2.1 Introduction

Particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithms are nature-inspired population-based metaheuristic algorithms originally accredited to Eberhart, Kennedy, and Shi [1, 2]. These algorithms mimic the social behavior of birds flocking and fishes schooling. Starting form a randomly distributed set of particles (potential solutions), the algorithms try to improve the solutions according to a quality measure (fitness function). The improvisation is performed through moving the particles around the search space by means of a set of simple mathematical expressions which model some interparticle communications. These mathematical expressions, in their simplest and most basic form, suggest the movement of each particle toward its own best experienced position and the swarm’s best position so far, along with some random perturbations. There is an abundance of different variants using different updating rules, however.

Though being generally known and utilized as an optimization technique, PSO has its roots in image rendering and computer animation technology where Reeves [3] defined and implemented a particle system as a set of autonomous individuals working together to form the appearance of a fuzzy object like a cloud or an explosion. The idea was to initially generate a set of points and to assign an initial velocity vector to each of them. Using these velocity vectors, each particle changes its position iteratively while the velocity vectors are being adjusted by some random factors.

Reynolds [4] added the notion of inter-object communication to Reeves’ particle system to introduce a flocking algorithm in which the individuals were able to follow some basic flocking rules such as trying to match each other’s velocities. Such a system allowed for modeling more complex group behaviors in an easier and more natural way.

Kennedy and Eberhart [1] while trying to “graphically simulate the graceful but unpredictable choreography of a bird flock” came across the potential optimization capabilities of a flock of birds. In the course of refinement and simplification of their paradigm, they discussed that the behavior of the population of agents that they were suggesting follows the five principles of swarm intelligence articulated by Millonas [5]. First is the proximity principle: the population should be able to carry out simple space and time computations. Second is the quality principle: the population should be able to respond to quality factors in the environment. Third is the principle of diverse response: the population should not commit its activities along excessively narrow channels. Fourth is the principle of stability: the population should not change its mode of behavior every time the environment changes. Fifth is the principle of adaptability: the population must be able to change behavior mode when it is worth the computational price. They also mention that they compromisingly call their massless volume-less population members particles in order to make the use of concepts like velocity and acceleration more sensible. Thus, the term particle swarm optimization was coined.

2.2 PSO Algorithm

2.2.1 Development

As Kennedy and Eberhart [1] indicated appropriately particle swarm optimization is probably best presented and understood by explaining its conceptual development. Hence, the algorithm’s transformation process from its earliest stages to its current canonical form is briefly reviewed in this section. Future discussion on the main aspects and issues would be more easily done this way.

The earliest attempt to use the concept for social behavior simulation carried out by Kennedy and Eberhart [1] resulted in a set of agents randomly spread over a torus pixel grid which used two main strategies: nearest neighbor velocity matching and craziness. At each iteration, a loop in the program is determined for each agent which other agent was its nearest neighbor, then assigned that agent’s X and Y velocities to the agent in focus. As it is predictable, it has been viewed that sole use of such a strategy will quickly settle down the swarm on a unanimous, unchanging direction. To avoid this, a stochastic variable called craziness was introduced. At each iteration, some change was added to randomly chosen X and Y velocities. This introduced enough variation into the system to give the simulation a “life-like” appearance. The above observation points out one of the most necessary features of PSO which indicates its seemingly unalterable nondeterministic nature: incorporation of randomness.

Kennedy and Eberhart took the next step by replacing the notion of “roost” (a place that the birds know previously) in Heppner and Grenander [6] by “food” (for which the birds must search) and therefore converted the social simulation algorithm into an optimization paradigm. The idea was to let the agents (birds) find an unknown favorable place in the search space (food source) through capitalizing on one another’s knowledge. Each agent was able of remembering its best position and knowing the best position of the whole swarm. The extremum of the mathematical function to be optimized can be thought of as the food source. After a series of minor alterations and elimination of the ancillary variables, the updating rules for calculating the next position of a particle were introduced as:

$$ {v}_{i,j}^{k+1}={v}_{i,j}^k+{c}_1{r}_1\left( xbes{t}_{i,j}^k-{x}_{i,j}^k\right)+{c}_2{r}_2\left( xgbes{t}_j^k-{x}_{i,j}^k\right) $$
$$ {x}_{i,j}^{k+1}={x}_{i,j}^k+{v}_{i,j}^{k+1} $$

where x ki,j and v ki,j are the jth component of the ith particle’s position and velocity vector, respectively, in the kth iteration; r1 and r2 are two random numbers uniformly distributed in the range (1,0); xbesti and xgbest indicate the best positions experienced so far by the ith particle and the whole swarm, respectively; and c1 and c2 are two parameters representing the particle’s confidence in itself (cognition) and in the swarm (social behavior), respectively. These two parameters were set equal to 2 in the initial version presented by Kennedy and Eberhart [1] so that the particles would overfly the target about half the time. These two parameters are among the most important parameters of the algorithm in that they control the balance between exploration and exploration tendencies. A relatively high value of c1 will encourage the particles to move toward their local best experiences, while higher values of c2 will result in faster convergence to the global best position.

