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The Silent Crisis: Perceptions and Experiences of the Economic Crisis in Switzerland

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Citizens and the Crisis

Part of the book series: Palgrave Studies in European Political Sociology ((PSEPS))


We examine whether and to what extent, in spite of Switzerland having largely been spared the negative impact of the crisis at the macroeconomic level, people have felt its negative impact at the individual level. We focus on three main aspects: how people have perceived the economic crisis, the impact the crisis has had on their living and work conditions, and the ways in which they have dealt with it. We maintain that the effects of the economic crisis, if any, are unlikely to have been homogenous across the citizenry. We look at possible differential effects in terms of social class, income, education, and occupational status, and show that the crisis has affected in particular the most fragile and underprivileged sectors of the population.

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Giugni, M., Mexi, M.M. (2018). The Silent Crisis: Perceptions and Experiences of the Economic Crisis in Switzerland. In: Giugni, M., Grasso, M. (eds) Citizens and the Crisis. Palgrave Studies in European Political Sociology. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.

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