
1 Introduction

Component-based software engineering has been prospering for decades. Through proper encapsulations and clearly declared interfaces, components can be reused by different applications without knowledge of their implementation details.

Currently, there are various tool supporting component-based modeling. NI LabVIEW [14], MATLAB Simulink [8] and Ptolomy [10] provide powerful modeling platforms and a large number of built-in component libraries to support commonly-used platforms. However, due to the complexity of models, such tools mainly focus on synthesis and simulation, instead of formal verification. There is also a set of formal tools that prefer simple but verifiable model, e.g. Esterel SCADE [2] and rCOS [12]. SCADE, based on a synchronous data flow language LUSTRE, is equipped with a powerful tool-chain and widely used in development of embedded systems. rCOS, on the other hand, is a refinement calculus on object-oriented designs.

Existing work [15] has shown that, formal verification based on existing industrial tools is hard to realize due to the complexity and non-open architecture of these tools. Unfortunately, unfamiliarity of formal specifications is still the main obstacle hampering programmers from using formal tools. For example, even in the most famous formal modeling tools with perfect graphical user interfaces (like PRISM [11] and UPPAAL [3]), sufficient knowledge about automata theory is necessary to properly encode the models.

The channel-based coordination language Reo [4] provides a solution where advantages of both formal languages and graphical representations can be integrated in a natural way. As an exogenous coordination language, Reo doesn’t care about the implementation details of components. Instead, it takes connectors as the first-class citizens. Connectors are organized and encapsulated through a compositional approach to capture complex interaction and communication behavior among components.

In this paper we introduce a new modeling language Mediator. Mediator is a hierarchical modeling language that provides proper formalism for both high-level system layouts and low-level automata-based behavior units. A rich-featured type system describes complex data structures and powerful automata in a formal way. Both components and connectors can be declared through automata to compose a system. Moreover, automata and systems are encapsulated with a set of input or output ports (which we call an interface) and a set of template parameters so that they can be easily reused in multiple applications.

The paper is structured as follows. In Sect. 2, we briefly present the syntax of Mediator and formalizations of the language entities. Then in Sect. 3. We introduce the formal semantics of Mediator. Section 4 provides a case study where a commonly used coordination algorithm leader election is modeled in Mediator. Section 5 concludes the paper and comes up with some future work we are going to work on.

2 Syntax of Mediator

In this section, we introduce the syntax of Mediator, represented by a variant of Extended Backus-Naur Form (known as EBNF) where:

  • Terminal symbols are written in monospaced fonts.

  • Non-terminal productions are encapsulated in \(\,\langle {angle \ brackets }\rangle \,\).

  • We use “\(^?\)" to denote “zero or one occurence”, “\(^*\)" to denote “zero or more occurence” and “\(^+\)" to denote “one or more occurence”.

A Mediator program is defined as follows:

figure a

Typedefs specify alias for given types. Functions define customized functions. Systems declare hierarchical structures of components and connections between them. Both components and connections are described by automata based on local variables and transitions.

2.1 Type System

Mediator provides a rich-featured type system to support various data types that are widely used in both formal modeling languages and programming languages.

Primitive Types. Table 1 shows the primitive types supported by Mediator, including: integers and bounded integers, real numbers with arbitrary precision, boolean values, single characters (ASCII only) and finite enumerations.

Table 1. Primitive data types

Composite Types. Composite types can be used to construct complex data types from simpler ones. Several composite patterns are introduced as follows (Table 2):

Table 2. Composite data types (T denotes an arbitrary data type)
  • Tuple. The tuple operator ‘,’ can be used to construct a finite tuple type with several base types.

  • Union. The union operator ‘|’ is designed to combine different types as a more complicated one.

  • Array and List. An array T[n] is a finite ordered collection containing exactly n elements of type T. Moreover, a list is an array of which the capacity is not specified, i.e. a list is a dynamic array.

  • Map. A map [\(T_{key}\)] \(T_{val}\) is a dictionary that maps a key of type \(T_{key}\) to a value of type \(T_{val}\).

  • Struct. A struct {\(field_1:T_1,\cdots ,field_n:T_n\)} contains a finite number of fields, each has a unique identifier \(field_i\) and a particular type \(T_i\).

