to the professional literature and corresponding disciplinary conventions.

Table 1 Organic chemistry lab experiments and associated read–and–notice assignments

In the sections that follow, we describe readandnotice tasks that can be adapted by ESP practitioners working in other disciplinary contexts. In the examples provided, we use italics to share correct answers with our readers; these answers are not provided to students. Also, standard chemistry language is used in the examples (e.g., MW for molecular weight and mp for melting point); these terms are not spelled out because it is assumed that students know them. At various points, “Your thoughts?” questions are embedded into the tasks to help students reflect on what they have learned. Students are expected to share their thoughts (in writing) to receive credit, although the content of their responses is not graded. At other points in the readandnotice module, students encounter “Did You Know?” questions. These questions too require student responses, for which students are given credit for correct or incorrect answers.

Assignment 1: Sections of a Journal Article

In the first task, students are asked to browse three journal articles and list by name, or number in the correct order, the major headings used in each article. By means of this task, students learn that Org. Lett. has no headings in the main body of the paper, whereas both JOC and Tetrahedron place the Experimental section after the Conclusions (a common practice among organic chemists). To further raise students’ awareness, the first Did You Know? task asks students to respond true or false to the following assertions:

  • It is not the scientist’s responsibility to format references so that they adhere to the journal’s guidelines. This is done by the journal’s editorial staff. (false)

  • If a submitted manuscript exceeds the word limit, it may be returned unread. (true)

  • Many journals charge scientists to publish their work, although ACS does not. (true)

  • JOC editors and peer reviewers judge articles primarily on the quality of the science. Problems with grammar, spelling, formatting, etc. are corrected by editors. (false)

In line with the approach used in Write Like a Chemist, the remaining activities are grouped by major sections of a journal article. We begin with the Experimental section (four tasks), and continue with Results and Discussion (three tasks), Introduction (one task), and References (one task). We follow this sequence not because it reflects the order of sections in a chemistry journal article, but because the Experimental section includes the information most familiar to students. It is also the section many chemists write first, when preparing a manuscript for publication.

Assignments 2–5: Experimental Section

The read–and–notice tasks associated with the Experimental section of a journal article center on disciplinary conventions associated with (a) using capitalization and abbreviations, (b) describing materials, (c) describing methods (or procedures), and (d) presenting NMR data. Examples A1A4 (in Appendix) illustrate the types of questions incorporated into these tasks. For most tasks, students are given feedback for correct and incorrect answers. Correct feedback is used to reinforce the key concept (e.g., Right! Chemicals are not capitalized unless they are named after a person); hints are given for incorrect responses (e.g., Check the article again. What do you notice about the capitalization of chemical names?).

Assignments 6–8: Results and Discussion Section

To raise students’ consciousness about disciplinary conventions in Results and Discussion sections of journal articles, readandnotice tasks focus on tables and on the use of prose to communicate findings (results) and interpretation (discussion). We begin with a task that requires students to interpret a table from JOC. Our goal is to raise students’ awareness about how the results of multiple reactions can be reported concisely in a single table (12 reactions are summarized in the JOC table that is provided). We also prompt them to think about how the authors organized the table. We lead students to discover that the authors conducted the reaction 12 times (and probably dozens of times more that are not reported), each with a slightly different ligand. A reaction included above the table illustrates the structures of the various ligands, each with a unique label. We contrast the JOC table with a table in their lab manual, which describes the results of only one reaction. In a “Did You Know?” question, we ask students to think generally about how authors report their results—in chronological order or in a way that leads readers logically to the conclusions of the work, with the latter being correct. In the second task, students are shown two tables—one that is correctly formatted (from Tetrahedron) and one that is not. Students are asked to select (from a list) attributes that are wrong in the incorrect table (e.g., inclusion of gridlines, bolded headings). 

In a task centered on the prose of the Results and Discussion section, students are asked to distinguish between the purpose of a Results section (to present results) and a Discussion section (to interpret results), even though these two sections are most often combined in organic chemistry journals. In a follow-up task (Example A5), students are asked to select which sentences convey “results” (presentation of findings) and which convey “discussion” (interpretation of findings).

Assignment 9: Introduction Section

To raise students’ consciousness about the characteristics of journal article Introductions, we focus largely on organization and authors’ “moves” (following the seminal works of Swales 1990, 2004). We begin with a multiple-choice question (ungraded) that asks students to select the sentence that is most likely the opening sentence of an Introduction (Example A6). We expect that many students will select (incorrectly) a sentence in which the authors introduce the work presented in the paper (e.g., In this paper, we. ..) rather than a sentence that broadly introduces the research area. Students are then presented with seven excerpts from an Introduction (in correct order) and asked to match each excerpt with its purpose (Example A7). In a follow-up activity, students are given an abbreviated list of purposes in scrambled order and asked to order them correctly (Example A8). Lastly, they are asked to answer the first question again (Example A6), but this time students’ responses are scored.

Assignment 10: References and Citations

To raise students’ awareness about in-text and end-of-text attribution conventions, students are introduced to the format followed by JOC, which is nearly identical to the formats used in Org. Lett. and Tetrahedron. To increase students’ attention to detail, we ask them to identify the one correctly formatted reference in a list of eight references (Example A9). In a follow-up matching exercise, students are asked to identify the mistakes made in the other seven references (e.g., spaces should be used between initials in authors’ names; semicolons (not commas) should be used to separate authors’ names; page numbers should be inclusive; all authors’ names should be listed). For in-text citations, we begin by asking students to identify which rules are correct for citations, using an excerpt from JOC for guidance (Example A10). The feedback given for incorrect answers helps students identify the correct rules (e.g., the feedback tells them that direct quotations should be avoided in chemistry writing). A follow-up exercise instructs them in the correct use of et al. (Example A11).

5 Conclusion

In this chapter, we have described two approaches to ESP instruction: the pre-production read-and-notice approach and the read-analyze and write approach. The two approaches, sequenced one after the other, can help students transition from general academic English to the language and genres of their chosen areas of study. By means of the pre-production approach, students develop observational skills that help them notice, compare, and contrast disciplinary conventions. These skills prepare them for a later stage that involves an iterative series of read-analyze and write tasks centered around valued disciplinary genres. To illustrate both approaches, we provided examples from our experiences developing materials for and teaching ESP in a chemistry context. Parallels certainly exist in other ESP contexts.

Whether students are transitioning to the genres of, for example, architecture, biology, engineering, hotel-restaurant management, or law, they will all arrive at a point in their studies when they need access to disciplinary genres. ESP practitioners who want to ease the transition can adapt the approaches introduced here to meet their students’ needs. Central to both approaches is the need for ESP practitioners to (a) identify the genres valued in the target disciplines; (b) analyze them to determine the linguistic, non-linguistic, and organizational features that characterize them (see also Quero and Coxhead, chapter “Using a Corpus-Based Approach to Select Medical Vocabulary for an ESP Course: The Case for High-Frequency Vocabulary” in this volume; Farhady, Tavassoli, and Irani, chapter “Selecting Corpus-Based Grammatical Structures for ESP/EAP Materials” in this volume); (c) select examples of authentic texts that are accessible to students in terms of disciplinary content; and (d) develop scaffolded instructional materials that guide students in developing observational skills (with the read-and-notice approach) and then engage students in more rigorous read-analyze and write tasks. The two approaches, when adapted to different academic disciplines, equip students with the language, genre-analytic, and writing skills needed for entrée into their chosen disciplines. Interdisciplinary collaboration—between ESP and disciplinary specialists—is a particularly effective way to achieve these aims.