
1 Introduction

In object-based systems [1, 5], applications manipulate objects distributed on multiple servers. Each object is a unit of computation resource like a file and is an encapsulation of data and methods to manipulate the data in the object. A transaction is an atomic sequence of methods [3] to manipulate objects. A collection of conflicting transactions are required to be serializable [4] to keep objects consistent. In order to provide reliable application services [2], each object is replicated on multiple servers. Replicas of each object have to be mutually consistent. In the two-phase locking (2PL) protocol [3], one of the replicas of an object for a read method and all the replicas for a write method are locked before manipulating the object to keep the replicas mutually consistent, i.e. read-one-write-all scheme. However, the 2PL protocol is not efficient in write-dominated application, since all the replicas have to be locked for every write method. On the other hand, numbers \(nQ^r\) and \(nQ^w\) of replicas of an object are locked in the quorum-based protocol [5, 6] for read and write methods, respectively. Subsets of replicas locked for read and write methods are referred to as read and write quorums, respectively. The quorum numbers \(nQ^r\) and \(nQ^w\) have to be “\(nQ^r\) + \(nQ^w\) > N” where N is the total number of replicas. Here, the more number of write methods are issued, the smaller number of write quorum can be taken. As a result, the overhead to perform write methods can be reduced. On the other hand, since methods issued to each object are performed on multiple replicas, the total amount of electric energy consumed in a system is larger than non-replication systems. It is critical to not only realize the fault-tolerant application service but also reduce the total energy consumption of an object-based system as discuss in the Green computing [7, 8].

In this paper, an energy efficient quorum selection (EEQS) algorithm is proposed to construct a quorum for each method issued by a transaction in the quorum based locking protocol so that the total electric energy consumption of servers to perform methods can be reduced. We evaluate the EEQS algorithm in terms of the total energy consumption of servers, the average execution time of each transaction, and the number of aborted transactions compared with the random algorithm. The evaluation results show the total energy consumption of servers, the average execution time of each transaction, and the number of aborted transactions in the EEQS algorithm can be maximumly reduced to 31%, 40%, and 65% of the random algorithm, respectively.

In Sect. 2, we discuss the data access model and power consumption model of a server. In Sect. 3, we discuss the EEQS algorithm. In Sect. 4, we evaluate the EEQS algorithm compared with random algorithm.

2 System Model

2.1 Objects and Transactions

A system is composed of multiple servers \(s_1\), ..., \(s_n\) (n \(\ge \) 1) interconnected in reliable networks. That is, messages can be delivered to their destinations in the sending order and without message loss. Let S be a cluster of servers \(s_1\), ..., \(s_n\) (n \(\ge \) 1). Let O be a set of objects \(o_1\), ..., \(o_m\) (m \(\ge \) 1) [1]. Each object \(o_h\) is a unit of computation resource like a file and is an encapsulation of data and methods to manipulate the data in the object \(o_h\). In this paper, we assume each object \(o_h\) supports read (r) and write (w) methods for manipulating data in the object \(o_h\). Let op(\(o_h\)) be a state obtained by performing a method op (\(\in \) {r, w}) on an object \(o_h\). A pair of methods \(op_1\) and \(op_2\) on an object \(o_h\) are compatible if and only if (iff) \(op_1\) \(\circ \) \(op_2\)(\(o_h\)) = \(op_2\) \(\circ \) \(op_1\)(\(o_h\)). Otherwise, a method \(op_1\) conflicts with another method \(op_2\). For example, a pair of read methods \(r_1\) and \(r_2\) are compatible on an object \(o_h\). On the other hand, a write method conflicts with read and write methods on an object \(o_h\).

Each object \(o_h\) is replicated on multiple servers to make the system more reliable and available. Let \(R(o_h)\) be a set of replicas \(o_h^1\), ..., \(o_h^l\) (l \(\ge \) 1) [2] of an object \(o_h\). Let \(nR(o_h)\) be the total number of replicas of an object \(o_h\), i.e. \(nR(o_h)\) = \(|R(o_h)|\). Replicas of each object \(o_h\) are distributed on multiple servers in a server cluster S. Let \(S_h\) be a subset of servers which hold a replica of an object \(o_h\) in a server cluster S (\(S_h\) \(\subseteq \) S). For example, a server cluster S is composed of five servers \(s_1\), ..., \(s_5\) as shown in Fig. 1. There are three objects \(o_1\), \(o_2\), and \(o_3\). There are three replicas of each object \(o_h\), i.e. \(nR(o_h)\) = 3 (\(h = 1, ..., 3\)). Here, \(S_1\) = {\(s_1\), \(s_2\), \(s_5\)} since replicas \(o_1^1\), \(o_1^2\), and \(o_1^3\) of the object \(o_1\) are stored in the servers \(s_1\), \(s_2\), and \(s_5\).

Fig. 1.
figure 1

A server cluster S and objects.

