
These keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

1 Introduction

Real-life processes may require that the same activity occurs at different stages or branches of the process [14]. A human modeler would use different nodes in a model (e.g., different transitions in a Petri net) labeled with the same activity to express different occurrences of an activity in the process. We call each node labeled with an activity a task. Thus, there could be many tasks referring to the same activity, which are known as duplicated tasks. In a log, events are usually labeled with activity names instead of tasks. As a result, two different events with the same activity label may originate from the same task or from different tasks, i.e., the labeling in the event log is imprecise.

Process discovery aims at creating an accurate representation of the real process from an event log helping users to understand the executed process [3, 5]. However, most existing discovery algorithms assume the labels of events to be precise and consider for each label as one task represented by a single task node in the model. In case of event logs with imprecise labels, these discovery algorithms tend to return over-generalized models that allow much more behavior than in the event log [2, 3]. Such models may be misleading or even incorrect, obstructing users to use the models for understanding the real processes or performing accurate process analysis. A better solution would be to discover models where two tasks carry the same label, i.e., duplicate tasks [1, 2].

We exemplify the problem using an example shown in Fig. 1. The original system (a) has five activities “\(r\)”, “\(d\)”, “\(c\)”, “\(b\)” and “\(x\)” and ten tasks; activities “\(c\)”, “\(b\)” and “\(x\)” occur at multiple different tasks, which result in an imprecise log (b), in which the events only refer to activities “\(c\)”, “\(b\)” and “\(x\)” rather than the different tasks in the system. Using a standard discovery algorithm, we discover for the imprecise log (b) an imprecise model (c) that states “\(b\)” could be skipped and has a loop that allows “\(c\)” and “\(x\)” to be executed an arbitrary number of times, even though every trace in the log has an event labeled “\(b\)” and only one event labeled “\(x\)”. Overall, model (c) is imprecise as it contains many behaviors neither seen in the log (b), nor in the original system (a). Refining the labels of events could yield the refined log (d), from which a refined model (e) can be discovered that corresponds to the original model (a) while using the same discovery algorithm. However, the trivial refinement where each event gets its own unique label is not desired as it would lead to models that overfit the event log. Thus, our goal is to refine an imprecise log in such a way that a discovery algorithm finds a better model which is more precise and closer to the original model.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

The imprecise label problem settings and the running example.

In this paper, we investigate the problem of imprecise labels of events for process discovery and propose an approach to resolve the problem through log preprocessing. In particular, we introduce an approach for refining labels and relabeling events in the log such that any existing or future process discovery algorithm can infer duplicated tasks from the refined labels. As the optimal refined log or model may be unknown, our approach aims at adding more alternative representations of a process into the solution space of process discovery algorithms to help users find better models systematically.

Our approach has three steps: (1) identify one or multiple candidates for imprecise event labels; then refine imprecise labels (2) across traces and (3) within traces. Here, we leverage previous work on trace matching technique which groups events based on similarities in their context [6]; dissimilar groups of events are labeled differently.

The approach is implemented in ProMFootnote 1 and has been evaluated in a controlled setting and in a real life case study. In the controlled experiment, we investigated how well our approach can detect and refine labels in imprecise event logs generated from a large set of synthetic process models with duplicated tasks. We analyzed model quality with respect to the event log and the similarity to the original model. For 87 % of the processes having duplicated tasks outside of loops, our approach automatically refined imprecise logs so that a discovery algorithm returned a more precise model. For processes having duplicated tasks in a loop, label refinement improved precision for 61 % of the imprecise logs.

In the remainder, we first discuss related work in Sect. 2. In Sect. 3, we recall the concepts used for defining the problem, the measures used in the evaluation, and the methods used in the approach. In Sect. 4, we formalize problems and aims. Section 5 explains the proposed approach. The evaluation results are presented in Sect. 6, and Sect. 7 concludes the paper.

2 Related Work

Process Model Elements Labeling or Relabeling. Many studies have investigated the problem of labeling or relabeling process elements (e.g., activities, flow relations) in process models [7, 8]. These works assume that a collection of structurally correct process models is available and use additional domain knowledge or other semantically correct labels to then suggest or revise the incorrect labels of elements in these models. Here, we assume no models to be available and operate solely on event logs, in order to discover structurally correct models. One then may apply [7, 8] on the discovered models to revise and improve their labels.

Process Discovery and Duplicated Tasks. Process discovery algorithms aim at discovering “good” models from an event log to help users to understand real-life processes. Most existing discovery algorithms map each unique event label to one task, making it impossible to discover processes with two tasks with the same label. Some discovery algorithms can refine labels during model construction to some extent [1, 2, 4, 5, 9]. However, these internal mechanism to handle duplicated tasks can not be used in other discovery algorithms. Moreover, these algorithms have other limitations such as they do not guarantee sound models or fitting models. To be able to benefit from current and future progress in process discovery techniques [10, 11], we propose to refine labels in the event log itself, which then can be used by any process discovery algorithm.

