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Media Logic and the Mediatization Approach: A Good Partnership, a Mésalliance, or a Misunderstanding?

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Media Logic(s) Revisited


The Mediatization approach is a general approach concerned with media change and the related transformations of everyday life, culture and society. It understands this as a long term meta process which is accompanying human development since ever. Mediatization studies thus describe and grasp theoretically the current upcoming of the computer and its consequences, but also historical developments, and it includes a critical perspective. The older concept of Media Logic came up in the 1970s and tried to understand how the relevant mass media television of that time contributed to a change of political thinking. Thus, Mediatization asks a broader question, but of course can learn from Media Logic, its research, and its results in specific cases. This is explained in more detail in this article.

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  1. 1.

    For results, compare Lundby (2014a, 2014b) and also for further references.

  2. 2.

    Here and in the whole paper we are concerned with the initial concept of Altheide and Snow, and not with the empirical and theoretical work that is based on it. A short overview of the papers in Lundby (2014a, 2014b), which refer to media logic , already shows rather broad and fundamental differences among those.

  3. 3.

    It should be mentioned here that in the early discussions of the relations between the media logic approach and mediatization approach, Hepp (2012) named two mechanisms of how mediatization works—a constructivist one which more generally can be called an action-related mechanism of how mediatization works, and a media logic approach, which more generally may be called institutional. Hepp’s description was subsequently broadened by Lundby (2014a) and Janson (2014) by the introduction of the above-mentioned material mechanism. As we have shown here with reference to the underlying fourfold media concept, there is a fourth mechanism, based on content and aesthetic factors.


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Krotz, F. (2018). Media Logic and the Mediatization Approach: A Good Partnership, a Mésalliance, or a Misunderstanding?. In: Thimm, C., Anastasiadis, M., Einspänner-Pflock, J. (eds) Media Logic(s) Revisited. Transforming Communications – Studies in Cross-Media Research. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.

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