
1 Introduction

Cloud Computing is a kind of computing resource service model, which fulfills the need of the Internet users with flexible on-demand services. This model enables computing, storage, platforms, and services to be available to users on the Internet in an abstract, virtual, dynamic, extensible and manageable manner [1]. With the rapid development of the Internet and network technology, Cloud Computing has become the main environment for data storage and computing, and the impact is more and more extensive [2, 3].

However, the security problems caused by the openness, dynamic and large scale of the Cloud Computing also attract people’s attention, which has become the main factor to hinder its further application. One of them is the authenticity of the user identity and the integrity and the forgery-resistance of the platform. Therefore, on the premise of ensuring the authenticity of the cloud user identity and the integrity of the platform, how can the cloud user access to the cloud server securely and efficiently has become a research hotspot [46].

Santos et al. [7] presented a trusted Cloud Computing platform (TCCP) protocol, the purpose is to use trusted computing to solve the problem of the credibility of the Cloud Computing platform. In this protocol, the trusted server first verifies the identity to the TC (Trusted Coordinator) with the EK (Endorsement Key) and the integrity measurement list. TC joined the node which was verified successfully to the list of trusted entities, while TC will participate in the protocol to ensure that the server was in the list of trusted entities. In this protocol, the user needs to trust the TC absolutely, and TC needs to participate in the protocol operation for many times. If TC is paralyzed, TCCP does not work properly; moreover, a large number of trusted cloud servers in the protocol need to interact with TC, which makes TC a performance and security bottleneck for the entire protocol. A robust Cloud Computing user authentication framework is proposed in [8], in which all users must login the cloud server through a strong validation of the legitimacy. This framework provides the functions of identity management, mutual authentication and session key establishment between the user and the server. According to the security analysis of this article, it can resist most of the network attacks. Nimmy et al. [9] proposed an cloud authentication scheme based on mutual authentication using secret sharing and steganography, in this scheme the user authentication process is divided into four phases which included register, login, authentication, and changing password. In order to prevent all attacks the user must pass the server’s authentication before interacting with the cloud server. While Vorugunti et al. [10] has pointed out that scheme of [9] cannot resist the off-line password attack and denial of service attacks. At the same time, a new Cloud Computing scheme is proposed based on steganography [11]. This scheme introduced encrypted proxy in user identity authentication in the Cloud Computing, when the users access to the cloud servers, the server would verify their identities with the CUA (Cheat-Based user authentication agent), and then checks whether the user is registered with the MDHA (Modified Diffie-Hellman Agent). The users can access the cloud server via encrypted proxy only if they passed the checking. Chen [12] proposed a computing scheme of identity authentication based on one-way hash function and XOR operation for the cloud computing, the purpose of which is to reduce the computational cost. In addition, several literals [1316] also put forward the identity based user authentication schemes. Some authentication schemes based on certificate have been proposed, but their computational efficiency and transmission efficiency have much room for improvement. Aiming at low efficiency of authentication scheme based on certificate, Zhang et al. [17] proposed a new user authentication protocol, the protocol used certificateless way to reduce computational time and also used temporary ID instead of its true identity in order to hide the true information. Although these schemes authenticate users in different ways, they do not ensure the credibility of the user’s platform and the integrity of the platform.

We can see that in the process of remote user authentication in Cloud Computing, the following issues should be considered: (1) the credibility of their platform should be ensured while users accessing to the cloud computing; (2) at the same time, the users, as the protocol participants, computing capability of their platform is relatively weak, thus computation burden of them should be reduced; (3) in addition, the users as a remote party, have large communication time delay, the interaction round of the authentication protocol should be decreased.

According to the above considerations, this paper proposes a novel scheme of direct user identity authentication based on trusted platform in the Cloud Computing environment. In this scheme, the user first registers in the trusted third party CA, and obtains a certificate issued by CA, then the user proves the legitimacy of the identity according to the certificate which was sent to the cloud server to ensure user platform security. We show that this scheme reduces the computation burden of the user side in the authentication process and decreases the rounds of message exchanging, and improves the computational efficiency and security.

The reminder of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 introduces the preliminaries. Section 3 proposes our authentication scheme in detail. Section 4 analyzes the security and efficiency of our proposed scheme. Finally, Sect. 5 concludes the paper.

