
These keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

1 Introduction

The skyline query [1] returns a set of interesting points that are not dominated by any other points in the multi-dimensional data sets. A point q is dominated by a point p if and only if p is not worse than q in all dimensions and strictly better in at least one dimension. Without loss of generality, here we assume that lower value is better to users in all dimensions.

The skyline query is important in database community and has already been considerably studied over last several years in preference analysis, multi-criteria decision making applications, and so on. It aims to reduce search space when there is not existing a scoring function.

The existing algorithms can be summarized into two categories, index-based algorithms and index-independent algorithms, respectively. Index-based algorithms [811] strive primarily to avoid scanning the entire data sets by utilizing pre-construct index structure. Some points are usually checked to be a skyline point or a non-skyline point by index structure early on. The main issues are that it needs a great deal of time and space to pre-construct the data points index structures and store them respectively and it can’t deal with dynamic or stream data sets.

The other category is index-independent algorithms, which compute skyline results without any pre-construct structures. The early algorithms [2, 6, 7] are mainly based on sorting. They first sort the data sets by a monotone function to guarantee that previous points are never dominated by their following points. These approaches strive to find out early the skyline points which can prune out most of the non-skyline points. [3] first proposed the schema of space partitioning to compute skyline set, and implemented two algorithms which both outperform significantly than prior methods. This schema divides recursively the entire space into several disjoint subspaces and compute local skyline results in their subspace according to the relationship of these subspaces. We collect all the local skyline points as the results of skyline computation. It reduces dramatically the dominance tests. While it randomly selects a skyline point as partitioning point, this method cannot guarantee the stability. Based on the schema, BSkyTree [4] makes some progress by selecting the skyline point with the closest value to the main diagonal as the partitioning point. They both do not consider the importance of the balance in partitioning.

This paper focuses mainly on developing a cost evaluation model of space partitioning in skyline computation and designing an efficient approximated approach based on it. We illustrate the importance of the balance in partitioning and provide a low-cost balanced partitioning point VMP whose ith attribute value is the median value of all points in ith dimension. Finally, we utilize a structure named RST to reduce the dominance tests among comparable subspaces. We also implement an algorithm VMPSP using our VMP partitioning point and RST structure. Our experiments indicate that our algorithm VMPSP is faster at least several times than existing state-of-the-art algorithms.

In this paper, the key contributions are summarized as follows:

  • We analyze the defections of existing sorting-based and space-partitioning-based algorithms.

  • We develop a cost evaluation model of space partitioning in skyline computation, and illustrate the importance of balance of partitioned subspaces.

  • We propose a new more balanced partitioning point Virtual Median Point (VMP) whose ith attribute value is the median value of all points in ith dimension. It can reduce the cost of partitioning. We also design a structure named Recursive Search Tree(RST) to reduce the dominance tests among comparable subspaces.

  • We implement an algorithm VMPSP by constructing VMP as the partitioning point and utilizing RST structure.

  • We evaluate our proposed algorithm VMPSP by comparing it with state-of-the-art algorithms in dimensionality and cardinality over real and synthetic data sets.

The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 introduces some key proposed algorithms based on sorting or space partitioning. Section 3 presents existing definitions and properties about skyline and space partitioning schema. Section 4 develops a cost evaluation model of space partitioning in skyline computation and illustrates the importance of balance in partitioning. A construction of balanced partitioning point VMP and a structure of reducing dominance tests among comparable subspaces RST are presented in this section. Section 5 illustrates our algorithm VMPSP using our constructed partitioning point VMP and the structure RST. Section 6 evaluates our proposed algorithm with existing approach in dimensionality and cardinality scalability for real and synthetic data sets. Finally, our conclusion is summarized in Sect. 7.

2 Related Work

The skyline query mainly resolves the problem that how to reduce the search space by discarding the non-interesting objects from multi-dimensional databases when the scoring function is not existing. It is important in multi-criteria decision making and analysis in database community. There are a great many of existing literatures in this field, while we just summarize sketchily most proposed key main-memory algorithms into two categories as follows.

