
1 Introduction

Understanding how to effectively represent information using diagrams is a major research goal of the Diagrams community. The focus of this paper is diagrams designed for making logical statements, in a precise and unambiguous way. Whilst a lot of research has been done into the design and theoretical development of diagrammatic logics, stemming from Shin’s seminal work [12], little attention has been given to how to choose between semantically equivalent, yet syntactically different, diagrams. This paper begins to address this knowledge gap, by empirically evaluating competing choices of diagrams for axiomatizing semantic properties. To ensure practical relevance, and therefore wider significance of our research, we identified ontology engineering as a major endeavour where axioms are routinely defined.

Ontologies help us to structure and reason about information and data; formally, an ontology is a collection of axioms. With the abundance of data available in this information age, ontology engineering is becoming increasingly important. Many different specialists are involved in the development of ontologies including domain experts, software engineers, data analysts and lawyers. Some of these stakeholders are not adept at using the existing approaches to ontology engineering, which involve the use of formal languages such as description logic [2] and OWL, the Web Ontology Language [1]. This implies that diagrammatic approaches to ontology engineering have the potential to appeal to ontology engineers without formal training in logic. With this in mind, concept diagrams [6] were designed to be used as an accessible ontology engineering language, usable by more stakeholders. Therefore, concept diagrams provide an ideal notation with which to provide an understanding into the relative effectiveness of different ways of axiomatizing semantic properties. Although specifically designed for ontology engineering, concept diagrams can be used in any logical context for which they are suitably expressive. As with any logic, it is frequently the case that any axiomatizable property can be represented by a variety of syntactically different concept diagrams but how to choose between the different representations is not obvious. This paper sets out to provide guidance on how to choose between such competing representations.

We briefly introduce the syntax and semantics of concept diagrams in Sect. 2. We identify commonly occurring ontology axioms in Sect. 3 where we also define different styles of diagrammatic patterns for representing them. The design and execution of an empirical study to determine which pattern styles are most accurately and most quickly interpreted by participants is described in Sect. 4. The analysis and results are presented in Sect. 5. We discuss the results in Sect. 6 and conclude in Sect. 7. Details of the questions and training material used in the study, along with the raw data collected, can be found at

2 Concept Diagrams

We present a brief overview of the syntax and semantics of concept diagrams, particularly with reference to the features occurring in this paper; a more detailed description of this fully formalized logic can be found in [14]. Closed curves represent sets which are called concepts in description logic and classes in OWL. Therefore concept diagrams are based on Euler diagrams. Binary relations, called properties or roles in ontology engineering, are represented by arrows. Individuals, or elements, are represented by dots or, more generally, trees.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Concept diagrams

Suppose that the individual Helen is a Person who is married to only the Person Poly (identified by the binary relation marriedTo) and that Helen owns exactly two pets (identified by the binary relation ownsPet), both of which are Dogs. These two pets include a Terrier called Lily. The left-hand diagram in Fig. 1 expresses this information, requiring three closed curves to represent the concepts Person, Dog, and Terrier. Person and Dog are disjoint and Terrier is subsumed by Dog. The location of the dots identifies the concepts of which they are instances; for example, Lily is located inside the curve labelled Terrier. The fact that Helen owns a set of Pets is expressed by the arrow labelled ownsPet, which hits an unlabelled curve. This curve is drawn inside Dog, to assert that the image of the relation ownsPet, with its domain restricted to Helen, is subsumed by Dog. The two trees inside this unlabelled curve tell us that Helen owns two Dogs. Helen’s dog that is not Lily might be a Terrier. This uncertainty is captured by the use of the unlabelled tree with two nodes, one inside both the Dog and Terrier curves and the other inside the Dog curve but outside the Terrier curve. Shading is used to express that the only dogs owned by Helen are represented by the trees.