2 Preliminaries

2.1 Bilinear Map

Let G2 and G1 be the additive and multiplicative cyclic groups respectively, and their prime order is q. If the mapping e: G1  × G1 → G2 satisfies the following properties, it is called a bilinear map:

  1. (1)

    Bilinearity: e(aP, bQ) = e(P,Q)ab, for all P,Q∈G1, and \( {\rm a}, {\rm b} \in {\rm Z}_{\rm q}^{*}\);

  2. (2)

    Non-degeneracy: there exists P,Q∈G1, such that e(P,Q) ≠ 1;

  3. (3)

    Computability: for all P,Q∈G1, there exists an efficient algorithm to compute e(P,Q) in polynomial time.

2.2 Computational Problem

Discrete logarithm problem (DL):

Let q (q > 2k, k is a safe parameter) be a large prime number, and q is the order of cyclic group G with generator P, finding an integer \( {\rm a}\in {\rm Z}_{\rm q}^{*}\) such that Q = aP∈G is hard.

Computational Diffie-Hellman Problem (CDH):

G is a cyclic group with order of q and generator of P, given a, \( {\rm b}\in {\rm Z}_{\rm q}^{*}\) and aP, bP∈G, finding abP is hard.

3 Proposed Scheme

Figure 1 shows our proposed authentication scheme for Cloud Computing. This scheme involves the user U and trusted third-party CA, as well as Cloud Server (CS). CA is the certificate Issuer, publishes the relevant parameters and issues direct anonymous attention (DAA) certificate for the user; user U is the signer and his/her host is installed trusted platform module (TPM), obtains DAA certificate; CS is not anly a verifier but also a cloud service provider, and CS verifies the validity of DAA signature with CA’s public key, at the same time CS verifies the authenticity of the platform by the validity of the signature.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Our Proposed Scheme

(1) Setup

CA selects the additive group G1 and multiplicative group G2 with the same order q which is big prime, the generator of G1 is P. The bilinear map is defined as e: G1 × G1 → G2, and one way strong collision-resistance hash function H(), the asymmetric encryption function E() and decryption function D() are selected, and the random number Pri_CA is selected as the main key, and its public key Pub_CA = Pri_CAP. Later CA publishes the system parameter set CA_params = {G1, G2, e, q, P, H(), E(), D()}.

Cloud server also chooses random number \({\rm P}_{{\rm ri}\_{\rm S}}\in {\rm Z}_{\rm q}^{*}\) as a master key and the public key Pub_S = Pri_SP, keeps Pri_S secretly, publishes system parameter set S_params = {G1, G2, e, q, P, Pub_S, H(), E(), D()};

(2) Join

TPM of user U chooses random number ru_1, \( {\rm n}\in {\rm Z}_{\rm q}^{*}\), and uses his/her own identity IDU to generate registration information RU = H(IDU||n) where || is a concatenation operation, computes RM = ru_1P, generates message Msg_u = E(Pub_CA||IDU||RU||Tu_1) with local timestamp Tu_1, and send Msg_u to CA via the secure channel.

CA verifies the message Msg_u whether TPM is valid, if yes, the validity of user can be assured and CA performs subsequent operation; otherwise, aborts.

CA chooses a random number \({\rm r}_{{\rm CA}\_1}\in {\rm Z}_{\rm q}^{*}\), computes RCA = rCA_1P + RM, C = H(IDU||RCA||RU), as well as RCA = rCA_1P + RM, LCA = Pri_CAC + rCA_1, thus (LCA, RCA) is the registration message generated by CA for user U.

CA chooses random number \( {\rm r}_{{\rm CA}\_2}\in {\rm Z}_{\rm q}^{*}\), calculates the user’s temporary ID information IDU_T = H(IDU||rCA_2), lets the certificate’s expiration date be TE, generates user’s ID information CERT_CA = E(Pri_CA||IDCA||IDU_T||TE), and sends the certificate to the TPM of user U in security channel. Meanwhile, CA adds user U to the register list.

