
1 Introduction

The most critical issue for information retrieval is the term mismatch problem. One well known method to overcome this limitation is the QE of the original query terms with additional terms that best retrieve the most related documents.

Most successful technique which has the ability to expand the original query with additional words that best capture the actual user goal. Most of the recent information retrieval models are based on the proximity between terms which is useful for improving document retrieval performance (e.g., [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8] and [9]), with consideration of the term positional information and different transformation algorithms to calculate the document score. The main idea of the document spectral analysis is extended to be used in document classification and clustering [6] and [9].

In the information retrieval community, Usually, the queries consist of two or three terms, which are sometimes not enough to understand the expectations of the end user and fail to express topic of search. The QE is a process of broadening the query terms using words that share statistical or semantic relationships with query terms in the collection or share meaning with query terms. To our knowledge, there is no technique uses the QE in information retrieval model and considers the proximity information except [7].

This tutorial provides more than a toy example with data to assist the reader to grasp the main idea behind the QE techniques such as KLD and the candidate expansion terms based on WordNet. The tutorial uses spectral analysis which one of the recent information retrieval techniques that considers the term proximity.

This research will proceed as follows, Sect. 2 presents the related background, Sect. 3 lists the preprocessing tasks, Sect. 4 introduces the a brief description about the synthetic dataset used in this research, Sect. 5 demonstrates the application of different techniques of the QE on the dataset and finally the conclusion is given in Sect. 6.

2 Background

Here we review some general aspects that are important for a full understanding of the following tutorials.

2.1 Automatic Query Expansion

The average length of the query is around 2–3 words where may the users and the document collection does not use the same words for the same concept that is known as the vocabulary or mismatch problem. Therefore, there is difficulty in retrieving the relevant documents set. To improve the performance of IR model, use the overcome mismatch problem approaches. One of the successful approaches is to automatically expand the original query with other terms that best capture the actual user intent that makes the query more useful [10] and [11].

Automatic QE process can divided into four steps: data source preprocessing, candidate expansion features generation and ranking, expansion features selection, the query reformulated [12, 13] and [14].

2.2 Data Source Preprocessing

In this step, the data source that is used for expanding the user query transforms into an effective format for the following steps. It consists of two phases. First, extract the intermediate features. Then, construct the appropriate data structures for access and manipulation this features in an easy way. Based on the source of the Candidate Expansion Terms (CET) the QE approach classifies to the external resources such as the WordNet and the target corpus. The WordNet approaches set some or all the synonyms terms of the synset the contain query term as candidate terms. The target corpus approaches are also divided into local and global. The global approaches set the whole corpus terms as candidate terms and analyze it while the local approaches set only the top relevant documents terms of the initial search results. The local approaches are known as pseudo relevance feedback. In the IR model, the documents collection or corpus is indexing to run the query. As seen in the above section, the documents store using inverted index file, which is useful in some QE approach such as the global approach while the local approach needs to the documents using direct index file.

2.3 Features Generation and Ranking

In this stage, the candidate expansion features generate and ranks by the model. The original query and the data source is the input to this stage while the candidate expansion features associated with the scores is the output. A small number of the candidate features add to the query. Therefore, the feature ranking is important. The relationship between the query terms and candidate features classify the generation and ranking approaches to:

  1. A.

    One-to-one associations.

  2. B.

    One-to-many associations.

  3. C.

    Analysis of feature distribution in top-ranked documents.

2.4 Expansion Features Selection

After the candidate features ranking for some QE approach, the limited number of features is added to the query to process the new query rapidly.

2.5 Query Reformulation

This step usually involves assigning a weight to each expansion feature and re-weights each query term before submitting the new query to the IR model. The most popular query re-weighting scheme was proposed in [15].

3 Preprocessing Tasks

Preprocessing Tasks includes all steps to transform the query and the raw data source used for expanding the user query into a format that will be more effectively processed by subsequent steps. This includes the following steps:

  • Text extraction from documents like HTML, PDF, MS Word, etc. (if the collection is made of such documents).

  • Tokenization (i.e., extraction of individual words, ignoring punctuation and case).

  • Stop word removal (i.e., removal of common words such as articles and prepositions).

  • Word stemming (i.e., reduction of inflected or derivational words to their root form).

  • Word weighting (i.e., assignment of a score that reflects the importance of the word, usually in each document).

  • Some Automatic query expansion (AQE) techniques based on system that indexing the document use inverted index file which represent the document as a set of weighted terms. The indexing system may also store term positions, to provide proximity based search. Other AQE techniques, based on corpus analysis, require the extraction of particular features from the collection.

  • Creating term signals for each document is an important preprocessing task but it will be shown in the processing phase for the purpose of giving the readers more details and explanation.

4 Synthetic Dataset

The tutorial is based on a single query q which is “Suicide explosions in city”. Table 1 shows the synthetic dataset used in this research. It contains 20 rows, each row has three columns, the first column exhibits whether the document content is relevant or not (1 means relevant while 0 means not relevant). The query q is applied on the dataset shown in Table 1.