Concept diagrams use dashed arrows to represent partial information, such as Helen loves some Person and that Person could be Helen herself. A concept diagram expressing this is in the middle diagram of Fig. 1. The arrow connects diagrammatic syntax placed in different boxes to ensure that we have not asserted that the Person Helen loves is different from Helen. The right-hand diagram of Fig. 1 expresses that every Book is readBy only a subset of Person. The quantification expression written outside of the rectangles tells us that the diagram is making an assertion about all books. Lastly, we note that concept diagrams can also make assertions involving inverse relations, by annotating arrow labels using the symbol \(^-\), and negation by labelling a bounding box with ‘Not’. These will be discussed in more detail in Sect. 3.

3 Ontology Patterns

Concept diagrams are able to express commonly occurring ontology axioms in different ways. In this section we develop diagrammatic patterns for some types of axioms that commonly occur in ontology engineering: subsumption, disjointness, All Values From, Some Values From, Domain and Range [5].

3.1 Patterns Involving only Classes

The Subsumption axiom type is one of the simplest and widely used. Class \(C_1\) subsumes Class \(C_2\) if all members of \(C_2\) are also members of \(C_1\). Diagrammatically there is a natural way of representing subsumption, shown in the left-hand diagram of Fig. 2.

Fig. 2.
figure 2

Subsumption and disjointness patterns

The Disjointness axiom type is also widely used. Classes \(C_1\) and \(C_2\) are disjoint if no element of \(C_1\) is also an element \(C_2\). Again, there is a natural way of expressing disjointness shown in the second diagram in Fig. 2.

There are other ways of representing subsumption and disjointness using concept diagrams. For example, we could use shading to indicate that a region is empty; this is the way that Venn diagrams represent such properties. The two right-hand diagrams of Fig. 2 show alternative patterns for subsumption and disjointness involving the use of shading. It is well established that a salient feature of diagrams is well-matchedness [4]. A notation is well-matched to meaning when its syntactic relationships reflect the semantic relationships being represented. In the left-hand diagram of Fig. 2, the curve labelled \(C_2\) is enclosed by the curve labelled \(C_1\) matching the semantic interpretation that \(C_2\) is a subset of \(C_1\). Similarly, in the adjacent diagram, the curves labelled \(C_1\) and \(C_2\) are disjoint, reflecting the interpretation that \(C_1\) and \(C_2\) are disjoint sets. However, the right-hand diagrams are not well-matched. The closed curves intersect giving no indication of the relationship between the sets they represent. Moreover, the shading is purely symbolic [8, 13] and we have to learn that shaded regions represent the empty set. To confirm these theoretical insights, empirical studies have shown that users perform tasks more effectively when using well-matched Euler diagrams [3]. For these reasons, we recommend the well-matched subsumption and disjointness patterns for practical use by ontology engineers, and do not include them in our empirical study.

3.2 Patterns Involving Classes and Properties

In ontology engineering, a property can be considered as a mathematical (binary) relation between two classes. When we consider axioms involving properties, it is not clear what is the best diagrammatic way to represent these constructs. We consider four constructs involving properties: All Values From, Some Values From, Domain and Range. For each of these constructs we have systematically identified three different styles of diagrammatic patterns:

  1. 1.


  2. 2.

    Quantified with Solid Arrow

  3. 3.

    Quantified with Dashed Arrow

The Unquantified patterns were first developed in [15].

3.3 All Values From Patterns

The All Values From axiom type represents a constraint involving two classes and a property: if each element of class \(C_1\) is related, under property p, only to elements of class \(C_2\) (if it is related to anything), then \(C_1\) is said to have All Values From \(C_2\) under p.

Unquantified Pattern. The left-hand diagram of Fig. 3 expresses that the image of property p, when its domain is restricted to \(C_1\), is a subset of \(C_2\). This axiomatizes the All Values From constraint. The closed curves representing classes \(C_1\) and \(C_2\) are each presented within a bounding rectangle because we do not want to express any relationship between \(C_1\) and \(C_2\).