Although the above formulation embodies the main concept of PSO that has survived over time and forms the skeleton of quite all subsequent variants, it has still been subject to amendment. Eberhart et al. [7] introduced a maximum velocity parameter, Vmax, in order to prevent particles from leaving the search space. Shi and Eberhart [8] discussed the role of the three terms of Eq. (2.1) and concluded that the first term, previous velocity of the particle, has an important effect on global and local search balance. By eliminating this term, the particles cannot leave their initially encircled portion of the search space, and the search space will shrink gradually over time. This will be equivalent to a local search procedure. Alternatively, by giving the previous velocity term relatively higher effects, the particles will be reluctant to converge to the known good positions. They will instead tend to explore unseen regions of the search space. This could be conceived as global search tendency. Both the local search and global search will benefit solving some kinds of problems. Therefore, an inertia weight w is introduced into Eq. (2.1) in order to maintain balance between these two effects:

$$ {v}_{i,j}^{k+1}=w{v}_{i,j}^k+{c}_1{r}_1\left( xlbes{t}_{i,j}^k-{x}_{i,j}^k\right)+{c}_2{r}_2\left( xgbes{t}_j^k-{x}_{i,j}^k\right) $$

Shi and Eberhart [8] indicated that the inertia weight can be a positive constant or even a positive linear or nonlinear function of time. They examined the use of constant values in the range [0, 1.4] for the benchmark problem of Schaffer’s f6 function and concluded the range [0.9, 1.2] to be appropriate. Later, Eberhart and Shi [9] indicated that the use of the inertia weight w, which decreases linearly from about 0.9 to 0.4 during a run, provides improved performance in a number of applications. Many different research works have focused on inertia weight parameter, and different strategies have been proposed ever since. A brief discussion on these methods and strategies will be presented in the next section.

Later, Clerc [10] indicated that the use of a constriction factor may be necessary to insure convergence of the particle swarm algorithm and proposed an alternative formulation for the velocity vector:

$$ {v}_{i,j}^{k+1}=\chi \left[{v}_{i,j}^k+{c}_1{r}_1\left( xlbes{t}_{i,j}^k-{x}_{i,j}^k\right)+{c}_2{r}_2\left( xgbes{t}_j^k-{x}_{i,j}^k\right)\right] $$
$$ \chi =\frac{2}{\left|2-\varphi -\sqrt{\varphi^2-4\varphi}\right|}\kern1em where\kern1em \varphi ={c}_1+{c}_2,\kern1em \varphi >4 $$

Schematic movement of a particle is illustrated in Fig. 2.1.

Fig. 2.1
figure 1

Schematic movement of a particle based on Eq. (2.4)

Such a formulation was intended to impose some restriction on velocity vectors and thus to prevent divergence. Eberhart and Shi [9] compared the use of inertia weights and constriction factors in particle swarm optimization and concluded that the two approaches are equivalent and could be interchangeably used by proper parameter setting. They also indicated that the use of constriction factor does not eliminate the need for Vmax parameter unlike what might be assumed at the first glance. Though the two approaches are shown to be equivalent, they both survived and have been continually used by researchers. Simultaneous utilization of inertia weight and constriction factor can also be found in the literature (e.g., see [11] among others).

2.2.2 PSO Algorithm

The general structure of a canonical PSO algorithm is as follows [12]:

procedure Particle Swarm Optimization begin     Initialize xi, vi and xbesti for each particle i;     while (not termination condition) do     begin         for each particle i             Evaluate objective function;             Update xbesti         end         for each i             Set g equal to index of neighbor with best xbesti;             Use g to calculate vi;             Update xi = xi + vi;             Evaluate objective function;             Update xbesti         end     end end

2.2.3 Parameters

Like any other metaheuristic algorithm, PSO’s performance is dependent on the values of its parameters. The optimal values for the parameters depend mainly on the problem at hand and even the instance to deal with and on the search time that the user wants to spend in solving the problem [13]. In fact the main issue is to provide balance between exploration and exploitation tendencies of the algorithm.

Total number of particles, total number of iterations, inertia weight and/or constriction factor, and cognition and social behavior coefficients (c1 and c2) are the main parameters that should be considered in a canonical PSO. The total number of iterations could be replaced with a desired precision or any other termination criterion. In general, the search space of an n-dimensional optimization problem can be conceived as an n-dimensional hypersurface. The suitable values for a metaheuristic’s parameters depend on relative ruggedness and smoothness of this hyperspace. For example, it is imaginable that in a smoother hyperspace, fewer number of particles and iteration numbers will be required. Moreover, in a smoother search space, there will be fewer local optimal positions and less exploration effort will be needed, while in a rugged search space, a more through exploration of the search space will be advisable.

Generally speaking, there are two different strategies for parameter value selection, namely, off-line parameter initialization and online parameter tuning [13]. In off-line parameter initialization, the values of different parameters are fixed before the execution of the metaheuristic. These values are usually decided upon through empirical study. It should be noted that deciding about a parameter of a metaheuristic algorithm while keeping the others fixed (i.e., one-by-one parameter selection) may result in misleading observations since the interactions of the parameters are not taken into account. However, it is the common practice in the literature since examining combinations of the algorithm parameters might be very time-consuming. To perform such an examination, when desired, a meta-optimization approach may be performed, i.e., the algorithm parameters can be considered as design variables and be optimized in an overlying level.

The main drawback of the off-line approaches is their high computational cost since the process should be repeated for different problems and even for different instances of the same problem. Moreover, appropriate values for a parameter might change during the optimization process. Hence, online approaches that change the parameter values during the search procedure must be designed. Online approaches may be classified in two main groups [13]: dynamic approaches and adaptive approaches. In a dynamic parameter updating approach, the change of the parameter value is performed without taking into account the search progress. The adaptive approach changes the values according to the search progress.