2.1 Index-Based Algorithms

Index-based skyline computation techniques utilize the pre-construct indexes on all data sets to accelerate the skyline query by avoiding scanning the entire data sets. [1] first roughly imagines the algorithms utilizing B-tree or R-tree index structures which can prune out non-skyline points immediately without accessing the entire data sets. Since then a set of techniques [811] by using indexes are proposed to improve the efficiency of the skyline computation. [9] exploits bitmap to represent data sets and perform a series simple of bitwise operations to get skyline results. By the observation which the nearest neighbor point to the origin must be a skyline point, [8] develops NN algorithm. NN first computes the nearest neighbor point to the origin which must be a skyline point from the entire data sets by utilizing R-tree. Then divides remaining points except those dominated by the nearest neighbor point into several overlapping subsets. Next, keeps on computing NNP from these subsets recursively. Finally it is necessary to eliminate duplicate skylines from these NNP. Based on NN, an improvement version named BBS is presented in [11]. It adopts branch-and-bound strategy and avoids retrieving duplicates to improve performance. The index-based state-of-the-art algorithm is ZSearch [10]. It improves significantly the overall performance according to ZBtree in which data points is organized.

Obviously, the disadvantage of index-based algorithms is need a great deal of time and space to pre-construct the data points index structures and store them respectively. When the dimension is high, it is unfeasible since the time cost of preconstruction is dramatically more than the skyline query response time using indexes. Also, it is unfeasible to construct indexes for stream or dynamic data sets. So it is urgent to find out a method that efficiently computes the skyline results without preconstruction.

2.2 Index-Independent Algorithms

The other type of skyline computation is to retrieve the skyline results straightly without any pre-prepare structures. The first algorithm is proposed along with the skyline problem named block-nested-loops(BNL) in [1]. It uses a memory buffer window to contain the candidate skyline points which have been yet not dominated by others. The point accessed by the stored order in the data sets must compare with candidates one by one until it is dominated. If it is dominated by any one of the candidates, discard the point and validate the next point in the data sets. Otherwise insert the point into the window and remove those candidates which are dominated by it. The candidates in the window are definitely all skyline points until the data sets in store have been all accessed. BNL is much inefficient since the candidates in the buffer may be not the skyline points, conducts a great extremely many of unnecessary dominance tests among non-skyline points in the window.

Based on this, Sort-First Skyline(SFS) algorithm [2] is presented. It guarantees that the points added into the window are certainly skyline points by sorting the data sets using a monotone function(such as entropy function and sum function). In the sorted data sets, a point must certainly not dominate its previous points. So, we are sure that the candidates in the window must be the skyline points of the data sets. In the light of this, SFS algorithm accelerates significantly the query response time to BNL. Later, Some important approaches, such as LESS [7] and SaLSa [6], have been developed to improve the performance of SFS based on the framework of sorting the data sets first. LESS conducts the elimination by maintaining a small memory buffer when the points are sorting. SaLSa selects monotone functions carefully and adopts a stop point to terminate the algorithm early such that not all points in the sorted list need to be accessed.

Although these methods, especially SaLSa, have a better performance, the greatest disadvantage of above sorting-based algorithms is sensitive to the size of skyline set since every accessed point must compare with all candidates until it is dominated. The skyline size becomes larger as the cardinality or dimensionality higher such that the performance of above algorithms deteriorates severely. The total numbers of dominance tests are unimaginable huge, as well as the cost of sorting is not negligible when data sets are large.

In order to overcome the aforementioned problems, a crucial algorithm OSPS is devised in [3] which first proposes a new framework named space partitioning to organize already found skyline points as a skyline tree. Any accessed point need not compare with all the found skylines instead do the dominance tests with only a small part of skylines in ROSP even if the point belongs to skyline. This framework is also effective to other studies [5, 12] which are related with skyline. [3] proposes a method that selects randomly a skyline point as the partitioning point. Although avoid the occurrence of the worst case like SFS, it is failed to guarantee the stability. Also the random partitioning point cannot partition the space into balanced subspaces. BSkyTree [4] both consider dominance and incomparability relationships which reduces substantially the numbers of dominance tests and have become state-of-the-art algorithm of the skyline computation in main-memory environment. It selects the skyline point with the closest value to the main diagonal and makes the subpartitions more balanced than the random selection method. While only the first partitioned subspaces are relatively balanced, the subsequent partitioning conduct severely unbalanced situation. Besides, BSkyTree cannot organize yet found skylines as a recursive search tree to accelerate dominance tests.