Trace Clustering and Clone Detection. As duplicated tasks may also manifest themselves as multiple variants of executing a set of activities within the same process, trace clustering was proposed as a way to distinguish these variants [12, 13]. However, clustering techniques always consider entire traces and thus also unnecessary duplicate tasks which are the same in all variants. In [14], the authors proposed a top-down approach that clusters the traces, discovers models for each cluster separately and uses clone detection to find tasks that are the same in all variants, preventing unnecessary duplicating tasks [15]. However, trace clustering techniques are unable to distinguish two events having the same label within a trace or a variant [12]. In this paper, we aim at tackling both problems.

Data Quality and Noise/Deviation Filtering. Imprecise labels could also be seen as data quality problem, i.e., events having incorrect labels. To the best of our knowledge, no existing work investigated this problem from this point of view. Other existing work on log preprocessing such as noise/deviation filtering would change input logs, both structurally and behaviorally, e.g., by removing events [6]. Such changes would also affect fitness of the discovered model with respect to the original log as a process discovery algorithm can only guarantee fitness for the filtered log. In this paper, we propose to not change the event log but only the labeling of events, which help us to preserve fitness if the discovery algorithm has such a guarantee.

Model Quality of Discovered Models. Dozens criteria and measures have been proposed for assessing the quality of discovered models, which may be discussed in three categories. Measures that evaluate the quality of the model using the input log often consider fitness, precision, and generalization [3, 5]; we use the fitness defined in [16] and precision in [17]. In the context of controlled experiments, the quality of a discovered model can be evaluated against the original system in terms of how much of the behavior of the system can be reproduced by the discovered model and how precise the model describes the system [18]. When evaluating the quality of model irrespective of the log, then soundness and simplicity are often considered [5, 19]. In the next section, we further discuss the measures used in this paper.

3 Preliminaries

In this section, we present (1) the input for our approach, (2) the quality measures used, and (3) the key concepts of a technique for finding events with a similar context.

Event, Label, and Event Log. Let \(\mathcal {E}\) be the universe of unique events, i.e., the set of all possible event identifiers. A trace \(\sigma \in \mathcal {E}^*\) is a finite sequence of events. An event log \(C = \{\sigma _1, \sigma _2, \cdots , \sigma _n\} \subseteq \mathcal {E}^*\) is a set of traces. Here we assume no event appears twice in the same trace nor in different traces. We use \(E_C\) for the set of events in log C. Let A be a set of activities and C a log. A labeling function \(l : E_C \rightarrow A\) is surjective and assigns to each event \(e \in E_C\) a label \(l(e) = a \in A\). We call \(L = (C, l)\) a labeled event log over activities A.

Process Discovery and Model Quality. Let \(L = (C, l)\) be a labeled log over A. A discovery algorithm D returns a model M (i.e. \(D(L) = M\)) such that the activities \(\mathcal {A}(M)\) occurring in model M are A, i.e., \(\mathcal {A}(M) = A\). The quality of the discovered model \(D(L) = M\) may be evaluated in two ways. First, with respect to the input log L, the \(log\_fitness(L, M)\) and \(log\_precision(L, M)\) of the model can be computed, for which we use the measures defined in [16, 17], respectively. Both return a value between 0 and 1: if \(log\_fitness(L, M) = 1\), every trace in the log can be replayed by the model perfectly. When \(log\_precision(L, M)\) is close to 1, most (alternative) behavior allowed by the model is also observed in the log.

In addition, we compare the discovered \(M = D(L)\) to the original system in terms of system recall and system precision to evaluate the generalization and discoverability of our approach. Let S be the system that generated L. The system recall \(sys\_recall(S, M, L) \) and system precision \(sys\_precision(S, M, L)\) of the discovered model are computed according to [18]. For example, in Fig. 1(b), after executing events “\(r\)” and “\(x\)” in trace \(t_2\), tasks “\(b\)” and “\(c\)” are enabled in the original system; in model (c), “\(b\)” and “\(c\)” but also “\(x\)” are enabled, which has 100 % recalled all enabled activities in the system but is less precise (an additional “\(x\)” not enabled in the system); a trace model would only allow “\(b\)” (the next event in the trace), which is precise but has bad recall. Note that the recall with respect to system thus also captures the aforementioned generalization quality [5]. Furthermore, note that the system precision is different from the log precision, as the system could be imprecise with respect to the log (when the log is incomplete), but system is always precise with respect to to itself.