A transaction is an atomic sequence of methods [3]. A transaction \(T_i\) is initiated in a client \(cl_i\) and issues r and w methods to manipulate replicas of objects. Multiple conflicting transactions are required to be serializable [3, 4] to keep object mutually consistent. Let T be a set of {\(T_1\), ..., \(T_k\)} (k \(\ge \) 1) of transactions. Let H be a schedule of the transactions in T, i.e. a sequence of methods performed in T. A transaction \(T_i\) precedes another transaction \(T_j\) (\(T_i\) \(\rightarrow _H\) \(T_j\)) in a schedule H iff a method \(op_i\) from the transaction \(T_i\) is performed before a method \(op_j\) from the transaction \(T_j\) and \(op_i\) conflicts with \(op_j\). A schedule H is serializable iff the precedent relation \(\rightarrow _H\) is acyclic.

2.2 Quorum-Based Locking Protocol

In this paper, multiple conflicting transactions are serialized by using the quorum-based locking protocol [5, 6]. Let \(Q_h^{op}\) (op \(\in \) {r, w}) be a subset of replicas of an object \(o_h\) to be locked by a method op, named a quorum of the method op on the object \(o_h\) (\(Q_h^{op}\) \(\subseteq \) R(\(o_h\))). Let \(nQ_h^{op}\) be the quorum number of a method op on a object \(o_h\), i.e. \(nQ_h^{op}\) = \(|Q_h^{op}|\). The quorums have to satisfy the following constraints: (1) \(Q_h^{r}\) \(\subseteq \) \(R(o_h)\), \(Q_h^{w}\) \(\subseteq \) \(R(o_h)\), and \(Q_h^{r}\) \(\cup \) \(Q_h^{w}\) = \(R(o_h)\). (2) \(nQ_h^{r}\) + \(nQ_h^{w}\) > \(nR(o_h)\), i.e. \(Q_h^r\) \(\cap \) \(Q_h^w\) \(\ne \) \(\phi \). (3) \(nQ_h^{w}\) > \(nR(o_h)\)/2. Let \(\mu (op)\) be a lock mode of a method op (\(\in \) {r, w}). If \(op_1\) is compatible with \(op_2\) on an object \(o_h\), the lock mode \(\mu (op_1)\) is compatible with \(\mu (op_2)\). Otherwise, a lock mode \(\mu (op_1)\) conflicts with another lock mode \(\mu (op_2)\).

A transaction \(T_i\) locks replicas of an object \(o_h\) by using the following quorum-based locking protocol [5] before manipulating the replicas with a method op.

[Quorum-based locking protocol]

  1. 1.

    A quorum \(Q_h^{op}\) for a method op is constructed by selecting \(nQ_h^{op}\) replicas in a set R(\(o_h\)) of replicas.

  2. 2.

    If every replica in a quorum \(Q_h^{op}\) can be locked by a lock mode \(\mu \)(op), the replicas in the quorum \(Q_h^{op}\) are manipulated by the method op.

  3. 3.

    When the transaction \(T_i\) commits or aborts, the locks on the replicas in the quorum \(Q_h^{op}\) are released.

Each replica \(o_h^q\) has a version number \(v_h^q\). Suppose a transaction \(T_i\) reads an object \(o_h\). The transaction \(T_i\) selects \(nQ_h^r\) replicas in the set \(R(o_h)\), i.e. read (r) quorum \(Q_h^r\). If every replica in the r-quorum \(Q_h^r\) can be locked by a lock mode \(\mu (r)\), the transaction \(T_i\) reads data in a replica \(o_h^q\) whose version number \(v_h^q\) is the maximum in the r-quorum \(Q_h^r\). Every r-quorum surely includes at least one newest replica since \(nQ_h^{r}\) + \(nQ_h^{w}\) > \(nR(o_h)\). Next, suppose a transaction \(T_i\) writes data in an object \(o_h\). The transaction \(T_i\) selects \(nQ_h^w\) replicas in the set \(R(o_h)\), i.e. write (w) quorum \(Q_h^w\). If every replica in the w-quorum \(Q_h^w\) can be locked by a lock mode \(\mu (w)\), the transaction \(T_i\) writes data in a replica \(o_h^q\) whose version number \(v_h^q\) is maximum in the w-quorum \(Q_h^w\) and the version number \(v_h^q\) of the replica \(o_h^q\) is incremented by one. The updated data and version number \(v_h^q\) of the replica \(o_h^q\) are sent to every other replica in the w-quorum \(Q_h^w\). Then, data and version number of each replica in the w-quorum \(Q_h^w\) are replaced with the newest values. When a transaction \(T_i\) commits or aborts, the locks on every replica in a quorum \(Q_h^{op}\) (op \(\in \) {r, w}) are released.