3 Preliminaries and Observation

In this section, we introduce some definitions and properties which are all given in prior works [1, 3, 4] as well as present our observations that can be used to improve the overall performance of skyline computation. Given a data set S in a d-dimensional positive real space \({R}^d\), for any point p in S, we denote the value of point p in ith dimension by \({p}_i\).

3.1 Skyline

Definition 1

(Dominate) Given two distinct points p and q in the data set S, p dominates q, denoted by p \(\succ \) q iff \(\forall \) i \(\in \) [1, d], \({p}_i\) \(\le \) \({q}_i\) and \(\exists \)i \(\in \) [1, d], \({p}_i\) \(<\) \({q}_i\). Otherwise, p doesn’t dominate q, denoted by p \(\nsucc \) q. We call point p as the first check point and q as the second check point from here on.

Definition 2

(Skyline) For any point p in S, p is a skyline point iff \(\not \exists \) q \(\in \) S and q \(\ne \) p, such that q \(\succ \) p. The skyline set consists of all skyline points.

Definition 3

(Incomparable) Given any two points p, q \(\in \) S, if p \(\nsucc \) q and q \(\nsucc \) p, then p and q are incomparable each other, denoted by p \(\sim \) q.

3.2 The Framework of Space Partitioning

Before the framework of space partitioning is proposed, most prior algorithms focus heavily on point-wise dominance tests as well as how to fast check out whether a point is dominated or not. We can know nothing but whether the second check point is dominated by the first check point from one point-wise dominance test. If not, we must repeat the same operation for the next point. While the schema of space partitioning can provide more information even if the second check point is not dominated by the first check point. And it promotes point-wise dominance tests to space-wise dominance tests which reduces significantly dominance tests among incomparable point pairs.

Definition 4

  (Partitioning Point [3]) Given a point \(\widehat{p}\) in \({R}^d\), \(\forall \) i \(\in \) [1, d], \({\widehat{p}}_i\) partitions \({R}^d\) into 2 disjoint complementary subspaces \({S}^+_i(\widehat{p})\) and \({S}^-_i(\widehat{p})\) respectively. \(\forall \) p \(\in \) S, if \({p}_i\) \(<\) \({\widehat{p}}_i\), p \(\in \) \({S}^+_i(\widehat{p})\), otherwise, p \(\in \) \({S}^-_i(\widehat{p})\). Therefore, the space \({R}^d\) is partitioned into \({2}^d\) non-overlapping subspaces by \(\widehat{p}\) which is formally named as partitioning point. We define a subspace set \({C}^{{R}^d}_{\widehat{p}}\) consists all of aforementioned \({2}^d\) subspaces partitioned by \(\widehat{p}\) in \({R}^d\). Any point in S except \(\widehat{p}\) is mapped into unique one space of \({C}^{{R}^d}_{\widehat{p}}\). We name a d-bit vector as the address of any subspace V, denoted by \({A}^V_{\widehat{p}}\), \(\forall \) i \(\in \) [1, d], if V \(\subset \) \({S}^+_i(\widehat{p})\), set the ith bit value of \({A}^V_{\widehat{p}}\) be 0, i.e., \({A}^V_{\widehat{p}}[i]\)=0; Otherwise \({A}^V_{\widehat{p}}[i]\)=1.

Based on Definition 4, any partitioning point in \({R}^d\) can divide S into \({2}^d\) separate subsets corresponding to \({2}^d\) disjoint subspaces of \({R}^d\) of which the addresses range from 0 to \({2}^d\)-1. We can also represent a subspace by its address.