Similar Events, Mapping, and Cost Function. We build on existing concepts [6] to identify events that carry the same label but occur in different contexts. Let \(\sigma , \sigma '\) be two traces. A mapping \(\lambda _{(\sigma , \sigma ')} \subseteq E_{\sigma } \times E_{\sigma '}\) between \(\sigma \) and \(\sigma '\) is a binary, injective relation; \((e,e') \in \lambda _{(\sigma ,\sigma ')}\) is a matched pair. We write \(\overline{\lambda }_{(\sigma , \sigma ')}\) for the set of events having not match in \(\lambda _{(\sigma , \sigma ')}\), i.e. \(\overline{\lambda }_{(\sigma , \sigma ')} = \{e \in E \mid \lnot \exists e' \in E': (e, e') \in \lambda _{(\sigma , \sigma ')} \} \cup \{e' \in E' \mid \lnot \exists e \in E: (e, e') \in \lambda _{(\sigma , \sigma ')} \}\). In this paper, we assume for all \((e, e') \in \lambda _{(\sigma , \sigma ')}\), \(l(e) = l(e')\).

Fig. 2.
figure 2

An example of a mapping between two traces.

Given any two traces \(\sigma \) and \(\sigma '\), there are many possible mappings between them. An optimal mapping that maximizes the pairs of mapped events with large similarity in their context can be selected using a cost function with three weighted components: (1) the differences in the (direct or indirect) neighbors of the matched pairs (using \(cost_{Matched}\)), (2) the differences in the distances between a matched pair \((e, e')\) and other matched pairs (using \(cost_{Struc}\)), and (3) the non-matched events \(e \in \overline{\lambda }\) (using \(cost_{NoMatch}\)). Formally, \( cost(\sigma , \sigma ', \lambda ) = w_{M} * \sum _{(e, e') \in \lambda } cost_{Matched}(e, e', \lambda ) + w_{S} * \sum _{(e, e') \in \lambda } cost_{Struc}(e, e', \lambda ) + w_{N} * \sum _{e \in \overline{\lambda }} cost_{NoMatch}(e) \), in which \(w_{M}, w_{S}, w_{N}\) are the weights for the components. Figure 2 shows an example of a mapping between traces \(t_1\) and \(t_2\) of log \(L_{lab}\) of Fig. 1 (see [6] for a detailed explanation). As the traces \(\sigma \) and \(\sigma '\) are finite, one may simply enumerate all possible mappings between two traces, compute the cost of each mapping, and select the optimal ones. In [6], a greedy algorithm is proposed to find a locally optimal mapping in polynomial time. The results of this paper have been obtained with the greedy variant.

4 Problem Definition and Analysis

In this section, we first formally define our research problem and then discuss the related complications and our design decisions. In essence, given an imprecisely labeled log \(L = (C, l_A)\) over the set of activities A, we would like to return a more refined labeling function \(l_B\) for the events \(E_C\) in order to help a discovery algorithm find better models.

Definition 1

(Refined Labeling Function). For a labeled log \(L_A\) over the set of labels A, the log \(L_B\) over an arbitrary set of labels B is a refined log iff (1) they have the same traces, i.e., \(L_A = (C, l_A), L_B = (C, l_B)\), and (2) for each two events \(e, e' \in E_c\), \(e \) and \(e' \) can only have the same label according to \(l_B\), if they also have the same label by \(l_A\), i.e., \((l_B(e) = l_B(e') ) \Rightarrow (l_A(e) = l_A(e'))\). We call \(l_B\) a refined labeling function for \(L_A\).

Note that the model \(M_B\) discovered from \(L_B\) has a different set of activity labels (i.e., \(\mathcal {A}(M_B) = B\)) than the model \(M_A\) discovered from \(L_A\) (i.e., \(\mathcal {A}(M_A) =~A\)). However, for comparing \(M_A\) and \(M_B\) w.r.t. various measures, both models should have the same set of activities. To allow for this comparison, we introduce some notions that allow replacing the refined labels B of \(M_B\) with the original labels in A. Each refined log \(L_B = (C,l_B)\) of \(L_A = (C,l_A)\) induces the label abstraction function \(\beta : B \rightarrow A\) with \(\beta = \bigcup _{e \in E} \{ l_B(e) \mapsto l_A(e) \}\). The inverse \(\beta ^{-1}(a) = \{ b \in B | \beta (b) = a \}\) gives the set of refined labels for original label \(a \in A\). Note that \(\beta (l_B(e)) = l_A(e)\) for all events \(e \in E\). For example, in Fig. 1, the refined log \(L_{re}\) of \(L_{lab}\) induces the abstraction \(\beta = \{r \rightarrow r, c_1\rightarrow c, c_2\rightarrow c, c_3\rightarrow c, b_1\rightarrow b, b_2 \rightarrow b, x_1\rightarrow x, x_2\rightarrow x, d \rightarrow d\}\), label c is refined into the set \(\beta ^{-1}(c) = \{c_1, c_2, c_3\}\).