Attempts have been made to introduce guidelines and strategies for selection of PSO parameters. Shi and Eberhart [14] analyzed the impact of inertia weight and maximum allowable velocity on the performance of PSO and provided some guidelines for selecting these two parameters. For this purpose, they utilized different combinations of w and Vmax parameters to solve the Schaffer’s f6 test function while keeping other parameters unchanged. They concluded that when Vmax is small (<=2 for the f6 function), an inertia weight of approximately 1 is a good choice, while when Vmax is not small (>=3), an inertia weight w = 0.8 is a good choice. They declared that in absence of proper knowledge regarding the selection of Vmax, it is also a good choice to set Vmax equal to Xmax, and an inertia weight w = 0.8 is a good starting point. Furthermore, if a time-varying inertia weight is employed, even better performance can be expected. As the authors indicated, such an empirical approach using a small benchmark problem cannot be easily generalized.

Carlisle and Dozier [15] proposed another set of guidelines based on evidence from six experiments. They recommended to start with an asynchronous constricted algorithm setting r1 = 2.8 and r2 = 1.3. However, no directives are provided in order to progress from this initial setting.

Trelea [16] used dynamic system theory for a theoretical analysis of the algorithm producing some graphical guidelines for parameter selection. A simplified deterministic one-dimensional PSO was used for this study. Trelea indicates that the results are predictably dependent on the form of the objective function. The discussion is supported by experiments on five benchmark functions.

Zhang et al. [17] suggested some optimal ranges for constriction factor and Vmax to Xmax ratio parameters based on experimental study on nine mathematical functions. The optimal range for constriction factor is claimed to be [4.05, 4.3], while for Vmax to Xmax ratio, the range [0.01, 1] is recommended.

More recently, Pedersen [18] carried out meta-optimization to tune the PSO parameters. A table is presented to help the practitioner choose appropriate PSO parameters based on the dimension of the problem at hand and the total number of function evaluations that is intended to be performed. Performance evaluation of PSO is performed using some mathematical functions. As mentioned before, the results of the abovementioned off-line parameter tuning studies are all problem dependent and could not be claimed as universally optimal.

Many different online tuning strategies are also proposed for different PSO parameters. For inertia weight, methods such as random inertia weight, adaptive inertia weight, sigmoid increasing/decreasing inertia weight, linear decreasing inertia weight, chaotic inertia weight and chaotic random inertia weight, oscillating inertia weight, global–local best inertia weight, simulated annealing inertia weight, natural exponent inertia weight strategy, logarithm decreasing inertia weight, and exponent decreasing inertia weight are reported in the literature. All of these methods replace the inertia weight parameter with a mathematical expression which is either dependent on the state of the search process (e.g., global best solution, current position of the particle, etc.) or not. Bansal et al. [19] examined the abovementioned inertia weight strategies for a set of five mathematical problems and concluded that chaotic inertia weight is the best strategy for better accuracy, while random inertia weight strategy is best for better efficiency. This shows that the choice of a suitable inertia weight strategy depends not only on the problem under consideration but also on the practitioner’s priorities.

Other adaptive particle swarm optimization algorithms could be found in the literature [20].

2.2.4 Premature Convergence

One of the main advantages of PSO is its ability to attain reasonably good solutions relatively fast. At the same time, this is probably the algorithm’s most recognized drawback. In fact, Angeline [21] while studying PSO versus evolutionary optimization techniques showed that although PSO discovers good quality solutions much faster than evolutionary algorithms, it does not improve the quality of the solutions as the number of generations is increased. This is because of the particles getting clustered in a small region of the search space and thus the loss of diversity [22]. Improving the exploration ability of PSO has been an active research topic in recent years [20].

Attempts have been made in order to improve the algorithm’s exploration capabilities and thus to avoid premature convergence. van den Bergh and Engelbrecht [23] introduced a guaranteed convergence PSO (GCPSO) in which particles perform a random search around xgbest within a radius defined by a scaling factor. The algorithm is reported to perform better than original PSO in unimodal problems while producing similar results in multimodal ones. The scaling factor however is another parameter for which prior knowledge may be required to be optimally set.

Krink et al. [24] proposed a collision-free PSO where particles attempting to gather about a suboptimal solution bounce away. A random direction changer, a realistic bounce, and a random velocity changer were used as three bouncing strategies. The latter two are reported to significantly improve the exploration capabilities of the algorithm and obtain better results especially in multimodal problems.

Implementing diversity measures is another way to control swarm stagnation. Riget and Vesterstrøm [25] utilized such a measure along with alternative attraction and repulsion of the particles to and from the swarm best position. Repulsion could be induced by inverting the velocity update rule. The approach improves the performance in comparison to canonical PSO, especially when problems under consideration are multimodal.

Silva et al. [26] introduced a predator–prey optimization system in which a predator particle enforces other particles to leave the best position of the search space and explore other regions. Improved performance is reported based on experiments carried out on four high-dimensional test functions.

Jie et al. [27] introduced an adaptive PSO with feedback control of diversity in order to tune the inertia weight parameter and alleviate the premature convergence. The improvements increase the robustness and improve the performance of the standard PSO in multimodal functions.

Wang et al. [20] proposed a self-adaptive learning-based particle swarm optimization which used four PSO-based search strategies on probabilistic basis according to the algorithm’s performance in previous iterations. The use of different search strategies in a learning-based manner helps the algorithm to handle problems with different characteristics at different stages of optimization process. Twenty-six test functions with different characteristics such as unimodality, multimodality, rotation, ill-condition, mis-scale, and noise are considered, and the results are compared with eight other PSO variants.

Kaveh and Zolghadr [28] introduced a democratic particle swarm optimization (DPSO) which derives the updating information of a particle from a more diverse set of sources instead of using local and global best solutions merely. An eligibility parameter is introduced which determines which particles to incorporate when updating a specific particle. The improved algorithm is compared to the standard one for some mathematical and structural problems. The performance is improved in the problems under consideration.