2.3 Data Access Model

Methods which are being performed and already terminate are current and previous at time \(\tau \), respectively. Let \(RP_t\)(\(\tau \)) and \(WP_t\)(\(\tau \)) be sets of current read (r) and write (w) methods on a server \(s_t\) at time \(\tau \), respectively. Let \(P_t\)(\(\tau \)) be a set of current r and w methods on a server \(s_t\) at time \(\tau \), i.e. \(P_t\)(\(\tau \)) = \(RP_t\)(\(\tau \)) \(\cup \) \(WP_t\)(\(\tau \)). Let \(r_{ti}\)(\(o_h^q\)) and \(w_{ti}\)(\(o_h^q\)) be methods issued by a transaction \(T_i\) to read and write data in a replica \(o_h^q\) on a server \(s_t\), respectively. By each method \(r_{ti}\)(\(o_h^q\)) in a set \(RP_t\)(\(\tau \)), data is read in a replica \(o_h^q\) at rate \(RR_{ti}\)(\(\tau \)) [B/sec] at time \(\tau \). By each method \(w_{ti}\)(\(o_h^q\)) in a set \(WP_t\)(\(\tau \)), data is written in a replica \(o_h^q\) at rate \(WR_{ti}\)(\(\tau \)) [B/sec] at time \(\tau \). Let \(maxRR_t\) and \(maxWR_t\) be the maximum read and write rates [B/sec] of r and w methods on a server \(s_t\), respectively. The read rate \(RR_{ti}\)(\(\tau \)) (\(\le \) \(maxRR_t\)) and write rate \(WR_{ti}\)(\(\tau \)) (\(\le \) \(maxWR_t\)) are given as follows:

$$\begin{aligned} RR_{ti}(\tau ) = fr_t(\tau ) \cdot maxRR_{t}. \quad \quad WR_{ti}(\tau ) = fw_t(\tau ) \cdot maxWR_{t}. \end{aligned}$$

Here, \(fr_t\)(\(\tau \)) and \(fw_t\)(\(\tau \)) are degradation ratios. 0 \(\le \) \(fr_t(\tau )\le 1\) and 0 \(\le \) \(fw_t\)(\(\tau \)) \(\le \) 1. The degradation ratios \(fr_t\)(\(\tau \)) and \(fw_t\)(\(\tau \)) are given as follows:

$$\begin{aligned} fr_t(\tau ) = \frac{1}{|RP_t(\tau )| + rw_t \cdot |WP_t(\tau )|}.~~fw_t(\tau ) = \frac{1}{wr_t \cdot |RP_t(\tau )| + |WP_t(\tau )|}. \end{aligned}$$

Here, 0 \(\le \) \(rw_t\) \(\le \) 1 and 0 \(\le \) \(wr_t\) \(\le \) 1.

The read laxity \(lr_{ti}\)(\(\tau \)) [B] and write laxity \(lw_{ti}\)(\(\tau \)) [B] of methods \(r_{ti}\)(\(o_h^q\)) and \(w_{ti}\)(\(o_h^q\)) show how much amount of data are read and written in a replica \(o_h^q\) by the methods \(r_{ti}\)(\(o_h^q\)) and \(w_{ti}\)(\(o_h^q\)) at time \(\tau \), respectively. Suppose that methods \(r_{ti}\)(\(o_h^q\)) and \(w_{ti}\)(\(o_h^q\)) start on a server \(s_t\) at time \(st_{ti}\), respectively. At time \(st_{ti}\), the read laxity \(lr_{ti}\)(\(\tau \)) = \(rb_h^q\) [B] where \(rb_h^q\) is the size of data in a replica \(o_h^q\). The write laxity \(lw_{ti}\)(\(\tau \)) = \(wb_h^q\) [B] where \(wb_h^q\) is the size of data to be written in a replica \(o_h^q\). The read laxity \(lr_{ti}\)(\(\tau \)) and write laxity \(lw_{ti}\)(\(\tau \)) at time \(\tau \) are given as \(lr_{ti}(\tau )\) = \(rb_h^q\)\(\varSigma _{\tau = st_{ti}}^{\tau } RR_{ti}(\tau )\) and \(lw_{ti}(\tau )\) = \(wb_h^q\)\(\varSigma _{\tau = st_{ti}}^{\tau } WR_{ti}(\tau )\), respectively.