Using \(\beta \), we can abstract model \(M_B\) by replacing each label b in \(M_B\) with \(\beta (b)\). Let \(\beta (M_B)\) denote the resulting model. Lemma 1 then follows immediately from the definitions.

Lemma 1

( \(M_B\) and \(\beta (M_B)\) have the Same Behaviors). Let \(L_A\) be an event log and \(L_B\) be a refined log of \(L_A\). Let \(M_B\) be a model discovered from \(L_B\) such that each trace of \(L_B\) is a trace of \(M_B\). Let \(\beta \) be the label abstraction induced by \(L_B\). Then each trace of \(L_A\) is a trace of \(\beta (M_B)\).

Through \(\beta \) we can now compare models \(M_A\) and \(\beta (M_B)\) respectively discovered from both original log \(L_A\) and refined log \(L_B\) and formally define our problem.

Problem Definition. Let \(L_{lab} = (C, l)\) be an (imprecisely) labeled event log over the set of activities A. Let S denote the system model that generated \(L_{lab}\) with \(\mathcal {A}(S) = A\). Given discovery algorithm D, let \(M_{lab} = D(L_{lab})\) be the model discovered on the labeled log. We would like to find a refined labeling function \(l'\) of l that with induced label abstraction \(\beta \) such that for the refined log \(L_{re}=(C, l')\) and the discovered, abstracted model \(M_{re} = \beta (D(L_{re}))\) over A, the following properties hold:

  1. (1)

    Fitness and precision of \(M_{re}\) improves over \(M_{lab}\) w.r.t. the given labeled log:

    • \(log\_precision(M_{re}, L_{lab}) \ge log\_precision(M_{lab}, L_{lab})\) and

    • \(log\_fitness(M_{re}, L_{lab}) \ge log\_fitness(M_{lab}, L_{lab})\)

  2. (2)

    Recall and precision of behavior of \(M_{re}\) should be higher than \(M_{lab}\) w.r.t. S, i.e.,

    • \(sys\_precision(S, M_{re}, L_{lab}) \ge sys\_precision(S, M_{lab}, L_{lab})\) and

    • \(sys\_recall(S, M_{re}, L_{lab}) \ge sys\_recall(S, M_{lab}, L_{lab})\)

When the system S is unknown, we consider our third aim as providing different refined labeling functions that satisfy the first requirement which allows users to explore different representations of the input log.

Related Issues and Design Decisions. We discuss three complications related to the research problem to motivate our design decisions and assumption. First, there is a large combinatorial number of possible solutions, since in principle any label can be refined into an arbitrary number of refined labels. In addition, we have no criteria nor metrics that define when a refinement is optimal for the algorithm D. This depends on the discovery algorithm used. Furthermore, when the system is unknown, the same process may have different equally good representations depending on the stakeholder, the context, and decisions made in the formalization of the model. Since one can not deduce the optimal log nor the optimal model, we have to base the decisions for refining event labels on the behavioral structure of the event log and some basic principles and heuristics we discuss later.

The second complication is posed by the discovery algorithms and measures used for evaluation. Ideally, a more precise log would result in a more precise model, independent of the discovery algorithm and the measures we applied. However, this is not the case. A discovery algorithm may return a less precise model while the log is more refined (for example to avoid overfitting). Therefore, we decided to propose a backup plan. If \(log\_precision(M_{re}, L_{lab}) < log\_precision(M_{lab}, L_{lab})\), we simply return the log with its imprecise labeling. This guarantees that at least using the refined log would not lead to discovering a model worse than using the imprecise log.

Finally, in this paper, we assume the discovered model is sound and fitting for the following reasons. Most state-of-art measures assume a fitting log when evaluating the quality of a model. We observed in our own experiments that the measures become rather unreliable and difficult to compare or to understand the improvements when the models are not sound and fitting. Moreover, as fitness is defined in terms of the number of events that can be replayed by a model and we are not adding or removing any events (which would have direct influence on the fitness), changes in fitness are merely a quality of the discovery algorithms used. For example, if the algorithm guarantees to return a fitting model, relabeling events would not change this property.

5 Approach

We decompose the label refinement problem into three subproblems. First, we identify one or multiple labels as candidates for imprecise labels. Then, we consider a group of traces that have similar behavior to be a variant of the process and refine the imprecise label candidates (horizontally) into different variants and (vertically) within a variant. Figure 3 shows an overview of the three subproblems using an example.

5.1 Detecting Imprecise Labels

The first step is to identify one or multiple candidates for imprecise labels. This step helps to limit the search scope to those events that have an imprecise label and to avoid splitting non-duplicated tasks. Furthermore, it helps to consolidate the context information of events with imprecise labels. One may also consider all labels, however, this may unnecessarily complicate the label refinement process.