2.2.5 Topology

While xgbest of Eq. (2.1) is considered to be the whole swarm’s global best position in canonical PSO, this is not necessarily always the case. Different topologies have been defined and used for interparticle communications in PSO [29, 30]. In fact in updating a particle’s position, xgbest could mean the best particle position of a limited neighborhood to which the particle is connected instead of the whole swarm. It has been shown that the swarm topologies in PSO can remarkably influence the performance of the algorithm. Figure 2.2 shows some of the basic PSO neighborhood topologies introduced by Mendes et al. [29]. Many other topologies can be defined and used.

Fig. 2.2
figure 2

Some topologies for PSO neighborhoods [29]. Fully connected, where all vertexes are connected to every other; ring, where every vertex is connected to two others; four clusters, with four cliques connected among themselves by gateways; pyramid, a triangular wire-frame pyramid; and square, which is a mesh where every vertex has four neighbors that wrap around on the edges as a torus

These different topologies affect the way that information circulates between the swarm’s particles and thus can control exploration–exploitation behavior and convergence rate of the algorithm. Canonical PSO uses the fully connected topology in which all of the particles are neighbors. Such a topology exhibits a fast (and probably immature) convergence since all of the particles are directly linked to the global best particle and simultaneously affected by it. Thus, the swarm does not explore other areas of the search space and would most probably get trapped in local optima.

Ring topology which is a usual alternative to fully connected topology represents a regular graph with the minimum node degrees. This could be considered the slowest way of information circulation between the particles and is supposed to result in the slowest rate of convergence since it takes a relatively long time for information of the best particle to reach the other end of the ring.

Other neighborhood topologies are somewhere in between. Predictably, the effect of different neighborhood topologies on effectiveness and efficiency of the algorithm is problem dependent and is more or less empirically studied.

2.2.6 Biases

It is shown that many metaheuristic optimization algorithms, including PSO, are biased toward some specific regions of the search space. For example, they perform best when the optimum is located at or near the center of the initialization region, which is often the origin [31]. This is particularly true when the information from different members of the population is combined using some sort of averaging operator [32]. Since many of the benchmark optimization problems have their global optimal solutions at or near the origin, such a biased behavior can make the performance evaluation of the algorithms problematic. Different approaches have been taken in order to expose and probably alleviate this bias while testing PSO. Angeline [32] popularized a method called region scaling initially proposed by Gehlhaar and Fogel [33]. The method tries to let the origin outside the initial region covered by the particles by generating the initial solutions in a portion of the search space that does not include origin. Monson and Seppi [31] showed that origin-seeking biases depend on the way that the positions of the particles are updated and region scaling method could not be sufficient for all motion rules. They introduced a center offset method in which the center of the benchmark function under consideration was moved to a different location of the search space. Suganthan et al. [34] also recommended the use of non-biased shifted or rotated benchmark problems.

Clerc [35] showed that this biased behavior can be attributed to the confinement method used, i.e., the method by which the particles are prevented from leaving the search space. A hybrid confinement method is introduced and claimed to be useful in terms of reducing the bias.

Attempts have also been made to propose improved non-biased variants (e.g., Wilke et al. [36]). This is however of less generality in case of unbiased performance comparison because it does not have any effect on the other existing algorithms.

2.3 Hybrid Algorithms

A popular way of producing new improved algorithms is to hybridize two or more existing ones in an attempt to combine favorable features while omitting undesirable aspects. Some of the best results for the real-life and classical optimization problems are obtained using hybrid methods [37]. Numerous different hybrid algorithms using PSO as the main or the supplementary ingredient have been proposed usually in the context of some specific application domain for which that hybrid is particularly well suited [38]. A selection of these methods and approaches is briefly mentioned here along with some examples.

Hybridizing PSO with other metaheuristic algorithms seems to be one of the most popular strategies. This is mainly because the resulting algorithm maintains positive characteristics of metaheuristic algorithms such as global search capability, little dependence on starting point, no need to gradient information, and applicability to non-smooth or non-convex domains. The other metaheuristic algorithm(s) to be hybridized with PSO can be either single agent or population based.

Simulated annealing (SA) [39] is a single-agent metaheuristic algorithm that has been successfully hybridized with PSO. It has been shown in the literature [40] that SA algorithms, when subject to very low variations of temperature parameters and when the solution search for each temperature can reach an equilibrium condition, have very high chances of finding the global optimal solution. Moreover, the metropolis process in SA provides an ability of jumping away from a local optimum. However, SA algorithms require very slow temperature variations and thus increase the required computational effort. On the other hand, although PSO exhibits relatively fast convergence rate, is easy to implement, and is able to find local optimal solutions in a reasonable amount of time, it is notorious of premature convergence, i.e., getting trapped in local optima. Therefore, combining these two algorithms in a judicious way will probably result in a hybridized algorithm with improved performance [41]. Execution of PSO and SA algorithms can be either alternative or sequential. In an alternative execution, every member of the PSO swarm can be considered as an SA single agent at the end of each iteration. Instead, in a sequential execution, the final local solution found by PSO could be considered as a starting point for SA.

As another single-agent metaheuristic algorithm, tabu search (TS) algorithm [42, 43] can have the same effect as SA in hybridization with PSO. The global search could be left to PSO, while TS attempts to improve the suboptimal solutions found by PSO in a local search process. In these hybridized algorithms, TS alleviates premature convergence of PSO while PSO alleviates excessive required computational effort of TS [44].