2.4 Power Consumption Model of a Server

Let \(E_t\)(\(\tau \)) be the electric power [W] of a server \(s_t\) at time \(\tau \). \(maxE_t\) and \(minE_t\) show the maximum and minimum electric power [W] of the server \(s_t\), respectively. The power consumption model for a storage server (PCS model) [7] to perform storage and computation process are proposed. In this paper, we assume only r and w methods are performed on a server \(s_t\). According to the PCS model, the electric power \(E_t\)(\(\tau \)) [W] of a server \(s_t\) to perform multiple r and w methods at time \(\tau \) is given as follows:

$$\begin{aligned} E_t(\tau ) = {\left\{ \begin{array}{ll} WE_t &{} \text {if}~|WP_t(\tau )| \ge 1~\text {and}~|RP_t(\tau )| = 0.\\ WRE_t(\alpha ) &{} \text {if}~|WP_t(\tau )| \ge 1~\text {and}~|RP_t(\tau )| \ge 1.\\ RE_t &{} \text {if}~|WP_t(\tau )| = 0~\text {and}~|RP_t(\tau )| \ge 1.\\ minE_t &{} \text {if}~|WP_t(\tau )| = |RP_t(\tau )| = 0. \end{array}\right. } \end{aligned}$$

A server \(s_t\) consumes the minimum electric power \(minE_t\) [W] if no method is performed on the server \(s_t\), i.e. the electric power in the idle state of the server \(s_t\). The server \(s_t\) consumes the electric power \(RE_t\) [W] if \(|WP_t(\tau )|\) = 0 and \(|RP_t(\tau )|\) \(\ge \) 1, i.e. only and at least one r method is performed on the server \(s_t\). The server \(s_t\) consumes the electric power \(WE_t\) [W] if \(|WP_t(\tau )|\) \(\ge \) 1 and \(|RP_t(\tau )|\) = 0, i.e. only and at least one w method is performed on the server \(s_t\). The server \(s_t\) consumes the electric power \(WRE_t\)(\(\alpha \)) [W] = \(\alpha \) \(\cdot \) \(RE_t\) + (1 − \(\alpha \)) \(\cdot \) \(WE_t\) [W] where \(\alpha \) = \(|RP_t(\tau )|\) / (\(|RP_t(\tau )|\) + \(|WP_t(\tau )|\)) if \(|WP_t(\tau )|\) \(\ge \) 1 and \(|RP_t(\tau )|\) \(\ge \) 1, i.e. both at least one r method and at least one w method are concurrently performed. Here, \(minE_t\) \(\le \) \(RE_t\) \(\le \) \(WRE_t\)(\(\alpha \)) \(\le \) \(WE_t\) \(\le \) \(maxE_t\).

The total energy consumption \(TE_t\)(\(\tau _1\), \(\tau _2\)) [J] of a server \(s_t\) from time \(\tau _1\) to \(\tau _2\) is \(\varSigma _{\tau = \tau 1}^{\tau _2}\) \(E_t\)(\(\tau \)). The processing power \(PE_t\)(\(\tau \)) [W] of a server \(s_t\) at time \(\tau \) is \(E_t\)(\(\tau \)) − \(minE_t\). The total processing energy consumption \(TPE_t\)(\(\tau _1\), \(\tau _2\)) of a server \(s_t\) from time \(\tau _1\) to \(\tau _2\) is given as \(TPE_t(\tau _1, \tau _2)\) = \(\varSigma _{\tau = \tau 1}^{\tau _2} PE_t(\tau )\). The total processing energy consumption laxity \(tpecl_t\)(\(\tau \)) shows how much electric energy a server \(s_t\) has to consume to perform every current r and w methods on the server \(s_t\) at time \(\tau \). The total processing energy consumption laxity \(tpecl_t\)(\(\tau \)) of a server \(s_t\) at time \(\tau \) is obtained by the following \({{\varvec{TPECL}}}_{{\varvec{t}}}\) procedure:

figure a

In the \({{\varvec{TPECL}}}_{{\varvec{t}}}\) procedure, each time \(\tau \) data is read in a replica \(o_h^q\) by a method \(r_{ti}\)(\(o_h^q\)), the read laxity \(lr_{ti}\)(\(\tau \)) of the method \(r_{ti}\)(\(o_h^q\)) is decremented by read rate \(RR_{ti}\). Similarly, the write laxity \(lw_{ti}\)(\(\tau \)) of a method \(w_{ti}\)(\(o_h^q\)) is decremented by write rate \(WR_{ti}\) each time \(\tau \) data is written in a replica \(o_h^q\) by the method \(w_{ti}\)(\(o_h^q\)). If the read laxity \(lr_{ti}\)(\(\tau \) + 1) and write laxity \(lw_{ti}\)(\(\tau \) + 1) get 0, every data is read and written in the replica \(o_h^q\) by the methods \(r_{ti}\)(\(o_h^q\)) and \(w_{ti}\)(\(o_h^q\)), respectively, and the methods terminate at time \(\tau \).