  • Initialized. An initialized type is used to specify default value of a type \(T_{base}\) with term.

Parameter Types. A generalizable automaton or system that includes a template function or template component needs to be defined on many occasions. For example, a binary operator that supports various operations (\(+\),\(\times \), etc.), or an encrypted communication system that supports different encryption algorithms. Parameter types make it possible to take functions, automata or systems as template parameters. Mediator supports two parameter types:

  1. 1.

    An Interface, denoted by interface (port \(_1\):T \(_1\),\(\cdots \), port \(_n\):T \(_n\)), defines a parameter that could be any automaton or system with exactly the same interface (i.e. number, types and directions of the ports are a perfect match). Interfaces are only used in templates of systems.

  2. 2.

    A Function, denoted by func (arg \(_1\):T \(_1\),\(\cdots \), arg \(_n\):T \(_n\)):T, defines a function that has the argument types \(\texttt {T}_1,\cdots ,\texttt {T}_n\) and result types T. Functions are permitted to appear in templates of other functions, automata and systems.

For simplicity, we use Dom(T) to denote the value domain of type T, i.e. the set of all possible value of T.

Example 1

(Types Used in a Queue). A queue is a well-known data structure being used in various message-oriented middlewares. In this example, we introduce some type declarations and local variables used in an automaton Queue defining the queue structure. As shown in the following code fragment, we declare a singleton enumeration NULL, which contains only one element null. The buffer of a queue is in turn formalized as an array of T or NULL, indicating that the elements in the queue can be either an assigned item or empty. The head and tail pointers are defined as two bounded integers.

figure b

2.2 Functions

Functions are used to encapsulate and reuse complex computation processes. In Mediator, the notion of functions is a bit different from most existing programming languages. Mediator functions include no control statements at all but assignments, and have access only to its local variables and arguments. This design makes functions’ behavior more predictable. In fact, the behavior of functions in Mediator can be simplified into mathematical functions.

The abstract syntax tree of functions is as follows.

figure c

Basically, a function definition includes the following parts.

Template. A function may contain an optional template with a set of parameters. A parameter can be either a type parameter (decorated by type) or a value parameter (decorated by its type). Values of the parameters should be clearly specified during compilation. Once a parameter is declared, it can be referred in all the following language elements, e.g. parameter declarations, arguments, return types and statements.

Name. An identifier that indicates the name of this function.

Type. Type of a function is determined by the number and types of arguments, together with the type of its return value.

Body. Body of a function includes an optional set of local variables and a list of ordered (assignment or return) statements. In an assignment statement, local variables, parameters and arguments can be referenced, but only local variables are writable. The list of statements always ends up with a return statement.

Example 2

(Incline Operation on Queue Pointers). Incline operation of pointers are widely used in a round-robin queue, where storage are reused circularly. The next function shows how pointers in such queues (denoted by a bounded integer) are inclined.

figure d

2.3 Automaton: The Basic Behavioral Unit

Automata theory is widely used in formal verification, and its variations, finite-state machines for example, are also accepted by modeling tools like NI LabVIEW and Mathworks Simulink/Stateflow.

Here we introduce the notion of automaton as the basic behavior unit. Compared with other variations, an automaton in Mediator contains local variables and typed ports that support complicated behavior and powerful communication. The abstract syntax tree of automaton is as follows.

figure e

Template. Compared with templates in functions, templates in automata provide support for parameters of function type.

Name. The identifier of an automaton.

Type. Type of an automaton is determined by the number and types of its ports. Type of a port contains its direction (either in or out) and its data type. For example, a port P that takes integer values as input is denoted by P:in int. To ensure the well-definedness of automata, ports are required to have initialized data types, e.g. int 0..1 init 0 instead of int 0..1.

Variables. Two classes of variables are used in an automaton definition. Local variables are declared in the variables segment, which can be referenced only in its owner automaton. Port variables, on the other hand, are shared variables that describe the status and values of ports.

Port variables are denoted as fields of ports. An arbitrary port P has two corresponding Boolean port variables P.reqRead and P.reqWrite indicating whether there is any pending read or write requests on P, and a data field P.value indicating the current value of P. When automata are combined, port variables are shared between automata to perform communications. To avoid data-conflict, we require that only reqRead and value fields of input ports, and reqWrite fields of output ports are writable. Informally, an automaton only requires data from its input port and writes data to its output port.