Quantified with Solid Arrow Pattern. The middle diagram of Fig. 3 expresses that for each c in \(C_1\), the image of property p, when its domain is restricted to c, is a subset of \(C_2\). Thus \(C_1\) has All Values From \(C_2\) under p.

Quantified with Dashed Arrow Pattern. The right-hand diagram of Fig. 3 expresses that for each c in \(C_1\), it is not the case that c is related, under p, to an element not in \(C_2\). Thus no element of \(C_1\) is related, under p, to an element not in \(C_2\). Hence, each element of class \(C_1\) is related, under property p, only to elements of class \(C_2\).

Fig. 3.
figure 3

All Values From patterns

3.4 Some Values From Patterns

The Some Values From axiom type also represents a constraint involving two classes and a property: if each element of class \(C_1\) is related, under property p, to some element of class \(C_2\), then \(C_1\) has Some Values From \(C_2\) under p.

Unquantified Pattern. The left-hand diagram of Fig. 4 expresses that the image of property \(p^-\), when its domain is restricted to \(C_2\), includes \(C_1\). Therefore, for each a in \(C_1\), there exists b in \(C_2\) such that b is related to a under \(p^-\). Hence, for each a in \(C_1\), there is some b in \(C_2\) such that a is related to b under p.

Quantified with Solid Arrow Pattern. The middle diagram of Fig. 4 expresses that for each c in \(C_1\), the image of property p, when its domain is restricted to c, includes some element in \(C_2\).

Quantified with Dashed Arrow Pattern. The right-hand diagram of Fig. 4 expresses that each c in \(C_1\) is related, under p, to some element in \(C_2\).

Fig. 4.
figure 4

Some Values From patterns

3.5 Domain Patterns

The Domain axiom type represents a constraint involving a class and a property: Class C is the Domain of property p if only elements from C are related to something under p. Each pattern for Domain will use the inverse of property p.

Fig. 5.
figure 5

Domain patterns

Unquantified Pattern. Noting that innermost rectangles represent the universal set, the left-hand diagram of Fig. 5 expresses that the image of property \(p^-\) is a subset of C. Hence, only elements in C are related to something by p.

Quantified with Solid Arrow Pattern. The middle diagram of Fig. 5 expresses that for each Thing t, the image of property \(p^-\), when its domain is restricted to t, is a subset of C. Hence, only elements in C are related to something under p.

Quantified with Dashed Arrow Pattern. The right-hand diagram of Fig. 5 expresses that for each Thing t, it is not the case that t is related, by \(p^-\), to an element not in C. Hence, only elements in C are related to something under p.

3.6 Range Patterns

The Range axiom type also represents a constraint involving a class and a property: Class C is the Range of property p if things are related, under p, only to elements in C.

Unquantified Pattern. The left-hand diagram of Fig. 6 expresses that the image of property p is a subset of C. Hence, C is the Range of p.

Quantified with Solid Arrow Pattern. The middle diagram of Fig. 6 expresses that for each Thing t, the image of property p, when its domain is restricted to t, is a subset of C. Hence, C is the Range of p.

Quantified with Dashed Arrow Pattern. The right-hand diagram of Fig. 6 expresses that for each Thing t, it is not the case that t is related, under p, to an element not in C. Hence, things are related, under p, only to elements in C.

Fig. 6.
figure 6

Range patterns

4 Empirical Study

An empirical study was designed to determine which pattern style was more effective overall as well as for each of the four constructs, All Values From, Some Values From, Domain and Range. A pattern style was considered more effective than another if, on average, participants interpreted it with significantly fewer errors. If the pattern styles could not be distinguished on error rate then the pattern style that could be interpreted, on average, significantly more quickly was considered the most effective. In order to give some context to the questions used in the empirical study, a case study based on mythical creatures was developed. This context was chosen so that participants would be unable to guess the answers based on prior domain knowledge.