Definition 5

(Space-wise Dominate [3]) For any two subspaces V, W \(\in \) \({C}^{{R}^d}_{\widehat{p}}\), if \(\forall \) i \(\in \) [1, d], \({A}^V_{\widehat{p}}[i]\) \(\leqslant \) \({A}^W_{\widehat{p}}[i]\) then V space-wise dominates W, for brevity of representation, replace it with dominate, denoted by V \(\succ \) W. Otherwise, V cannot dominate W, denoted by V \(\nsucc \) W.

Definition 6

(Incomparable [3] and Comparable)For any two subspaces V, W \(\in \) \({C}^{{R}^d}_{\widehat{p}}\), if V and W cannot dominate each other, we call that they are incomparable, denoted by V \(\sim \) W. Otherwise, W and V are comparable. Specifically, subspace V is comparable with itself. The space set of all spaces dominating V is named as the dominating space set, denoted by \({D}^{V}_{\widehat{p}}\) = {W \(\in \) \({C}^{{R}^d}_{\widehat{p}}\) | W \(\succ \) V}, the space set of all spaces dominated by V is named as the dominated space set, denoted by \({U}^{V}_{\widehat{p}}\) = {W \(\in \) \({C}^{{R}^d}_{\widehat{p}}\) | V \(\succ \) W}, and the space set of all spaces being incomparable with V is named as the incomparable space set, denoted by \({I}^{V}_{\widehat{p}}\) = {W \(\in \) \({C}^{{R}^d}_{\widehat{p}}\) | V \(\sim \) W}.

For the definitions of space-wise dominate and incomparable, there are a few differences with prior works. We describe some key properties about space partitioning in the following.

Property 1

For any two different subspace V, W \(\in \) \({C}^{{R}^d}_{\widehat{p}}\), if V and W are incomparable, then \(\forall \) v \(\in \) V, \(\forall \) w \(\in \) W, v and w must be incomparable, here v and w are both points.

Property 2

For any two different subspace V, W \(\in \) \({C}^{{R}^d}_{\widehat{p}}\). V \(\succ \) W iff (\({A}^V_{\widehat{p}}\) | \({A}^W_{\widehat{p}}\)) = \({A}^W_{\widehat{p}}\).

Property 3

For any two different subspace V, W \(\in \) \({C}^{{R}^d}_{\widehat{p}}\). V \(\sim \) W iff (\({A}^V_{\widehat{p}}\) | \({A}^W_{\widehat{p}}\)) \(\ne \) \({A}^V_{\widehat{p}}\) and (\({A}^V_{\widehat{p}}\) | \({A}^W_{\widehat{p}}\)) \(\ne \) \({A}^W_{\widehat{p}}\).

We ignore detailed process of proof about above properties, which have already been proofed in [3]. Property 1 can promote point-wise dominance tests to space-wise dominance tests. We need first check out whether space V and W are incomparable or not, if it is, all dominance tests between the points in V and the points in W can be safely skipped through only one space-wise dominance tests. If not, i.e., they are comparable with each other, then must do point-wise dominance tests between the points in the two spaces. Based on this, space partitioning can significantly reduce dominance tests among incomparable point pairs. Specifically, if the space \({V}_{00...0}\) is not empty, then all the points in space \({V}_{11...1}\) can be discarded immediately since they must be dominated by any point in space \({V}_{00...0}\). Given a space V belonging to \({C}^{{R}^d}_{\widehat{p}}\), and any other space except V in \({C}^{{R}^d}_{\widehat{p}}\) can be summarized into 3 types, \({D}^{V}_{\widehat{p}}\), \({U}^{V}_{\widehat{p}}\) and \({I}^{V}_{\widehat{p}}\), respectively. For any point p in V need to be checked to judge whether it is a skyline point, obviously, those points in \({U}^{V}_{\widehat{p}}\) can be immediately ignored since they can certainly not dominate p according to partitioning definitions. Also, above properties imply that it is also correct to skip the dominance tests with all the points in \({I}^{V}_{\widehat{p}}\). We combine \({U}^{V}_{\widehat{p}}\) and \({I}^{V}_{\widehat{p}}\) as the space set which can be ignored dominance tests of space V, denoted by \({IT}_V\)={W \(\in \) \({C}^{{R}^d}_{\widehat{p}}\) | W \(\in \) \({U}^{V}_{\widehat{p}}\) or W \(\in \) \({I}^{V}_{\widehat{p}}\)}. While it is necessary to compare with the points in \({D}^{V}_{\widehat{p}}\) and the other points in itself space V.