Hybridization of PSO with other population-based metaheuristic algorithms is more popular. In this case hybridization might signify different meanings. In some hybridized schemes, some techniques are simply borrowed from other algorithms. For example, Løvebjerg et al. [45] borrowed the breeding technique from GAs, i.e., along with standard PSO updating rules, pairs of particles could be chosen to breed with each other and produce offsprings. Moreover, to keep away from suboptimal solutions, subpopulations were introduced.

Another approach to be mentioned is to use different metaheuristics simultaneously. Krink and Løvebjerg [46] introduced a lifecycle model that allowed for use of PSO, GA, or hill climber by each particle depending on the particle’s own preference based on its memory of the best recent improvements. Kaveh and Talatahari [47] introduced a hybridized HPSACO algorithm in which particle swarm optimizer with passive congregation (PSOPC) was used to perform global search task, while ant colony optimization (ACO) [48] was utilized for updating positions of particles to attain the feasible solution space, and harmony search (HS) [49] algorithm was employed for dealing with variable constraints.

In the abovementioned approaches, the position updating rules of the original algorithms need not to be changed. The algorithms are merely operating in combination to each other. Another hybridization approach, however, could be based on combining the updating rules. Higashi and Iba [50] combined GA’s Gaussian mutation with velocity and position updating rules of PSO. Juang [51] incorporated mutation, crossover, and elitism. As another example, Kaveh and Talatahari [52] introduced some of the positive aspects of PSO like directing the agents toward the global best and the local best positions into charged system search (CSS) [53] algorithm to improve its performance.

PSO could also be hybridized with techniques and tools other than metaheuristic algorithms. Liu and Abraham [54] hybridized a turbulent PSO with a fuzzy logic controller to produce a fuzzy adaptive TPSO (FATPSO). The fuzzy logic controller was used for adaptively tuning the velocity parameters during an optimization in order to balance exploration and exploitation tendencies. Zahara et al. [55] hybridized Nelder–Mead simplex search and particle swarm optimization for constrained engineering design problems. A hybrid PSO-simplex method was also used for damage identification of delaminated beams by Qian et al. [56].

2.4 Discrete PSO

Though PSO has been introduced and more commonly utilized for continuous optimization problems, it can be equally applied to discrete search spaces. A simple and frequently used method to use PSO in discrete problems is to transform the real-valued vectors found by a continuous PSO algorithm into discrete ones. To do this the nearest permitted discrete values could be replaced with any value selected by agents, i.e., a rounding function could be used [57]. However, many discrete and binary PSO variants have been developed that work in discrete search space directly.

The first discrete binary version of PSO is developed by Kennedy and Eberhart [58]. They kept the particle position updating rule unchanged and replaced the velocity in each vector by the probability of a bit in position vector taking the value 1. In other words, if, for example, vi,j = 0.20, then there is a twenty percent chance that xi,j will be a one and an eighty percent chance it will be a zero. In order to keep vi,j in interval [0,1], a sigmoid transformation function was used.

More recently, Chen et al. [59] have proposed a set-based PSO for discrete optimization problems. They have replaced the candidate solutions and velocity vectors by crisp sets and sets with possibilities, respectively. The arithmetic operators in position updating rules are replaced by the operators and procedures defined on such sets.

2.5 Democratic PSO for Structural Optimization

2.5.1 Description of the Democratic PSO

As discussed earlier, different updating strategies have been proposed for PSO resulting in many different variants. Mendes et al. [29] have proposed a fully informed PSO, for example, in which each particle uses the information from all of the other particles in its neighborhood instead of just the best one. It has been shown that the fully informed PSO outperforms the canonical version in all of the mathematical functions under consideration. In a conceptually similar work, Kaveh and Zolghadr [28] have proposed a democratic PSO for structural optimization problems with frequency constraints. Here a brief description of the democratic algorithm is presented as an improved PSO version in the field of structural optimization. The structural optimization under consideration is then introduced in the following section, and the results are then compared to those of the canonical PSO on the same problems reported by Gomes [60].

As indicated before, canonical PSO is notorious for premature convergence, and this can be interpreted as a lack of proper exploration capability. In fact in the standard PSO, all of the particles are just being eagerly attracted toward better solutions. And by each particle, moving toward the best position experienced by itself and by the whole swarm so far is thought of as the only possible way of improvement. Naturally, such an enthusiasm for choosing the shortest possible ways to accomplishment results in some of the better regions of the search space being disregarded.

In a sense, it can be said that the particles of the canonical PSO are only motivated by selfishness (their own preference) and tyranny (the best particle’s dictation). Except for their own knowledge and that of the best particle so far, they do not take the achievements of the other members of the swarm into account, i.e., the information is not appropriately shared between the members of the swarm.

In order to address this problem, the velocity vector of the democratic PSO is defined as:

$$ {v}_{i,j}^{k+1}=\chi\;\left[\omega \kern0.1em {v}_{i,j}^k+{c}_1{r}_1\left( xlbes{t}_{i,j}^k-{x}_{i,j}^k\right)+{c}_2{r}_2\left( xgbes{t}_j^k-{x}_{i,j}^k\right)+{c}_3{r}_3{d^k}_{i,j}\right] $$

in which d k i,j is the jth variable of the vector D for the ith particle. The vector D represents the democratic effect of the other particles of the swarm on the movement of the ith particle. r 3 is a random number uniformly distributed in the range (1,0). Parameter c 3 is introduced to control the weight of the democratic vector. Here, the vector D is taken as:

$$ {D}_i={\displaystyle \sum_{k=1}^n{Q}_{ik}\;\left({X}_k-{X}_i\right)} $$

where Q ik is the weight of the kth particle in the democratic movement vector of the ith particle and can be defined as:

$$ {Q}_{ik}=\frac{E_{ik}\frac{ob{j}_{best}}{obj(k)}}{{\displaystyle \sum_{j=1}^n{E}_{ij}\frac{ob{j}_{best}}{obj(j)}}} $$

in which obj stands for objective function value; obj best is the value of the objective function for the best particle in the current iteration; X is the particle’s position vector; and E is the eligibility parameter and is analogous to parameter P in CSS [53]. In a minimization problem, E can be defined as:

$$ {\mathrm{E}}_{\mathrm{ik}}=\left\{\begin{array}{l}1\kern1em \frac{obj(k)-obj(i)}{ob{j}_{worst}-ob{j}_{best}}> rand\vee obj(k)<obj(i)\\ {}0\kern4em else\end{array}\right. $$

where obj worst and obj best are the values of the objective function for the worst and the best particles in the current iteration, respectively. The symbol \( \vee \) stands for union. Schematic movement of a particle is illustrated in Fig. 2.3.

Fig. 2.3
figure 3

Schematic movement of a particle based on Eq. (2.6)

Since a term is added to the velocity vector of PSO, the parameter χ should be decreased in order to avoid divergence. Here, this parameter is determined using a trial and error process. It seems that a value in the range (0.4, 0.5) is suitable for the problems under consideration.

As it can be seen, the democratic PSO makes use of the information produced by all of the eligible members of the swarm in order to determine the new position of each particle. In fact, according to Eq. (2.9), all of the better particles and some of the worse particles affect the new position of the particle under consideration. This modification enhances the performance of the algorithm in two ways: (1) helping the agents to receive information about good regions of the search space other than those experienced by themselves and the best particle of the swarm and (2) letting some bad particles take part in the movement of the swarm and thus improving the exploration capabilities of the algorithm. Both of the above effects help to alleviate the premature convergence of the algorithm.

Numerical results show that this simple modification which does not call for any extra computational effort meaningfully enhances the performance of the PSO.

2.5.2 Truss Layout and Size Optimization with Frequency Constraints

In a frequency constraint truss layout and size optimization problem, the aim is to minimize the weight of the structure while satisfying some constraints on natural frequencies. The design variables are considered to be the cross-sectional areas of the members and/or the coordinates of some nodes. The topology of the structure is not supposed to be changed, and thus the connectivity information is predefined and kept unaffected during the optimization process. Each of the design variables should be chosen within a permissible range. The optimization problem can be stated mathematically as follows:

$$ \begin{array}{l} Find\ X = \left[{x}_1,{x}_2,{x}_3,\dots .,{x}_n\right]\\ {}to\ minimizes\ P(X)=f(X) \times {f}_{penalty}(X)\\ {} subjected\ to\\ {}{\omega}_j\le\ {\omega}_j^{*}\kern0.75em \mathrm{f}\mathrm{o}\mathrm{r}\ \mathrm{some}\ \mathrm{natural}\ \mathrm{f}\mathrm{r}\mathrm{equencies}\;j\\ {}{\omega}_k\ge\ {\omega}_k^{*}\kern0.5em \mathrm{f}\mathrm{o}\mathrm{r}\ \mathrm{some}\ \mathrm{natural}\ \mathrm{f}\mathrm{r}\mathrm{equencies}\;k\\ {}{x}_{imin}\le\ {x}_i\le\ {x}_{imax}\end{array} $$

where X is the vector of the design variables, including both nodal coordinates and cross-sectional areas; n is the number of variables which is naturally affected by the element grouping scheme which in turn is chosen with respect to the symmetry and practice requirements; P(X ) is the penalized cost function or the objective function to be minimized; f(X ) is the cost function, which is taken as the weight of the structure in a weight optimization problem; and f penalty (X ) is the penalty function which is used to make the problem unconstrained. When some constraints corresponding to the response of the structure are violated in a particular solution, the penalty function magnifies the weight of the solution by taking values bigger than one; ω j is the jth natural frequency of the structure and ω j * is its upper bound. ω k is the kth natural frequency of the structure and ω k * is its lower bound. x imin and x imax are the lower and upper bounds of the design variable x i , respectively.

The cost function is expressed as:

$$ f(X)={\displaystyle \sum_{i=1}^{nm}{\rho}_i}{L}_i{A}_i $$

where ρ i is the material density of member i; L i is the length of member i; and A i is the cross-sectional area of member i.

The penalty function is defined as:

$$ {f}_{penalty}(X)={\left(1+{\varepsilon}_1.v\right)}^{\varepsilon_2},\kern0.5em v={\displaystyle \sum_{i=1}^q{v}_i} $$

where q is the number of frequency constraints.

$$ {v}_i=\left\{\begin{array}{l}0\kern5em if\kern0.6em the\kern0.5em ith\kern0.5em constra\operatorname{int}\kern0.5em is\kern0.5em satisfied\\ {}\left|1-\frac{\omega_i}{{\omega^{*}}_i}\right|\kern2em else\end{array}\right. $$

The parameters ε 1 and ε 2 are selected considering the exploration and the exploitation balance of the problem. In this study, ε 1 is taken as unity, and ε 2 starts from 1.5 and linearly increases to 6 in all test examples. These values penalize the unfeasible solutions more severely as the optimization process proceeds. As a result, in the early stages, the agents are free to explore the search space, but at the end they tend to choose solutions without violation.

2.5.3 Numerical Examples

Four numerical examples from the field of truss layout and size optimization are provided in this section in order to examine the viability of the proposed algorithm and to compare it with the canonical PSO to clarify the effect of the modifications. The results are compared with those of the canonical version and some other methods reported in the literature.