3 Quorum Selection Algorithm

We propose an energy-efficient quorum selection (EEQS) algorithm to select replicas to be members of a quorum of each method in the quorum-based locking protocol so that the total energy consumption of a server cluster S to perform read and write methods can be reduced. Suppose a transaction \(T_i\) issues a method op (op = {r, w}) to manipulate an object \(o_h\) at time \(\tau \). Each transaction \(T_i\) selects a subset \(S_h^{op}\) (\(\subseteq \) \(S_h\)) of \(nQ_h^{op}\) servers in a subset \(S_h\) by following \({{\varvec{EEQS}}}\) procedure:

figure b

Suppose a server cluster S is composed of five servers \(s_1\), ..., \(s_5\) and replicas of three objects \(o_1\), \(o_2\), and \(o_3\) are distributed on multiple servers in the server cluster S as shown in Fig. 1, i.e. \(S_1\) = {\(s_1\), \(s_2\), \(s_5\)}, \(S_2\) = {\(s_2\), \(s_3\), \(s_4\)}, and \(S_3\) = {\(s_3\), \(s_4\), \(s_5\)}. Every server \(s_t\) (t = 1, ..., 5) follows the same data access model and power consumption model as shown in Table 1. The size of data in every object \(o_h\) (h = 1, ..., 3) is 80 [MB]. There are three replicas for each object \(o_h\), i.e. nR(\(o_h\)) = 3. The quorum numbers \(nQ_h^w\) and \(nQ_h^r\) for every object \(o_h\) are two, i.e. \(nQ_h^w\) = \(nQ_h^r\) = 2.

Table 1. Homogeneous cluster S

At time \(\tau _0\), a pair of replicas \(o_1^1\) and \(o_1^3\) stored in the servers \(s_1\) and \(s_5\) are being locked by a transaction \(T_1\) with a lock mode \(\mu \)(w) and a pair of write methods \(w_{11}\)(\(o_1^1\)) and \(w_{51}\)(\(o_1^3\)) are being performed on the servers \(s_1\) and \(s_5\), respectively, as shown in Fig. 2. Let \(T_i\).\(Q_h^{op}\) be a quorum to perform a method op issued by a transaction \(T_i\). Let \(T_i\).\(S_h^{op}\) be a subset of servers which hold replicas in a quorum \(T_i\).\(Q_h^{op}\) constructed by a transaction \(T_i\). The w-quorum \(T_1\).\(Q_1^{w}\) is {\(o_1^1\), \(o_1^3\)} since the quorum number \(nQ_1^w\) = 2. The subset \(T_1\).\(S_1^{w}\) is {\(s_1\), \(s_5\)} since a pair of replicas \(o_1^1\) and \(o_1^3\) are stored in the servers \(s_1\) and \(s_5\), respectively. A pair of write laxities \(lw_{11}\)(\(\tau _0\)) and \(lw_{51}\)(\(\tau _0\)) are 45 [MB], respectively, at time \(\tau _0\).