We combine \({D}^{V}_{\widehat{p}}\) and space V as the space set which cannot be ignored dominance tests of space V, denoted by \({NIT}_V\)={W \(\in \) \({C}^{{R}^d}_{\widehat{p}}\) | W \(\in \) \({D}^{V}_{\widehat{p}}\) or \(W=V\)}. It is easy to imply that if space V and W are comparable with each other, then V \(\in \) \({NIT}_W\) or W \(\in \) \({NIT}_V\). Here, we can claim that any accessing point p in V, the points in \({IT}_V\) is safely skipped based on above analysis. While it is necessary to check out with the points in \({NIT}_V\).

4 Constructing Virtual Median Point as Partitioning Point

This section introduces the importance of partitioning points and illustrates the schema of space partitioning is a kind of typical divide and conquer algorithm that sub-problems are non-independent. To simplify the complexity of selecting optimized partitioning points, we first illuminate the importance of balance in partitioning, in addition provide a method to construct balanced partitioning points. Then, we adopt a structure name recursive search tree to reduce dominance tests among those subspaces which are comparable.

4.1 The Cost Evaluation Model of Space Partitioning in Skyline Computation

The schema of space partitioning needs to divide recursively current space into several disjoint subspaces until their sizes are small enough, and compute the local skyline points in all subspaces. Finally, all local skyline points are combined as the global skyline set, i.e., the results of skyline computation. The schema is a typical kind of divide and conquer algorithm that sub-problems are non-independent. Now we design a cost evaluation model of space partitioning in skyline computation as follows:

$$\begin{aligned} Cost(\mathcal {A})=C_p(A)+C_c(A) \end{aligned}$$

\(\mathcal {A}\) is any algorithm of utilizing the schema of space partitioning, \(C_p(A)\) and \(C_c(A)\) represent the cost in partitioning the spaces and in dealing with comparable subspaces, respectively. And \(C_c(A)\) relies primarily on the method of partitioning.

Theorem 1

Using divide and conquer method to solve a problem, if it is divided into several independent disjoint sub-problems and the cost of dividing and conquering is proportional to the size of data set. Then the optimized dividing method is that all the sub-problems have the same size.


For any partitioning method, suppose that the problem can be divided into k sub-problems, the time complexity is \(T(kn)=T(n+{\alpha }_1)+T(n+{\alpha }_2)+\cdots +T(n+{\alpha }_k)+kn\) and \(\forall \) i \(\in \) [1, k], \({\alpha }_i\) \(\in \) \([-n,n]\) as well as \(\varSigma _{i=1}^k \alpha _{i}\) = 0. The cost of every iteration is T(kn), the optimized partitioning has the least iteration times. Thus it is easy to conclude that the times of partitioning is minimum when \({\alpha }_1\) = \({\alpha }_2\) = \(\cdots \) = \({\alpha }_i\) = 0.    \(\square \)

In general, the lowest cost of partitioning the points is proportional to the size of data set because all points must compare with partitioning point at least once even though ignore the cost of determining partitioning point. Based on aforementioned analysis, the optimized space partitioning approach makes that all subspaces have the same size and can compute their local skylines independently. While this partitioning is certainly not existing because there must be comparable partitioned subspaces.

Considering the complexity of this cost evaluation model, we propose a approximated method. We separate the process of computing skyline using space partitioning schema into two phases. Firstly, we maximize the balance of subspaces, i.e. the difference of subspaces’ size is as small as possible. And then we strive to weak the influence among subspaces with comparable relationship, in other word, reduce the times of dominance tests among points in those subspaces which are comparable.