User U decrypts CERT_CA from CA with public key Pub_CA as he/she received the certificate, and then checks RM + LCAP = Pub_CAC + RCA whether is satisfied or not. If yes, the validity of certificate can be assured. At this time TPM computes K = LCA + ru_1, thus user obtains certificate CCA_DAA = (K, RCA, H(IDU||RCA||RU)) issued by CA.

(3) Sign

TPM of User U chooses secret random number Su, \({\rm y}_{\rm u} \in {\rm Z}_{\rm q}^{*}\), computes Xu = SuRCA, Yu = SuCP, Wu = SuKP, Fu = yuP, Mu = SuK + yuH(Fu||0); Yu is session negotiation parameters, Mu is the correctness verification information of key agreement parameters, Sig_u = (Xu, Yu, Wu, Fu, Mu, CERT_CA) is the valid information of the user’s identity.

TPM reads the current time stamp Tu_2, generates message E(IDCA||IDU_T||Sig_u||Pub_u||Tu_2) and sends the message to CS.

(4) Verify

Upon receiving the information from CS, TPM decrypts the message using his/her own private key Pri_s, after that TPM decrypts CERT_CA with public key of TPM and get the ID information of TPM and CA, that were denoted by IDU_T’ and IDCA’ respectively, and judges IDU_T’ = IDU_T and IDCA’ = IDCA whether are satisfied or not, if no, subsequent operation will be interrupted. Later, CS consults communication key with TPM. CS chooses secret random number \({\rm v} \in {\rm Z}_{\rm q}^{*}\), computes V = vP, computes the communication key KEYS-U = H(vFu||1) = H(vyuP||1) between CS and TPM.

CS verifies MuP = H(Fu||0)|| + Wu and e(Yu,Pub_CA) = e(P,Wu − Xu) whether are satisfied or not, if yes, thus CS passes the legal authentication of TPM ID of user U, and user U is recognized as a valid user registered on the CA.

CS reads time stamp TS, generates signature LS = Sig(Pri_S||TS||V), sends message (TS|| V||LS) to user U. TPM checks the validity of identity of CS according to LS, and checks time stamp TS whether is fresh or not, if two check hold, computes the communication key KEYU − S = H(yuV||1) = H(vyuP||1) between CS and TPM. Therefore the communication session key is established between TPM and CS.

4 Security Analysis

4.1 Correctness

In Join phase, because the equation RM + LCAP = RM + (Pri_CAC + rCA_1)P = RM + Pri_CACP + rCA_1P = Pub_CAC + RCA, the user’s TPM confirms that the certificate information generated by CA is legal.

In verify phase, e(Yu, Pub_CA) = e(SuCP, Pri_CAP) = e(Su (ru_1 + rCA_1 + Pri_CAC)P − e(Su (ru_1 + rCA_1)P, P) = e(Wu − Xu, P) = e(P, Wu  − Xu), and MuP = H(Fu||0)|| + Wu, CS confirms the validity of the certificate CERT_CA according to the decryption of the certificate, CS assures that the user U is the legal entity authenticated by CA finally.

4.2 Mutual Authentication and Key Agreement

In Verify phase, CS verifies the correctness with the user U’s TPM valid message. The correctness of TPM valid information contains the certificate issued by the CA. In this way, CS will confirm that the user is legitimate one registered on the CA. At the same time, the user U confirmed the identity of the CS according to the CS signature information. The timestamp of the CS signature information also ensures the forgery-resistance of the signature information.

CS generates the secret communication key KEYS − U according to the parameter Fu provided by the user U’s TPM in Verify phase, as well as their own choice of secret random number v. Similarly, TPM establishes the same communication key with CS according to the signature information and the parameter v provided by CS, combined with his/her own secret parameter yu.

Because the TPM sent Fu, which is the critical parameter in negotiating communication key, to CS by way of decryption, and CS sent parameter V to the user U by way of signature, the adversary cannot get the key agreement information. In addition, due to difficulty of DL problem, for the formula V = vP, users can’t solve v according to the V and P; similarly, for the formula Fu = yuP, CS can’t solve the user’s secret random number yu according to Fu and P.