Transitions. In Mediator, behavior of an automaton is described by a list of guarded transitions (groups). A transition (denoted by guard -> statements) comprises two parts, a Boolean term guard that declares the activating condition of this transition, and a (sequence of) statement(s) describing how variables are updated when the transition is fired.

We have two types of statements supported in automata:

  • Assignment Statement (var \(_1\),...,var \(_n\) := term \(_1\),...,term \(_n\)). Assignment statements update variables with new values where only local variables and writable port variables are assignable.

  • Synchronizing Statement (sync port \(_1\),...,port \(_n\)). Synchronizing statements are used as synchronizing flags when joining multiple automata. In a synchronizing statement, the order of ports being synchronized is arbitrary. For further details, please refer to Sect. 3.3.

A transition is called external iff. It synchronizes with its environment through certain ports or internal nodes with synchronizing statements. In such transitions, we require that any assignment statements including reference to an input(output) port should be placed after(before) its corresponding synchronizing statement.

We use \(g\rightarrow S\) to denote a transition, where g is the guard formula and \(S=[s_1,\cdots ,s_n]\) is a sequence of statements.

Transitions in Mediator automata are literally ordered. Given a list of transitions \(g_1\rightarrow S_1,\cdots , g_n\rightarrow S_n\) where \(\{g_{i_j}\}_{j=1,\cdots ,m}\) is satisfied, only the transition \(g_{min\{i_j\}}\rightarrow S_{min\{i_j\}}\) will be fired. In other words, \(g_i\rightarrow S_i\) is fired iff. \(g_i\) is satisfied and for all \(0<j<i\), \(g_j\) is unsatisfied.

Example 3

(Transitions in Queue). For a queue, we use internal transitions to capture the modifications corresponding to the changes of its environment. For example, the automaton Queue tries to:

  1. 1.

    Read data from its input port A by setting A.reqRead to true when the buffer isn’t full.

  2. 2.

    Write the earliest existing buffered data to its output port B when the buffer is not empty.

External transitions, on the other hand, mainly show the implementation details for the enqueue and dequeue operations.

figure f

If all transitions are organized with priority, the automata would be fully deterministic. However, in some cases non-determinism is still more than necessary. Consequently, we introduce the notion of transition group to capture non-deterministic behavior. A transition group \(t_G\) is formalized as a finite set of guarded transitions \(t_G=\{t_1,\cdots , t_n\}\) where \(t_i=g_i\rightarrow S_i\) is a single transition with guard \(g_i\) and a sequence of statements \(S_i\).

Transitions encapsulated in a group are not ruled by priority. Instead, the group itself is literally ordered w.r.t. other groups and single transitions (basically, we can take all single transitions as a singleton transition group).

Example 4

(Another Queue Implementation). In Example 3, when both enqueue and dequeue operations are activated, enqueue will always be fired first. Such a queue may get stuff up immediately when requests start accumulating, and in turn lead to excessive memory usage. With the help of transition groups, here we show another non-deterministic implementation which solves this problem.

figure g

In the above code fragment, the two external transitions are encapsulated together as a transition group. Consequently, firing of the dequeue operation doesn’t rely on deactivation of the enqueue operation.

We use a 3-tuple \(A=\langle Ports, Vars, Trans_G \rangle \) to represent an automaton in Mediator, where Ports is a set of ports, Vars is a set of local variables (the set of port variables are denoted by Adj(A), which can be obtained from Ports directly) and \(Trans_G=[t_{G_1},\cdots ,t_{G_n}]\) is a sequence of transition groups, where all single transitions are encapsulated as singleton transition groups.

2.4 System: The Composition Approach

Theoretically, automata and their product is capable to model various classical applications. However, modeling complex systems through a mess of transitions and tons of local variables could become a real disaster.

As mentioned before, Mediator is designed to help the programmers, even nonprofessionals, to enjoy the convenience of formal tools, which is exactly the reason why we introduce the notion of system as an encapsulation mechanism. Basically, a system is the textual representation of a hierarchical diagram where automata and smaller systems are organized as components or connections.