Fig. 3.
figure 3

The proposed approach for refining imprecise label as log preprocessing.

Formally, we define the problem as follows. Let \(L = (C, l_A)\) be a labeled event log and A the set of labels used. We would like to identify a subset of labels \(A' \subseteq A\) and consider them as candidates for imprecise labels. In other words, the labels in \(A \backslash A'\) are precise labels, and there is no need to refine them, i.e., for \(e \in E_C\) and \(l_A(e) = a \in A \backslash A'\), any refined labeling function \(l_B\) of \(l_A\) with its \(\beta \) implies \(l_B(e) = a\), and \(\beta ^{-1}(a) = \{a\}\).

There are many different ways to detect imprecise labels. We discuss two methods (used in the evaluation) and consider other possibilities as future work. The optimal case is to have an oracle that returns the truly imprecise labels as candidates. For example, domain experts indicate a particular label to be imprecise. In the remainder, we refer to this as Oracle Detection (OD).

Besides having an oracle, we propose an automated method that uses properties of Inductive Miner (IM) [11]. IM systematically parses an event log and finds a locally optimal “subprocess” recursively. If IM fails to find an accurate subprocess, it returns a generic subprocess that can replay any trace over the events in the corresponding sublog (i.e., a local “flower loop”). In this paper, we consider this type of subprocess to be imprecise. We choose to select the smallest imprecise subprocess (i.e., local “flower loop”) and return the activity labels in the subprocess as imprecise label candidates. For instance, applying IM on the running example, IM returns a process model of Fig. 1(c) containing a flower loop with activity labels c, b and x, and this set \(\{c, b, x\}\) is returned as candidates for imprecise labels. We use the IM Detection (IMD) to refer to this method. In principle, any subprocess or multiple subprocesses can be selected.

5.2 Intermediate Step - Matching Events

After finding imprecise label candidates, we propose an intermediate step before refining these labels. The objective of this intermediate step is to identify similarities between events across traces. Similar events should carry the same refined label whereas dissimilar events should carry a different label.

In essence, the procedure for computing the similarity of events of different traces uses the existing trace matching technique of Sect. 3 and goes as follows. Given a labeled log \(L=(C, l)\), for each two traces \(\sigma , \sigma ' \in C\), we find an optimal mapping \(\lambda _{\sigma , \sigma '} \in E_{\sigma } \times E_{\sigma '}\) between their events for a given cost function. This way we get the distance between any two traces \(\sigma \) and \(\sigma '\) as \(cost(\sigma ,\sigma ',\lambda _{\sigma , \sigma '})\). This distance can be normalized w.r.t. the highest cost \(maxCost = \max _{\sigma , \sigma ' \in C} \; cost(\sigma , \sigma ', \lambda _{\sigma , \sigma '})\).

To obtain the distance between any two events, we project the normalized distance between traces onto the individual pairs of events. Formally, we construct an undirected weighted graph \(G = (E_C, R, l, w)\) where nodes \(E_C\) are the events of \(L=(C,l)\) with labeling l. For each pair \((\sigma ,\sigma ')\) of traces in L and a best matching \(\lambda _{\sigma ,\sigma '}\) and for each pair \((e,e') \in \lambda _{\sigma ,\sigma '}\) of events, we add the edge \((e,e')\) to R with weight \(w(e,e') = cost(\sigma ,\sigma ',\lambda _{\sigma ,\sigma '}) / maxCost\). Note that in G a single event may have many weighted edges describing how close it is to the most similar event in other traces. When mapping the costs from pairs of traces to pairs of events in G, any edge between events with a precise label a (i.e., \(a \notin A'\)) gets cost 0. This way, we will enforce that these labels are not refined. The higher the cost between two events, the more likely that they receive different labels. Searching for a mapping with least cost ensures we group the most similar events and give them together the same label during refinement. Figure 4(a) shows an example of a weighted graph of events for an imprecise log that consists of four traces. Note that the graph is incomplete; the mappings between \(t_0\) and \(t_2\), \(t_1\) and \(t_3\), and \(t_0\) and \(t_3\) are not shown for the sake of simplicity.

5.3 Refining Labels Horizontally Across Variants

We can now identify variants within a process by grouping events across traces based on their similarity. The reason for distinguishing variants is the following. If two very different variants of a part of the process are considered together, a discovery algorithm may return a more general structure than exists in reality. Consider for example the two traces \(\sigma = \langle ..., c, b, x, ...\rangle \) and \(\sigma ' = \langle ..., x, b, c, ...\rangle \). One may consider them a single variant and return for example a model with activities b, c and x in parallel (i.e. can be executed in any order). However, an alternative would be having a precise model that only allows these two variants. The “optimal” model depends on the particular case. When the original model for the system is unknown, we cannot claim one of them is better, therefore we simply want to add the alternative with both variants to the solution space of existing discovery algorithms allowing user to explore both representations. Label refinement allows us to achieve this systematically.