4.2 Virtual Median Point

The balanced degree of partitioned subspaces depends solely on the position of partitioning point. We now discuss where the partitioning point is can maximize the balance of subspaces.

Theorem 2

Given a data set S, suppose that all points are distributed uniformly and independently [2, 7] in d-dimensional \({[0,m]}^d\) space, the point p whose every attribute value is \(\frac{m}{2}\) can maximize the balance of partitioned \({2}^d\) subspaces.


The partitioning point p divides S into \({2}^d\) subspaces. Under uniform and independent condition, they have the same number of points since p is the center point of \({[0,m]}^d\) space.   \(\square \)

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Selecting partitioning point

Based on Theorem 2, the center point of space can maximize the balance of subspaces under uniform and independent condition. While in some real environment, it is difficult to get exact distributed region, for example in Fig. 1(a), p1(140,25) and p2(28,141) decide the boundary, if we regard straightly the data set as a uniform and independent distribution, the center of the boundary is \(\alpha \)(84,83) and all points are partitioned in a extremely unbalanced method. To solve this problem, We construct the Virtual Median Point(VMP) as the partitioning point. The ith attribute value of VMP is the median value of all points in ith dimension. The VMP is (65,57) in Fig. 1(b) and the partitioned subspaces are maximum balance. Besides, VMP is infinitely close to the center point when data set is distributed uniformly and independently.

4.3 Recursive Search Tree

The computations in subspaces based on the framework of space partitioning are non-independent as we have stated before. And we only need to consider the influence among subspaces which are comparable. Now we discuss how to reduce the dominance tests among comparable subspaces as much as possible.

As aforementioned descriptions, for two comparable subspaces V and W, it is either V \(\in \) \({NIT}_W\) or W \(\in \) \({NIT}_V\). So we aim to reduce the dominance tests between any partitioned subspace V and these subspaces which are in \({NIT}_V\).

The naive method of judging whether a point p in V is dominated by any point in space set \({NIT}_V\) such that eliminating p is to do the dominance tests sequentially with p one by one until the occurrence of point q which can dominate p [4]. This method is extremely expensive since p will compare with all points in space set \({NIT}_V\) if p is a local skyline point. In order to raise the efficiency of NIT tests of p, we introduce a structure recursive search tree(RST) which is similar to skyline tree in [3]. The root and inner nodes of RST are the virtual median points constructed by respective subspaces. And the leaf nodes are local skyline sets of their lying subspaces. The partitioning is recursively conducted, it is necessary to terminate it when space size is less than or equal to a threshold \(\beta \).

Fig. 2.
figure 2

An example of recursive search tree

Now we describe the detailed process of maintaining the RST by an example. As well as discuss how to reduce the compared times using it. Given a 3D data set S which contains 32 points and set threshold \(\beta =2\). We construct the first level VMP v10 and these points are partitioned into 8 subspaces, \({V}_{000}\):{p1, p2, p3, p4}, \({V}_{001}\):{p5, p6, p7, p8}, \({V}_{010}\):{p9, p10, p11, p12}, \({V}_{011}\):{p13, p14, p15, p16}, \({V}_{100}\):{p17, p18, p19, p20}, \({V}_{101}\):{p21, p22, p23, p24}, \({V}_{110}\):{p25, p26, p27, p28} and \({V}_{111}\):{p29, p30, p31, p32}. Then we recursively partition the new produced 8 subspaces in depth-first by their address values(That is the address value presents that \(|{V}_{000}|\)=0, \(|{V}_{001}|\)=1, \(|{V}_{010}|\)=2, and so on. The sorted order is \({V}_{000}\), \({V}_{001}\), \({V}_{010}\), \({V}_{011}\), \({V}_{100}\), \({V}_{101}\), \({V}_{110}\), and \({V}_{111}\)). We recursively divide the subspace \({V}_{000}\) first until the sizes of partitioned subspaces are all not more than \(\beta \). The result of partitioning space \({V}_{000}\) is shown in Fig. 2(a), v20 is the VMP of subset {p1, p2, p3, p4}. Suppose that s21={p1}, s31={p2}, s32={p3, p4}, terminate the partitioning of s1 since 1 \(<\) \(\beta \). Then we continue to partition the subspace \({V}_{110}\) of v20, v30 is constructed and the other 3 points are put into subspace \({V}_{010}\) and \({V}_{100}\) of v30. Here, \({V}_{010}\) and \({V}_{100}\) of v30 both satisfy threshold \(\beta \). Then we partition the subspace \({V}_{001}\) of v10.