Example 5

(A Message-Oriented Middleware). A simple diagram of a message-oriented middleware [5] is provided in Fig. 1, where a queue works as a connector to coordinate the message producers and consumers.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

A scenario where queue is used as message-oriented middleware

The abstract syntax tree of systems is as follows:

figure h

Template. In templates of systems, all the parameter types being supported include: (a) parameters of abstract type type, (b) parameters of primitive types and composite types, and (c) interfaces and functions.

Name and Type. Exactly the same as name and type of an automaton.

Components. In components segments, we can declare any entity of an interface type as components, e.g. an automaton, a system, or a parameter of interface type. Ports of a component can be referenced by identifier.portName once declared.

Connections. Connections, e.g. the queue in Fig. 1, are used to connect (a) the ports of the system itself, (b) the ports of its components, and (c) the internal nodes. We declare the connections in connections segments. Both components and connections are supposed to run as automata in parallel.

Internals. Sometimes we need to combine multiple connections to perform more complex coordination behavior. Internal nodes, declared in internals segments, are untyped identifiers which are capable to weld two ports with consistent data-flow direction. For example, in Fig. 1 the two internal nodes (denoted by \(\bullet \)) are used to combine a replicator, a queue and a merger together to work as a multi-in-multi-out queue.

A system is denoted by a 4-tuple \(S=\langle Ports, Entities, Internals, Links\rangle \) where Ports is a set of ports, Entities is a set of automata or systems (including both components and connections), Internals is a set of internal nodes and Links is a set of pairs, where each element of such a pair is either a port or an internal node. A link \(\langle p_1,p_2\rangle \) suggests that \(p_1\) and \(p_2\) are linked together. A well-defined system satisfies the following assumptions:

  1. 1.

    \(\forall \langle p_1,p_2\rangle \in Links\), data transfers from \(p_1\) to \(p_2\). For example, if \(p_1\in Ports\) is an input port, \(p_2\) could be

    • an output port of the system (\(p_2\in Ports\)),

    • an input port of some automaton \(A_i\in Automata\) (\(p_2\in A_i.Ports\)), or

    • an internal node (\(p_2\in Internals\)).

  2. 2.

    \(\forall n\in Internals,\exists !p_1,p_2\), s.t. \(\langle p_1,n\rangle ,\langle n,p_2\rangle \in Links\) and \(p_1,p_2\) have the same data type.

Example 6

(Model of the System in Fig. 1 ). In Fig. 1, a simple scenario is presented where a queue is used as a message-oriented middleware. To model this scenario, we need two automata Producer and Consumer (details are omitted due to space limit, and can be found at [1]) that produce or consume messages of type T.

figure i

3 Semantics

In this section, we introduce the formal semantics of Mediator through the following steps. First we use the concept configuration to describe the state of an automaton. Next we show what the canonical forms of the transitions and automata are, and how to make them canonical. Finally, we define the formal semantics of automata as labelled transition systems (LTS).

Instead of formalizing systems as LTS directly, we propose an algorithm that flattens the hierarchical structure of a system and generates a corresponding automaton.

3.1 Configurations

States of a Mediator automaton depend on the values of its local variables and port variables. First we introduce the definition of evaluation on a set of variables.

Definition 1

(Evaluation). An evaluation of a set of variables V is defined as a function \(v:V\rightarrow \mathbb {D}\) that satisfies \(\forall x\in V,v(x)\in Dom(type(x))\). We denote the set of all possible evaluations of Vars by EV(Vars).

Basically, an evaluation is a function that maps variables to one of its valid values, where we use \(\mathbb {D}\) to denote the set of all values of all supported types. Now we can introduce configuration that snapshots an automaton.

Definition 2

(Configuration). A configuration of an automaton \(A=\langle Ports,\) \(Vars,Trans_G\rangle \) is defined as a tuple \((v_{loc},v_{adj})\) where \(v_{loc}\in EV(Vars)\) is an evaluation on local variables, and \(v_{adj}\in EV(Adj(A))\) is an evaluation on port variables. We use Conf(A) to denote the set of all configurations of A.

Now we can mathematically describe the language elements in an automaton:

  • Guards of an automaton A are represented by boolean functions on its configurations \(g:Conf(A)\rightarrow Bool\).