Suppose a transaction \(T_2\) issues a write method to the object \(o_3\) at time \(\tau _0\). The size of data to be written in the object \(o_3\) by the write method issued by the transaction \(T_2\) is 45 [MB], i.e. the write laxity \(lw_{t2}\)(\(\tau _0\)) = 45 [MB]. Here, \(R(o_3) = \{o_3^1\), \(o_3^2\), \(o_3^3\)} and \(S_3\) = {\(s_3\), \(s_4\), \(s_5\)} as shown in Fig. 1. First, the transaction \(T_2\) constructs a w-quorum \(T_2\).\(Q_3^{w}\) by the procedure EEQS(w, \(o_3\), \(\tau _0\)). Suppose a write method \(w_{32}\)(\(o_3^1\)) is issued to a replica \(o_3^1\) stored in the server \(s_3\) at time \(\tau _0\). No method is performed on the server \(s_3\) at time \(\tau _0\). Hence, \(WP_3\)(\(\tau _0\)) = \(WP_3\)(\(\tau _0\)) \(\cup \) {\(w_{32}\)(\(o_3^1\))} = {\(w_{32}\)(\(o_3^1\))}. Since only one write method \(w_{32}\)(\(o_3^1\)) is performed on the server \(s_3\) at time \(\tau _0\), the degradation ratio \(fw_3\)(\(\tau _0\)) is 1/(\(wr_3\) \(\cdot \) \(|RP_3(\tau _0)|\) + \(|WP_3(\tau _0)|\)) = 1/(0.5 \(\cdot \) 0 + 1) = 1 and the write method \(w_{32}\)(\(o_3^1\)) is performed on the server \(s_3\) at write rate \(WR_{32}\)(\(\tau _0\)) = \(fw_3\)(\(\tau _0\)) \(\cdot \) \(maxWR_3\) = 1 \(\cdot \) 45 = 45 [MB/sec]. Hence, the write laxity \(lw_{32}\)(\(\tau _1\)) gets 0 since \(lw_{32}\)(\(\tau _0\)) − \(WR_{32}\)(\(\tau _0\)) = 45 [MB] − 45 [MB] = 0 at time \(\tau _1\). Here, the write method \(w_{32}\)(\(o_3^1\)) terminates at time \(\tau _1\) and no method is performed after time \(\tau _1\). Similarly, if a write method \(w_{42}\)(\(o_3^2\)) is issued to a replica \(o_3^2\) stored in the server \(s_4\) at time \(\tau _0\) as shown in Fig. 2, the write method \(w_{42}\)(\(o_3^2\)) terminates at time \(\tau _1\) since no method is performed on the server \(s_4\) at time \(\tau _0\). Suppose a write method \(w_{52}\)(\(o_3^3\)) is issued to a replica \(o_3^3\) stored in the server \(s_5\) at time \(\tau _0\). Here, a pair of write methods \(w_{51}\)(\(o_1^3\)) and \(w_{52}\)(\(o_3^3\)) are concurrently performed on the server \(s_5\) at time \(\tau _0\), i.e. \(WP_5\)(\(\tau _0\)) = {\(w_{51}\)(\(o_1^3\)), \(w_{52}\)(\(o_3^3\))} and \(|WP_5(\tau _0)|\) = 2. Here, the degradation ratio \(fw_5\)(\(\tau _0\)) is 1/(\(wr_5\) \(\cdot \) \(|RP_5(\tau _0)|\) + \(|WP_5(\tau _0)|\)) = 1/(0.5 \(\cdot \) 0 + 2) = 0.5. A pair of the write methods \(w_{51}\)(\(o_1^3\)) and \(w_{52}\)(\(o_3^3\)) are concurrently performed on the server \(s_5\) at write rate \(WR_{51}\)(\(\tau _0\)) = \(WR_{52}\)(\(\tau _0\)) = \(fw_5\)(\(\tau _0\)) \(\cdot \) \(maxWR_5\) = 0.5 \(\cdot \) 45 = 22.5 [MB/sec], respectively. Hence, the write laxity \(lw_{51}\)(\(\tau _1\)) is 22.5 [MB/sec] at time \(\tau _1\) since \(lw_{51}\)(\(\tau _0\)) − \(WR_{51}\)(\(\tau _0\)) = 45 [MB] − 22.5 [MB] = 22.5 [MB]. Similarly, the write laxity \(lw_{52}\)(\(\tau _1\)) is 22.5 [MB] at time \(\tau _1\). At time \(\tau _1\), a pair of the write methods \(w_{51}\)(\(o_1^3\)) and \(w_{52}\)(\(o_3^3\)) are still concurrently performed on the server \(s_5\) at write rate 22.5 [MB/sec]. The write laxity \(lw_{51}\)(\(\tau _2\)) gets 0 at time \(\tau _2\) since \(lw_{51}\)(\(\tau _1\)) − \(WR_{51}\)(\(\tau _1\)) = 22.5 [MB] − 22.5 [MB] = 0. Similarly, the write laxity \(lw_{52}\)(\(\tau _2\)) gets 0 at time \(\tau _1\). Here, a pair of write methods \(w_{51}\)(\(o_1^3\)) and \(w_{52}\)(\(o_3^3\)) terminate at time \(\tau _2\).

Fig. 2.
figure 2

Example of method execution.

Fig. 3.
figure 3

Total processing energy consumption laxity [J].

Figure 3 shows the electric power [W] of the servers \(s_3\), \(s_4\), and \(s_5\) to perform the write methods as shown in Fig. 2. The electric power \(E_t\)(\(\tau \)) [W] of a server \(s_t\) at time \(\tau \) is given in formula (3). At time \(\tau _0\) to \(\tau _1\), only the write method \(w_{32}\)(\(o_3^1\)) is performed on the server \(s_3\), i.e. \(|WR_3(\tau _0)|\) = 1 and \(|RP_3(\tau _0)|\) = 0. Hence, the electric power consumption \(E_3\)(\(\tau _0) = WE_3 = 53\) [W]. Similarly, \(E_4\)(\(\tau _0) = WE_4 = 53\) [W] in the server \(s_4\). In the server \(s_5\), only a pair of write methods \(w_{51}\)(\(o_1^3\)) and \(w_{52}\)(\(o_3^3\)) are performed, i.e. \(|WR_5(\tau _0)| = 2\) and \(|RP_5(\tau _0)| = 0\). Hence, the electric power consumption \(E_5\)(\(\tau _0\)) = \(WE_5 = 53\) [W]. The total processing power consumption \(TPE_3\)(\(\tau _0\), \(\tau _1\)) is \(E_3\)(\(\tau _0\)) − \(minE_3\) = 53 − 39 = 14 [W]. Similarly, \(TPE_4\)(\(\tau _0\), \(\tau _1\)) and \(TPE_5\)(\(\tau _0\), \(\tau _1\)) are 14 [W], respectively. At time \(\tau _1\) to \(\tau _2\), a pair of write methods \(w_{51}\)(\(o_1^3\)) and \(w_{52}\)(\(o_3^3\)) are performed on the server \(s_5\), i.e. \(|WR_5(\tau _1)|\) = 2 and \(|RP_5(\tau _1)|\) = 0. Hence, \(E_5\)(\(\tau _1\)) = \(WE_5\) = 53 [W] and \(TPE_5\)(\(\tau _1\), \(\tau _2\)) = 53 − 39 = 14 [W].