Fig. 7.
figure 7

Unquantified All Values From pattern with multiple-choice answers

Fig. 8.
figure 8

Unquantified Some Values From pattern with multiple-choice answers

Fig. 9.
figure 9

Unquantified Domain pattern with multiple-choice answers

Fig. 10.
figure 10

Unquantified Range pattern with multiple-choice answers

As described above, three different patterns for each of the four constructs were developed, giving a total of twelve different diagram patterns. Participants were shown 24 diagrams in total, with each different diagram pattern being shown twice, representing different information, in order to generate sufficient data points for statistical analysis. Each diagram was associated with a single question: “What does the diagram tell you?”. The participants were provided with four multiple-choice options, presented in random order, exactly one of which was correct; the random order was the same for each participant. Figures 789 and 10 show example questions for each construct from the study, in each case the Unquantified pattern is used. The same multiple-choice options were used for each of the questions for each particular construct, but with the names changed to those given in the diagram (each diagram represented different information). The questions were presented in random order, generated uniquely for each participant. We set a time limit of two minutes to answer each question; attempts at the questions in the design phase by members of authors’ research group indicated that the time taken to answer each question was usually much less than this. A time limit was deemed important so that the study did not continue indefinitely. We adopted a within-group design because there was unlikely to be any learning effect which could bias the results; each of the patterns has a different appearance and each diagram represented different information.

4.1 Experiment Execution

The experiment was performed within the university’s usability laboratory, providing a quiet environment without interruption. Each participant was treated equally with the same environment, furniture, equipment, materials and procedures. Participants performed the experiment individually, and were provided with full details about the purpose of their role by an experiment facilitator who was present throughout.

At the beginning of the experiment, the facilitator introduced the participants to concept diagrams using paper-based training material. Participants were then given software training. They were shown three questions with a similar design to those in the main study in order to help familiarize them with the software’s user interface. Finally, the facilitator allowed the participants to work on the study questions. Participants were able to refer to a hard copy single side of A4 paper detailing the elements of concept diagrams used in the study, which formed part of the training material. Upon completion of the experiment, each participant was provided with a debrief summary. Participants were offered a £6 canteen voucher for their time spent in the study, which was approximately 30 min.

A pilot study was conducted to test the experiment design, research software used to display the diagrams and questions, and the data collection process. Five participants (1F, 4M, ages 18–29) took part in the pilot study. As a result of the pilot, a minor change was made to the training material. Forty participants (12F, 28M, ages 18–38) participated in the main experiment, all students from the University of Brighton studying computing, mathematics or engineering. They reported no previous knowledge of concept diagrams, OWL or DL, but were familiar with Venn/Euler diagrams, first order logic and set theory.

5 Results

To determine whether there are differences between the interpretability of the three pattern styles, we analysed both errors and the time taken to answer each question. We performed this analysis on the pattern styles overall and separately for each of the four axiomatized constructs, All Values From, Some Values From, Domain and Range. For the errors, we performed chi-square tests. For the time analysis, we performed ANOVAs. However, as the time data were not normally distributed, we performed a log transformation to reduce the skewness to within tolerable levels for conducting robust ANOVAs. When the ANOVAs revealed significant differences, we proceeded to conduct Tukey tests to rank the pattern styles. The results are based on the data collected from 40 participants, with each participant answering 24 questions providing a total of 960 observations, 240 for each of the four axiom types and 80 for each diagrammatic pattern.

5.1 Overall Analysis

To determine which pattern style was most effective overall, we considered how the three pattern styles, Unquantified, Quantified with Solid Arrow and Quantified with Dashed Arrow, compared for the entire 24 questions. Firstly, we compared the error rates for each pattern style, which are summarised in Table 1; these data exclude six timeouts, and, thus, only include data from questions for which an answer was provided within the 2 min allowed. Conducting a chi-square test established that there was no significant difference in error rate between the Unquantified (Un) and Quantified with Solid Arrow (QwSA) pattern styles (\(p=0.205\)). However, both of these pattern styles yielded significantly fewer errors than Quantified with Dashed Arrow (QwDA); in each case, \(p=0.000\). We can see that Quantified with Dashed Arrow yielded approximately 56 more errors for every 100 answers than Unquantified, which falls to 52 more errors as compared to Quantified with Solid Arrow.