  • Assignment Statements of A are represented by functions that map configurations to their updated ones \(s_a:Conf(A)\rightarrow Conf(A)\).

3.2 Canonical Form of Transitions and Automata

Different statement combinations may have the same behavior. For example, a := b; c := d and a, c := b, d. Such irregular forms may lead to an extremely complicated and non-intuitive process when joining multiple automata. To simplify this process, we introduce the canonical form of transitions and automata as follows.

Definition 3

(Canonical Transitions). A transition \(t=g\rightarrow [s_1,\cdots ,s_n]\) is canonical iff. \([s_1,\cdots ,s_n]\) is a non-empty interleaving sequence of assignments and synchronizing statements which starts and ends with assignments.

Suppose \(g\rightarrow [s_1,\cdots ,s_n]\) is a transition of automaton A, it can be made canonical through the following steps.

S1. :

If we find a continuous subsequence \(s_i,\cdots ,s_j\) (where \(s_k\) is an assignment statement for all \(k= i,i+1,\cdots ,j\), and \(j>i\)), we merge them as a single one. Since the assignment statements are formalized as functions \(Conf(A)\rightarrow Conf(A)\), the subsequence \(s_i,\cdots , s_j\) can be replaced by \(s'=s_j\circ \cdots \circ s_i\) Footnote 1.

S2. :

Keep on going with S1 until there is no further subsequence to merge.

S3. :

Use identical assignments \(id_{Conf(A)}\) to fill the gap between any adjacent synchronizing statements. Similarly, if the statements’ list starts or ends with a synchronizing statement, we should also use \(id_{Conf(A)}\) to decorate its head or tail.

It’s clear that once we found such a continuous subsequence, the merging operation will reduce the number of statements. Otherwise it stops. It’s clear that S is a finite set, and the algorithm always terminates within certain time.

Definition 4

(Canonical Automata). \(A=\langle Ports,\) \(Vars,Trans_G\rangle \) is a cano-nical automaton iff. (a) \(Trans_G\) includes only one transition group and (b) all transitions in this group are canonical.

Now we show for an arbitrary automaton \(A=\langle Ports,\) \(Vars,Trans_G\rangle \), how \(Trans_G\) is reformed to make A canonical. Suppose \(Trans_G\) is a sequence of transition groups \(t_{G_i}\), where the length of \(t_{G_i}\) is denoted by \(l_i\),

$$\begin{aligned}{}[t_{G_1}=\{g_{11}\rightarrow S_{11},\cdots , g_{1l_1}\rightarrow S_{1l_1}\},\cdots ,t_{G_n}=\{g_{n1}\rightarrow S_{n1},\cdots ,g_{nl_n}\rightarrow S_{nl_n}\}] \end{aligned}$$

Informally speaking, once a transition in \(t_{G_i}\) is activated, all the other transitions in \(t_{G_j}(j>i)\) are strictly prohibited from being fired. We use \(activated(t_G)\) to denote the condition where at least one transition in \(t_G\) is enabled, formalized as

$$\begin{aligned} activated(t_G=\{g_1\rightarrow S_1,\cdots , g_n\rightarrow S_n\}) = g_1\vee \cdots \vee g_n. \end{aligned}$$

To simplify the equations, we use \(activated(t_{G_1},\cdots ,t_{G_{n-1}})\) to indicate that at least one group in \(t_{G_1},\cdots ,t_{G_{n-1}}\) is activated. It’s equivalent form is:

$$\begin{aligned} activated(t_{G_1})\vee \cdots \vee activated(t_{G_{n-1}}) \end{aligned}$$

Then we can generate the new group of transitions with no dependency on priority as followings.

$$\begin{aligned} Trans_G'= & {} [g_{11}\rightarrow S_{11}, \cdots ,g_{1l_1}\rightarrow S_{1l_1}, \\&g_{21}\wedge \lnot activated(t_{G_1})\rightarrow S_{21}, \cdots , g_{2l_2} \wedge \lnot activated(t_{G_1})\rightarrow S_{2l_2}, \cdots \\&g_{n1}\wedge \lnot activated(t_{G_1},\cdots ,t_{G_{n-1}})\rightarrow S_{n1}, \cdots , \\&g_{nl_n} \wedge \lnot activated(t_{G_1},\cdots , t_{G_{n-1}})\rightarrow S_{nl_n}] \end{aligned}$$

3.3 From System to Automaton

Mediator provides an approach to construct hierarchical system models from automata. In this section, we present an algorithm that flattens such a hierarchical system into a typical automaton.