Table 1 Synthetic dataset

5 The Application of Different QE Techniques

In this section, statistical and semantic QE techniques will be applied using only one of the recent information retrieval techniques which is spectral based information retrieval ([5] and [8]).

5.1 Spectral Based Information Retrieval with QE Using KLD

As shown in Table 2, the matched query terms in document content are underlined. Document score increases as the query terms in documents content close to each other. Document score is computed by applying Haar discrete wavelet transform as explained in details in [2, 5] and [8]. Rows from 5 to 20 are empty because they do not have a matched query term. The notion of term signal introduced by [1,2,3, 8] is a vector representation of terms that describes frequencies of term occurrences in particular partitions within a document. In the example, 8 partitions or bins are used. Each line in the document content represents a bin, that is why there are 8 lines. The term signal of the term “Suicide” has been neglected because there is no term matched with it. The underline term means it matches with one of query terms. Some important preprocessing have been applied on document content. Documents number 15, 18 and 19 are relevant but they have zero document score so they have not been retrieved. By computing the Mean Average Precision (MAP) defined by the following equation, \(MAP(q) = \frac{1}{7}(1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 0 + 0 + 0) \approx 0.57\).

$$\begin{aligned} MAP(q) = \frac{1}{N}\Sigma _{j=1}^N \frac{1}{Q}\Sigma _{i=1}^Q P(doc_i) \end{aligned}$$
Table 2 Document scores using spectral based information retrieval with the original query


  • N: is number of queries.

  • Q: is number of relevant documents for query q.

  • \(P(doc_i)\): is the precision of ith relevant document.

To distinguish between useful candidate expansion term and unuseful expansion term by comparing the distribution of this term in the top relevant documents of the query with the distribution of this term in all documents. In other words, the score of the appropriate expansion term is high when the percentage of this term appearance in relevant documents more than in the collection.

Computing KLD. Carpineto proposed interesting query expansion approaches based on term distribution analysis [10]. The distributions variance between the terms in the top relevant documents and entire document collection where those terms obtain from the first pass retrieval using the query. The query expands with terms that have a high probability in the top related document compare with low probability in the whole set. The KLD score of term in the CET are compute using the following equation:

$$\begin{aligned} KLDScore(t)=P_R (t) log \frac{P_R (t)}{P_C (t)} \end{aligned}$$

where \(P_R (t)\) is the probability of the term t in the top ranked documents R, and \(P_C (t)\) is the term t probability in the corpus C, given by the following equations:

$$\begin{aligned} P_R (t)= \frac{\Sigma _{d \in R}\,f(t,d)}{\Sigma _{d \in R} |d|} \end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned} P_C (t)= \frac{\Sigma _{d \in C}\,f(t,d)}{\Sigma _{d \in C} |d|} \end{aligned}$$

After sorting the documents according to document scores to form the pseudo documents. Let the number of pseudo documents \((k=4)\) which includes the documents number 1, 2, 3 and 4 respectively. Apply the previous three equations on each term pseudo documents.

Let \(NT_R = \Sigma _{d \in R} |d|\) and \(NT_C = \Sigma _{d \in C} |d|\).

Now \(NT_R = 80\) and \(NT_C = 225\). \(\Sigma _{d \in R}f(malefactor, d) = 1\).

Also \(\Sigma _{d \in C}f(malefactor, d) = 1\).

To compute the KLD score of the term malefactor, \(P_R(malefactor)=\frac{1}{80}=0.0125\) and \(P_C(malefactor)=\frac{1}{225}=0.0044\).

\(KLD Score(malefactor)=P_R(malefactor)log \frac{P_R (malefactor)}{P_C (malefactor)} \approx 0.019\).

The KLD score for each term in pseudo documents show in Table 3.

Table 3 KLD score for each term in pseudo documents

Suppose the maximum length of candidate term list is four, so select the four terms that have maximum KLD score from Table 3. The candidate term list includes city, explosions, bomb and terrorist.

The candidate term list includes includes the original query terms in addition to extra terms that are supposed to be related to the original terms.

Apply the information retrieval technique, which was the spectral based information retrieval, again on the new query contains the new candidate term list.

Table 4 shows the document scores using spectral based information retrieval with expansion query using KLD. Documents, that do not have score, have been removed from table. The weight of original query terms has been increased by 100% to magnify their contribution in the document score more than the expanded query terms.

Table 4 The document scores using spectral based information retrieval with the expansion query using KLD

As a results from increasing the candidate term list to four, documents 12 and 15 are retrieved and it affects on MAP as following:

\(MAP(q) = \frac{1}{7}(1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 0.83 + 0 + 0) \approx 0.69\).

MAP as information retrieval measure has been improved when using statistical query expansion. Also, the order of documents according to document scores becomes 3, 1, 4, 2, 15 and 12 respectively.