The aforementioned descriptions mainly introduce the process of partitioning. Now we discuss how to reduce the dominance tests using RST. The status of RST now is reported in Fig. 2(b), and suppose that s21={p1}, s31={p2}, s32={p3, p4}, s23={p5, p6}, s24={p7, p8}, s25={p9, p10}, s26={p11, p12}.We start to partition the subspace \({V}_{011}\) of v10. Before partition these points, we first eliminate those which are dominate by some points in space set \({NIT}_{{V}_{011}}\), i.e., subspaces \({V}_{000}\), \({V}_{001}\), and \({V}_{010}\) of v10. We suppose p is lied in \({V}_{011}\) of v10, now we check whether p is dominated. First, we compare p with v20, suppose that p lies in subspace \({V}_{011}\) of v20. Then p only needs to compare with point p1 in s21 and skips all the points in subspace \({V}_{110}\) of v20. If p is not dominate by p1, we continue this tests in subspace \({V}_{001}\) and \({V}_{010}\) of v10. Suppose that p lies in subspace \({V}_{010}\) of v21 and in \({V}_{001}\) of v22, p only needs to compare with points in s25 and save 6 times dominance tests with points in s23, s24 and s26. If p is not dominated by points in s25, keep it and continue this tests for next point in subspace of \({V}_{011}\) of v10. Otherwise, drop p immediately. Finally, we collect all the leaf nodes as the results of skyline computation.

Based on above introduction about RST, it is easy to observe that the more balanced the partitioned subspaces, the less average dominance tests the RST conducts.

5 Algorithms

This section proposes our algorithm VMPSP which adopts constructed virtual median point as the partitioning point and utilizes a RST structure to reduce the dominance tests among these subspaces which are comparable. VMPSP strives to keep the balance of partitioned subspaces which can reduce the cost of partitioning and the cost of comparisons in RST. VMPSP algorithm is given in Algorithm 1.

figure a

Algorithm 1 depicts the pseudo code of VMPSP. We first construct a virtual median point \(\widehat{p}\) as partitioning point by ConstructVirtualMedianPoint function as shown in line 2. And then in lines 3-8 partition all data points into \({2}^d\) subsets {\({S}_0\), \(\cdots \), \({S}_{max}\)} corresponding to \({2}^d\) subspaces {\({V}_0\), \(\cdots \), \({V}_{max}\)}, and the subscript i of \({S}_i\) represents the address of subpartitions. Compare function in line 7 computes the subspace in which p lies w.r.t \(\widehat{p}\). For any non-empty subset \({S}_i\) belonging to \({V}_i\), we can immediately skip subsets in \({IT}_{{V}_i}\) and solely check remaining subsets in \({NIT}_{{V}_i}\) as described in line 11, all subspaces \({V}_j\) are in \({NIT}_{{V}_i}\) if (j | i) = i. Next, for the dominance tests in \({NIT}_{{V}_i}\), we only check a small part of them using RST maintained by yet found local skyline sets and constructed virtual median points and eliminate dominated points in \({S}_i\). After above checking, if the remaining points in \({S}_i\) is still larger than threshold \(\beta \), then recursively partition \({S}_i\) until it is not more than \(\beta \). Otherwise, we could compute the local skyline sets for the remaining points using basic method BNL [1], it is not inefficient since the threshold \(\beta \) is small. We create a RST at the beginning of the algorithm, the root and inner nodes are the virtual median points constructed by respective subspaces and the leaf nodes are local skyline points of their lying subspaces.

figure b

RST is used to reduce the dominance tests among these subspaces which are comparable as described in Algorithm 2. First, we need to judge whether current RST node is a leaf. If it is true, check p with local skyline set in it. Otherwise, compare p with it and recursively recall function until check out whether p is dominated by some points. Finally return the result of tests.