4.3 Anti-attack

(1) Anonymity

In the Join phase, CA generates temporary ID information IDU_T = H(IDU||rCA_2) for user U, and encrypts the temporary identity information in the certificate CERT_CA, and sends to CS, CS can judge the user’s U identity is valid or not. Furthermore, when CA generated temporary identity for user, the selected number rCA_2 is different for different users, both CS and the adversary can’t determine the true identity information of users U, so that the user anonymity of U is ensured.

(2) Resistance to insider attack

In Join phase, the user generates registered information with RU = H(IDU || n), If another user wants to get the value of the secret number n with the ID of the user U, but the H() is a strong strict one-way hash function, so this is not feasible. At the same time, it is not feasible that the adversary wants to obtain the secret value of rCA_2 by temporary identity information IDU_T, also due to strong strict one-way hash function H().

(3) Resistance to replay attack

Assume that the adversary has intercepted messages that user U sends to CS in Sign phase, but he/she could not decrypt the messages, so that he/she is unable to get the user’s identity information and temporary identity information, not even get the timestamp, so the adversary cannot initiate replay attack.

(4) Resistance to forward/backward attack

The implementation of forward/backward attack means that the adversary has access to the communication key, but in the process of authentication in this paper, the adversary cannot construct the communication key between TPM and CS. CS and TPM need to use their own secret random number in the process of generating communication keys, and each time the user login authentication CS used with different secret random number, and these number will not leak out. So the protocol in this paper can resist forward/backward attacks.

(5) Resistance to forgery attack

In Join phase, user U checks RM + LCAP = Pub_CAC + RCA whether is satisfied or not, and RM contains secret random number ru_1 of user U, and LCA contains the private key Pri_CA of CA, these can not be faked by the adversary. In addition, CS need to verify MuP = H(Fu||0) + Wu and e(Yu,Pub_CA) = e(P,Wu − Xu) in verify phase, in order to check whether the identity of the user U is valid or not. If the adversary wants to forge these information, he/she will face DL and CDH problems.

We compare our scheme with exist authentication schemes [15, 18, 19] in terms of functionality. Table 1 shows the result of the comparison.

Table 1. The functionality comparison between our scheme and the existing scheme

4.4 Computation Efficiency

In order to illustrate the computational efficiency of this protocol, we compare the computational cost of our proposal with other related schemes.

It is well known that time-consuming operation mainly include bilinear pairings computation, asymmetric encryption, signature and verification operations, exponentiation. Table 2 is comparison of computational cost in this scheme and other schemes. The various computing entities in the first four rows of this table are user U, CS, CA, and the last row is the rounds of interaction about U-CA, U-CS, CA-CS.

Table 2. Comparsions with other schemes in computing efficency

As can be seen from Table 2, in the process of implementing of this agreement, times of user U’s executing the high computational complexity operations is 2, while Tsai [18], Chen [19], Liao [15] were 2, 20, 9 respectively. Since computing capability is limited on user side, this scheme shifts the computational burden to the powerful cloud server and reduces the computational cost required by the user side, improves the computational efficiency; moreover, as it is known to all, the bilinear pairing operation is more time-consuming than other operations, all entities in our scheme operates bilinear pairings 2 times in total, while schemes [15, 18, 19] reach 5, 5, 14 times respectively. In addition, from the table it also can be seen that the rounds of interaction is lower than other protocols, which reduces the communication delay, improves the efficiency of implementation.

Furthermore, the user’s certificate CERT_CA issued by CA contains the expiration date TE. If user U was authenticated successfully by CS once, he/she can login CS while skipping the Join phase, directly goes into the Sign and Verify phase for many times with certificate CCA_DAA, as long as TE is valid. This feature makes the calculation more efficient, and CA will not become the bottleneck of the agreement.

While improving the efficiency of execution, this paper utilizes the techniques such as signature and encryption to ensure the security of the remote user the Internet environment.

5 Conclusions

This paper proposes a user identity authentication scheme based on trusted platform for Cloud Computing which includes Setup, Join, Sign, Verify phases. The scheme uses the trusted third party CA for registered users to generate temporary identity ID. User and CA, users and the cloud server achieve mutual authentication. User of the proposed solution has a low computational complexity, high security features. And the entire agreement has fewer interaction rounds, and has lower communication delays too. Security analysis shows that computation efficiency of this scheme is higher than other schemes, and has better security.