Fig. 4.
figure 4

A graph of labeled events with weighted edges denoting the dissimilarity (a), for which the labels are refined horizontally (b) and then vertically (c).

The similarity measure enables us to be flexible when considering which variants to split by introducing a variant threshold \(z_v\). We say, two traces \(\sigma \) and \(\sigma '\) are in the same variant, written \(\sigma \sim \sigma '\) iff their normalized \( cost (\sigma ,\sigma ',\lambda _{\sigma ,\sigma '}) / maxCost \le z_v\) or there exists \(\sigma ''\) with \(\sigma \sim \sigma '' \sim \sigma '\). Note that \(\sim \) is an equivalence relation where two very dissimilar traces may become equivalent if there is a “chain” of similar traces between them. Thus, two events \(e \in \sigma , e'\in \sigma '\) that have imprecise labels (i.e., \(l(e), l(e') \in A')\) are in the same variant iff \(\sigma \sim \sigma '\). In our graph G, we materialize (dis-)similarity by removing any edge \((e,e')\) with weight \(w(e,e') > z_v\). As all mappings between events of the same two traces \(\sigma \) and \(\sigma '\) carry the same weight, all events of a trace are kept in the same variant. Note that edges between the events that carry precise labels have weight 0 and are not split into multiple variants.

For example, setting the variant threshold for the event distance graph G of Fig. 4(a) to 0.6 yields the graph \(G'\) of Fig. 4(b) showing two variants in the part of the process involving labels cbx. Labels r and d are not refined into multiple variants.

5.4 Refining Labels Vertically Within Variant

After refining labels horizontally to distinguish different variants, there can still be multiple events carrying the same label within a single variant indicating either a loop or different tasks. Assuming in 50 % of cases activity c is executed once and in the other 50 % of the cases, c is executed twice, we could infer that there are two c tasks (one optional), or just one c task in a loop. In the following, we again use label refinement to add both alternatives to the solution space.

For refining labels within a single variant, we assume the following characteristics of a proper loop: when the number of iterations increases, the probability of executing this iteration decreases. For example, one may always execute the first iteration, whereas the second iteration is only executed in 20 % of the cases. In contrast, a duplicated task in a sequence would show similar numbers of executions in all traces of the same variant.

Based on this assumption, we introduce an unfolding threshold parameter \(z_f\). For each imprecise label candidate \(a \in A'\), let \(G^1_a\), ..., \(G^m_a\) be the connected components of G in which all events have label a. \(G^i_a\) and \(G^j_a\) are in the same variant iff for any two events \(e^i \in G^i_a\) and \(e^j \in G^j_a\), \(e^i\) and \(e^j\) are in the same variant (see Sect. 5.3). For example, Fig. 4(c) highlights for imprecise label c the three connected components \(G^1_c = \{e_2, e_7\}\), \(G^2_c = \{e_{10}\}\), \(G^3_c = \{e_{15}, e_{19}\}\), in which \(G^1_c\) and \(G^2_c\) in the same variant. Next, let \(\#G^i_a\) denote the average position of the events of \(\#G^i_a\) in their respective traces. Let \(G^1_a\) ... \(G^k_a\) be in the same variant ordered by \(\#G^i_a\). Let \(maxSize = max_{1 \le i \le k} \left| G^i_a \right| \) be the size of largest component (w.r.t. its events). For \(1 \le i \le k\), if \(i = 1\) or \(\left| G^i_a \right| \ge v_f * maxSize\), then all events in \(G^i_a\) get a new label, otherwise \(G^i_a\) get the label of the events of \(G^{i-1}_a\). For example, for imprecise label c, for the two connected components \(G^1_c = \{e_2, e_7\}\) and \(G^2_c = \{e_{10}\}\) that are in the same variant, \(\#G^1_c = 2\), \(\#G^2_c = 5\), and \(maxSize = 2\). Therefore, if the unfolding threshold \(v_f\) is 0.6, then the events in \(G^2_c\) get the same label as the events in \(G^1_c\). If \(v_f\) is 0.4, then both \(G^1_c\) and \(G^2_c\) each get a new label.

6 Experimental Evaluation and Case Study

We implemented the techniques of Sect. 5 in the process mining toolkit ProM and conducted controlled experiments and a real-life case study to evaluate our approach. Plugins and experiments are available in the TraceMatching package of ProM. We first explain the experimental setup and then discuss the result.

