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This book deals with ionic liquids, i.e., with single substances in their liquid state of aggregation that are dissociated into ions to a major extent. Because of the enormous amount of information that is available regarding this subject, the book does not deal with mixtures of ionic liquids nor with their solution (as electrolytes) in molecular solvents. Furthermore, the information presented here is in no way exhaustive, it is rather illustrative of the subjects dealt with and deals mostly with what was published in readily accessible literature to the end of 2014. The book emphasizes the properties of the ionic liquids and does not deal with their reactions and possible applications.

The properties of ionic liquids, because they are dissociated to a major extent into ions, depend on those of the constituting cations and anions. Therefore, Chap. 2 of the book is devoted in part to the properties of isolated ions that do not interact with their environment. These properties comprise their mass and charge, their standard thermodynamics of formation, and their entropy and heat capacity under standard conditions. The sizes of ions, once they are in a condensed phase, depends on their being constrained by their neighboring particles due to the repulsion of their outer electron shells. These properties of the individual constituting ions of ionic liquids are assumed to be ‘portable’ when they form the ionic liquid, some of them being subject to changes induced by the mutual interactions of the ions.

Ionic liquids comprise, as the chapter headings indicate, high-temperature molten salts, network-forming ionic liquids, low-temperature molten salts, and room temperature ionic liquids (RTILs). The interest of researchers in high-temperature molten salts, dealt with in Chap. 3, peaked in the 1950s and 1960s of the last century in connection of their possible use in the metallurgical industry and in nuclear fuel reprocessing. An introductory text [1], several multi-author monographs [24], a handbook [5] and data compilation [6], and a series of ‘advances’ from vol. 1 [7] to vol. 6 [8] were published. The interest in high-temperature melting salts has waned since then, but information is still accruing, summarized in the proceedings of international conferences, e.g., that of the 17th, held in Las Vegas in 2010 or of EUCHEM conferences held regularly up to date.

Network-forming molten salts, described in Chap. 4, are based on relatively low-melting zinc halides an on molten slags, i.e., high-melting borates, silicates, and germanates. Their structures involve polyhedral anions that share corners, sides, or faces, among which small cations are dispersed. These substances in the liquid state are in thermodynamic equilibrium, but they tend to form glasses rather than to crystallize when sufficiently cooled, such glasses being outside the scope of this book.

Low-melting ionic liquids, discussed in Chap. 5, have melting points characteristically <250 °C and share many properties with the high-melting salts. They involve many substances in which either cation or anion is organic, e.g., tetraalkylammonium or carboxylate, but also purely inorganic salts. A special class of such low-melting ionic liquids are salt hydrates, in which the cation is hydrated, which on cooling from the liquid state may crystallize congruently (to a salt with the same composition as the melt) but need not do so. Salt hydrates have been suggested as thermal energy storage materials.

Room temperature ionic liquids (RTILs), the subject of Chap. 6, have become en vogue from the beginning of the present century, the number of publications dealing with them increasing exponentially since then and several books dealing with RTILs have by now been published, from an introduction [9] to further in depth discussions [1012]. These substances are liquid at <100 °C and a large variety of them have become commercially available by now, but new ones with various functionalities are being synthesized all the time. Again, due to the enormous variety of RTILs, only a small sub-group of them is dealt with here, namely aprotic RTILs with no added functionality in their cations and with a restricted variety of anions.

Certain inorganic salts, such as HgI2, AsBr3, and AlCl3, have low melting points (<250 °C) but they do not dissociate appreciable to ions in the molten state. Since they do not constitute ionic liquids, such salts are outside the scope of this book.

Once the ions are combined to form ionic liquids with whatsoever melting points, the properties of such liquids become the subject of this book, ranging from their structures to thermodynamic, transport, electrical and optical properties as well as chemical properties as appropriate. Structures are determined by diffraction methods (with x-rays and neutrons) and similar techn iques (EXAFS) and computer simulations. Thermodynamic properties include the liquid range, from the melting to the (normal) boiling point , or up to the critical point when relevant, the energetic changes involved in the phase changes, heat capacities , and surface tensions . Volumetric properties, such as density , thermal expansibility , and compressibility are presented. The cohesive energy and cohesive energy density of the liquid salt are also included. The transport properties include self-diffusion, viscosity , electrical conductivity, and therm al conductivity. The electrical and optical properties include the permittivity, the refractive index, and molar refraction. The chemical properties involve those that affect the abilities of the ionic liquids to act as solvents, hence their solvation abilities, mutual solubilities with water, as the most important representative of molecular liquids, their hydrophilicity and hydrophobicity, where relevant, and the solubility of carbon dioxide and some other solutes in them.

These properties are compiled in tables and are annotated: in many cases with reference to previous critical compilations and reviews, where references to the original literature may be found, and augmented with references to more recent references or those otherwise not included in the compilations and reviews. The selection of the data included in the tables is the responsibility of the author of this book, and it was attempted to select the data critically. No attempt was made, however, to be exhaustive of the profusion of available data nor was it attempted to be comprehensive at all. The data that are presented in the Tables are discussed in terms of the physicochemical effects behind these data. Where appropriate, methods to predict such data from other information on the ionic liquids or their constituent ions or at least to make appropriate correlations with such information were presented.