6 Experiments

In this section, we evaluate the performance of our proposed algorithm VMPSP in dimensionality and cardinality in detail, by comparing it with state-of-the-art main-memory algorithms SFS [2], OSPS [3], and BSkyTree [4] using both synthetic and real data sets.

6.1 Experimental Settings

We generate two types of synthetic data sets that are Independent(IND) and Anti-correlated(ANT) according to the instructions in [1], respectively. The synthetic data sets dimensionality ranges from 6 to 16 and the data sets cardinality ranges from 200 K to 1M. All attributes values are positive real number in [0,1000]. Specifically, we claim here that the default dimensionality and cardinality are 12 and 200K, respectively. We also collect two real data sets ColorMomentsFootnote 1 and IPUMS\({}^1\). ColorMoments has 68404 tuples with 9 attributes. It describes the image features extracted from an image collection. IPUMS has 74954 tuples with 23 attributes. It describes unweighted PUMS census data from the Los Angeles and Long Beach areas for the year 1980. All algorithms are implemented by C++ languages and run on Intel Core-Q8300 CPU at 2.5GHz, with 4GB of RAM. Assuming that memory can contain all the origin data sets.

We compare our algorithm VMPSP with three state-of-the-art main-memory algorithms SFS [2], OSPS [3] and BSkyTree [4]. The monotone function of SFS adopts the sum function that the sum of all the attributes values. OSPS has two versions and we adopt the better OSPSOnPartitioningFirst method as OSPS and BSkyTree has two versions and we adopt the better BSkyTree-P method as BSkyTree here. We propose a complete algorithm of skyline computation using VMP named VMPSP which also utilizes our designed structure RST. It is better than state-of-the-art algorithms by extensive experiments.

Fig. 3.
figure 3

Performance over dimensionality variation

6.2 Scalability

Varing Dimensionality. This section describes the performance of above algorithms with the dimensionality variation. Figure 3 reports the response time of the four algorithms. The two types distributions data sets that IND and ANT with dimension from 6 to 16 and 200k cardinality are used to conduct the experiments. VMPSP outperforms the other three algorithms in every dimensionality. Experiments validate space-based algorithms is better than sort-based algorithms and our algorithm is the best in existing space-based algorithms. Specifically, VMPSP is about faster 3 to 5 times over state-of-the-art space-partitioning algorithm BSkyTree, and outperforms SFS by up to one to two orders of magnitude.

Fig. 4.
figure 4

Performance over cardinality variation

Table 1. Performance on real data set.

Varing Cardinality. This section mainly describes the performance of algorithms with cardinality variation. We also generate two types data sets like above with cardinality from 200 K to 1M and 12 dimensionality. As Fig. 4 reports, our proposed algorithm VMPSP is always better than others.

6.3 The Performance on Real Data Sets

This section describes the performance of all algorithms on real data sets ColorMoments and IPUMS. Table 1 presents the response time which it takes to execute all algorithms in ColorMoments. We observe that our algorithm VMPSP is the best algorithm. The ColorMoments has 68040 tuples, 9 attributes, and 1533 of them are skyline results.

7 Conclusion

In this paper, we illustrated the development of existing non-index main-memory algorithms of skyline computation. Compared two popular framework of being based on sorting and based on space partitioning, respectively. And concluded that space-partitioning-based schema is better. Then, the defections of existing algorithms based on it were introduced which they do not consider the importance of balance in partitioning. To overcome this limitation, we studied the process of partitioning and develop a cost evaluation model of space partitioning in skyline computation. Also, we analyzed the importance of balance in partitioning and proposed an approach to construct the balanced partitioning point VMP. In addition, a structure RST was designed to accelerate dominance tests among comparable subspaces. Finally, the evaluation indicates that our algorithm is faster several times than existing state-of-the-art algorithms.