Experimental Setup. The experimental setup is shown in Fig. 5. We randomly generated block structured models as systems with n number of visible tasks. Each system has k tasks that have the same activity label (here we consider just one duplicated label). For each system, we generate one imprecisely labeled log \(L_{lab} = (C, l_{lab})\) of a 1000 cases each. From the imprecise log \(L_{lab}\), we discover \(M_{lab} = D(L_{lab})\). For the same log, we also apply our approach of Sect. 5 to obtain a refined log \(L_{re} = (C, l_{re})\) (note that \(\beta (L_{re}) = L_{lab}\)), for which we discover model \(M_{re}\). Two algorithms are used: IM [11], i.e., \(M_{re, IM} = \beta (D_{IM}(L_{re})\)), and ILP [10], i.e., \(M_{re, ILP} = \beta (D_{ILP}(L_{re}))\). The quality of each of the models is compared with the corresponding model \(M_{lab}\) for evaluating to what extent our aims has been achieved. In all experiments, the same cost configuration is used for matching events. To speed up the experiments, the events that have precise labels, i.e. \(l(e) = l(e') \notin A'\), are matched naively based on their labels and ordering in their respective traces. All models, logs and results can be downloadedFootnote 2.

Fig. 5.
figure 5

An overview of the experimental design.

Fig. 6.
figure 6

Original model with duplicate tasks (a), results of IM on imprecise log (b) and on refined log (c), same for ILP (d) and (e).

(Exp. 1) When Imprecise Labels are not in a Loop, What are the Improvements? In this experiment, we used the default parameters: the variant threshold \(z_v\) is 0.05 and the unfolding threshold \(z_f\) is 0.60 for all models. We generated for size \(n = [10, 15, 20]\) 200 models (600 models in total). For each model, there are \(k = 4\) transitions having the same label and that are not in a loop.

Fig. 7.
figure 7

Original model (a), result of IM on imprecise log (b) and on refined log (c).

Fig. 8.
figure 8

Number of refined log (a), frequency of improvements in log precision (b) and shifts in system scores (c).

We show two examples of the refined models compared to their imprecise models in Figs. 6 and 7 to illustrate our results: Fig. 6 shows an improvement in \(log\_precision\) of more than 0.50 and Fig. 7 an improvement of 0.10. In Fig. 6, the original model (a) has four duplicated tasks labeled “\(B\)”; applying IM and ILP on the imprecise log respectively results in discovering an imprecise model (b), which has a flower subprocess consisting of 5 activities, or an imprecise model (d), which has two unconnected activities; on the refined log, for both ILP and IM, the refined models (c) and (e) shows that the four duplicated tasks were correctly discovered in their respective positions in the process, however, our approach is unable to identify the concurrency between two consecutive duplicated tasks \(t_2\) and and \(t_3\) in (a).

Overall, Fig. 8(a) shows the number of systems for which our approach was able to find a refinement for its log that leads to discovering a better model with a higher log precision, while using automated detection of imprecise labels (IMD). In general, in 35 % (420 of 1200) of the logs, we were able to find a refinement with default parameters using IMD; using domain knowledge (OD) increased this number by 3 %. For 42 % of the refined logs, IM discovered an improved model, which is 14 % more than for ILP.

Figure 8(b) shows the histogram of frequencies of actual \(log\_precision\) improvements using IMD. As can be seen, for both ILP and IM, our approach is able to help discover models with significant improvements. For ILP, the approach was able to find for 99 out of 600 models an improvement between 0.1 and 0.7 (using OD, this number increased by 9 %); similar for IM, 111 out of 600 refined models had such an improvement (using OD, this number is increased by 20 %). The average log precision is increased by 0.15.

Figure 8(c) shows the absolute F1-score (which is the harmony average of \(sys\_precision\) and \(sys\_recall\)) for \(M_{lab}\) (discovered on imprecise logs) versus \(M_{re}\) (discovered on the successfully refined logs using IM and ILP); our refinement clearly shifts the F1-score towards 1. When using automated detection (IMD), 16 % (67 out of 420) of the improved logs were refined in such way that F1-score becomes 1, which indicates that the resulting model have exactly the same alternative behavior as the original system enabled by the log (using OD we obtain 77 out of 516). Performance-wise, the average running time for computing one refined log varies between 8 and 14 s. depending on the model size.

Fig. 9.
figure 9

The same types of result as Fig. 8 when using adaptive parameters.

Fig. 10.
figure 10

The same types of result as Fig. 8, if a duplicated task is found in a loop.

(Exp. 2) Influence of Our Parameters. Next, we investigated whether adjusting parameters improves the quality of label refinement and whether such parameters can be found automatically for each model. For this, we repeated the above experiment for IM and OD and changed variant threshold (from 0.08 to 0.00 in steps of 0.01) and unfolding threshold (from 0.00 to 0.60 in steps of 0.10). We stopped when getting a log where \(M_{re}\) had higher log precision than \(M_{lab}\). The average running time for computing one such refined log has increased to between 53 and 111 sec. depending on the model size.