For a system \(S=\langle Ports, Entities, Internals, Links\rangle \), Algorithm 1 flattens it into an automaton \(A_S=\langle Ports,Vars',Trans_G'\rangle \), where we assume that all the entities are canonical automata (they will be flattened recursively first if they are systems). The whole process is mainly divided into 2 steps:

  1. 1.

    Rebuild the structure of the flattened automaton, i.e. to integrate local variables and resolve the internal nodes.

  2. 2.

    Put the transitions together, including both internal transitions and external transitions according to the connections.

First of all, we refactor all the variables in all entities (in Entities) to avoid name conflicts, and add them to \(Vars'\). Besides, all internal nodes are resolved in the target automaton, and be represented as

$$\begin{aligned} \{i\_field|i\in Internals, field\in \{\texttt {reqRead, reqWrite, value}\}\}\subseteq Vars' \end{aligned}$$

Once all local variables needed are well prepared, we can merge the transitions for both internal and external ones.

  • Internal transitions are easy to handle. Since they do not synchronize with other transitions, we directly put all the internal transitions in all entities into the flattened automaton, also as internal transitions.

  • External transitions, on the other hand, have to synchronize with its corresponding external transitions in other entities. For example, when an automaton reads from an input port \(P_1\), there must be another automaton which is writing to its output port \(P_2\), where \(P_1\) and \(P_2\) are welded in the system. An example is presented as follows.

Example 7

(Synchronizing External Transitions). Consider two queues that cooperate on a shared internal node: Queue(A,B) and Queue(B,C). Obviously the dequeue operation of Queue(A,B) and enqueue operation of Queue(B,C) should be synchronized and scheduled. During the synchronization, the basic principle is to make sure that synchronizing statements on the same ports should be aligned strictly.

figure j

During the synchronization, we refactor the local variables ptail, phead and buf, and transfer internal node B to a set of local variables. Synchronizing statement sync B is aligned between two transitions and in turn leads to the final result, where scheduled synchronizing statements are replaced by its local behavior – to reset its corresponding port variables.

We now formally present the flatting algorithms for systems. In the following we use \(\mathcal {P}(A)\) to denote the powerset of A.

figure k

In Mediator systems, only port variables are shared between automata. During synchronization, the most important principle is to make sure assignments to port variables are performed before the port variables are referenced. Basically, this is a topological sorting problem on dependency graphs. A detailed algorithm is described in Algorithm 2. In this algorithm, we use

  • \(\bot \) and \(\top \) to denote starting and ending of a transition’s execution,

  • synchronizable(\(t_1,\cdots ,t_n\)) to denote that the transitions are synchronizable, i.e. they come from different automaton and for each port being synchronized, there are exactly 2 transitions in \(t_1,\cdots ,t_n\) that synchronize it, and

  • \(reset\_stmt(p)\) to denote the corresponding statement that resets a port’s status p.reqRead, p.reqWrite := false, false.

figure l

Algorithm 2 may not always produce a valid synchronized transition. When the dependency graph has a ring, the algorithm fails due to circular dependencies. For example, transition g \(_1\)->{sync A;sync B;} and transition g \(_2\)->{sync B;sync A;} cannot be synchronized where both AB need to be triggered first.

Topological sorting, as we all know, may generate different schedules for the same dependency graph. The following theorem shows that all the existing schedules are equivalent as transition statements.

Theorem 1

(Equivalence between Schedules). If two sequences of assignment statements \(S_1, S_2\) are generated from the same set of external transitions, they have exactly the same behavior (i.e. \(S_1\) and \(S_2\) will lead to the same result when they are executed under the same configuration).

3.4 Automaton as Labelled Transition System

With all the language elements properly formalized, now we introduce the formal semantics of automata based on labelled transition system.