5.2 Spectral Based Information Retrieval with QE Using WordNet

To apply spectral based information retrieval using semantic QE approach with the semantic lexicon WordNet, the following steps should be carried out:

  1. 1.

    Determining the number of both pseudo documents and candidate term list

    To continue using the same data described in the previous subsection, the number of pseudo documents is four, that is also include documents from \(1-4\). The top two related terms will be added to the candidate term list.

  2. 2.

    Computing the semantic similarity

    For each term, t, in pseudo documents and term \(q_i\) in the query, compute related score using the following formulas:

    1. (a)

      Compute the semantic similarity between the term t and \(q_i\) using WordNet by considering the definitions of t and \(q_i\) as two sets of words, and the overlap between these two sets is taken as \(Rel (t, q_i)\).

      $$\begin{aligned} Rel (t, q_i) = \frac{2 * C_{t,q_i}}{C_t + C_{q_i}} \end{aligned}$$

      where \(c_t\), \(c_{q_i}\) is the number of words in t, \(q_i\) definitions respectively.

      \(C_{t,q_i}\) is the number of common words.

      To compute \(Rel (t, q_i)\) when t = metropolis and \(q_i\) = city. The definition of the term “metropolis” in WordNet is :

      a large and densely populated urban area; may include several independent administrative districts people living in a large densely populated municipality metropolis

      The definition of the term “city” in WordNet is:

      a large and densely populated urban area; may include several independent administrative districts an incorporated administrative district established by state charter people living in a large densely populated municipality city

      \(C_t= C_{metropolis} = 22\), \(C_{q_i}= C_{city} =31\), \(C_{t,q_i}\)= \(C_{metropolis,city}\) = 18.

      \(Rel (metropolis, city) = \frac{2*18}{31+22}= 0.679\).

    2. (b)

      Compute \(idf_t\) for each term in the collection.

      \(idf_{metropolis} = 0.673\).

    3. (c)

      Select the most relevant document of the pseudo documents in which t occurs. This is intended to capture the intuition that terms coming from relevant document are better than the terms coming from non-relevant documents.

      $$\begin{aligned} S(t,q_i)= Rel(t,q_i )* idf_t * \Sigma _{(d \in R)} \frac{sim(d,q)}{max_{(d^{\prime } \in R)}sim(d^{\prime },q)} \end{aligned}$$

      The term “metropolis” exist in only one pseudo documents 1 with score 1.778. \( Sim(metropolis)= \frac{1.778}{1.778} =1\).

    4. (d)

      The relatedness score of t with the whole documents is given by

      $$\begin{aligned} S(t)=\Sigma _{q_i \in q} \frac{S(t,q_i)}{1+S(t,q_i)} \end{aligned}$$

       \(S( metropolis, city)= Rel (metropolis, city) * idf_{metropolis}* Sim(metropolis) = 0.679*0.673*1=0.457\).

      compute S(metropolisexplosions) and S(metropolisSuicide) to compute S(metropolis).

  3. 3.

    Selecting the best related score

    The relatedness score of the remaining terms in pseudo documents shown in Table 5.

  4. 4.

    Applying spectral based information retrieval with new expansion query using WordNet

    The top related terms that will be added to the candidate term list are Metropolis and victims. Table 6 shows the results of applying the spectral based information retrieval with new expansion query using WordNet.

    As shown in the Table 6, in addition to the original retrieved documents, i.e. the pseudo documents, documents 17 and 18 have been retrieved. Note that document number 17 is irrelevant while document number 18 is relevant.

    Addition weight, 100%, has been added to the original query terms because they contribute more in the document score. The underline term means it matches with one of query terms.

    Also in Table 6, 8 partitions or bins are used. Each line in the document content represents a bin, that is why there are 8 lines. The term signal of the term “Suicide” has been neglected because there is no term matched with it.

  5. 5.

    Sorting documents based on score

    After sorting the documents according to the document score, documents 1, 2, 3, 4, 17 and 18 have the following score 6.38, 1.28, 0.8, 0.56, 0.14 and 0.14 respectively.

  6. 6.


    As a results from increasing the candidate term list to four, documents 17 and 18 are retrieved and it affects on MAP as following:

    \(MAP(q) = \frac{1}{7}(1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 0.83 + 0 + 0) \approx 0.69\).

    MAP as information retrieval measure has been improved when using WordNet query expansion.

Table 5 The relatedness score of the terms in pseudo documents
Table 6 The document scores using spectral based information retrieval with the expansion query using WordNet

6 Conclusion

This tutorial shows the impact of extending the query by adding statistical and semantic related terms to the original query terms over proximity based IR system. This is done by combining the spectral based information retrieval model with the best QE approaches such as the distribution approach (KLD) and WordNet. The toy examples results show that the spectral based information retrieval with QE using KLD and WordNet outperformed the spectral based information retrieval in precision at top documents and MAP metric. The toy examples provided in this research demonstrates that dividing the documents into a specific number of segments (8 bin).