To further distinguish the pattern styles, we analysed the time data. Consistent with Meulemans et al. [7], we only analyze the correct answers; it can be argued that it does not matter how long it takes to provide a wrong answer. The mean times and standard deviations are summarised in Table 1; these data are from questions for which a correct answer was provided within the 2 min allowed. Conducting an ANOVA test established that there were significant differences in the times taken between the three pattern styles (\(p=0.000\)). To expose the nature of these differences, we proceeded to conduct a Tukey test in order to rank the pattern styles. This revealed that the Unquantified pattern style allowed participants to perform significantly faster than Quantified with Solid Arrow which, in turn, was significantly faster than Quantified with Dashed Arrow. In terms of time taken, we see that Unquantified is approximately 13.5 % faster than Quantified with Solid Arrow and approximately 57.9 % faster than Quantified with Dashed Arrow, on average.

Combining both our error analysis and time analysis, we conclude that using the Unquantified pattern style significantly improves overall task performance, as compared to the other two pattern styles.

Table 1. Overall summary

5.2 All Values from Analysis

Table 2 summarizes the error rates for each pattern; these data exclude a single timeout which was for Quantified with Dashed Arrow. Conducting a chi-square test showed that there was no significant difference between Unquantified and Quantified with Solid Arrow, with \(p=0.548\). However, Unquantified and Quantified with Solid Arrow both yielded significantly fewer errors than Quantified with Dashed Arrow, with \(p=0.000\) in each case. Quantified with Dashed Arrow yielded approximately 79 more errors for every 100 answers than Unquantified, which fell to 76 more errors as compared to Quantified with Solid Arrow.

The mean times and standard deviations for each pattern style are given in Table 2. An ANOVA test revealed that there were significant differences (\(p=0.005\)) between the pattern styles. A Tukey test indicated that Unquantified was significantly faster than Quantified with Solid Arrow which, in turn, was significantly faster than Quantified with Dashed Arrow. We can see that Unquantified was approximately 87.4 % faster than Quantified with Dashed Arrow and approximately 21.1 % faster than Quantified with Solid Arrow, on average.

Combining the error and time analysis, we again conclude that the Unquantified pattern style significantly improves task performance, as compared to the other two pattern styles, in the case of All Values From.

Table 2. All Values From summary
Table 3. Some Values From summary

5.3 Some Values from Analysis

Table 3 summarizes the error rates for each pattern; there were no timeouts. A chi-square test found no significant difference between Unquantified and Quantified with Dashed Arrow, with \(p=0.868\). However, Unquantified and Quantified with Dashed Arrow both yielded significantly fewer errors than Quantified with Solid Arrow, with \(p=0.011\) and \(p=0.007\) respectively. Quantified with Solid Arrow yielded approximately 18 or 19 more errors for every 100 answers than both Unquantified and Quantified with Dashed Arrow.

The mean times and standard deviations for each pattern style are given in Table 3. An ANOVA test revealed that there were no significant differences (\(p=0.167\)) between the pattern styles. Therefore, we did not proceed to conduct a Tukey test. We conclude, on the basis of the error analysis, that using either the Unquantified or Quantified with Dashed Arrow best supports task performance for Some Values From axioms.

5.4 Domain Analysis

Table 4 summarizes the error rates for each pattern; there were three timeouts, all for Quantified with Dashed Arrow. A chi-square test found no significant difference between Unquantified and Quantified with Solid Arrow, with \(p=0.442\). However, Unquantified and Quantified with Solid Arrow both yielded significantly fewer errors than Quantified with Dashed Arrow, with \(p=0.000\) in each case. Quantified with Dashed Arrow yield approximately 82 more errors for every 100 answers than Quantified with Solid Arrow which slightly reduces to 78 more errors as compared to Unquantified.