Definition 5

(Labelled Transition System). A labelled transition system is a tuple \((S,\varSigma ,\rightarrow ,s_0)\) where S is a set of states with initial state \(s_0\in S\), \(\varSigma \) is a set of actions, and \(\rightarrow \subseteq S\times \varSigma \times S\) is a set of transitions. For simplicity, we use \(s\xrightarrow {a} s'\) to denote \((s,a,s')\in \rightarrow \).

Suppose \(A=\langle Ports, Vars, Trans_G\rangle \) is an automaton, its semantics can be captured by a LTS \(\langle S_A, \varSigma _A,\rightarrow _A,s_0\rangle \) where

  • \(S_A=Conf(A)\) is the set of all configurations of A.

  • \(s_0\in S_A\) is the initial configuration where all variables (except for reqReads and reqWrites) are initialized with their default value, and all reqReads and reqWrites are initialized as false.

  • \(\varSigma _A=\{i\}\cup \mathcal {P}(Ports)\) is the set of all actions, where i denotes the internal action (i.e. no synchronization is performed).

  • \(\rightarrow _A\subseteq S_A\times \varSigma _A\times S_A\) is a set of transitions obtained by the following rules.

figure m

The first three rules describe the potential change of environment, i.e. the port variables. R-InputStatus and R-OutputStatus show that the reading status of an output port and writing status of an input port may be changed by the environment randomly. And R-InputValue shows that the value of an input port may also be updated by the environment.

The rule R-Internal specifies the internal transitions in \(Trans_G\). As illustrated previously, an internal transition contains no synchronizing statement. So its canonical form comprises only one assignment s. Firing such a transition will simply apply s to the current configuration.

Meanwhile, the rule R-External specifies the external transitions, where the automaton interact with its environment. Fortunately, since all the environment changes are captured by the first three rules, we can simply regard the environment as another set of local variables. Consequently, the only difference between an internal transition and an external transition is that the later one may contain multiple assignments.

4 Case Study

In modern distributed computing frameworks (e.g. MPI [6] and ZooKeeper [9]), leader election plays an important role to organize multiple servers efficiently and consistently. This section shows how a classical leader election algorithm is modeled and reused to coordinate other components in Mediator.

In [7] the authors proposed a classical algorithm for a typical leader election scenario, as shown in Fig. 2. Distributed processes are organized as an asynchronous unidirectional ring where communication takes place only between adjacent processes and following certain direction (indicated by the arrows on edges in Fig. 2(a)).

Fig. 2.
figure 2

(a) Topology of an asynchronous ring and (b) Structure of a process

The algorithm has the following steps. At first, each process sends a voting message containing its own id to its successor. When receives a voting message, the process will (a) forward the message to its successor if it contains a larger id than the process itself, or (b) ignore the message if it contains a smaller id than the process itself, or (c) take the process itself as a leader if it contains the same id with itself, and send an acknowledgement message to this successor, which will be spread over around the ring.

Here we formalize this algorithm through a more general approach. Leader election is encapsulated as the election_module. A computing module worker, attached to the election_module, is an implementation of the working process.

Two types of messages, msgVote and msgLocal, are supported when formalizing this architecture. Voting messages msgVote are transferred between the processes. A voting message carries two fields, vtype that declares the stage of leader election (either it is still voting or some process has already been acknowledged) and id is an identifier of the current leader (if it exists). On the other hand, msgLocal is used when a process communicates with its corresponding worker.

Example 8

(The Election Module). The following automaton shows how the election algorithm is implemented in Mediator. Due to the space limit, we omit some transitions here. A full version can be found at [1].

figure n

The following code fragment encodes a parallel program containing 3 workers and 3 election_modules to organize the workers. In this example, we do not focus on the implementation details on workers, but hope that any component with a proper interface could be embedded into this system instead.

figure o

As we are modeling the leader election algorithm on a synchronous ring, only synchronous communication channels Syncs are involved in this example. The implementation details of Sync can be found in [1].

5 Conclusion and Future Work

A new modeling language Mediator is proposed in this paper to help with component-based software engineering through a formal way. With the basic behavior unit automata that captures the formal nature of components and connections, and systems for hierarchical composition, the language is easy-to-use for both formal method researchers and system designers.

This paper is a preface of a set of under-development tools. We plan to build a model checker for Mediator, and extend it through symbolic approach. An automatic code-generator is also being built to generate platform-specific codes like Arduino [13].