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Testimony and Journalism: Moroccan Prison Narratives

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The Social Life of Memory

Part of the book series: Palgrave Studies in Cultural Heritage and Conflict ((PSCHC))


In this chapter El Guabli discusses intersections of journalism and testimonial literature in post-1999 Morocco. Through an analysis of print media’s engagement with memories of state violence during the Years of Lead, he theorizes a “wide-dissemination period” and a “reflective period,” in respect to the publication of mnemonic themes. These themes, he argues, were energized by the print media’s serialization of prison narratives and other mnemonic topics. El Guabli demonstrates how this helped Moroccans discover the hidden atrocities in their past, contributing to a public capacity to discuss memory of state violence. Focusing on the way in which print journalism’s publication of prison literature shapes memories of the Years of Lead, the author further argues that the “reflective period” is dialogical, which allows mnemonic transformation through mnemonic actors’ myriad disagreements and contestations (Unless otherwise specified, all translation of the Arabic and the French are the author’s).

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El Guabli, B. (2017). Testimony and Journalism: Moroccan Prison Narratives. In: Nikro, N., Hegasy, S. (eds) The Social Life of Memory. Palgrave Studies in Cultural Heritage and Conflict. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.

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