The mean times and standard deviations for each pattern style are given in Table 4. An ANOVA test revealed that there were significant differences (\(p=0.041\)) between the pattern styles. Therefore, we conducted a Tukey test, which ranked the pattern styles as follows: Unquantified and Quantified with Solid Arrow were not significantly different, but both were significantly faster than Quantified with Dashed Arrow. We can see that Unquantified and Quantified with Solid Arrow were approximately 81.4 % and 82.1 %, respectively, faster than Quantified with Dashed Arrow, on average.

Our error and time analysis consistently support the use of either Unquantified and Quantified with Solid Arrow over Quantified with Dashed Arrow for Domain axioms.

Table 4. Domain summary
Table 5. Domain summary

5.5 Range Analysis

Table 5 summarizes the error rates for each pattern; there were two timeouts, both for Quantified with Dashed Arrow. A chi-square test found no significant difference between Unquantified and Quantified with Solid Arrow, with \(p=0.786\). Again, we found that bothUnquantified and Quantified with Solid Arrow yielded significantly fewer errors than Quantified with Dashed Arrow, with \(p=0.000\) in each case. Quantified with Dashed Arrow yield approximately 68 or 69 more errors for every 100 answers than Unquantified and Quantified with Solid Arrow.

The mean times and standard deviations for each pattern style are given in Table 5. An ANOVA test revealed that there were significant differences (\(p=0.001\)) between the pattern styles. A Tukey test ranked the patterns as follows: Unquantified was significantly faster than Quantified with Solid Arrow which, in turn, was significantly faster than Quantified with Dashed Arrow. Participants’ performance using the Unquantified pattern was approximately 70 % faster than Quantified with Dashed Arrow and approximately 21.4 % faster than Quantified with Solid Arrow, on average.

Drawing on the error and time analysis, for Range using the Unquantified pattern most effectively supports user task performance and Quantified with Solid Arrow is placed second.

5.6 Summary of Analysis

As well as being ranked as the most effective overall, the Unquantified pattern style allows participants to perform at least as well, if not significantly better, than both the other pattern styles for each individual axiom type. Interestingly, in all but one case – namely Some Values FromQuantified with Dashed Arrow was ranked last by both errors and time taken. This indicates that using quantification with dashed arrows is particularly poor for cognition and an overall error rate of 79.62 % is not dissimilar to what is expected when randomly choosing one out of four options. Given this and that the overall error rates for the other two patterns styles are much lower, being 23.44 % for Unquantified and 27.81 % for Quantified with Solid Arrow, it is surprising that lowest error rate for Quantified with Dashed Arrow is for the axiom type Some Values From at 65 %. The other two styles have, by far, their highest error rates for this axiom type, namely 66.25 % and 83.75 %. These high error rates are, however, consistent with findings for symbolic approaches to ontology engineering, where it has been established that users have particular difficulty understanding Some Values From axioms [5, 911, 16]. We will further discuss this observation in Sect. 6.

6 Discussion

There are some interesting observations to be made from the results of the empirical study. In particular, the results for Some Values From are striking, with an overall error rate of 72.67 %. As just stated, it is well established that users have difficulties with this construct, so it may be the inherent conceptual difficulty of this axiom type that causes the high error rate. For example, Rector et al. [9, 10] showed that new OWL students do not understand the exact meaning of Some Values From, and “are unsure if it means all, any or nothing else”.