The hatched area shows the total processing energy consumption laxity \(tpecl_t\)(\(\tau _0\)) [J] of each server \(s_t\) (t = {3, 4, 5}) where the write method \(w_{t2}\)(\(o_3\)) issued by the transaction \(T_2\) is performed on the server \(s_t\) at time \(\tau _0\). Here, \(tpecl_3\)(\(\tau _0\)) = \(TPE_3\)(\(\tau _0\), \(\tau _1\)) = 14 [J]. \(tpecl_4\)(\(\tau _0\)) = \(TPE_4\)(\(\tau _0\), \(\tau _1\)) = 14 [J]. \(tpecl_5\)(\(\tau _0) = TPE_5\)(\(\tau _0\), \(\tau _1\)) + \(TPE_5\)(\(\tau _1\), \(\tau _2\)) = 14 + 14 = 28 [J]. Here, a w-quorum \(T_2\),\(Q_3^w\) is constructed by a pair of replicas \(o_3^1\) and \(o_3^2\) stored in the servers \(s_3\) and \(s_4\) since \(nQ_3^w\) = 2 and \(tpecl_3\)(\(\tau _0\)) = \(tpecl_4\)(\(\tau _0\)) < \(tpecl_5\)(\(\tau _0\)), i.e. \(T_2\).\(Q_3^w\) = {\(o_3^1\), \(o_3^2\)} and \(T_2\).\(S_3^w\) = {\(s_3\), \(s_4\)}.

4 Evaluation

4.1 Environment

We evaluate the EEQS algorithm in terms of the total energy consumption of a server cluster S, the average execution time of each transaction, and the average number of aborted transactions compared with the random algorithm. In the random algorithm, a quorum for each method is randomly selected. In this evaluation, a homogeneous server cluster S which is composed of ten homogeneous servers \(s_1\), ..., \(s_{10}\) (n = 10) is considered. In the server cluster S, every server \(s_t\) (t = 1, ..., 10) follows the same data access model and power consumption model as shown in Table 1. Parameters of each server \(s_t\) are given based on the experimentations [7]. There are fifty objects \(o_1\), ..., \(o_{50}\) in a system, i.e. O = {\(o_1\), ..., \(o_{50}\)}. The size of data in each object \(o_h\) is randomly selected between 50 and 100 [MB]. Each object \(o_h\) supports read (r) and write (w) methods. The total number of replicas for every object is five, i.e. nR(\(o_h\)) = 5 and R(\(o_h\)) = {\(o_h^1\), ..., \(o_h^5\)} (h = 1, ..., 50). Replicas of each object are randomly distributed on five servers in the server cluster S. The quorum number \(nQ_h^w\) of a w method on every object \(o_h\) is three, i.e. \(nQ_h^w\) = 3. The quorum number \(nQ_h^r\) of a r method on every object \(o_h\) is three, \(nQ_h^r\) = 3.

The number m of transactions are issues to manipulate objects in a system. Each transaction issues three methods randomly selected from one-hundred methods on the fifty objects. By each r and w method issued by a transaction \(T_i\) to a replica \(o_h^q\) of an object \(o_h\), the total amount of data of the replica \(o_h^q\) are fully read and written, respectively. The starting time of each transaction \(T_i\) is randomly selected in a unit of one second between 1 and 360 [sec].

4.2 Average Execution Time of Each Transaction

We evaluate the EEQS algorithm in terms of the average execution time [sec] of each transaction. Let \(ET_i\) be the execution time [sec] of a transaction \(T_i\) where the transaction \(T_i\) commits. For example, suppose a transaction \(T_i\) starts at time \(st_i\) and commits at time \(et_i\). Here, the execution time \(ET_i\) of the transaction \(T_i\) is \(et_i\)\(st_i\) [sec]. The execution time \(ET_i\) for each transaction \(T_i\) is measured ten times for each total number m of transactions (0 \(\le \) m \(\le \) 500). Let \(ET_i^{tm}\) be the execution time \(ET_i\) obtained in tm-th simulation. The average execution time AET [sec] of each transaction for each total number m of transactions is \(\sum _{tm=1}^{10}\) \(\sum _{i=1}^m\) \(ET_i^{tm}\)/(m \(\cdot \) 10).

Figure 4 shows the average execution time AET [sec] in the server cluster S to perform the total number m of transaction in the EEQS and random algorithms. In the EEQS and random algorithms, the average execution time AET increases as the total number m of transactions increases since more number of transactions are concurrently performed. For 0 < m \(\le \) 500, the average execution time AET can be more shorter in the EEQS algorithm than the random algorithm. This means that the data access resources in the server cluster S can be more efficiently utilized in the EEQS algorithm than the random algorithm.