Parameter χ is set to 0.5 in all numerical examples while parameter c3 is set to 4. A total population of 30 particles is utilized for all of the examples. Each example has been solved 30 times independently. In all the examples, the termination criterion is taken as the number of iterations. A total number of 200 iterations are considered for all of the examples. The side constraints are handled using an HS-based constraint handling technique, as introduced by Kaveh and Talatahari [47]. Any other appropriate side constraint handling technique might be used. A 10-Bar Truss

For the first example, size optimization of a 10-bar planar is considered. The configuration of the structure is depicted in Fig. 2.4.

Fig. 2.4
figure 4

Schematic of the planar 10-bar truss structure

This is a well-known benchmark problem in the field of frequency constraint structural optimization. Each of the members’ cross-sectional areas is assumed to be an independent variable. A nonstructural mass of 454.0 kg is attached to all free nodes. Table 2.1 summarizes the material properties, variable bounds, and frequency constraints for this example.

Table 2.1 Material properties, variable bounds, and frequency constraints for the 10-bar truss structure

This problem has been investigated by different researchers: Grandhi and Venkayya [61] using an optimality algorithm, Sedaghati et al. [62] using a sequential quadratic programming and finite element force method, Wang et al. [63] using an evolutionary node shift method, Lingyun et al. [64] utilizing a niche hybrid genetic algorithm, Gomes employing the standard particle swarm optimization algorithm [60], and Kaveh and Zolghadr [65, 66] utilizing the standard and an enhanced CSS and a hybridized CSS–BBBC with a trap recognition capability.

The design vectors and the corresponding masses of the optimal structures found by different methods are summarized in Table 2.2.

Table 2.2 Optimized designs (cm2) obtained for the planar 10-bar truss problem (the optimized weight does not include the added masses)

It should be noted that a modulus of elasticity of E = 6.98 × 1010 Pa is used in Gomes [60] and Kaveh and Zolghadr [65]. This will generally result in relatively lighter structures. Considering this, it appears that the proposed algorithm has obtained the best solution so far. Particularly, the optimal structure found by the algorithm is more than 5.59 kg lighter than that of the standard PSO in spite of using smaller value for modulus of elasticity. Using E = 6.98 × 1010 Pa, DPSO finds a structure weighted 524.70 kg which is about 13 kg lighter than that of standard PSO. The mean weight and the standard deviation of the results gained by DPSO are 537.80 kg and 4.02 kg, respectively, while PSO has obtained a mean weight of 540.89 kg and a standard deviation of 6.84 kg. This means that DPSO performs better than the standard PSO in terms of best weight, average weight, and standard deviation.

Table 2.3 represents the natural frequencies of the optimized structures obtained by different methods.

Table 2.3 Natural frequencies (Hz) evaluated at the optimized designs for the planar 10-bar truss

Figure 2.5 compares the convergence curves for the 10-bar planar truss obtained by the democratic PSO and the standard PSO.

Fig. 2.5
figure 5

Comparison of convergence curves of democratic and standard PSO algorithms recorded in the 10-bar problem

The termination criterion is not clearly stated in reference [60]. It is just declared that a combination of three different criteria was simultaneously employed: (1) the differences in the global best design variables between two consecutive iterations, (2) the differences of the global best objective function, and (3) the coefficient of variation of objective function in the swarm. In any case, it seems no improvement is expected from PSO after the 2000th analysis, and hence the execution is terminated.

Comparison of the convergence curves above provides some useful points about the differences of the two algorithms. The standard and the democratic PSO utilize 50 and 30 particles for this problem, respectively. Although the standard PSO uses more particles which is supposed to maintain better coverage of the search space and higher level of exploration, its convergence curve shows that the convergence is almost attained within the first 1000 analyses and after that the convergence curve becomes straight. On the other hand, democratic PSO reaches an initial convergence after about 1500th analyses, and it still keeps exploring the search space until it reaches the final result at 3000th analysis. This can be interpreted as the modifications being effective on the alleviation of the premature convergence problem. It should be noted that the structure found by DPSO at 2000th analysis is much lighter than that found by PSO at the same analysis. In fact while the modifications improve the exploration capabilities of the algorithm, they do not disturb the algorithm’s convergence task. A Simply Supported 37-Bar Planar Truss

A simply supported 37-bar Pratt type truss, as depicted in Fig. 2.6, is examined as the second example.

Fig. 2.6
figure 6

Schematic of the simply supported planar 37-bar truss

The elements of the lower chord are modeled as bar elements with constant rectangular cross-sectional areas of 4 × 10−3 m2. The other members are modeled as bar elements. These members which form the sizing variables of the problem are grouped with respect to symmetry. Also, the y-coordinate of all the nodes on the upper chord can vary in a symmetrical manner to form the layout variables. On the lower chord, a nonstructural mass of 10 kg is attached to all free nodes. The first three natural frequencies of the structure are considered as the constraints. So this is an optimization on layout and size with 19 design variables (14 sizing variables + five layout variables) and three frequency constraints. This example has been studied by Wang et al. [63] using an evolutionary node shift method and Lingyun et al. [64] using a niche hybrid genetic algorithm. Gomes [60] has investigated this problem using the standard particle swarm algorithm. Kaveh and Zolghadr [65] used the standard and an enhanced CSS to optimize the structure.

Material properties, frequency constrains, and added masses are listed in Table 2.4.

Table 2.4 Material properties and frequency constraints for the simply supported planar 37-bar truss

Final cross-sectional areas and node coordinates obtained by different methods together with the corresponding weight are presented in Table 2.5. It can be seen that the proposed algorithm has found the best results so far. Specifically, in comparison to the standard PSO, the resulted structure is meaningfully lighter.