Delving deeper into the results of our study, we analysed the incorrect responses for the Some Values From construct. For the Quantified with Solid Arrow pattern 60 out of 80 (75 %) participants confused Some Values From with All Values From, for example, choosing “Trolls recruit only Goblins” rather than “Trolls recruit at least one Goblin”. This is in agreement with other studies that report that users confuse Some Values From with All Values From [9, 10]. In particular, one of the common logical errors made by ontology users is that \(C_1\) has All Values From \(C_2\) implies \(C_1\) has Some Values From \(C_2\). Furthermore, Schwitter and Tilbrook [11] showed that one of the common errors new OWL users make is to use the universal restriction All Values From as a default, when the existential restriction Some Values From actually applies. Interestingly, in our study, confusing Some Values From with All Values From was not the case for the Unquantified and Quantified with Dashed Arrow patterns: only three out of 80 (3.7 %) in both cases chose the All Values From option.

Other studies have also shown description logic users may interpret Some Values From incorrectly; for example, considering the pizza ontology, many users initially read, ‘Pizza hasTopping MozzarellaTopping’ to mean “some pizzas have toppings that are mozzarella topping”, rather than the correct reading, “all pizzas have toppings that are some mozzarella topping” [5]. In our study, 41 out of 80 (51.25 %) for the Unquantified pattern and 36 out of 80 (45 %) for the Quantified with Dashed Arrow pattern made the same mistake as reported in the pizza example, choosing, for example, ‘at least one Troll recruits Goblins’ (equivalent to ‘some Trolls recruit Goblins’). The reasons for this kind of misunderstanding are not clear, although it may have been that participants associated ‘at least one’ with the wrong class.

Moving on to consider the other constructs, it is surprising that there were differences in the results for Domain and Range in that they are diagrammatically ‘mirror images’ of each other. The difference, that there was a statistically significant best pattern for Range but not for Domain, could be explained by the use of the conceptually more difficult inverse property in Domain.

The results for the Quantified with Dashed Arrow pattern style were also striking, with an overall error rate of 79.62 %. This seems to imply that using a dashed arrow may be difficult to interpret. However, it may not be the dashed arrow but the other features of these patterns that cause problems. Three of the Quantified with Dashed Arrow patterns used explicit negation; no other pattern style used negation. All of the Quantified with Dashed Arrow patterns that involved negation performed badly, with error rates of \(83.75\,\%\) for All Values From, \(90.91\,\%\) for Domain and \(78.21\,\%\) for Range. All six of the timeouts were for patterns involving negation, and each pattern involving negation had at least one timeout. By contrast, the Quantified with Dashed Arrow pattern that did not involve negation, for Some Values From, had the lowest absolute error rate at 65.00 % for this construct. In cognitive psychology, it is well-known that human reasoning with negation is harder than reasoning without [17]. We therefore conjecture that negation is a major contributor to the poor task performance observed for the Quantified with Dashed Arrow pattern styles.

Other factors may have influenced the results. The relative complexity of the diagrams could have an effect on performance. The two quantified styles are diagrammatically more complex than the unquantified style. They could also be considered as heterogeneous, in that they contain textual notation, rather than purely diagrammatic. This may be why the unquantified patterns are easier to deal with cognitively. Similarly, the unquantified styles may be better matched to meaning than the quantified styles. Little work has been carried out on well-matchedness in diagrammatic notations more expressive than Euler diagrams.

7 Conclusion

The aim of this paper was to provide insight into how to choose between syntactically different diagrams when formulating logical axioms, particularly from the perspective of ontology engineering. In the context of this empirical study, we conclude that avoiding explicit quantification and representing the information purely diagrammatically best supports task performance. As a result, we recommend that users and designers of diagrammatic logics, and in particular ontology engineers, avoid using explicit quantification where possible.

Having made this recommendation, it is important to determine whether there really is an advantage in using diagrammatic patterns over standard notations in ontology engineering. Further work is needed to empirically evaluate the recommended patterns from this paper, that is the Unquantified patterns for Subsumption, Disjointness, All Values From, Some Values From, Domain and Range, with equivalent axioms expressed in OWL and description logic. This will allow us to determine whether there is an advantage in performance when using these diagrammatic patterns over equivalent textual or symbolic representations. Further work is also required to determine whether it is negation that is causing poor task performance.