Fig. 4.
figure 4

Average execution time AET [sec] of each transaction.

Fig. 5.
figure 5

Average number of aborts for each transaction

4.3 Average Number of Aborted Transaction Instances

If a transaction \(T_i\) could not lock every replica in an r-quorum \(Q_h^r\) and w-quorum \(Q_h^w\), the transaction \(T_i\) aborts. Then, the transaction \(T_i\) is restarted after \(\delta \) time units. The time units \(\delta \) [sec] is randomly selected between twenty and thirty seconds in this evaluation. Every transaction \(T_i\) is restarted until the transaction \(T_i\) commits. Each execution of a transaction is referred to as transaction instance. We measure how many number of transaction instances are aborted until each transaction commits. Let \(AT_i\) be the number of aborted instances of a transaction \(T_i\). The number of aborted instances \(AT_i\) for each transaction \(T_i\) is measured ten times for each total number m of transactions (0 \(\le \) m \(\le \) 500). Let \(AT_i^{tm}\) be the number of aborted transaction instances \(AT_i\) obtained in tmth simulation. The average number of aborted instances AAT of each transaction for each total number m of transactions is \(\sum _{tm=1}^{10}\) \(\sum _{i=1}^m\) \(AT_i^{tm}\)/(m \(\cdot \) 10).

Figure 5 shows the average number of aborted transaction instances AAT in the server cluster S to perform the total number m of transactions in the EEQS and random algorithms. In the EEQS and random algorithms, the average number of aborted transaction instances AAT increases as the total number m of transactions increases. The more number of transactions are concurrently performed, the more number of transactions cannot lock replicas. Hence, the number of aborted transactions instance increases in the EEQS and random algorithms. For 0 < m \(\le \) 500, the average number of aborted instances AAT of each transaction can be more reduced in the EEQS algorithm than the random algorithm. The data access resources in the server cluster S can be more efficiently utilized in the EEQS algorithm than the random algorithm. Hence, the average execution time of each transaction can be shorter in the EEQS algorithm than the random algorithm. As a result, the number of aborted transactions can be more reduced in the EEQS algorithm than the random algorithm since the number of transaction to be concurrently performed can be reduced.

4.4 Average Total Energy Consumption of a Server Cluster

We evaluate the EEQS algorithm in terms of the average total energy consumption [J] of the homogeneous server cluster S to perform the number m of transactions. Let \(TEC_{tm}\) be the total energy consumption [J] to perform the number m of transactions (0 \(\le \) m \(\le \) 500) in the server cluster S obtained in the tm-th simulation. The total energy consumption \(TEC_{tm}\) is measured ten times for each number m of transactions. Then, the average total energy consumption ATEC [J] of the server cluster S is calculated as \(\sum _{tm=1}^{10}\) \(TEC_{tm}\)/10 for each number m of transactions.

Fig. 6.
figure 6

Average total energy consumption (ATEC) [KJ].

Figure 6 shows the average total energy consumption ATEC of the server cluster S to perform the number m of transactions in the EEQS and random algorithms. In the EEQS and random algorithms, the average total energy consumption ATEC of the server cluster S increases as the number m of transactions increases. For 0 \(\le \) m \(\le \) 500, the average total energy consumption ATEC of the server cluster S can be more reduced in the EEQS algorithm than the random algorithm. In the EEQS algorithm, each time a transaction \(T_i\) issues a method op (\(\in \) {r, w}) to an object \(o_h\), the transaction \(T_i\) selects a subset \(nS_h^{op}\) (\(\subseteq \) \(S_h\)) of \(nQ_h^{op}\) servers which hold a replica \(o_h^q\) of the object \(o_h\) so that the total processing energy consumption laxity of a server cluster S is the minimum. In addition, the average execution time and the number of aborted instances of each transaction can be more reduced in the EEQS algorithm than the random algorithm. As a result, the average total energy consumption ATEC of the server cluster S to perform the number m of transactions can be more reduced in the EEQS algorithm than the random algorithm.

Following the evaluation, the total energy consumption of a server cluster, the average execution time of each transaction, and the number of aborted transactions in the EEQS algorithm can be maximumly reduced to 31%, 40%, and 65% of the random algorithm, respectively. Hence, the EEQS algorithm is more useful than the random algorithm.

5 Concluding Remarks

In this paper, we newly proposed the EEQS algorithm to select a quorum for each method issued by a transaction in the quorum based locking protocol so that the total energy consumption of a server cluster to perform methods issued by transactions can be reduced. We evaluated the EEQS algorithm in terms of the total energy consumption of a server cluster, the average execution time of each transaction, and the number of aborted transactions compared with the random algorithm. The evaluation results show the average total energy consumption of a server cluster, the average execution time of each transaction, and the average number of aborted transaction instances can be more reduced in the EEQS algorithm than the random algorithm. Hence, the EEQS algorithm is more useful than the random algorithm.