Table 2.5 Optimized designs obtained for the planar 37-bar truss problem

The mean weight and the standard deviation of the results obtained by DPSO are 362.21 kg and 1.68 kg, respectively, while PSO has obtained a mean weight of 381.2 kg and a standard deviation of 4.26 kg. This indicates that DPSO not only finds a better best solution but also is more stable.

Table 2.6 represents the natural frequencies of the final structures obtained by various methods for the 37-bar simply supported planar truss.

Table 2.6 Natural frequencies (Hz) evaluated at the optimized designs for the planar 37-bar truss

Figure 2.7 shows the optimized layout of the simply supported 37-bar truss as found by DPSO. The convergence curves for the democratic PSO and the standard PSO are shown in Fig. 2.6. The information on the convergence curve values at the few first analyses is not available in [60] (Fig. 2.8).

Fig. 2.7
figure 7

Schematic of the optimized layout of the simply supported planar 37-bar truss

Fig. 2.8
figure 8

Comparison of convergence curves of democratic and standard PSO algorithms recorded in the 37-bar Pratt type planar truss A 52-Bar Dome-Like Truss

Simultaneous layout and size optimization of a 52-bar dome-like truss is considered as the third example. Initial layout of the structure is depicted in Fig. 2.9. Nonstructural masses of 50 kg are attached to all free nodes.

Fig. 2.9
figure 9

Schematic of the initial layout of the spatial 52-bar truss. (a) Top view, (b) side view

Table 2.7 summarized the material properties, frequency constraints, and variable bounds for this example.

Table 2.7 Material properties and frequency constraints and variable bounds for the spatial 52-bar truss

All of the elements of the structure are categorized in 8 groups according to Table 2.8. All free nodes are permitted to move ±2 m from their initial position in a symmetrical manner. This is a configuration optimization problem with 13 variables (eight sizing variables + five layout variables) and two frequency constraints.

Table 2.8 Element grouping adopted in the spatial 52-bar truss problem

This example has been investigated by Lin et al. [67] using a mathematical programming technique and Lingyun et al. [64] using a niche hybrid genetic algorithm. Gomes [60] has analyzed this problem using the standard particle swarm algorithm. The authors have studied the problem using the standard and an enhanced CSS [65] and a hybridized CSS–BBBC with a trap recognition capability [66].

Table 2.9 compares the final cross-sectional areas and node coordinates found by different methods together with the corresponding weight for the 52-bar space truss.

Table 2.9 Optimized designs obtained for the spatial 52-bar truss problem

It can be seen that the result gained by the democratic PSO is far better than the standard PSO. The standard PSO uses 70 particles and about 160 iterations (11,200 analyses) to reach its best result, while the democratic PSO uses 30 particles and 200 iterations (6000 analyses). Table 2.8 indicates that among all the methods listed above, the democratic PSO has obtained the best solution. The mean weight and the standard deviation of the results gained by DPSO are 198.71 kg and 13.85 kg, respectively, while PSO has obtained a mean weight of 234.3 kg and a standard deviation of 5.22 kg. DPSO performs considerably better in terms of best and mean weight.

Table 2.10 shows the natural frequencies of the final structures found by various methods for the 52-bar dome-like space truss.

Table 2.10 Natural frequencies (Hz) evaluated at the optimized designs for the spatial 52-bar truss

Figure 2.10 shows the optimized layout of the spatial 52-bar truss as found by DPSO. The convergence curve of the best run of the democratic PSO for the 52-bar dome-like truss is shown Fig. 2.11. The convergence curve for the standard PSO is not available in reference [60].

Fig. 2.10
figure 10

Schematic of the optimized layout of the spatial 52-bar truss

Fig. 2.11
figure 11

Convergence curve of the democratic PSO for the spatial 52-bar truss A 120-Bar Dome Truss

The 120-bar dome truss shown in Fig. 2.12 is considered as the last example. This problem has been previously studied as a benchmark optimization problem with static constraints.

Fig. 2.12
figure 12

Schematic of the 120 bar

The authors used the problem as a size optimization problem with frequency constraints in [65]. Nonstructural masses are attached to all free nodes as follows: 3000 kg at node one, 500 kg at nodes 2 through 13, and 100 kg at the rest of the nodes. Material properties, frequency constraints, and variable bounds for this example are summarized in Table 2.11. The layout of the structure is kept unchanged during the optimization process. Hence, this is a sizing optimization problem.

Table 2.11 Material properties and frequency constraints and variable bounds for the 120-bar dome truss

This example is solved here using both the standard and democratic PSO in order to make the comparison possible. Thirty particles and 200 iterations are used for both methods. Table 2.12 represents a comparison between the final results obtained by the standard and the democratic PSO. Table 2.13 shows the natural frequencies of the final structures found by both methods.

Table 2.12 Optimized designs (cm2) obtained for the 120-bar dome truss
Table 2.13 Natural frequencies (Hz) evaluated at the optimized designs for the 120-bar dome truss

According to Table 2.12, the result obtained by the democratic PSO is meaningfully lighter than that of the standard PSO. The mean weight and the standard deviation of the results gained by DPSO are 8895.99 kg and 4.26 kg, respectively, while PSO has obtained a mean weight of 9251.84 kg and a standard deviation of 89.38 kg. This shows that the democratic PSO outperforms the standard version in all of the abovementioned aspects. Figure 2.13 shows the convergence curves for both methods.

Fig. 2.13
figure 13

Comparison of converge curves of democratic and standard PSO algorithms recorded in the 120-bar dome problem