Figure 9(a) shows the number of imprecise logs improved, (b) shows the actual improvements in \(log\_precision\), and (c) shows the F1-scores of \(sys\_recall\) and \(sys\_precision\). It is worthwhile to note that, using the adaptive parameters, for 87 % of the imprecise logs, we were able to refine the log helping IM discover a better model. The average log precision is increased by 0.12. Compared to the 46 % (when using default parameters and OD), the number is increased by more than 89 %. Another notable result is that the number of \(M_{re}\) that has an increase in \(log\_precision\) between 0.2 and 0.7 is also increased by 72.2 % compared to the default parameter. This states for over one out of five logs, the adaptive approach is able to find a rather significant improvement, if the imprecise labels are not in a loop.

We manually inspected the models that could not be improved by using adjusted parameters. We found that this mostly concerned models that either have a large loop or have duplicated tasks concurrent to many other tasks. The difference in the corresponding components (i.e. such loops increase the cost of structure and such concurrency increases the cost of neighbors) becomes dominant in the cost returned by trace matching, resulting in splitting the imprecise labels wrongly even though the matching may be correct.

(Exp. 3) What if Imprecise Labels Appear in a Loop? We again generated 600 models, 200 for each \(n = 10, 15, 20\). We used OD and set \(k=2\) transitions that have imprecise label: one inside and one outside of a loop. We used adaptive parameter selection and IM as discovery algorithm. Figure 10 shows the results. In 60.5 % of the models, the approach could find an improvement (32 % less compared to the results when no duplicated task is in a loop), which indicates that the approach has more difficulties to distinguish imprecise labels in loops. Another interesting result is that although the approach could improve fewer logs, the improvements achieved were considerable in some cases; 20 models have increased log precision by more than 0.5. Figure 11 shows an example of the model discovered using the refined log, which rediscovered the original model Fig. 11(a).

Inspecting the models, we observe that the approach is able to to distinguish loops if an imprecise transition t outside of a loop is followed by an imprecise transition inside of a loop. We found three patterns where our approach failed: (1) distinguishing a second iteration of a loop from a choice for a duplicate activity, (2) distinguishing a duplicate activity at the end of a loop body from one immediately after the loop, (3) one duplicate activity is concurrent to another duplicate activity within a loop. We plan to address these issues in our future work.

Fig. 11.
figure 11

Original model with duplicate tasks and rediscovered by IM on refined log (a), result of IM on imprecise log (b).

Real-Life Case Study. We conducted a case study involving a healthcare process. The log was provided by Maastricht University Medical Center (MUMC+), a large academic hospital in the Netherlands. We used existing approaches to filter the known deviating cases and events. The cleaned hospital log contains 1039 cases and 6213 events having five distinct labels. Since the log still contains imprecise labels and misses some events, applying the Inductive Visual Miner (IvM) yields an imprecise model with two self loops, as shown in Fig. 12(a). Using the default parameter, the approach was unable to refine the log. Therefore, we took an iterative approach.

We first refined events labeled with “surgery”, i.e., the imprecise label candidate is “surgery”. In the second and third iteration we refined events labeled with “consultation”. The resulting model shows the sequential behavior expected by domain experts. An interesting result is that after refining the labels, the discovered model is now suitable for computing performance. For example, a domain expert stated that within 2 months after the measurements, the first surgery should be executed, and the model shows on avg. 59 days. After the first surgery, a post-surgery consultation should take place within a week, and the model shows on avg. 8 days. If a second surgery should take place, then it should be performed after two weeks, and the model shows on avg. 14 days. Note that such performance diagnostics are difficult to obtain using the model discovered from the imprecise log Fig. 12(a).

Fig. 12.
figure 12

Real-life log obtained from a Dutch hospital that was refined our approach; the resulting model better reflects reality and can be used to diagnose performance.

7 Discussion and Conclusion

In this paper, we investigated the problem of imprecise labels and proposed a fresh look at the problem from a log preprocessing point of view. We used context and structural information of events in a log to find dissimilar groups of events that have the same label and refined their labels accordingly.

The results of our evaluation provide interesting insights. When imprecise labels are not in a loop, our approach is able to improve logs by refining labels in 35 % of the cases using a default parameter, which increased to 87 % if the parameter is automatically adapted to the log and the discovery algorithm. If one imprecise label is in a loop, we could still improve 61 % of the logs. The case study demonstrated that the approach can be used iteratively (i.e., refining labels in multiple steps) in practice to obtain more accurate and precise models. Interestingly, such a model can be used to derive reliable performance diagnostic. Future research aims at investigating and tackling the limitations of the approach found during the experiments.